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The Disk Operating System of Microsoft Corporation
synonym MS-DOS operating system (MS-DOS operating system) generally refers to MS-DOS
MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) Microsoft Provided by the company Disk Operating System Before Microsoft introduced Windows 1.0, Windows 3.0, and Windows 95, the operating system launched on August 24, 1995, disk The operating system is IBM PC and Compatible computer While MS-DOS is the most commonly used PC Disk Operating System one of.
The most basic MS-DOS system consists of a Master Boot Record ( Hard disk Only then Master Boot Record , no floppy disk Master Boot Record )The boot sector is located in the sector of track 0, which is composed of a BOOT boot program and three file modules that are slightly different from the MBR of the hard disk. These three modules are I/O modules( IO.SYS )、 file management Module( MSDOS.SYS )And command Explain the module. (However, in MS-DOS 7.0, MSDOS.SYS is changed to the startup configuration file, and IO MSDOS has been added to SYS SYS function), Microsoft Several standard external programs (i.e External commands ), which is the same as Internal commands Together to build a disk Relatively complete human-computer interaction environment in the operation era. Various about MS-DOS command , see MS-DOS command list.
The MS-DOS user can edit two switches in the Disk root directory To achieve the control system configuration They are CONFIG SYS and AUTOEXEC BAT, IO.SYS will check CONFIG SYS to load the specified hardware Driver , AUTOEXEC will be executed automatically Batch instructions contained in BAT.
General use of MS-DOS command line Interface to accept user However, in the later MS-DOS version, the DOS program can also enter the graphics mode by calling the corresponding DOS interrupt, that is, the graphical interface program under DOS.
Previous versions of MS-DOS do not support FAT32 Long file name And large Hard disk Since MS-DOS 7.0, especially MS-DOS 7.10, these have been fully supported.
Chinese name
Microsoft Disk Operating System
Foreign name
Microsoft Disk Operating system
development company


  1. one origin
  2. two History
  3. three form
  4. IO.SYS module
  7. Bootstrap
  8. four File directory
  9. Document concept
  10. Document identification
  11. wildcard
  12. Tree directory
  13. five Command Complete Set
  14. (1) MD -- Create Subdirectory
  15. (2) CD -- Change the current directory
  1. (3) RD -- Delete Subdirectory Command
  2. (4) DIR -- Display Disk Directory Command
  3. (5) PATH -- Path setting command
  4. (1) TREE -- Display disk directory structure command
  5. (2) DELTREE -- Delete the entire directory command
  6. (3) FORMAT -- Disk format command
  7. (4) UNFORMAT Resume Format Command
  8. (5) Check Disk Current Status Command
  9. (6) DISKCOPY -- Whole disk copy command
  10. (7) LABEL -- Create Disk Volume Label Command
  11. (8) VOL -- Display disk volume label command
  1. (9) Test and repair disk command
  2. (10) DEFRAG -- defragment disk command
  3. (11) SYS - System copy command
  4. (1) COPY File Copy Command
  5. (2) XCOPY -- directory copy command
  6. (3) TYPE -- Display file content command
  7. (4) REN -- File renaming command
  8. (5) FC -- File comparison command
  9. (6) ATTRIB -- command to modify file attributes
  10. (7) DEL -- Delete File Command
  11. (8) UNDELETE -- restore delete command
  1. (1) CLS -- Clear screen command
  2. (2) VER command to view the system version number
  3. (3) DATA date setting command
  4. (4) TIME system clock setting command
  5. (5) MEM View Current Memory Status Command
  6. (6) MSD Display System Information Command
  7. (7) HELP command
  8. (1) Arp: Address Translation Table of "Address Resolution Protocol"
  9. six Zha Muma


In 1980, Seattle Tim Paterson, a 24-year-old programmer from Seattle Computer Products, spent four months writing 86-DOS Operating system. In July 1981, Microsoft Buy all the copyright of this product from Seattle Company at the price of 50000 dollars, and rename it MS-DOS.
At the end of 1979, Seattle Computer developed the first operating system based on 8086 chip CP/M -86, launched QDOS after improvement, and launched 86-DOS Version 0.3, Bill Gates He bought the right to sell 86-DOS at a very low price. 1981 In April, Seattle Computer officially released 86-DOS v1.0, Microsoft In July of that year, the copyright of 86-DOS and all other rights were bought out, and it was renamed MS-DOS and released to the market. This is Microsoft The first successful operating system product on which to thrive.
The most basic MS-DOS system consists of a BOOT boot program based on MBR and three file modules. The three modules are input/output module (IO. SYS) file management Module (MSDOS. SYS) and command Explain the module. besides, Microsoft In addition, several standard external programs (i.e. external commands) have been added to the retail MS-DOS system package inside Commands (i.e. commands executed by interpretation) together build a relatively complete human-computer interaction environment in the era of disk operation.
Initially, Windows 1. x/Windows 2. x/Windows 3. x and Windows 9x/Me series are based on MS-DOS graphical user interface Procedure. Only Windows NT series does not need DOS, but Windows NT was not popular before 2000. Until the birth of Windows 2000 (NT 5.0), Windows XP (NT5.1), Windows Vista (NT6), and Windows 7 (NT6.1), Windows can really abandon MS-DOS.


