zero Useful+1

Microsoft Office Access

Relational Database Management System Issued by Microsoft
open 6 entries with the same name
synonym access (Switch port mode) generally refers to Microsoft Office Access
Microsoft Office Access was created by Microsoft Published Relational Database Management System It combines Microsoft Jet Database Engine and graphical user interface Two features are one of the system programs of Microsoft Office.
Microsoft Office Access is Microsoft's database engine GUI and Software development tools A combination of Database management system It's Microsoft OFFICE A member of, including professional edition And later office The version is sold separately. On September 25, 2018, the latest Microsoft Office Access 2019 was launched at Microsoft Office 2019 Released in.
MS ACCESS uses its own format to data storage In the database engine based on Access Jet. It can also directly import or link data (these data are stored in other application program And database).
software development People and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop applications, and "advanced users" can use it to build software applications. Like other office applications, ACCESS supports Visual Basic macro language. It is an object-oriented programing language , can reference various objects, including DAO (Data Access Object), ActiveX data objects , and many others ActiveX Components Visual objects are used to display tables and reports. Their methods and properties are in the VBA programming environment, VBA Code modules can be declared and called Windows operating system Function.
Chinese name
Microsoft Office Relational Database Management System [1]
Foreign name
Microsoft Office Access
Database type
Relational database
Data analysis and development software
Latest version
2019/365 [2]
Small and convenient


Microsoft Access is widely used in many places, such as small business , a department of a large company.
Access is used in two ways:
1、 For data analysis: Access has powerful data processing statistical analysis Ability, using the query function of access, you can easily carry out various summary, average and other statistics. The statistics conditions can be flexibly set. For example, Excel can't compare with the fast speed and easy operation when analyzing the data of tens of thousands of records, hundreds of thousands of records and more. This is reflected in the ability to use access, [3] Improved work efficiency And working ability.
2、 Used to develop software: Access is used to develop software, such as Production management Sales management Inventory management Etc business management Software, its biggest advantage is: easy to learn! Non computer professionals can also learn. It can meet the management needs of those engaged in enterprise management at a low cost, standardize the behaviors of colleagues and subordinates through software, and promote their Management thought (VB,. net, C language and other development tools for non Computer It's too difficult for people, but access is easy). This is reflected in the realization of the "dream" of managers (non computer major graduates) to develop software, and the transformation to "understand management+be able to program" inter-disciplinary talent [3]
In addition, when developing some small website WEB applications Store data for example ASP+ Access。 These applications all utilize ASP Internet Information Services. More complex WEB applications use PHP / MySQL Or ASP/ Microsoft SQL Server
ACCESS is more useful in many aspects:
Form template. Just type what you want to track, and Access will use the form template to provide an application that can complete related tasks. Access handles complex calculations of fields, relationships, and rules so you can concentrate on your projects. You will have a brand new application that contains a natural UI that can be started and run immediately.
Create and run the old database. Enjoy support for your existing desktop database (ACCDB/MDB).


