Search engine optimization

Search optimization
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synonym SEO (seo) Generally refers to search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization): translated into Chinese as search engine optimization. It is a way: using Search Engines Rules to improve the website's Natural ranking The purpose is to make it occupy a leading position in the industry and gain brand profit. To a large extent, it is a business behavior of website operators to move their own or their own companies forward in ranking.
Chinese name
Search engine optimization
Foreign name
Search Engine Optimization
Date of birth
Increase effective access
ranking Keyword optimization

Basic Introduction

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is a technology to understand how various search engines search, how to grab Internet pages, and how to determine the ranking of search results for specific keywords by analyzing the ranking rules of search engines. The search engine uses the means that are easy to be quoted by the search engine to optimize the website in a targeted way, improve the natural ranking of the website in the search engine, attract more users to visit the website, increase the number of visits to the website, improve the sales ability and publicity ability of the website, so as to improve the brand effect of the website. [1]
The main task of website search engine optimization is to understand how other search engines grasp the web page, how to index, how to determine search keywords and other related technologies, so as to optimize the content of this web page, ensure that it can conform to the user's browsing habits, and make it work without affecting the experience of netizens Search engine ranking Can be promoted, so that the Website Visits It is a modern technology that can be promoted and ultimately improve the website's propaganda ability or sales ability. Based on search engine optimization processing, in fact, in order to make it easier for search engines to accept this website, search engines often compare the content of different websites, and then provide the content to network users through the browser at the most complete, direct and fastest speed. [2]

Method classification

The main technical means of search engine optimization are Black hat (black hat)、 white cap (white hat). The means of cheating search engines and visitors by cheating and eventually being punished by search engines are called black hats, such as hiding keywords, creating a large number of meta words Alt tag Etc. The SEO technology that is accepted by search engines through formal technologies and methods is called white hat.
1. white cap method
The white hat method of search engine optimization follows the acceptance principle of search engines. Their advice is generally to create content for users, make these content easy to be indexed by search engine robots, and do not play tricks on the search engine system. When the staff of some websites make mistakes in designing or building their websites, so that the website ranks lower, the white hat method can find and correct errors, such as the menu that cannot be read by the machine, invalid links, temporary change of direction, inefficient index structure, etc.
2. Black hat method
The black hat method promotes irrelevant, mainly business oriented web pages by cheating technology and abusing search algorithms. The main purpose of black hat SEO is to let websites get the rankings they want and get more exposure, which may lead to search results dissatisfied with ordinary users. Therefore, once a search engine finds a website using "black hat" technology, it will either lower its ranking or permanently eliminate the website from the search results. Businessmen who choose black hat SEO services, partly because they do not understand technology, are cheated by the service provider without understanding the value of SEO; The other part only pays attention to short-term interests, and has the mentality of leaving after making a profit. [3]

Optimization strategy

1. The theme should be clear and the content should be rich
Before designing and producing a website, clearly set the theme, purpose and content of the network. The website features are positioned according to different purposes, which can be either a sales platform or a publicity website. The website theme must be clear and prominent, and the content must be rich and full to meet User experience Is the principle. For a website, optimizing the theme and actual content of the website is the most important. A website needs to have a distinct theme, rich content related to the theme, focus on changes in certain areas, and update in time.
2. Popularize outgoing links
One of the criteria for search engines to judge a website is External Links How many and the quality of the website linked. Create popular and meaningful outgoing links to improve Link Breadth , which can not only improve the ranking in search engines, but also play a role in mutual promotion. Research shows that when a website links PR When the value reaches 4-6, the Visits Quite good; When linked PR value If it reaches 7 or more, the quality and popularity of the website will be excellent. If a page is linked more by other pages, then the page is more likely to have the latest and most valuable high-quality pages. Increase and Industry website , Region Business platform Links with partner websites, quoted by websites with high PR, can improve the PR of the site more quickly. At the same time, developers can publish information related to website topics and business on websites with large visits and high PR values. Users can see this information on other websites and visit the website, that is, through external links to increase the visit of the website.
3. Keyword setting should be highlighted
The keywords of a website are very important. They determine whether a website can be searched by users. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the selection of keywords. The selection of keywords must be prominent and follow certain principles. For example, keywords should be related to the theme of the website, instead of blindly pursuing popular words; Avoid using generality Vocabulary; Select specific words as far as possible according to the types and characteristics of products; Select the words that people often use when using search engines and related to the products and services that the website needs to promote. The number of 5 to 10 keywords is moderate, and the density can be 2% to 8%. Pay attention to paragraph headings (Heading) The most important and prominent position of these two pages should reflect the keywords, and the content and image of the page should also be Alt attribute META label Such web page descriptions can be set with prominent keywords in different degrees.
4. Site Architecture The level should be clear
Site Structure Try to avoid using Frame structure Navigation bar Try not to use the FLASH button. First, pay attention to Home page Because the home page of a website is much more likely to be detected by a search engine than other pages. Usually, the homepage file of the website should be placed in the root directory Under the root directory Retrieval speed Fastest. Secondly, pay attention to the level of the website (i.e Subdirectory )Not too much, Primary directory No more than two levels, and no more than four levels of detailed directory. Finally, try to use plain text for navigation of the website, because text has more information than pictures.
5. The page capacity should be rationalized
Web pages are divided into Static Web Page And Dynamic webpage Two kinds, dynamic web pages are pages with interactive functions, that is, data returned through database search, so the search engine takes a long time to search, and once the content in the database is updated, the data captured by the search engine is no longer accurate, so the search engine rarely includes dynamic web pages, and the ranking results are not good. However, static web pages do not have interactive functions, that is, simple information introduction. The search engine takes a short time to search and is accurate, so they are willing to include, and the ranking results are relatively good. So the website should try to use static pages and reduce the use of dynamic pages. The smaller the page size, the faster the display speed Search engine spider The friendlier the program is, the more concise the HTML code should be when making web pages. Usually, the web page size should not exceed 15KB. In the web page Java . script and CSS Try to separate it from the web page. It should be encouraged to follow the W3C specifications, and more standardized XHTML And XML as the display format.
6. Website navigation Be clear
The search engine uses proprietary Spider program Find out the HTML code on each page. When there is a link on the page, search one by one until there is no link to any page. The spider program needs to visit all the pages, which takes a long time, so the navigation of the website needs to be easy for the spider program to index. It can be made according to its own website structure Site Map sitemap . html, list the links of all sub columns of the website in the webpage map, and place all files in the website in the root directory of the website. The website map can increase the friendliness of search engines and allow spider programs to quickly access all pages and columns on the entire site.
7. Website publishing should be updated
In order to better realize the dialogue with the search engine, the optimized Enterprise website Actively submit to each search engine for free inclusion, and strive for better Natural ranking If a website can be regularly updated, it is easier for search engines to include it. Therefore, reasonable website updating is also an important method of search engine optimization. [1]


1. Price advantage
In the long run, compared with keyword promotion, what SEO needs to do is to maintain the website and ensure that the website has keyword advantages. It does not need to pay for every click of users, so it is much cheaper than competitive ranking. In addition, search engine optimization can ignore the independence between search engines. Even if only one search engine is optimized, the ranking of websites in other search engines will also be improved accordingly, achieving the effect that enterprises can only achieve by repeatedly paying for keyword promotion.
2. Simple management
If the enterprise hands over the task of website search engine optimization to professional service providers, then the enterprise basically does not need to invest manpower in website management, just need to observe whether the ranking of the enterprise in the search engine is stable from time to time. Moreover, this natural ranking effect achieved by modifying itself allows enterprises not to worry about malicious clicks.
3. Strong stability
Enterprise website Search Engines After optimization, as long as the website is properly maintained, the stability of ranking in search engines is also very strong and will not change for a long time. [3]

Development issues

Search engine optimization is developing rapidly abroad, and there are also many optimization enthusiasts in China. They carry out their own optimization work and study through various ways, and make continuous progress. Domestic website construction operators pay more and more attention to search engine optimization. This market is very large. I believe that more and more people will join this field.
With the rapid development of the Internet, search engine optimization technology has risen rapidly. However, many webmasters are confused about the way of search engine optimization. There are many blind spots in the development of search engine optimization technology in China, as follows:
1、 Random charges for keyword ranking
The search engine optimization industry has just started to develop, and there is no unified standard for bidding keywords, so there will be arbitrary charges. Resulting in Malicious competition , making the charging standards of the whole industry in a mess.
2、 Unstable SEO effect
Webmasters who have done search engine optimization rankings know that it is normal for rankings to fluctuate. For example, if you optimize a website for a customer, you will go to the second page the next day when you let the customer check and accept the website. This happens a lot. Search engines are constantly changing their ranking algorithms. This also increases the difficulty of search engine optimization.
3、 Limitations of home page ranking
The location of the home page of a search engine is very limited Natural ranking Just 10 positions. We are competing for these 10 positions. Specifically, there are no 10 positions.
4、 Risk of punishment
Any careless website optimization will be punished by search engines. If the website is optimized improperly, as long as it is punished, the customer will not give money, and it is a good thing not to pursue compensation. Therefore, the search engine optimization technology needs to be strengthened to avoid unnecessary consequences caused by improper means.
In view of various difficulties, the execution of search engine optimization may be in a confused state for a period of time in the future. Therefore, in the face of various difficulties, whether the search engine optimization staff can successfully pass the difficult period determines Chinese search engine Whether the optimization can achieve better development in the future.


1. With the development of the network, the number of websites has reached hundreds of millions, and the amount of information on the Internet has exploded, increasing the difficulty for people to find target information. The emergence of search engines has brought great convenience for people to find information, and has become an indispensable online tool.
2. According to people's usage habits and psychology, the higher the ranking of websites in search engines, the greater the probability of being clicked. On the contrary, the lower the ranking, the less search traffic. According to statistics, more than 90% of the global top 500 companies have introduced SEO technology into their websites.
3. Due to the lack of professional marketing knowledge and ideas, ordinary network companies only build websites for you from the technical perspective. Artists only design your websites beautifully, and programmers only implement the functional modules you require. The websites they do are defective and do not meet the requirements of search engines, so they must be comprehensively targeted optimized. [4]