MS-DOS Command Line Interface
1981 , MS-DOS 1.0 is available, Microsoft Cooperate with IBM to install DOS on the PCs sold by IBM for bundle sale, supporting 16k memory and 160k 5-inch floppy disks. When hardware is expensive, Software In an era that was not noticed by people, Bill Gates acted as Microsoft The key figure of the company seized this excellent opportunity with great foresight.
1982, double-sided support disk
1983 MS-DOS 2.0 was released with IBM XT, expanding command And began to support 5M Hard disk The 2.25 released in the same year made some bug fixes to version 2.0.
In 1984, MS-DOS 3.0 added support for the new IBM AT and began to support some LAN functions.
In 1986, MS-DOS 3.2 supported 720K 5-inch floppy disks.
In 1987, MS-DOS 3.3 supported IBM PS/2 devices and 1.44M 3-inch floppy disks, and supported character set
In 1988, MS-DOS 4.0 added DOS shell operating environment, and there were some other enhancements and updates.
In 1991, MS-DOS 5.0 was released, which added DOS shell functions and enhanced memory management And macro functions.
In 1993, MS-DOS 6. x added many GUI programs, such as Scandisk, Defrag, Msbackup, etc., added disk compression, and enhanced support for Windows.
MS-DOS 7.1 Startup Interface
In 1995, MS-DOS 7.0 added Long file name Support, large LBA Hard disk support. This version of DOS is not sold independently, but is embedded in Windows 95. Later MS-DOS 7.1 fully supports FAT32 partitions, large Hard disk , large memory support, and support for four digit years Millennium bug Question.
In August 1996, MS-DOS 7.1. (The independent version of MSDOS7.1, that is, the ISO and IMG image version, was not actually developed by Microsoft, but was jointly developed by some CN-DOS netizens. The extension function was added and included the Tianhui Chinese character processing system.)
In 2000, MS-DOS 8.0, the last version of MS-DOS. because Microsoft Seeing the dawn of Windows, he gave up DOS.


MS-DOS adopts module structure, which consists of five parts: BIOS module in ROM, IO.SYS module, MSDOS.SYS module, COMMAND.COM module and boot program.
Basic input/output module
On PC a main board There is a read-only memory (foreign language abbreviation: ROM) chip on the Test procedure , complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) setup program and basic input/output program (foreign language abbreviation: BIOS). BIOS is a set of programs and parameter lists, in which the program part can be Interrupt mode A group of calls Driver The parameter gives the address and parameters of the peripheral. BIOS is the interface between the computer hardware and the operating system, through which the operating system is managed computer hardware resources.

IO.SYS module

IO.SYS is the interface program between MS-DOS and ROMBIOS. It completes the management of system devices together with ROM BIOS.


MSDOS.SYS is used to implement file management , including file management, directory management memory management And other functions. It is implemented in the form of function call user Program level interface with MS-DOS.


COMMAND.COM is mainly responsible for receiving, identifying, interpreting and executing user MS-DOS entered from keyboard command


Bootstrap is also called“ Boot Record ”, which is used to check whether there are two System files If there is a system file, the DOS system will be transferred from disk Load memory. a sheet System disk It should contain: Boot Record , IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and COMMAND COM and other modules.

File directory


Document concept

A file is a collection of related information recorded on a storage medium (such as a disk or optical disc).

Document identification

Drive letter+path+file name (1 to 8 characters)+ Extension (1 to 3 characters represent the type of file).


*Represents one or more legal characters from this position;? Any legal character representing the location.

Tree directory

DOS adopts Tree directory Structure. By a root directory And several layers Subdirectory form. This directory structure can solve the problem of file name duplication, that is, different directories can contain the same file name or directory name; Second, it can solve the problem of many files root directory Problems caused by limited capacity. Looking for a Subdirectory Next file, use Directory Path
There are two ways to specify a path: Absolute path and Relative path Absolute path Is from root directory Start the path to the directory where the file is located. For example, to find UCDOS Subdirectory The README.TXT file under the secondary subdirectory DATA under the, Absolute path Is: UCDOS DATA. The first "" symbol in the path represents root directory Relative path Is from current directory Start the path to the directory where the file is located. current directory Refers to DOS without specifying the path command The directory being processed. For example, if the system prompt is "C: UCDOS DATA>;", then DATA is the current directory.