Access is a database application development tool The software is mainly developed for Microsoft JET database and Microsoft SQLServer database. Because on Office 97 Microsoft JET 3.51 and earlier database engine Yes Access Installed and released together, JET database and Access have a natural Consanguinity Access has expanded the JET database a lot. For example, in the Access environment, you can use your own VBA functions in queries. Access's forms, reports, macros and modules are special data storage In JET Database file (. mdb), these objects can only be used in the Access environment. With, Microsoft Windows The operating system version is continuously upgraded and improved Windows XP In future releases, Microsoft will JET database engine It is integrated into the Windows operating system and released as part of the system components (mainly because there are many components in Windows that need to use the JET engine, Active Directory Etc.). Since then, the JET database engine has been separated from Access, and Access has become a specialized Database application development tool
Due to the separation of JET database engine, many application program JET database is used as its application database, and JET database conforms to relational database The theory is complete Data definition , data processing, data Safety management system In the Microsoft Windows operating system, with Microsoft ActiveX technology The data access components in Windows are constantly upgraded, including ODBC OLEDB DAO ADO , JET database engine and these components have formed a free Database management system
The report creation function of Access can handle any data source Access provides functional parameterized queries. These queries and Access tables can be VB6 and .NET Other programs of are accessed through DAO or ADO. In Access, VBA Can access parameterized stored procedure Unlike general CS relational database management, Access does not execute database triggering, pre stored programs or interactive logon Operation. Access 2010 includes table level trigger and pre stored programs embedded in ACE data engine. In Access 2010, tables, queries, charts, reports and macros can be developed separately on web-based applications. Access 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint 2010 The integration of has also been greatly improved.
its data file Can't break the 2G limit, its Structured Query Language (JET SQL) has limited capability and is not suitable for Large database Processing applications. Due to this limitation, the JET database engine allows users to access large database system , such as Microsoft SQL Server Oracle You can also use linked tables to access ISAM Data files, such as dBase Excel text file Of course, this also brings a lot of flexibility to the development of Access applications. In this mode, when processing large databases (service databases, such as SQL Server and Oracle), each linked table has a server connection Server side A connection is a resource. In addition to occupying a certain amount of server resources for each connection, it is also responsible for processing the data access instructions passed from the linked table and returning the corresponding results to the client's JET engine; At the same time, in the JET engine of the client, the JET engine is responsible for translating the data access instructions of various linked tables to the server, and also for translating the results returned by the server into the data representation of the JET engine for processing in Access. In order to reduce this burden, Microsoft Access is allowed to use Microsoft's data access components, such as DAO and ADO, to access various data sources, but this method is complex and not intuitive, which brings high efficiency to the office workers Access faces technical requirement
Microsoft is not reconciled to the fact that its Access software can only develop large-scale database system applications by using the JET engine to use linked tables and ODBC, which wastes both server resources and client resources, or by using ADO's complex programming and non intuitive operation methods. Therefore, a new Access application program has been added to Access 2000 (Access 9) Development mode ——Access database project ADP, and Office 2000 The distribution package for includes MSDE 1.0 and Sharepoint 1.0.
Due to the introduction of ADP, Access has added new vitality. Although DAP is also introduced( Data Access Page ), due to its overly complex deployment and Unsafe factors (Internet based deployment. To enable Remote MSADC, cross domain access is required. The deployment is complex and insecure.) Access 2007 Microsoft finally abandoned DAP.
The desktop version of Microsoft SQLServer can be used with Access as an alternative to the Jet database engine. This support starts with MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine). MSDE is a small version of MSSQL Server 2000, and the future products will be the Express (entry level) version of SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
Use unique aliases
