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Beijing: The courtesy of zebra informants and cars is not enough for the masses to reflect the three "most sad roads"

August 27, 2021 08:50 | Source: Beijing Daily
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Original title: zebra informant car comity is not enough

Beijing Traffic Management Department has been carrying out on-site law enforcement action for comity zebra crossing for nearly a month. After sorting out citizens' questions or complaints about comity zebra crossing for a period of time, reporters found that the problems mainly focused on three types of intersections: the continuity of turning vehicles at large intersections is strong, which makes pedestrians unable to walk; The traffic flow at medium-sized intersections is complex and difficult to distinguish, and the elderly are nervous when crossing the road; The zebra alignment at the intersection without light control is the same as the virtual one. At the morning peak on August 25, the reporter launched a new round of investigation on the current situation of comity zebra crossings at these three types of intersections. It was found that, through strict law enforcement, the situation of cars not avoiding people at some intersections has significantly improved, but the awareness of comity among pedestrians, cyclists and other road traffic parties still needs to be strengthened.

At the intersection of Zhangzizhong Road, the phenomenon of non motor vehicles occupying the zebra crossing still exists.

The traffic police are correcting the driver's violation of the courtesy zebra crossing in the south street of Chaoyangmen.

Large crossing

The reason for not giving way to pedestrians is wonderful

If you go back more than ten years, the electronics industry in Zhongguancun is booming. Anyone who wants to "save" computers must first think of Haidian Huangzhuang. At that time, there was a joke in Zhongguancun, saying that this was the only place in Beijing where cars had to be used. Although exaggerated, it also reflects the contradiction between people and cars here at that time - the pedestrian group is huge, and cars dare not offend people when crossing the road, whether they run the red light or not.

With the development of the times, great changes have taken place in the industrial structure and road conditions in Zhongguancun area. Take the Haidian Huangzhuang intersection at the intersection of Haidian South Road and Zhongguancun Street as an example. It is not only a large-scale intersection, but also the surrounding facilities including business districts, hospitals, theaters, schools and subway transfer stations. The complexity of crowd and traffic flow is not comparable to that of more than a decade ago, and the contradiction between people and vehicles is more complex. Sorting out the related issues of the 12345 Citizen Service Hotline, the reporter saw that as of the end of July this year, complaints about the difficulty of pedestrians crossing the street caused by the rush of vehicles turning right at the intersection remained high. In August, however, the proportion of complaints about related issues dropped significantly.

At 7:30 a.m. on August 25, the reporter came to the intersection to visit. At the morning peak, there are not only traffic police on duty, but also traffic assistants, civilized guides and traffic volunteers from various social units and communities. The guidance of pedestrians, motor vehicles and non motor vehicles is not lost. There are also billboards about comity zebra crossing on the roadside.

When pedestrians pass the green light, most of the vehicles stop in front of the zebra crossing and make concessions. Non motorized cyclists mixed in the crowd get off to carry out the promotion, and pedestrians no longer wait and hesitate to cross the road. In case of very few drivers who do not yield to the zebra crossing, the traffic police will immediately correct them.

"Do you know why I asked you to stop?" A driver blushed in the face of a question from the traffic police, "Yes, I think I gave up." Half a minute ago, the driver drove his vehicle to turn right at the southwest corner of the intersection. Although he slowed down when approaching the zebra crossing, he still rubbed forward at one point. "The nose of the car" was about to enter the range of the zebra crossing. In the crowd crossing the road, several old people with baskets hesitated and stopped, not knowing whether the car would stop or drive forward. The traffic police criticized and educated the driver for not strictly implementing the courtesy zebra crossing.

During nearly half an hour of observation, the reporter found that although the traffic control department strengthened the control of intersections, very few drivers were stopped by the traffic police without giving way to the zebra crossing. Because of the traffic police enforcing the law on the spot, the reporter also heard the "voice" of these drivers for the first time. These reasons for not giving way to pedestrians reveal the weak awareness of traffic laws of very few drivers.

For example, some drivers mentioned that they have not fully adapted to the publicity of comity zebra crossing since it was just started; Another driver mentioned that if you turn and accelerate, the pedestrian crossing the road has not yet raised his leg, and he has already crossed the intersection, he will not have intersection with the pedestrian. As for the strange reasons of drivers, there has been a clear explanation in Article 47 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and specific operation methods to avoid them, which is a compulsory course for drivers. As a traffic policeman said when communicating with reporters, the current relevant publicity is to strengthen awareness, not to reshape or establish new rules.