Command Complete Set


(1) MD -- Create Subdirectory

1. Function: create a new Subdirectory
3. Format: MD[ Drive letter :] [pathname]<; Subdirectory name>
4. Instructions:
⑴“ Drive letter ”: Specify to build Subdirectory The letter of the disk drive, if omitted, is the current drive;
(2) "Path name": to be established Subdirectory Is the parent directory name of the current directory by default.
Example: ⑴ In disk C root directory Create an object named FOX under Subdirectory ;⑵ Create USER again under the FOX subdirectory Subdirectory
C: >MD FOX (created under the current drive C Subdirectory FOX)
C: >MD FOX USER (in FOX Subdirectory Create the USER subdirectory under)

(2) CD -- Change the current directory

1. Function: display the current directory
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: CD[ Drive letter :] [pathname][ Subdirectory First Name]
4. Instructions:
(1) If the path and Subdirectory Name displays the current directory;
(2) If "CD " format is used, return to root directory
⑶ If "CD.." format is adopted, it will be returned to the upper level directory.
Example: ⑴ Enter USER Subdirectory ;⑵ From USER Subdirectory Return to subdirectory; ⑶ Return to root directory
C: >CD FOX, USER (enter FOX Subdirectory USER subdirectory under)
C: FOX USER>CD.. (Return to the upper level root directory
C: FOX>CD (Return to root directory

(3) RD -- Delete Subdirectory Command

1. Function: Delete the directory from the specified disk.
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: RD[ Drive letter :] [pathname] [subdirectory name]
4. Instructions:
Subdirectory It must be empty before deletion, that is to say, you need to enter the subdirectory first, and use DEL (the command )Delete the files under its subdirectory, and then return to the upper directory, and delete the directory itself with RD command;
(2) Cannot be deleted root directory And the current directory.
Example: It is required to FOX the C disk Subdirectory Delete the USER subdirectory under as follows:
Step 1: First put USER Subdirectory Delete the file under;
Step 2: Delete the USER subdirectory.

(4) DIR -- Display Disk Directory Command

1. Function: display the contents of the disk directory.
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: DIR[ Drive letter :] [path] [filename] [/A [[:] attribute]] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N] [/O [[:] classification attribute]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T [[:] time]] [/W] [/X] [/4]
4. Instructions:
  • /A Displays files with the specified attributes.
D Directory R Read only file H Hide File A Files to be archived S System files -Prefix for "No"
  • /B Use empty format (no title information or summary).
  • /C Display thousands in file size Separator This is the default value. Deactivate with/- C Separator Display.
  • /D is the same as wide format, but the documents are listed by column.
  • /L is in lower case.
  • /N New long list format, with the file name on the right.
  • /O List documents in sort order.
Sort by category:
N by name (alphabetical order) S by size (from small to large) E by Extension (alphabetical order) D by date/time (first to last)
Group G directory precedence - prefix in reverse order
  • /P Pauses after each information screen.
  • /Q Displays the file owner.
  • /S Display the specified directory and all Subdirectory Files in.
  • /T controls the time displayed or used for classification character Domain.
C Creation time A Last access time W Last write time
  • /W uses wide list format.
  • /X displays short names generated for non 8.3 file names. The format is/N, and the short name is inserted before the long name. If there is no short name, it will be blank in its position.
  • /4 Display the year in four digits

(5) PATH -- Path setting command

1. Function: equipment Executable Search for route , valid only for files.
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: PATH[ Drive letter 1] Directory [pathname 1] {[[ Drive letter 2:]],<; Directory pathname 2>;...}
4. Instructions:
(1) When running a Executable DOS will first search the current directory for the file, and if it is found, run it; If the file cannot be found, then according to PATH command The path set is to search for the file in the directory one by one;
⑵PATH command If there are more than two paths in, each path is separated by a semicolon ";";
⑶PATH command There are three ways to use it:
PATH [drive letter 1:] [path1] [drive letter 2:] [path2]... (set Executable Search path for)
PATH: (Cancel all paths)
PATH: (Display the currently set path)

(1) TREE -- Display disk directory structure command

1. Function: display all the data on the specified drive Directory Path And all file names under these directories.
3. Format: TREE[ Drive letter :][/F][>PRN]
4. Instructions:
⑴ When the/F parameter is used, all directories and all files under the directory will be displayed. If it is omitted, only the directory will be displayed, and no files under the directory will be displayed;
⑵ When the parameter>PRN is selected, the listed directory and the file name in the directory will be printed out.

(2) DELTREE -- Delete the entire directory command

1. Function: set the entire directory and its subordinates Subdirectory And file deletion.
2. Type: external command
3. Format: DELTREE [Drive letter:]<; Pathname>
4. Instructions: command The directory and all its files Subdirectory The subdirectories at the lower level are deleted at the same time. Regardless of whether the file attribute is hidden, system or read-only, as long as the file is under the deleted directory, DELTREE will treat the file as if it were deleted. Be careful when using!!!