In Access Basic, if you know the entry point( Dynamic link library You can call external functions in the DLL. However, the limitation of using this method is that you can declare external functions only once. If you installed the same Windows that your module called Application Program Interface , you will not get an unknown error: trying to define the installation module with the same function. The module you are trying to install either contains the same function name or contains a procedure name in an existing module. To make your name unique, use the FIND command in the EDIT menu to find duplicate process names and delete these processes. You can also use the initial value and Underline Give priority to all the processes you call from the dynamic link library. For example, declare getActiveWindow as:
Declare bcb_ GetActiveWindow Lib "Kernel" Alias "GetActiveWindow" As Integer.
Pass null pointer to Dynamic Library
Whether a null 32-bit pointer is valid depends on some DLL parameters. To specify a Null value , use 0&. When your function call A process and pass a expression 0&, "&" specifies a 32-bit null pointer Function declaration Middle, one AS The ANY parameter indicates that Access Basic does not carry out Type check At the same time pass by value To the called function.
An example of declaring an Access Basic function that passes a null pointer parameter to a procedure in the dynamic link library is as follows:
Declare Function WriteProfileString Lib "Kernel"
(ByVal lpApplicationName As Any, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any)
Function nFlushIniCache
nFlushIniCache =WriteProfileString(0&, 0&, 0&)
End Function
This section declares WriteProfileString Application Program Interface Function from the external Windows dynamic link library "kernel". This function calls an external procedure, specifying a null value for each parameter. This will make WriteProfileString Full of its internal high-speed buffer , and set WIN Any changes to INI are written to disk.
Dynamic Library Call Unsigned integer
It is often the case that a two byte long unsigned int Number. However, Access Basic does not support this data type To correctly calculate this data type, you need to convert it from an unsigned integer to an Access Basic long data type.
From unsigned integer Count to Access Basic Long integer There are two ways to transform numbers into each other: the first is the most basic mathematical operation. The second is to use Bitwise operations. The effect of the two methods is the same. The arithmetic method is more readable, and the Bitwise method executes faster.
The arithmetic method for converting an unsigned integer is as follows: the first function reads an unsigned integer and returns a converted bit Long integer The value of. The second function reads a long integer value and returns a value converted to an unsigned integer.
Function lArithUintToInt (nUint As Integer)
If nUint<0 Then
lArithUintToInt = nUint + 65536
lArithUintToInt = nUint
End If
End Function
Function nArithIntToUnint (lBytes As Long)
If lBytes>32767 Then
nArithIntToUnint = lBytes - 65536
nArithIntToUnint = lBytes
End If
End Function
Convert an unsigned integer using the Bitwise method: the first function reads in an unsigned integer and returns a value that has been converted to a long integer. The second function reads a long integer value and returns a converted unsigned integer value. The statement with prompt box in the second function is to prevent overflow information when the value passed to the function is greater than 64KB.
The functions follow:
Function lBWIntToUint(nUint As Integer)
lBWIntToUint = nUint And &HFFFF&
End Function
Function nBWUintToInt(lBytes As Long)
Dim nTemp As Integer
If lBytes>65535 Then
MsgBox "You passed a value larger than 65535"
Exit Function
End If
nTemp = lBytes And &H7FFF
nBWUintToInt = nTemp Or -(lBytes And &H8000)
End Function
Note:&HFFFF&requires "&" at the end of the hexadecimal number. This ensures that 32-bit hexadecimal numbers are represented by 16 bit values.
The SHIFT and F2 keys call the procedure
In Microsoft Access, there are some features that have no formal text before. They allow you to specify the process, which is based on a property of "from" or "report" Worksheet Called in the window. To enter the smallest window, just press SHIFT and F2 at the same time.
If the definition of a function in a module starts with "Builderr Form" and contains a property or event similar to Onclose identifier , press SHIFT and F2 to call this procedure. For example, when you are in the design window of a form and the current cursor On the editing control of the Onclose event in the property window, press SHIFT and F2 to call the BuilderFormOnclose function. This is used for most properties and all events of forms and reports. The following code will explain the format of the function:
Function BuilderFormOnClose (szFormName As String,
szControlName As String, szCurrentValue As String, szReserved As String)
If szCurrentValue = "" Then
DoCmd SelectObject A_MACRO, "", True
SendKeys "%n%fs" & "New Macro" & "{Enter}"
Forms(szFormName). OnClose = "New Macro"
DoCmd SelectObject A_MACRO, szCurrentValue, True
SendKeys "%d"
End If End Function
Parameter szFormName, szControlName, szCurrentValue, And sz Reserved Must declare, even if you never use them. When your function is called, these parameters are always passed. If they are not declared, Microsoft Access will not call your functions. If a parameter is assigned to the Onclose event, the previous procedure will open a macro. If the edit control is empty, the code will generate a new macro named "New Macro", and set the edit control value to "New Macro".
Admittedly, the previous example is not perfect, but it does illustrate the conditions necessary to produce a perfect and effective program.


