Steve Jobs

Co founder of Apple in the United States
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synonym Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) Generally refers to Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple in the United States)
Steve Jobs, American inventor entrepreneur Apple Inc Co founder, former Apple Inc Chief Executive Officer.
Jobs was born in California San Francisco , grew up in an adoptive family, and was interested in electronics since childhood. In 1974, he suspended from university for economic reasons and worked in atari Video Game Company. On April 1, 1976, Jobs and Steve Wozniak Long Wayne co founded Apple [6] In the same year, Apple launched its first personal computer“ Apple I ”。 In 1985, he left Apple due to internal power struggle, and later founded Pixar Animation Studio [29] In 1997, Jobs returned to Apple; Launched the next year iMac , lead Apple through the financial crisis [2] On August 24, 2011, Jobs asked Apple Board of Directors Resign as CEO [3] On October 5 of the same year, due to Neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas He died at the age of 56. [1] [30]
Macintosh, iPhone and other products created by Jobs have opened graphic interfaces PC And the mobile Internet era, the latter has also changed the concept of smart phones, iPod Has changed the way people listen to music. Jobs' comments on personal computers mobile phone , tablet computers, digital publishing and other industries, as well as changes in global communications, entertainment and lifestyle have far-reaching implications. [22] [25]
2022, President of the United States Joe Biden Teach Jobs posthumously Presidential Medal of Freedom This award is the highest civilian honor in the United States. [31]
Chinese name
Steve Jobs
Foreign name
Steve Jobs [4]
Apple Godfather
Ethnic groups
The biological father is arab , biological mother is germanic people
Native place
San Francisco, California, USA
date of birth
February 24, 1955
Date of death
October 5, 2011
University one is graduated from
reed college
Key achievements
Founding Apple
establish Pixar Animation
Jefferson Public Service Award
Key achievements
He was awarded the Edison Award for Invention [23]
Presidential Medal of Freedom [31]
Inventor, entrepreneur
Representative works
Macintosh Computer Mac iPod iTunes iPhone iPad
188 cm
Biological father
Abdulfattah John Chandri
Birth mother
Adoptive father
Paul Jobs
Foster mother
Clara Jobs
Blood group
Type O

Character's Life


Early experience

Steve Jobs
On February 24, 1955, Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, USA. His parents abandoned him when he was just born. Fortunately, Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs, a kind couple, adopted him. [5]
Jobs lives in silicon valley Nearby, all the neighbors HP Employees of the company. Under the influence of these people, Jobs was infatuated with electronics from childhood. An HP engineer saw that he was so obsessed, so he recommended him to join HP's "Discoverer Club", a party specially held for young engineers, which is held every Tuesday night in the company's restaurant. In a party, Jobs saw computers for the first time, and he began to have a hazy understanding of computers.
When he was in junior high school, Jobs and Steve Gary Wozniak When they met, they became friends at first sight. Steve Wozniak is the president of the school's electronic club and has a great interest in electronics.
At the age of 19, Jobs only studied for one semester and then suspended due to economic factors atari An employee of a video game company. I borrowed the garage of the Woz family and often went to the community university to attend calligraphy classes and other courses. In August 1974, in the hottest season of the South Asian subcontinent, he came to India for a pilgrimage.
Meditating Jobs
While working, Jobs often thought about computers in his small garage with Steve Wozniak. They dreamed of owning a computer of their own, but all the computers on the market at that time were commercial, huge and extremely expensive, so they prepared to develop their own. In 1976, he bought 6502 chips at the Wisconsin Computer Products Fair in San Francisco. With 6502 chips, two young people installed the first computer in Jobs' garage.
To raise funds for mass production, Jobs sold his Volkswagen car, and Watts also sold his HP 65 calculator. In this way, they have 1300 dollars.
On April 1, 1976, Jobs, Watts and his friend Long Wayne signed a contract to establish a computer company. Later, Jobs, 21, and Steve Wozniak, 26, founded Apple in their garage. The company was named Apple by Jobs. Their home-made computers are considered as "Apple I" computers. [6]

