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Netizens suggest banning the collection of primary and secondary school parents' job information Beijing Education Commission: is studying to cancel

August 28, 2021 09:53 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, August 28 (Xinhua) Recently, a netizen reported on the People's Daily Online's "Leaders' Message Board" that many schools require students to fill in information such as the work unit and position of their parents and grandparents when they enter the school. This information is not a necessary condition for students to enter the school, nor does it affect the normal teaching of the school. This information may cause unfairness in the teaching work of teachers, It is hoped that the city's primary and secondary schools and kindergartens can be prohibited from collecting this information, and only the basic information of parents can be registered.

In this regard, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission replied: "After verification, thank you very much for your suggestions. First, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission is studying the removal of the collection of parents' job information. Second, the information is only used for the management of school roll, strictly confidential, and not released to ordinary teachers."

(Editor in charge: Dong Zhaorui, Bao Congying)

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