Canceling the traditional menu operation mode and replacing it with the ribbon is one of the obvious improvements of Access2007. Users can perform most of the functions in the ribbon Database management Related operations. Access 2007 has the following four ribbons by default, and each ribbon is divided into multiple groups according to the role of the command.
The Start ribbon includes views clipboard , font, rich text, record, sorting and filtering, search, Chinese Simple and complex conversion 8 groups. Users can operate Access2007 in the Start ribbon, such as copying and pasting data, modifying font and font size, and sorting data.
The Create ribbon includes tables, forms, reports, others, and Special symbols There are 5 groups. The commands contained in the Create ribbon are mainly used to create various elements of Access2007.
External data ”The ribbon includes import, export collecting data SharePoint There are four groups in the list. In the External Data ribbon, data other than Access2007 are mainly processed.
Database Tools
The "Database Tools" ribbon includes five groups: macro, display/hide, analysis, moving data, and database tools, which are mainly used for advanced operations on Access2007 databases.
In addition to the above four kinds of ribbons, some hidden ribbons are not displayed by default. The relevant ribbon is displayed only when a specific operation is performed. For example, when executing Create Table It will open automatically during operation“ data sheet ”Ribbon. [4]

Advantages and disadvantages



Microsoft Access Basic provides a rich development environment. this development environment Give you enough flexibility and Microsoft Windows Application Program Interface At the same time, it protects you from all kinds of troubles when developing in a high-level or low-level language development environment. However, many aspects of optimization, efficient data, and modularity can only be used by application designers. Developers should be committed to using algorithms carefully. In addition to general programming concepts, there are some special storage space The correct use of these technologies can improve the execution speed of applications and reduce the storage resources consumed by applications.
Increase speed and reduce code
You can use several techniques to improve your coding speed, but there is no effective algorithm replacement. The following suggestions can improve your coding speed while reducing the storage space consumed by your application.
Mathematic operations with integer numbers
Even if Microsoft Access uses a federated processor to process floating-point Type arithmetic, integer Math is always faster. When your calculation does not contain decimals, try to use integer or Long integer Not variables or double integers. Integer division is also faster than floating point division. When using some other valid data types, you will be warned that nothing can replace the valid Algorithm
Avoid using procedure calls
Avoid using in loop body subroutine or function call Each call increases the burden of coding due to additional work and time. Each call requires that the local variable And parameters. The stack size is fixed and cannot be increased randomly, and it must be shared with Microsoft Access at the same time.
Careful use of variable length data type
Variable length data types provide greater flexibility, such as allowing correct processing Null value And automatic handling of overflows. In addition, this data type is larger and consumes more storage space than traditional data types. As mentioned earlier, variable with variable length data type is relatively slow in mathematical calculation.
Use variables to store attributes
Searching and setting variables are faster than properties. If you want to get or check a Attribute value Many times, assign this attribute to a variable and use this variable to Substitute attribute , your code will run much faster. For example, in a loop, if you look up a controlled attribute in a table, it is faster to assign the attribute to a variable outside the loop, and then query a variable instead of looking up an attribute in the loop.
Preload table
When your applications are started and their visible properties are set to 'false', if you install all your tables, the performance of your applications will make you feel very fast. When you need to display a table, you only need to set the visible attribute of the table to 'true', which is much faster than installing a table. Keep in mind that for each table installed for you, you need to consume storage space from the global heap of the application.
Connection in ASP character string application
"Driver={microsoft access driver(*.mdb)};dbq=*.mdb;uid= admin ; pwd=pass; "
dim conn
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") "provider=Microsoft. ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & " data source = " & server .mappath("bbs.mdb")


1. When the database is too large, the performance will begin to decline when the ACCESS database reaches about 100M. (For example, too many visitors are likely to cause IIS Feign death , excessive consumption of server resources, etc.)
2. It is easy to have various database problems caused by too fast database flushing frequency.
3. ACCESS database is not as secure as other types of databases.
4. When the ACCESS forum is large, it is easy to have database problems. When the forum database is more than 50M, the number of posts is about 50000, and the number of online people is about 100, your forum basically spends time on processing the database. At this time, the database may be slow.
The general symptom is that all pages involving the database suddenly run slowly (the execution time reaches more than 5 seconds or even dozens of seconds), involving HTML And pure ASP All the pages for calculation are normal. After a period of time (about 10 minutes or more), they suddenly recover. At this time, you can use a general ASP probe to test. If the server's computing time is normal, it is generally a database problem.
Because this is the limitation of ACCESS itself, there is no good solution except to reduce the amount of data and replace the large database forum.
1。 Temporary solution: regularly delete redundant data, compress the database, restrict forum irrigation, and even restrict forum registration.
2。 Long term solution: replace the forum and database, and use SQL Database wait.

Version History

Microsoft Access version 1.0 was released in November 1992.
Microsoft Specify that the minimum requirement for the system is 4 megabytes of memory for Windows 3.0. 6 megabytes of memory with a minimum of 8 megabytes of hard disk space (14 megabytes of hard disk space is recommended) is recommended system requirements At that time, the software was released on seven 1.44 megabyte floppy disks.
This software can handle a large number of records effectively, but tests show that in some cases, it will cause data corruption. For example, file sizes over 700 MB were problematic. (Note that most hard disks were smaller than 700 MB at the time this was in wide use.) The Getting Started manual warns about a number of circumstances where obsolete device drivers or incorrect configurations can cause data loss.
Access' initial codename was Cirrus. This was developed before Visual Basic and the forms engine was called Ruby. Bill Gates saw the prototypes and decided that the Basic languagecomponent should be co-developed as a separate expandable application. This project was called Thunder. The two projects were developed separately as the underlying forms engines were incompatible with each other; however, these were merged together again after VBA.
particular year
support system
Office Suite Version
Access 1.1
Access 2.0
Windows 3.1x
Office 4.3 Pro
Access for Windows 95
Office 95 Professional
Access 97
Windows 9x,NT3.51/4.0
Access 2000
Windows 9x, NT 4.0, 2000
Access 2002
Windows 98 , Me, 2000, XP
Office XP
Access 2003
Windows 2000 , XP,Vista
Microsoft Office Access 2007
Microsoft Office Access 2010
Windows 7
Microsoft Office Access 2016
Windows 7 & Windows 8&win10
Office 2016 Professional,plus