Early development

Steve Jobs
In the early days of Apple, the business of Macintosh was light. In July 1976, an accidental opportunity brought about a turnaround for Apple. The retailer Paul Jay Terrell came to Jobs' garage, and after seeing Jobs demonstrate his computer, he decided to order 50 complete machines, which was the first business.
Then Apple started small batch production. In October 1976, Marcula came to visit Woz and their garage workshop. Marcula is an electrical engineer who is good at sales promotion. He took the initiative to help them develop a business plan and loaned them $690000. With this fund, Apple's development has been greatly accelerated.
In April 1977, Jobs displayed the Apple II prototype at the first computer exhibition in the United States.
On December 12, 1980, Apple's shares were publicly listed. In less than an hour, 4.6 million shares were snapped up and closed at $29 per share. At this closing price, Apple executives have produced four billionaires and more than 40 millionaires. Jobs ranked first as the company's founder. [7]
In 1983, Lisa The database and Apple Iie were released at a price of $9998 and $1395 respectively. However, Lisa's expensive price does not have much market, and Lisa has embezzled a large amount of research and development funds from Apple.
Because Jobs' business philosophy was different from that of most managers at that time, and IBM launched personal computers to seize a large market, the general manager and directors blamed this failure on Chairman Jobs, and in April 1985, the board of directors decided to revoke his business power. Jobs left Apple on September 17, 1985 after several unsuccessful attempts to regain power.

Independence period

After resigning from Apple, Jobs spent $10 million in 1986 George Lucas Acquired Lucasfilm's computer animation studio in Emeryville, California, and established an independent company Pixar Animation Studio Later, the company became a well-known 3D computer animation company, and launched the world's first full 3D three-dimensional animation film in 1995《 Toy Story Mania 》。 The company was acquired by Disney in 2006, so Jobs became the largest individual of Disney shareholder [4]

Back to Apple

In 1996, Apple fell into a dilemma, and its market share fell from 16% to 4%. In contrast, Jobs' company gained a great reputation due to Toy Story, and his personal value reached $1 billion. But Jobs came back from Apple's crisis. After his return, Jobs made drastic reforms, stopped unreasonable R&D and production, ended years of patent dispute between Microsoft and Apple, and began to develop new products iMac and OS X Operating system.

Reform period

In 1998, Apple launched iMac [2] The innovative transparent design of shell color has made the product sell well and helped Apple get through the financial crisis. Then Apple launched Mac OS X Operating system.
2000 Science and Technology Unit Bubble, Jobs proposed to personal computer Designed as an advanced concept of "digital hub", and has developed iTunes At the same time, they also started to open stores in prime locations and achieved great success. subsequently Apple TV and iTunes Store A series of products have been praised and recognized by the market.
On June 29, 2007, Apple launched the iPhone with its own design iOS System, and then release a new generation iPhone 3G And iPhone 3GS.
On June 8, 2010, the fourth generation product was released iPhone 4 , each listing has led to a great craze and sales boom in the world.
In addition to the iPhone series, the iPad tablet computer using iOS system was released, which was not popular at first, and finally achieved great success.

Announce resignation

On August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs submitted his resignation application to the Apple Board of Directors. He also suggested in his resignation letter that Tim Cook, the chief operating officer, should take his place. In his resignation letter, Jobs said that he could not continue to serve as CEO, but he was willing to serve as the chairman, director or ordinary staff of the company. Apple shares suspended after hours trading. Jobs did not specify the reason for his resignation in his letter, but he has been working with Neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas Fight.
The last picture of Jobs
On August 25, 2011, Apple announced Jobs' resignation, which took effect immediately Tim Cook Succession. At the same time, Apple announced the appointment of Steve Jobs as its chairman, and Tim Cook as its chairman CEO [8]

depart from the world for ever

Official death declaration [9]
On October 6, 2011 (Beijing time), Apple's board of directors announced that former CEO Steve Jobs died on October 5 local time at the age of 56. The funeral was held on October 7. [10]

Personal life

Since 1972, he has believed in Buddhism [24]

family life

Jobs immigrated to the United States from Syria Abdulfattah John Chandri (Abdulfattah John Jandali) and his ex-wife Joanne Simpson were the eldest son. When they were studying in college, Simpson was unmarried and pregnant, but the woman's father opposed the marriage. So, in 1955, Simpson, Jobs' biological mother, went to San Francisco to send Jobs to his adoptive parents Paul Jobs and Clara for adoption. The adoptive parents were blue collar workers in California. The couple treated Jobs well, so that Jobs could receive a good education.
Two years after Jobs was born, his biological parents had another daughter, Jobs's sister, named Mona Simpson (Mona Simpson), who became a writer after growing up, took Steve as the prototype of his hero in the book A Regular Guy published in 1998.

