•  The computer is poisoned, but 360 can't detect it. What should I do?

    The computer is poisoned, but 360 can't detect it. What should I do?

    Today, when my computer opened the official website, there was a forced click phenomenon. One click and then a spam advertisement appeared. The first time, 360 prompted that I was poisoned, and then I used anti-virus software to kill all of them, followed by my comprehensive anti-virus. I thought it was good, but after more than an hour, this phenomenon suddenly appeared again

    2013-08-30 16:01:14 two hundred and fifty-two
  •  What should I do if my computer is poisoned?

    What should I do if my computer is poisoned?

    What should I do if my computer is poisoned? When I open a web page, I always pop up a few windows at a time. I can't even close it. Want to go online to download an anti-virus software for anti-virus! But as soon as I open the web page, I keep skipping the window. Is it necessary to reinstall the system? Do you want to format all the hard disks? I may enter the yellow website

    2012-06-11 08:57:00 one hundred and forty-six
  •  Help! The computer is poisoned. It can't be started or installed. What should I do?

    Help! The computer is poisoned. It can't be started or installed. What should I do?

    When playing the game, a few screens pop up and click on it. Then it can't be turned off, ignore it, and continue to play the game. It crashes at night and can't be restored with the system restore disk. They took the computer store to repair it. They replaced a hard disk for me, but the hard disk of this computer still couldn't be opened. It couldn't be opened on other computers. They did

    2011-07-04 16:49:23 three thousand eight hundred and ninety-three
  •  What to do after computer poisoning, beginners learn!!

    What to do after computer poisoning, beginners learn!!

    Add a little anti-virus experience. 1. The first thing to do after poisoning is to check the computer symptoms, check the suspicious process, and then go directly to Baidu to see if you can find the special killing tool. The special killing tool has good anti-virus effect and is fast. If the special killing tool doesn't work, it means that you may have multiple viruses

    2008-08-17 17:34:58 fifteen thousand two hundred and forty-one
  •  #Mobile device # Does anyone know how to solve this problem? My computer is poisoned

    #Mobile device # Does anyone know how to solve this problem? My computer is poisoned

    2016-01-04 18:19:07 seventy-three
  •  How to deal with ASUS A46CM series computer poisoning

    How to deal with ASUS A46CM series computer poisoning

    The solutions to ASUS A46CM series computer poisoning are as follows: 1. Upgrade the anti-virus software and virus database to the latest version to try anti-virus. Problem solving -->virus elimination. The problem is not solved -->whether you can find some special killing software for such viruses on the network to try to kill them. 2. Yes No

    2016-07-26 18:53:22 twenty-eight
  •  How to deal with ASUS A55VM series computer poisoning

    How to deal with ASUS A55VM series computer poisoning

    The solutions to ASUS A55VM series computer poisoning are as follows: 1. Upgrade the anti-virus software and virus database to the latest version to try anti-virus. 2. Whether you can find some special killing software for such viruses on the network to try to kill them. 3. Backup data and try to reinstall the system.

    2016-07-26 18:53:02 twenty-eight
  •  How to deal with the automatic shutdown of computer poisoning antivirus software? Expert, please come in!

    How to deal with the automatic shutdown of computer poisoning antivirus software? Expert, please come in!

    How to deal with the automatic shutdown of computer poisoning antivirus software? Kaspersky 6.0 and 360 guards automatically shut down. There is an AUTO file under each disk that cannot be deleted. There is an AUTO file in the right-click menu. There are many more items in the startup item of running msconfig system. There are almost 20 items. The Internet is normal, and sometimes the

    2008-06-12 14:16:42 seven thousand five hundred and eighty-four
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