Fu Yunhui, the leader of Zhongguancun Brigade of Haidian District Traffic Detachment, told reporters that the intersection of Huangzhuang in Haidian is 57 meters wide from east to west and 48 meters wide from south to north. It connects two main roads and is the largest intersection in the surrounding area. Since the traffic management department carried out a special renovation of the intersection in August, the problem of turning vehicles not allowing pedestrians has greatly improved. The traffic police will criticize and correct the drivers who do not strictly obey the courtesy of pedestrians, and punish the vehicles with obvious crossing, abrupt turning and detour. "Since August, we have corrected hundreds of acts of disobedience to pedestrians at this intersection, including about 100 cases involving punishment. Now most drivers have become aware of the initiative to yield to pedestrians, and our law enforcement frequency has also decreased significantly. From the initial morning and evening peak, we have to correct more than 10 acts per hour, to now, there are at most one or two acts per hour."

Medium intersection

Non motor vehicles are more in need of guidance

Although the intersection of Zhangzizhong Road and Dongsi North Street in Dongcheng District is not as big as the intersection of Huangzhuang in Haidian, the complaints about cars not letting people go in the past are also high. Pedestrians in the north-south direction of the road should be careful not only of right turning vehicles, but also of left turning vehicles coming from the opposite direction. They often feel that their eyes are not enough to cross the road.

Ms. Zhu, a nearby resident, once complained to reporters that she was old and had poor legs and feet. It was very nervous to cross the road from here. There were not only many residential areas in Hutong, but also many tourist attractions and business circles around the road, so there were a lot of cars whether it was peak in the morning or not. It is even more difficult for the elderly to see the traffic jam at the intersection on weekends. "Some drivers are kind enough to let me go, others won't, and I'm not sure about others' temper. I dare not leave when the car moves a little."

At 8:30 a.m. on August 25, the reporter saw at the scene that the past phenomenon of people and vehicles crowded together or even unable to move had disappeared, and the traffic was in order. Vehicles turning right or left actively avoided pedestrians. The reporter noticed that the pedestrian composition at the morning peak at the intersection has one characteristic: not only the office workers who walk in a hurry, but also the old people who buy vegetables and walk around. When the pedestrian is released at the green light, at the beginning, the young people walk fast and the old people walk slowly. At the zebra crossing, they quickly change from one group of people to two groups of people, while the driver who gives way waits patiently and never gaps between the two groups of people.

The obvious difference between this intersection and Huangzhuang intersection in Haidian is that the number of non motorized vehicles is huge. Compared with the active comity of motor vehicles, the phenomenon of non motorized vehicles running over zebra crossings and safety islands crossing the road is still difficult to manage, which still makes many pedestrians crossing the road unreliable. Non motorized vehicles are relatively flexible, "drawing dragons" on zebra crossings, or turning suddenly, which makes many old people avoid them.

The reporter saw that the law enforcement and traffic police on the scene had to pay more attention to the illegal riding of non motor vehicles. When the cyclists were stopped, most of them were very confused. Some people did not know that the courtesy zebra crossing was also related to non motor vehicles.

According to the statistics of Fu Qiang, deputy leader of the Fourth East Brigade of Dongcheng District Traffic Detachment, up to now, among all the punishments for violations of traffic regulations at the intersection, the proportion of punishment for rude pedestrians has dropped by four fifths compared with the beginning of the special action, and passing drivers have initially established a sense of comity. As the reporter saw, at present, when the traffic police are on duty, they really focus more on correcting the errors of non motor vehicle riders. "It is very necessary to continue to strengthen publicity. In fact, law enforcement is the last gate for the practical implementation of laws and regulations. It is fundamental to take the lead in making the concept of comity deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

No light control intersection

The improvement is most obvious among the three types of problem intersections

"We are still looking forward to the traffic jam, so I can cross the road without moving." The angry words of the people explained the difficulty of crossing the street without lights. Take the Zhaotangzi Hutong in Dongcheng District as an example. Out of the Hutong, the street faces Chaoyangmen South Street. This road is not wide, but there are more than one intersection without light control, and there are zebra crossings but no traffic lights. As a result, many drivers ignore the rules of comity. Compared with the above intersections, the vehicles that do not yield to pedestrians here are not turning vehicles, but straight vehicles, which are more dangerous if they do not slow down.

At 9:00 a.m. on August 25, the reporter saw a warm scene at the intersection. Although there are no traffic lights and traffic police "staring" at, several elderly people pulling the cart side by side when crossing the road, two-way vehicles are still waiting, including buses and private cars. After careful observation, the reporter found that several old people were hesitant at first, and when they found that the traffic was really stopping for them, they were happy to raise their hands to salute the drivers. It can be seen that this is a new change. In the face of such a welcome change, the old people are still not used to it.