Emotional marriage

On May 17, 1978, his girlfriend Chris Ann Brennan gave birth to his daughter Lisa Brennan Jobs.
In 2000, Lisa graduated from Harvard University , is a magazine columnist. At first, Jobs did not admit that Lisa was his own daughter, but later admitted his father daughter relationship with Lisa.
Jobs and his wife Laurene Powell Jobs Meet at Stanford University On March 18, 1991, Jobs and Lorena held a traditional Buddhist wedding ceremony in Yosemite National Park Vegetarian Since then, Jobs and Lauren had two daughters and a son. Reed Paul, Erin Sienna and Eve.

Character evaluation

Steve Jobs is one of the greatest innovation leaders in the United States, and his outstanding talent has also made him a person who can change the world. President Obama of the United States)
Few people have the same impact on the world as Jobs, and this impact will be long-term. (Comment by Bill Gates) [9]
He knows how to create amazing great products. Paul Allen)
He may not be a great man who invented technology, but he must be a great man who understands human nature. (commented by Zhang Yiwu)
Jobs is considered to be a symbolic figure in the computer industry and entertainment industry. At the same time, people also regard him as the founder of well-known digital products such as Macintosh computers, iPods, iTunes, iPads, iPhones, and so on. These popular electronic products have profoundly changed the way of modern communication, entertainment, and even life. (Sohu online review) [15]
Jobs is a genius who changes the world. With his keen sense of touch and extraordinary wisdom, he has the courage to change and innovate, leading the trend of global information technology and electronic products, making computers and electronic products increasingly simple and popular, and making once expensive and rare electronic products a part of modern life. (Economic Reference Online Review) [16]

Main works

About Steve Jobs, an entrepreneurial genius
The legendary experience of Jobs' life.
Reference source: [11-12]

Award record

Honorary awards
Award time Award Name Award results
two thousand and twelve 20 most influential people in the United States nomination
two thousand and nine One of Time magazine's most influential people of the year, the best CEO in the United States nomination
two thousand and seven The Greatest Businessman of the Year nomination
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven The most successful manager nomination
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine Ten year entrepreneur nomination
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven Jefferson Public Service Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five Reagan National Medal of Technology awarded by the President Award
Social category
Award time Award Name Award results
two thousand and twenty-two Presidential Medal of Freedom [26] Award
2022-7 The most influential leaders in the contemporary scientific and technological circles [28] Award
Award time Award Name Award results
2022-7 Presidential Medal of Freedom [27] Award

Business philosophy


Innovation determines whether you are a leader or a follower

Jobs' Apple Zen
Jobs believed that innovation is limitless, and imagination is limited. He believes that if it is a growth industry, innovation is to make products more efficient, easier to use, and easier to work. If it is a shrinking industry, innovation is to quickly withdraw from the original model and quickly change itself before products and services become outdated and difficult to use.

Work with the best people

Jobs believed that the top ten employees of a startup company determined the level of the company, because everyone should be able to afford one tenth of the company's work. He also used the Beatles as a metaphor for the strength of the team: no major work can be done by a single person, or by two, three or four people. In order to get things done well, work cannot be done by only one person. We must find people with extraordinary ability to cooperate. Finally, the forces generated by individual interaction will be summarized, so that the overall force will be far greater than the sum of individual forces.

Focus on quality

Jobs is a perfectionist He believes that there is no shortcut to perfect quality. We must position excellent quality as our own commitment and stick to it unswervingly. When you are more demanding of yourself and pay attention to all the details, the product will be different from others. [13]

Put aesthetic factors into products

Jobs knew the importance of aesthetics. In 1998, Jobs realized that Apple products looked outdated. Jobs held a meeting of Apple and raised the question that the problem of Apple products was that there was no aesthetic factor.