2010 Features

Microsoft Access 2010 is characterized by its ease of use. Access 2010 lets you make the most of the power of information. You don't need to be a database expert, but you can show your talents. At the same time, through the newly added network database Function, you are tracking shared data , or when using data to make reports, it will be easier and less burdensome, and these data will naturally have more influence. Webpage browser The data is as close to you as possible.
1. The best and fastest way to start. In Access 2010, you can use the power of the community. Use the database template created by others, and share your unique design. Use a new database template pre built by Office Online and designed for common work, or select a template provided by the community and customize it to meet your unique needs.
2. Establish a centralized access platform for your data. Use a variety of data online, as well as information linked or imported from other sources, to integrate your Access reports. You can use the improved "Set Formatting Conditions" function to computing equipment And establish rich, dynamic and visual reports. Access 2010 reports can support the data bar effect, which makes it easier for you and those who read the report to grasp the trend and take advantage of it.
3. Access your applications, data, or forms anywhere. Extend your database to the network, so that users without Access clients can also open network forms and reports through the browser. If the database changes, it will be synchronized automatically. 1 Or, you can Offline processing Your network database, make design and data changes, and then update these changes to Microsoft synchronously when you are back online SharePoint Server 2010 On. Through Access 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010, your data will be centrally protected to meet regulatory requirements for data, backup and audit, and improve accessibility and Management ability
4. Let professional design go deep into your Access database. Apply the familiar and pleasing Office theme to your Access client and network database. You can freely choose from a variety of themes, or design your unique Custom Theme To make the form and report more beautiful.
5. Add navigation function to the database by dragging and dropping. Without writing any program code or designing any logic, you can create a form with professional appearance and webpage navigation function, making your commonly used forms or reports more convenient in use. There are six predefined navigation templates, plus multiple vertical or horizontal indexes Volume label Available for selection. Multilayer horizontal index volume labels can be used to display a large number of Access forms or reports. The form or report can be displayed by dragging and dropping.
6. Get work done faster and easier. Access 2010 can simplify the way you find and use various functions. all-new Microsoft Office Backstage view replaces the traditional file menu, allowing you to publish, backup and Management database The ribbon design has also been improved to further speed up your access to commonly used commands.
7. Using IntelliSense It is easy to establish the expression. The simplified Expression Builder allows you to quickly and easily create Logical and expression. IntelliSense's quick messages Tooltips With automatic completion, it helps to reduce errors, save the time of memorizing expression names and syntax, and move more time to the establishment of application logic.
8. Design macros at unprecedented speed. Access 2010 has new macros design tool , you can more easily establish, edit, and automate database logic. Macro design tools can improve user productivity, reduce program code writing errors, and easily integrate complex logic to establish a stable application. Data macros are used to combine logic and data, and the logic is concentrated on the source data table, thus strengthening the Maintainability You can extend the automation function of Access client to SharePoint network database and other applications that will update your data table through more powerful macro design tools and data macros.
9. Convert the database part into a reusable template. Reuse database components built by other users of the database, saving time and effort. You can save commonly used Access objects, fields, or field collections as templates and add them to existing databases to improve your productivity. Application components can be shared with all members of the organization for consistency in establishing database applications.
10. Consolidate Access data with Real time network Content. You can access network service Communication protocol , online to data source You can incorporate the data of network services and business applications into your database through Business Connectivity Services. In addition, the new web browser control function allows you to integrate Web 2.0 content into Access forms.

