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Countdown to school! Beijing Disease Control: Please take this prevention and control strategy

August 27, 2021 15:18 | Source: People's Daily Online - Beijing Channel
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The beginning of school is approaching. Are parents and students ready for epidemic prevention? Don't worry, please accept this most complete and intimate strategy, and let's welcome the new semester together calmly.

Before returning to school:

Health monitoring: As soon as the school starts, parents and students should try not to go out or go to medium and high risk areas, reduce close contact with people from unknown sources, and report the health status of their co residents 14 days before the school starts according to the requirements of the school. In case of fever (≥ 37.3 ℃), cough, fatigue, diarrhea and other symptoms, do not go to school, go to hospital or observe at home depending on the condition, and report to the head teacher in time.

Vaccination: Students who meet the vaccination conditions should be vaccinated in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the school. After vaccination, stay in the hospital for 30 minutes to keep the skin clean. If you feel uncomfortable, contact the school as soon as possible, report to the vaccination unit, and seek medical advice when necessary.

Material preparation: Prepare disposable medical masks or surgical masks, hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes, disposable gloves, paper towels, etc., and learn to use them correctly.

On the way to/from school:

On the way to/from school, we should stick to the "two points and one line" of family and school, and avoid unnecessary activities outside.

It is better to go to and from school on foot, by bike or by private car. When taking public transportation or school bus, you should pay attention to personal protection, wear masks throughout the journey, take the bus in an orderly manner, and keep a safe social distance from others.

Avoid sitting face to face with people who cough or sneeze. Do not touch your mouth, eyes, nose, etc. Reduce unnecessary communication, and do not eat or drink during the ride.

Try to avoid touching public transport objects with your hands. After contacting public goods, wipe hands with hand free disinfectant or disinfectant wipes in time. Wash your hands when you arrive at school or go home.

during school days:

Entrance: At an interval of more than 1 meter, queue up to enter the campus in turn. Consciously accept the temperature monitoring, and enter the school after it is normal. If it is abnormal, follow the teacher's arrangement.

On duty: Cooperate with the teacher to do a morning and afternoon check before the first class in the afternoon. If you feel unwell, tell the teacher in time. Students who are absent from class due to illness should report their condition and medical information to the head teacher in time. In the classroom, one person and one table should be set apart as far as possible, and the classroom should be well ventilated.

break: Appropriate and moderate activities, no chasing and fighting, no seat and no shift. Go to the toilet nearby and orderly, avoid crowding, and wash hands correctly before and after going to the toilet.

eat: Keep a distance of more than 1m from students when queuing in the restaurant and having meals. Follow the principle of time-sharing, peak shifting and one-way dining, avoid talking, and do not share tableware, cups and food with others.

After going home:

After entering the door, wash your hands with soap (hand sanitizer) and flowing water according to the seven step washing method.

Remove the mask and place it with good ventilation. If it needs to be replaced, it shall be treated as other wastes.

For stationery, keys, bus cards and other frequently touched items, 75% alcohol can be used to wipe them in good time.

The school should:

1、 Formulate epidemic prevention and control work plan and emergency response plan, implement various measures such as "two cases and nine systems" for infectious disease prevention and control in accordance with the national standard "Management Specification for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control in Primary and Secondary Schools" (GB28932-2012), and carry out special training and emergency drills. Comprehensively master the health status of teachers and students and their living together residents before the start of school, and the living history of the county (city, district, flag) in the middle and high risk areas, and carefully arrange teachers and students to return to school in an orderly manner.

2、 Carry out relatively closed campus management, strictly control the admission personnel, and do a good job in the verification of admission personnel's work cards, health codes, temperature detection, registration and other work.

3、 Thoroughly clean classrooms, libraries, canteens, dormitories, toilets, air conditioners and other places where students study and live, and strictly implement the ventilation and disinfection system to ensure that the teaching environment is clean and sanitary. Test the school drinking water, especially the drinking water equipment, to ensure the safety of school water supply.

4、 All kinds of school personnel should strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control measures, and do a good job in personal protection. If there are suspicious symptoms such as fever, they should report and seek medical advice in a timely manner, and work without illness. Strengthen the management, supervision and inspection of food stalls and food outlets in schools, strengthen the physical examination and education of catering practitioners, and prohibit the sale of "three no" food.

5、 Strictly implement the morning and afternoon inspection system, use the morning and afternoon inspection system to report information, pay attention to the morning and afternoon inspection data information at any time, and analyze the data according to the requirements of the national health industry standard Technical Guidelines for Monitoring and Early Warning of Infectious Disease Symptoms in Schools (WS/T 772-2020), with accurate information and timely analysis to ensure that the monitoring and early warning of infectious disease symptoms are in place, Keep the school gate of infectious disease prevention and control.

Once students are found to have fever, cough, sore throat, parotid swelling, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, rash, fatigue, conjunctival swelling and other symptoms, they should be immediately sent to the school health room or health care room for further investigation. If they are suspected of suffering from infectious diseases, they should be immediately isolated, notify parents to take students to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and follow up to understand the students' condition and diagnosis and treatment, At the same time, report to the district health care department and the district primary and secondary school health care center (station). Students suffering from infectious diseases can resume their classes only after they have recovered. When resuming classes, they should check the certificate of resumption issued by the prevention and health care department of the medical and health institution of the school.

Tips: In autumn, pay attention to the timely increase and decrease of clothing in the morning and evening, prevent catching cold, use eyes scientifically, exercise scientifically, eat nutritious meals, get enough sleep, and strengthen the immunity of the body. (Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhu, Gao Xing)

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