Understand consumer needs without understanding consumer feedback

Jobs did not use the scheme of focusing on the focus group. On the contrary, he told the consumers to tell them their needs. In this regard, Carl Howe, head of the consumer research department of the market research organization Yankee Group, said that Apple has done a good job in understanding user needs.

Connect related things

Apple released its own innovative products, but also integrated its own ideas. The iPod is perfectly integrated with iTunes, and the iPad and iPhone are also well integrated with the App Store. Jobs said: Creativity is to connect all relevant things. [14]

Don't recruit stereotypical employees

Ivy League 's graduates are not the only ones who can run the company. Jobs once claimed that part of the reason why Macintosh can become a great product is that the staff involved in this product are musicians, poets, artists, and even Zoologist And historians, coincidentally, they are the best computer scientists in the world.

Encourage others to think differently

Apple's "alternative thinking" advertising campaign began in the late 1990s and has always been one of the most effective activities. And this activity has also stimulated innovation and creation, which is where Apple is all about.

Don't pursue complexity

Simplicity is happiness. Apple designers Jonathan Yves (Jonathan Ives) This strategy confirms that Apple is definitely trying to develop simple application solutions because people like simplicity.

Sell dreams instead of products

Jobs gave people the impression of Apple that it is not the products it produces that move consumers, but the specific meaning of these products.


Jobs Quote
In 2005, Steve Jobs Stanford University "Stay hungry, stay foolish" was mentioned in his speech. In his speech, Jobs linked his life experience with three short stories and conveyed his values. He hoped that graduates could never be satisfied with their dreams, even if their dreams were sometimes ridiculous to others. [25]

People Memorial

Jobs' Former Residence is located in the United States California 2066 Crist Drive, Los Altos, near San Francisco.
In October 2011, Jobs died, and the house belonged to his sister Patricia Jobs.
On October 30, 2013, the city's historic sites committee unanimously proposed to classify its former residence as a historic building. Members of the committee said, "It is here that Apple was born, and 50-100 of the first batch of Apple computers were assembled. All these stories belong to the cultural heritage of California or the United States, and represent important historical contributions.". [17]
CEO of Apple on October 4, 2014 Tim Cook Send an email to all employees to commemorate the third anniversary of Jobs' death. Cook said in his letter that the company will continue the legend of this technology industry leader. [18-19]
On November 3, 2014, after Cook, CEO of Apple, announced his "coming out", Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was in Russia St. Petersburg A monument to has been demolished. Located in the technology park of a university in St. Petersburg, this two meter high monument with the shape of iPhone 4 was set up by a Russian enterprise association called ZEFS (Western European Financial Union) in January 2013. The association said Monday that the monument had been removed on Friday in order to comply with Russia's law against "gay propaganda". [20]
In October 2021, in order to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Jobs' death, Apple launched a short film "Our Dear Steve" on its official website, with a letter from Steve's family. The short film recorded Jobs' contributions to PC, mobile phone, tablet computer, digital publishing and other industries during his lifetime. Although Jobs has passed away, his spirit is still inspiring people who are eager to change the world.

A letter from Steve's family

Over the past ten years, we have tried to be strong with sad thoughts,
What comforts the deep pain is the growing feelings of his heart.
Each of us has sought our own consolation,
But my love for Steve and everything he taught us,
But like a signpost to a better place, we finally came together.
Steve is brilliant. His words, deeds and examples have made us feel the same.
He taught us to open our hearts and embrace the beauty of the world,
Be curious about new ideas and see the scenery behind the corner.
The most important thing is to always be humble and seek knowledge with a beginner's mind.
Today, we still learn to look at many things with his eyes,
But he also taught us to have our own vision.
He has given us the talent for life, which has benefited us a lot.
One of our greatest consolations,
It is all the beauty in front of us that reminds us of Steve.
As large as a lush hillside, as small as a well made artifact,
Can't help but remind us of his spirit.
Even in the years of suffering from illness,
He also always believed in the beauty in life.
We miss him very much. No amount of recollection is enough to express the yearning at the bottom of my heart.
Having such a husband and such a father is the blessing of our life. [22]

Auction Letter

cover letter
On March 17, 2018, a cover letter of Apple's late founder Jobs was auctioned at a price of $175000. [21]