Madrid Comptons University

Spanish institutions of higher learning
zero Useful+1
synonym UCM (UCM) Generally refers to Madrid Comptons University
Madrid Comptons University, also known as the University of Madrid. yes Spain The university with the longest history, the largest scale and the most complete disciplines was officially founded in 1499, but its source can be traced back to 1293. The school is located in the capital Madrid Downtown.
Madrid Comptons University has three campuses. There are 20 colleges, 6 colleges, 184 departments, and 76 officially recognized degrees. It mainly covers humanities , natural and precision science Health Science Knowledge in four fields of social science. Medicine, basic science, linguistics, media, literature and other majors are among the best in the world. Since its establishment, it has cultivated Li brake Juan Linz Alan Garcia Perez Sanmao Seven political, business, scientific, educational and cultural figures were born Nobel Prize Winner.
Madrid Comptons University ranked 171st in the QS World University Ranking in 2024. [3]
Chinese name
Madrid Comptons University
Foreign name
Universidad Complutense
UCM University of Madrid
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Comprehensive universities
Current leaders
Joaquín Goyache President
School setting
Department of Fine Arts, Department of Biological Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Department of Physics, Department of Geology
School motto
Libertas Perfundet Omnia Luce
Madrid, Spain
major awards
Nobel Prize

History of school running

Madrid Comptons University History of Spain The oldest and largest university with the most complete disciplines was officially founded in 1499, but its source can be traced back to 1293.
Madrid Comptons University was founded in 1293, and its campus is located in Madrid , whose history can be traced back to the medieval times The then King Sancho IV of Castile founded Studium Generale on May 20, 1293. Its predecessor is Universidad de Alcala The University of Madrid has complete disciplines and departments, and courses ranging from classical literature to cutting-edge science and technology are offered. use Spanish Teaching. The history of the University of Madrid can be traced back to 1293. There are 130000 students, ranking the third in the world. On May 20 that year, King of Spain Sancho IV issued an imperial decree, ordering the establishment of a Comprehensive school , Professor Hebrew , Mathematics music Later, ethics, physics, theology, doctrine, Bible, rhetoric and other courses were added. This comprehensive school is the origin of the University of Madrid.
In 1499, Pope Alexander VI, at the request of a former student named Cardinal Cisneros, converted Studium Generale into a university, which was later renamed as Universitas Comprehension by Papal Bull Latin The name of Alcala de Henares, the original location of the university.
Madrid Comptons University
At the end of the 15th century, Bishop Sisneros founded the University of Gombou Rudense (also known as Universidad de Alcala )And began to build St. Ildfonso College at the University of Gombou Rudense. In 1508, St. Ildefonso College was inaugurated, and teachers and students took to the streets to hold a religious procession to celebrate. More than 500 young people followed the team, expressing their desire to enter and leave school.
At that time, there were four departments at the University of Kampot Rudense: theology, art, medicine and Didactics In the next three centuries, the University of Gombou Rudense became famous, which was also closely related to the rise of Spain. The famous writers Frey Louis Dreon and Francesco de Gavey, dramatist Lopez de Vega and poet Tiersuo de Molira studied in the school. Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de On《 Don Quixote 》Chapter 31 also describes the poor Learning life After its establishment, the University of Gombouludense has become a model for many rising universities in Spain.
In the academic year 1509-1510, the University of Complutense has the following five departments: art and philosophy, theology, benchmarking Philology And medicine.
UCM University flourished in the 16th century, especially under the patronage of Cisneros, who was the Archbishop of Toledo at that time, and gave UCM huge financial support. In order to create a brilliant university, Cisneros also invited many world-class linguist And bilingual scholars came to Alcala. In 1517, UCM published five volumes of multilingual Bible, which is The Renaissance One of the greatest works of the period also made UCM rank among the world famous schools.
In 1836, UCM moved to Madrid and changed its name to Universidad Central de Madrid, which is located in the downtown San Bernardo Street. Some of the buildings are still used by various government departments.
In the 19th century, with the help of King Alfonso XIII, schools were able to expand on a large scale. On May 7, 1927, a royal law named Junta Constructora de la Ciudad Universitaria was issued, and King Alfonso XIII officially gave up about the area of La Moncloa Palace to build a new university town. The content of the decree includes academic, architectural, judicial, and economic, and is presided over by the king himself. It is the will of the king that this university town is built for all the citizens and managed by the elites of the intellectual world rather than the poor politicians. This is also the reason why the university Source of funds not only Government appropriation , but through a special way of raising funds to encourage ruling class And factory donation, which was successfully completed in 1930 Campus buildings Construction of. At the same time, Weimar Republic And many South American countries have also given donations.
While the university town was being built, the academic team composed of L ó pez Otero, C á sares Gil, Dr. Simonena and others went to 19 universities in the United States, Paris leon Oxford Berlin , Hamburg and other European universities seek the best campus buildings. But the impact of architectural trends is far more than Harvard University of Pennsylvania Sorbonne University or University of Berlin The academic visit is more intense, so that the final plan has no similarities with any modern university.
Unfortunately, Alfonso XIII failed to witness School buildings The completion of, let alone the start of the shift. In 1931, he was exiled to Rome. Manuel Azana, January 15, 1933—— The Second Republic of Spain President - officially announced the opening of the University of New Madrid.
The last few years of Alfonso's period and the first few years of the Second Republic of Spain were called the "silver age" of Spanish academia. At that time, the School of Philosophy of the University of Madrid was widely considered to be the first in Europe, if not the world, to rival the University of Berlin. Also during this period, the university received a large number of visiting scholars and provided shelter for Jewish scholars. Unfortunately, the civil war initiated by Francisco Franco on July 17, 1936 forced many scholars to flee Spain.
When the war ended in 1939, more than 40% of university campuses were razed to the ground. After many years, it was finally rebuilt. The original name was used again in 1970. Later, when someone wanted to build a new school in these ancient campus buildings, they were forced to use Universidad de Alcal á de Henares as the school name to distinguish it from the Complex University.

academic research

Academic resources
The school library is also the largest one in Spain, with a collection of 2 million books, 40000 magazines and rich resources.

School running conditions



The academic institutions of the university are divided into 19 departments and 11 University College , 6 junior colleges, 20 research institutes and 10 professional training schools. 19 departments of Madrid Comptons University humanities , social science, natural science and medicine. Each department has a teaching and research section, a library, a bookstore and a copy agency. The university has 184 departments and 76 officially recognized degrees. It mainly covers the knowledge in the four fields of humanities, natural and precision science, health science and social science.
Madrid Comptons University has a total of 11 university colleges, of which 5 are the college of basic universal education and 6 are professional colleges (College of Enterprise Research, School of Optics, School of Statistics, School of Nursing and Physiotherapy, School of Social Work, School of Library Science and Literature). The school duration of the college is usually 4 years, mainly engaged in university elementary education
Madrid Comptons University
The majors of Madrid Comptons University include medicine, agriculture and forestry, engineering technology, art, music, biology, accounting, business administration, finance, management information system, marketing, computer and information technology, education, English, foreign languages and literature, health, nursing, mathematics, history, psychology, religion, physics, chemistry Philosophy, sociology, etc.
The University of Comptons in Madrid has a complete set of disciplines and courses ranging from classical literature to cutting-edge science and technology. Students have many choices, including pharmacy, law, politics, education geology Pharmacy, veterinary medicine and other disciplines are most famous. The length of schooling is five years. The first three years are mainly basic and common subjects, and the last two years are professional subjects. Madrid Comptons University has three main campuses: Ciudad universitaria moncloa Campus, islas filipinas campus (Department of Trade and Department of Tourism), somosagua campus (Department of Economics and Department of Business Management), in Madrid before 2014 Satellite City Aranjuez has a branch campus, felipe II campus, but due to the economic and Policy issues The sub campus was transferred to Juan Carlos University in 2014.
Madrid Compton University
Taxonomic discipline
Undergraduate major in the first stage
Library Management and Bibliography
Enterprise Science
Enterprise Science (CES Felipe II)
Educaci ó n Social Social Education
Enfermer í a Nursing
Estad í stica Statistics
Fisioterapia physiotherapy
Reclaciones Laboratories
Gesti ó n y Administraci ó n P ú blica Public administration and management
Logopedia Language Correction
Nutrici ó n Humana y Diete é tica Human nutrition and diet
Optica y Optometr í a Optics and optometry
Podolog í a Podology
Terapia Ocupacial occupational disease
Trabajo Social Work
Turismo Tourism
Inform á tica de Gesti ó n Information Management
Inform á tica de Sistemas information system
Inform á tica de Sistemas (CES Felipe II) Information System (CES Felipe II)
Maestro Especialidad
Educaci ó n Especial Special Education
Educaci ó n Infantil Early Childhood Education
Educaci ó n Musical
Educaci ó n Primaria Primary Education
Lengua Extranjera Foreign Language Education
Undergraduate first and second stage linked majors
Ingenier í a en Inform á tica Information Technology
Ingenier í a Qu í mica Chemistry
Ingeniero Geol ó go Geology
Administraci ó n y Direcci ó n de Empresas Enterprise Administration and Management
Bellas Artes Art
Bellas Arts (CES Felipe II)
Biolog í a
Ciencias Pol í ticas y de la Administraci ó n Politics and Administration
Comunicaci ó n Audiovisual
Comunicaci ó n Audiovisual (CES Felipe II) Audiovisual Media (CES Felipe II)
Derecho Law
Derecho - ADE Law - ADE
Derecho Hispano France é s Spanish and French law
Econom í a Economics
Ling ü í stica Linguistics
Filolog í a Alemana German Linguistics
Filolog í a Á rabe Arabic Linguistics
Filolog í a Cl á sica Classical Linguistics
Filolog í a Eslava Slavic Linguistics
Filolog í a Francesa French Linguistics
Filolog í a Hebrea Hebrew Linguistics
Filolog í a Hisp á nica Spanish Linguistics
Filolog í a Inglesa English Linguistics
Filolog í a Italiana Italian linguistics
Filolog í a Rom á nica Roman Linguistics
Philosophy of Filosof í a
F í sica Physics
Geograph í a
Geolog í a geology
Medical Science
Medicina Medicine
Odontolog í a Dentistry
Historia History
Historia del Arte
Math á ticas
Periodismo Journalism
Psicolog í a Psychology
Psicopedagog í a Educational Psychology
Publicidad y Relaciones P ú blacas Advertising and Public Relations
Qu í mica Chemistry
Sociology í a
Traducci ó n e Interpretaci ó n Translation
Undergraduate major in the second stage
Electronic Science
Electr ó nica Electronics
Bioqu í mica Biochemistry
Anthropology í a Social y Cultural
Ciencia y Tecnolog í a de los Alimentos Environmental Science and Technology
Documentaci ó n philology
Teor í a de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada Literary Theory and Comparative Literature
Ciencias Actuariales y Financieras Audit and Finance
Ciencias y T é cnicas Estad í sticas Statistics and Statistical Techniques
Ciencias del Trabajo Labor Science
Historia y Ciencias de la M ú sica Music History and Musicology
Reference source:
Basic Disciplines of Madrid Comptons University
research subject
1. Information system repair
2. Evolutionary Biology
3. Conservation Biology
4. Physical Ethnography
5. Physics of human evolution and biodiversity
1. Basic Physics
2. Applied Physics
3. Meteorology
4. Biomedical Physics
5. Fusion Physics Science and Engineering
engineering geology
1. Geology and Geotechnical Engineering
2. Environmental geology and geological resources
3. Paleontology
Industrial processes
Chemical Science and Technology
1. Molecular nanotechnology and telecommunications biotechnology
2. Cosmic organic chemistry
Mathematical research
Mathematical research Mathematical Engineering Mathematical Engineering
Information Engineering
Information research
1. Pharmaceutical science
2. Pharmacy and medical technology
3. Health care analysis
Dental Science
Medicine and related sciences
Research in medicine and related sciences
Toxicology and health regulations
Pericia Sanitaria.
Health care
Health research
veterinary medicine
Veterinary Research
Fine Arts
1. Art, creation and research
2. Design
cultural property
Protection, preservation, restoration and exhibition of cultural property
Language and the Study of North America and English Literature
International Exchange and New Application of Foreign Languages
Cross cultural communication research
1. Literary research
2. European cross-cultural research
Spanish and its literature
1. Spanish Studies
2. Spanish as a second language
3. Spanish Literature
Study of the Ancient World
1. Paleolinguistics
2. Ancient History and Science
1. Advanced research of philosophy
2. Psychoanalysis and cultural philosophy
1. Archaeology
2. Museum research, history and artistic heritage
Contemporary history
Contemporary History News New Literature
Social communication
1. Social communication
2. Sociocultural exchange and knowledge analysis
Environmental Science
Human and economic environment, human and economy
Economic and commercial administration
1. Practical economic analysis
2. International economy and development
3. Corporate Finance
4. Knowledge economy and innovation management
1. Population, society and territory
2. Gender consistency in social sciences
3. Analysis of social and cultural exchanges
4. Research methods of social sciences: innovation and application
political science
1. Politics
2. Government and public management
3. International relations
4. Contemporary Latin American Studies (Regime, Society, Economy and Culture)
1. Work psychology, organization and human resource management
2. Psychopharmacology and drug abuse
3. Women's health
4. Methodology of behavioral science
Documentary science
Books and literature management
Social work
1. Management and evolution of social work and social services
2. Social welfare: independent participation, families and groups
Trade and tourism
Operation and management of hotel enterprises
Electronic Commerce
international trade
Reference source:


Madrid Comptons University
The school has 9000 employees, including teaching staff 6000, logistics and Administrative staff 3000. The university has a first-class faculty. Fernando Lazaro Carretel, Dean of the Royal College, and Pietro Lain Ntralgo, former Dean, Nobel Prize in Medicine Winner Vero Ochoa teaches at the University of Madrid. And the Nobel Prize winner in medicine Ramon I. Cahar The Nobel Prize in Literature The winner, Sera Americo Castro, as well as the leaders, famous professors and political figures of some Spanish universities, all graduated from the University of Madrid.
The University of Madrid has a first-class faculty. Fernando Lazaro Carretel, president of the Royal College, Pietro Lain Ntralgo, former president, and Vero Ochoa, Nobel Prize winner in medicine, all teach at the University of Madrid. And Ramon I. Cahar, the Nobel Prize winner in medicine. Sera Americo Castro, the Nobel Prize winner in literature, as well as leaders, famous professors and political figures of some Spanish universities, all graduated from the University of Madrid.

personnel training

The school has 90000 students.

Social evaluation

School reputation
The University of Madrid Comptons was founded in 1499. It is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Spain, and occupies an important position among 29 public universities in the country. After nearly five centuries of development, Madrid Comptons University has become the largest university of higher education in China.
Since the establishment of Spain, the University of Complutense has played a significant role in the development of politics. Its graduates are all over the Congress or departments. The first deputy prime minister, Maria De Fernandez de la Vega, and the former president, Jose Maria Asnar, all graduated from this university.
Complutense University also plays an important role as a host in the intellectual world, with a long tradition. Reception image Einstein (Albert Einstein) and other important academic elites. In the 1930s, democratic Spain provided European intellectuals with refuge Over the years, Complutense University has cultivated many Nobel Prize Winner. According to the annual ranking of El Mundo newspaper, departments below UCM Spanish public universities Best in: philosophy Spanish Literature History, pharmacology, optometry, journalism, psychology, sociology. UCM is also Spanish Royal Mathematical physics Member of the Research Association.
School ranking
  • Comprehensive ranking
In 2021, the world university of soft science ranked 201-300. [6]
June 10, 2020, ranked QS World University Ranking in 2021 Section 206. [3]
QS World University ranked 171st in 2024. [7]
  • Professional ranking
2016 QS World University Ranking archaeology Rank 50-100 [4]

Cooperation and exchange

Spain as European Community Member States actively participate in the European University Student Mobility Program funded by the Community - Erasmus Program (ERASMUS). In addition to supporting and participating in ERASMUS, the University of Madrid academic exchange The project is closely related, and the European Community credit transfer plan( ECTS ), new technology education and Training planning COMETT, LINGUA, YES, TEMPUS, SEDOC, SPES, CCI, etc.

Campus environment

Madrid Comptons University is located in the University City of Madrid, the capital of Spain, and is divided into two campuses. The school is located near the downtown of Madrid, the capital city (Alcala Enares).
The student activity center under the Student Affairs Department of Compton University has a dormitory office, where students can view various dormitory resources provided by the university, or browse relevant information on the website of the dormitory office. Students can also be visited if necessary Service Centre The building consulted the school staff on the spot.
Madrid Autonomous Region University information and consulting center It will also provide housing assistance to students who want to study at universities in Madrid. They have an online housing search service Search Engines You can find housing of various conditions (shared apartments, complete apartments or living in local families, etc.) throughout Madrid.

Cultural tradition

Organizing activities
Student Home Various activities will be organized for a long time. In addition, the student home will also have a wide range of plans and monthly activities to promote and enrich the social and cultural life The school also organizes many exhibitions and community activities. For example, the University of Compston Choir orchestra , Percussion Band, Comptons Band Spanish dance Group, etc.
Academic exhibition
150th Anniversary Exhibition of the Science Department, the 5th Writing and Painting Award, Leandro Alonso Exhibition, Comptons Art Fund Completed exhibitions, Pushkin and European cultural exhibitions, the 5th Writing Award, Comptons Photography Award, and art activities condemning violence against women
athletic sports
The school also has sports venues, university games, comprehensive sports facilities, sports Medical Center High level athletes Help programs, sports courses and clubs.
international exchange
From 2008 to 2009, the famous Spanish newspaper El Mundo university rankings The University of Madrid ranked first among 71 universities. QS Ranked 253 in 2012 and 212 in QS 2014, and has signed ERASMUS with 602 European universities Exchange items And has long-term cooperative relations with 340 universities in the world.

Important events

According to Spanish Oulang, citing Le Monde on May 19, 2014, there are 250 corpses for medical research in the basement of Madrid Comptons University. Human limbs are piled up like a mountain, fragmented, Disheveled And exposed to normal temperature. The bodies donated for scientific experiments are now in an unhealthy and dangerous state. [1-2]
The body lost its experimental value and was abandoned
The scene pictures show that this is a very large pile of corpses. According to statistics, there are 250 corpses, many of which have rotted, and the storage conditions are very poor. Incredibly, the body is not stored elsewhere, but at Madrid Comptons University in the Spanish capital medical college Anatomy and human embryology The second part. [1-2]
Ramon Merida, the head of the department, admitted that he had known the bodies were stacked in the basement at least five years ago. Since the trade union organization proposed to install in 1991 Crematory furnace Release during operation Harmful gas The crematory furnace was scrapped in December 2013 because it was harmful to the health of operators. Therefore, there is no way Reprocessing These corpses. [1-2]
It is reported that these corpses are stored in different rooms, the worst of which is in a place called drying room. And anatomy The department is only separated Frosted glass The door is next to the corridor and filled with furniture and dust in Egypt spider web A darkroom. This terror room stores dozens of images mummy Same corpse. [1-2]
basement Bacterial virus Suffocating
The air in the basement is mixed with the smell of corpse decay and formaldehyde The taste of. The smell attacks people entering here like poison gas, burning people's throats every time they breathe. There are bacteria and Viruses , the bad air is suffocating. Such a bad environment seriously endangers people's health. However, Ramon Merida denied that there was any danger in the basement. [1-2]
The school said it would not stop receiving remains
The spokesman of the Madrid Regional Health Office said that there is no corresponding Legal provisions Stipulate donation for scientific research The disposal of human remains depends on the institution receiving them. However, it is also the first department of anatomy and human embryology of Comptons University, which has strict treatment on donated remains Rules and regulations The body was packed in a bag, neatly placed on the shelf, and attached with a label indicating the cause of death.
The medical department of Comptons University explained this incident as follows: although there is not enough storage space, the second department of anatomy and human embryology will not stop receiving Remain donation According to Merida, the department has received body donations for more than 50 years. [1-2]

Outstanding alumni

Camilo Jose Cela : Spanish writer and poet, 1989 The Nobel Prize in Literature winner
Bjornstjerne Bjornson : Spain Civil Engineer , mathematician, politician, playwright, winner of the 1904 Nobel Prize for Literature
Jacinto Benavente Spanish playwright, winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize for Literature
Alec Sandre Merlot Spanish poet, winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize for Literature
Li brake the Philippines national hero
Severo Ochoa : Hispanic American Biochemist Winner of the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano : Spain's first civilian princess
Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega Sanz: First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Prime Minister's Office of Spain
Alfredo Perez Ruvarkava : Minister of the Interior of Spain
Jose Borrell Fonteles : Spanish politician, former European parliament Speaker.
Javier Solana : Spanish politician, once served as Council of the European Union Secretary general
Famous Alumni Before the 20th Century
Giulio Raimondo Mazzarino - 17th century French Prime Minister, Cardinal
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos - Prime Minister of Spain 1812 Constitutional theorist and essayist
Nicolás Salmerón y Alonso - The First Republic of Spain president
Emilio Castellar y Ripoll - journalist, essayist, minister of the First Republic of Spain
José Rizal - the Philippines national hero
Jos é Canalejas - Prime Minister under Alfonso, Chairman of the Liberal Party, 1912 Anarchism Assassination
á lvaro de Figueroa y Torres, Conde de Romanones - Prime Minister of Alfonso XIII for 17 consecutive terms, the last term in the former Alfonso period of the Second Republic of Spain Head of Government
Famous Alumni - the Second Republic of Spain
Manuel Aza? A - Head of State
Juan Negr í n L ó pez - Last President
Gregorio Mara? ó n y Posadillo - Minister, political reformer
Julián Besteiro Fernández -Social politician
Clara Campoamor - Feminism politician
Victoria Kent Siano - essayist, feminist politician
Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz y Mendui? a - historian
Fernando de los Ríos Urruti - Anarchism politician
Famous alumni- period of transition And contemporary management layer
Juan Carlos I of Spain - King, Democrat
Adolfo Su á rez - the first democratically elected prime minister after Frank
Am é rico Castro Quesada - Politician
José María Aznar -Former President of Spain (1996-2004)
Javier Solana - EU foreign policy General Director, Secretary General of NATO
María Teresa Fernández De la Vega - now Spain vice president (2004—)
Alan Garcia - 1985-1990 and 2006-2011 Peru Two Presidents
Famous Alumni - Journalism and Literature
Jos é Echegaray y Eizaguirre - Writer, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904
Miguel de Unamuno - Writer, New humanism philosopher
Jacinto Benavente -Playwright, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1922
D á maso Alonso y Fern á ndez de las Redondas - Writer, poet, linguist, Cervantes Prize winner
Gerardo Diego - Writer, poet, member of the Spanish Royal Society, winner of the Cervantes Prize
Francisco Ayala - Writer, candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and winner of the Cervantes Prize
Vicente Alexandre - Writer, poet, winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize for Literature
Camilo Jos é Cela - Writer, poet, winner of the 1989 Nobel Prize for Literature, and winner of the Cervantes Prize
Famous Alumni Philosophy
Tom á s de Villanueva - Roman Catholic Saint, Bishop of Valencia, theologian
Domingo de Soto - philosopher, theologian
Mar í a Isidra de Guzm á n y de la Cerda - the first female philosopher in Spain to obtain a doctorate
Raimon Panikkar - Philosopher, theologian, religious comparative philosopher
Xavier Zubiri Apalategui - Philosopher, linguist
Famous Alumni - History
Francisco Giner de los R í os - Historian
Ambrosio de Morales - Historian
Juan de Mariana - Historian, political theorist
Manuel Colmeiro Penido - Historian, economist, jurist
Jos é Amador de los R í os - Historian
Ram ó n Men é ndez Pidal - Historian
Famous Alumni - Medicine
Jos é Rizal - Filipino National Hero
Santiago Ram ó n y Cajal - Winner of the 1906 Nobel Prize in Medicine
Severo Ochoa - 1959 Nobel Prize winner in medicine
Florest á n Aguilar - Medical Pioneer
Carlos Jim é nez D í az - medical pioneer
Famous Alumni - Mathematics and Science
Blas Cabrera y Felipe - Physicist
Enrique Moles Ormella - Physicist
Juan Manuel Rodr í guez Parrondo - Physicist
Julio Rey Pastor - Mathematician
Miguel Catalán Sa? Udo - scientist
Alfredo P é rez Rubalcaba - Politician
Sixto R í os - mathematician/statistician
Cody Poder - mathematician/scientist/engineer/architect