open 10 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
S is latin alphabet The 19th letter in the. S has different meanings in different places, for example, in physics In, s means second , which is timing Company In chemistry, it refers to the Chemical symbol stay geometry In, s means area: In computer, it is a kind of statistics programing language stay S.H.E Selina in the middle; stay Hollywood film Superman There are American heroes Superman Family logo and Krypton A sign of hope.
Foreign name
atom Ordinal number
relative atom quality
thirty-two point zero seven
Peripheral electronic layout
Extranuclear electron arrangement
Common valence
two point zero six nine
Melting point
one hundred and fifteen point two one six
Boiling point
four hundred and forty-four point five nine
three point zero zero three
Number of families
Atomic radius
one point zero eight nine nine
Ionic radius
Covalent radius
one point zero one nine nine
Latin alphabet, English alphabet
Clear consonant

chemical element

Sulfur is a kind of Nonmetallic element Chemical symbol S, Atomic number 16。 Sulfur is Oxygen group element (Ⅵ A), in periodic table of ele ments In the third cycle.

English letter

Burning S
S yes latin alphabet English letter S, the 19th letter of the Chinese character, is widely used in various fields, with different meanings.
In NATO phonetic alphabet, use Sierra Represents the letter S.
Another archaic form of s is called Length s (long) or middle s. It is used at the beginning or middle of a word; The short sound s or the ending s in the modern form is used at the end of a word. S and later became ess tsett (&szlig) in German.
Character encoding :ASCII Unicode EBCDIC
In words: S 83 0053 b2265 a lowercase letter :s 115 0073
1. S is the abbreviation of Ms or Miss. In the e-mail address, add "S" after the last name to indicate the address for women, such as Chen, who means Ms. Chen, which is omitted“ MS ”"M" in, "R" for men.
2. "Small", from English“ small ” 。
3. For example, S represents small
four superman (superman)

Symbol application

Symbol application
application area
Specific introduction
Representing in geometry Graph area Example: S =½ah
Represented in statistics standard deviation , s ² is the variance.
Timing unit
In physics, s is the symbol of the second, which is timing Company
Electrical unit
Susceptance It refers to the imaginary part of the circuit represented by complex numbers and defined by the following formula Y=G ± jB. Here Y is admittance and G is admittance real part , called conductance , and B is the susceptance. The unit of susceptance is Siemens? (S)。
stay International System of Units The middle represents Siemens (conductance Susceptance And admittance, three Immittance Unit)
Chemical unit
Represented in chemistry solubility , which comes from the English name of solubility.
S in chemistry solid , sometimes indicated in the reaction equation.
express Settlement coefficient , i.e. reflect Biomacromolecule An indicator of downward settling velocity in centrifugal field. The higher the value molecule The larger.
Figure symbol
In daily life, S can also represent the perfect curve of female figure.
"S" and Bust the waist hipline When they exist together, it means“ Shoulder width ”。
Choral voice part
In the chorus (multi voice chorus), S stands for soprano.
Camera symbol
stay SLR perhaps Digital camera In auto exposure mode, (S) refers to shutter priority automatic.

Special hobbies

S also means Sexual sadism Abbreviation of abusive party in hobby.