2013 Features


Building applications

use SharePoint Server or Office 365 As a host, you will be able to generate a perfect browser based database application. In essence, Access applications use SQL Server to provide optimal performance and Data integrity On the startup screen, click“ Custom Web Application ”。 [5]

Table Template

Use pre designed table templates to quickly add tables to your application. If you want to track tasks, search for task templates and click the desired template

External data

From the Access desktop database Microsoft Excel File, ODBC data source, text file, and SharePoint list import data.

Automatic interface creation

Including navigation
Access applications do not require you to build views, switchboards, and other user interface (UI) element. The table name is displayed at the left edge of the window, and the view of each table is displayed at the top.

action bar

Each built-in view has an action bar that contains buttons for adding, editing, saving, and deleting items. You can add more buttons to this action bar to run any custom macros you build, or you can delete buttons you don't want users to use.

Easier view modification

The application allows you to place controls anywhere you want without first adjusting the layout. You only need to drag and drop controls, and other controls will automatically move away to make room.

Attribute setting annotation

You do not need to Property sheet Search for specific settings, which are conveniently located in the callouts next to each partition or control.

Processing related data

Related Item Controls
Related item controls provide quick listing and summary Related tables Or the data in the query. Click an item to open its details Information View
The autocomplete control looks up data from related tables. It is a combo box that works more like an instant search box.

Drillthrough link

The drill down button allows you to quickly view the details of related items. Access applications process background logic to ensure that the correct data is displayed.

New Deployment Options

jurisdiction improvement
Better control over who can modify your application. The creator can change the data, but cannot change the design; Readers can only read existing data.
Package and distribute applications
Access applications can be saved as package files and added to your Enterprise directory Or Office App Store In the Office App Store, you can distribute your applications for free, or you can charge a certain fee to earn some pocket money.
Differences between Access2013 and Access2010 (deleted functions of Access2013)
change type
Reason for change
Other information
Remove this function completely
Removes the ability to open Access data project files.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Access 2013 SQL based databases will replace many of the benefits of ADP.
Some functions of Access2010 have been deleted in Access2013 [6]
There are three possible ADP migration modes:
Convert ADP to an Access application solution.
Convert ADP to a linked Access desktop database.
Convert ADP to a complete SQL based solution.
Remove support because the Jet 3. x IISAM driver is no longer available.
Access 97 users can no longer open Access 97 databases in Access 2013. To upgrade, this user must open the file in Office 2010 or earlier, and then open it in Office 2013.
Not applicable
Not applicable
ACCDB is the recommended format for desktop databases.
Not applicable
This change will affect databases linked to Access 97 databases.
PivotChart and PivotTable have been deleted
There is no option to create PivotCharts and PivotTables in Access 2013.
Office Web Components are no longer supported.
More powerful chart function in Excel.
Enhanced PivotChart and PivotTable functions in Excel.
Charts that are not PivotCharts and use the MSGraph component are still available in Access 2013. Charts created by the Chart Wizard component are still supported.
Remove this function completely
DBASE support has been deleted, and users can no longer connect to the external data dBASE database.
Remove this function completely
Unable to create a new data collection form.
With data collection, customers can create data collection forms and send them as e-mail. When the customer returns these emails, the data has been processed and stored in the Access database. Access 2013 cannot create a new form. Access 2013 can be used to process data collection forms created in earlier versions of Access.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Remove this function completely
You can no longer create Access 2003 toolbars and menus that are displayed in Access 2013. Access 2003 toolbars and menus are displayed in Access 2007 and Access 2010, but the ribbon is not included. They are not displayed in Access 2013, but on the Add ins tab in Access 2013. Support for custom ribbon commands.
Remove old features.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Remove this function completely
When you open an. mdb file in Access 2010 or earlier, copy options appear on the Ribbon Database Tools tab. This option has been removed from Access 2013.
Remove old features.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Remove this function completely
The Source Control Add in enables Microsoft Visual SourceSafe or other source control systems to integrate to allow check-in/check-out of queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and data. Developer source control is not available as an add-on to Access 2013.
Remove old features.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Remove this function completely
The entry point for the workflow is no longer available. Workflow commands are not available in UI macros. If you use StartNewWorkFlow or a workflow task to open an existing Access 2010 database with UI macros, Access displays a warning.
Remove old features.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Remove this function completely
This Upsizing Wizard allows you to expand Access database tables up to new or existing Microsoft SQL Server databases. This feature has been removed for Access 2013.
Remove old features.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable