zero Useful+1

Right Where I'm Supposed to Be

Songs sung by Ryan Ted, Avril Lavigne, Louis Fengxi and others
Right Where I'm Supplied to Be Ryan Tedder Avril Lavini Luis Fonsi The songs sung by Hussain Al Jassmi, Assala and Tamer Hosny are released in single form. It's 2019 Abu Dhabi Special Olympics theme [1]
Chinese name
Where I belong
Foreign name
Right Where I'm Supposed to Be
Song duration
4 minutes and 15 seconds
Original Song
Ryan Tedder Avril Lavini Luis Fonsi Hussain Al Jassmi Assala Tamer Hosny
Issue Date
March 31, 2019
Song language
Song lyrics
Original lyrics
Chinese lyrics
tell me that it’s impossible
tell me I need a miracle
tell me I’ll never go that far
tell me I never stood a chance
tell me I need a helping hand
tell me and I’ll just go twice as hard
no one can tell me now
this ain't where I belong
I fell a thousand times and I remember every one
dare you to knock me down, dare you to come for me
I’ve gone a million miles to find a place for me
and I’m right where I’m supposed to be
and I’m right where I’m supposed to be
and I’m right where I’m supposed to be
when I think of all the countless nights
all my prayers they glow like northern lights
and I’ll fight for every single one
I’m not gonna beg you for tomorrow
Some are born to lead and never follow
عندي أمل في دنيتي
أوصل حدود المستحيل
إرادتي هي قوتي
لو مال وقتي ما أميل
أحلامي ارسمها بعزم
وبعيني اشوف الغمم
رافع بيدي العلم
نحن اصحاب الهمم
انت تقدر ما دام قبلك قدر
انت تعرف ما دام قبلك عرف
يعني ما فش ظروف تمنعني
صدق نفسك صدق حلمك
اوعا تخاف
صدق نفسك صدق حلمك
اوعا تخاف
والمشوار طويل لو مئة الف ميل
انا قد التحدي (قد التحدي)
والمشوار طويل لو مئة الف ميل
انا قد التحدي (قد التحدي)
Se lo que puedo dar, Se que puedo llegar
Aunque voy a caer, yo siempre me levantare
Nadie me lo enseño, yo solo lo descubri
Tuve que tropezar hasta que lo entendi
Yo naci para estar aqui...
Right Where I’m Supposed To Be
Right Where I’m Supposed To Be
Right Where I’m Supposed To Be
Right Where I’m Supposed To Be [1]
Tell me maybe it's impossible
Tell me maybe I need miracles
Tell me maybe I'll never be far from you
Tell me maybe I'll never have a chance
Tell me maybe I need your help
Tell me maybe I will redouble my efforts
But no one will tell me
This is not my heart
The scars of countless falls make me unforgettable
You can never knock me down. You can never be aggressive
I have walked thousands of miles to find my heart
This is where my heart belongs
This is where my soul resides
This is where my spirit ends
Recalling countless nights
My prayer shines like the northern lights
I will fight for everyone
Tomorrow I will not beg
A born leader will never drift with the tide
I want my world
Connect impossible boundaries
My will is my strength
If I don't have time
My dream is to draw firmly
Look, I see it.
Raise my hand
We are carefree people.
You think as long as you accept the fate.
You know, as long as you know.
I mean, nothing can stop me.
Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams
don't be afraid.
Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams
don't be afraid.
A hundred miles long road
I can challenge, I can challenge
A hundred miles long road
I can challenge, I can challenge
I know what I will give. I know I will reach the other side
Maybe I will fall down because of failure, but the will will make me stand up
Maybe I will fall into the mire of confusion, but the truth will be found eventually
Maybe I have to go through setbacks before I understand the truth
But I still belong here
This is where my heart belongs
The place where the soul sleeps
Spiritual destination
Where dreams come true [1] .