While observing on the spot, the reporter met Police Chief Dong Zhe of Dongdan Brigade of Dongcheng District Traffic Detachment driving a motorcycle through the intersection. He told reporters that in the face of such unlighted control intersections, their governance mode was different from that of major intersections. Instead of blindly increasing the police force, they implemented "dot matrix" governance on these unlighted control intersections in the city's general environment of advocating comity zebra crossings. Strengthen the control of these intersections through mobile patrols. If a serious problem is found at a certain intersection during patrols, the traffic police will get off immediately and enforce the law at the intersection.

Existing problems

The awareness of "comity" of all parties involved in the road needs to be strengthened

In the first ten days of August, the Municipal Public Security and Traffic Management Bureau, the Municipal Traffic Committee, the Municipal Traffic Safety Joint Office, and the Municipal Civilized Office jointly drafted a plan. The city selected 118 key intersections and comprehensively launched the initiative to create a model intersection for comity zebra crossing. In the survey, many drivers have doubts about the courtesy of zebra crossing. Some drivers raised whether giving way to pedestrians at crowded intersections would result in "traffic pressure". Once a traffic light fails to pass, the first car would be under great pressure.

On August 25, when the reporter visited several intersections, he also measured with the traffic police at the scene, and found that the phenomenon of "traffic pressure" was rare. When a number of crowded intersections are released at the pedestrian green light, the pedestrians pass through under the guidance of the guide, which only takes 6 to 10 seconds of waiting time for vehicles, so as not to cause a large area of traffic pressure. However, when some vehicles rush, pedestrians will hesitate at the zebra crossing, delaying about 6 to 10 seconds. However, subsequent vehicles will actually delay more time because they need to wait for pedestrians who have not finished walking at the zebra crossing.

Through further observation, the reporter found that the problem of cooperation was the reason why the passing time of pedestrians and vehicles was wasted during the green light passing time for many times. Crossing the road is a matter of mutual cooperation and respect, not a game between people and cars.

At some intersections, the "comity" of a few drivers was not firm enough for people to understand. It was obvious that the comity had already been made. Seeing that the pedestrians were still hesitating, they took a step forward. At this time, the pedestrians just stepped on their legs, and both sides were startled, so the car stopped and people stopped, which was very embarrassing.

There are also some phenomena. The responsibility is not only on the driver. Some pedestrians "bow their heads" and travel slowly when passing the zebra crossing. They even "wander" and stop at the zebra crossing, which delays the passing time of vehicles.

For the tacit cooperation, what impressed the reporter was still the scene in the south street of Chaoyangmen. Because there is no traffic light, some pedestrians dare not cross the road rashly. Some experienced drivers wave to the pedestrians in front of them while parking to yield, while pedestrians see the driver's gesture to speed up. A simple gesture builds trust, achieves the effect of comity, and saves both sides the passage time.

"Since the implementation of the on-site law enforcement of comity zebra crossing, our experience is that the purpose is to improve the safety and comfort of citizens crossing the road." A traffic policeman told reporters that comity zebra crossing is not a matter for the motor vehicle side, but the concept of pedestrians, motor vehicles and non motor vehicles accepting comity together, which requires mutual respect and cooperation.

Fu Qiang also mentioned that the so-called respect and cooperation not only refer to the relationship between people and vehicles on the road, but also need the support and cooperation of relevant industries. Now Beijing is vigorously promoting the slow traffic system. Some intersections already have the conditions for non motorized vehicles to turn at one time, but in most intersections, non motorized vehicles still have to turn like pedestrians, passing two traffic lights. For example, at the intersection of Zhangzizhong Road, turning from south to west, non motorized vehicles originally had to go north to the opposite side of the road, and then drive west, going through two traffic lights. However, there are still a large number of cyclists who, in order to save time and wait for the traffic lights, first drive west across the zebra crossing and then north. Such behavior is called "double retrograde". When the traffic police stopped the cyclists, many of them did not even know that they had violated the rules. Among them, the proportion of takeaway workers is high.

Fu Qiang said that in the face of such problems, they interviewed relevant enterprises according to law, and learned during the communication between the two sides that the takeaway industry's assessment standard for employees is still efficiency first, and the proportion of compliance with traffic regulations is relatively weak, especially for a large number of part-time employees, how much money they earn is the biggest assessment standard. "Let the sense of comity and comity of zebra crossing penetrate the hearts of the people, and it can not be separated from the support of relevant industries of all parties involved in road traffic." Our reporter Jing Yiming wrote and photographed

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhu, Bao Congying)

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