(3) FORMAT -- Disk format command

1. Function: format and partition disks Track and a sector At the same time, check whether there are defective tracks on the whole disk Bad track Filling mark; Create directory area and Document Allocation Table Make the disk ready to receive DOS. 2. Type: external command 3. Format: FORMAT<; Drive letter:>[/S] [/4] [/Q] 4. Operating instructions: ⑴ The drive letter after the command cannot be defaulted Hard disk When formatting, the following prompt will appear: WARNING: ALL DATA ON NON -- REMOVABLE DISK DR Ⅳ E C: WILL BE LOST!
Proceed with Format (Y/N)?
(Warning: All data on disk C will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue formatting?)
⑵ If the floppy disk is formatted, the following prompt will appear:
Insert mew diskette for drive A;
and press ENTER when ready…
(Insert a new disk in drive A, and press enter key )。
⑶ Select [/S] parameter, and DOS System files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and copy to disk , so that the disk can be used as DOS Startup Disk If the/S parameter is not selected, the formatted roller disk can only read and write information, and cannot be used as a startup disk;
⑷ Select the [/4] parameter to format a 360KB low-density disk in a 1.2MB high-density floppy drive;
(5) Select the [/Q] parameter and quickly format it. This parameter does not re divide the disk's track appearance and sector, but only the disk's root directory, file allocation table and boot sector Clear to blank, so formatting is faster.
(6) [/U] parameter is selected, which means unconditional formatting, i.e. destroying the original disk All data on. If no/U is added, it is a security format. At this time, first create an image file to save the original FAT table and root directory If necessary, use UNFORRMAT to restore the original data.

(4) UNFORMAT Resume Format Command

1. Function: for data lost due to formatting error operation disk Restore.
3. Format: UNFORMAT<; Drive letter>[/L] [/U] [/P] [/TEST]
4. Instructions: used to format the disk Restore. root directory The deleted file or Subdirectory And disk system a sector (including FAT, root directory, BOOT sector and Hard disk partition table )In case of damage, UNFORMAT can also be used for rescue.
⑴ Select/L parameter to list the found Subdirectory Name, file name, size date and other information, but will not really do the FORMAT work.
⑵ Select the/P parameter to send the report displayed on the screen (including the information generated by the/L parameter) to the printer at the same time. When running, the screen will display: "Print out will be sent to LPT1"
⑶ The/TEST parameter is only used for simulation test (TEST) without real writing action. Use this parameter screen "Simulation only" will be displayed
⑷ Select/U parameter instead of MIRROR Image file Unformat the data according to the status quo of the disk.
(5) Select/PSRTN; repair Hard disk Partition table.
If at Drive letter Adding one of/P,/L, and/TEST is equivalent to using the/U parameter. UNFORMAT "assumes" that there is no MIRROR image file on the disk at this time.
Note: UNFORMAT can completely recover the disk that has just been formatted, but if other data is written after the format, UNFORMAT cannot completely save the data. UNFORMAT is not omnipotent, because using UNFORMAT will rebuild FAT and root directory Therefore, it is also highly dangerous. Improper operation may increase losses. If only a few files are deleted by mistake or Subdirectory , just use UNDELETE.

(5) Check Disk Current Status Command

1. Function: Display the disk status, memory status and the number of discontinuities in the specified file under the specified path.
2. Type: external command
3. Format: CHKDSK[ Drive letter :] [Path] [Filename] [/F] [/V]
4. Instructions:
⑴ If the [File Name] parameter is selected, the disk occupied by the file will be displayed;
⑵ Select the [/F] parameter to correct the logic errors found on the specified disk;
⑶ Select [/V] parameter to display all files and paths on the disk.

(6) DISKCOPY -- Whole disk copy command

1. Function: copy files with the same format and content floppy disk
2. Type: external command
3. Format: DISKCOPY[ Drive letter 1:][ Drive letter 2:]
4. Instructions:
⑴ If the target floppy disk is not formatted, the system will automatically select format when copying.
⑵ If the original files on the target floppy disk are copied, they will be lost.
⑶ If it is a single Driver When copying, the system will prompt you to replace the source disk and target disk at the right time. Please pay attention to distinguish the source disk and target disk during operation.

(7) LABEL -- Create Disk Volume Label Command

1. Function: create, change, delete disk Volume label
2. Type: external command
3. Format: LABEL[ Drive letter :] [Volume name]
4. Instructions:
⑴ The volume label name is the volume label name to be created. If this parameter is defaulted, the system will prompt you to type the volume label name or ask whether to delete the original volume label name;
⑵ The volume label name is composed of 1 to 11 characters.

(8) VOL -- Display disk volume label command

1. Function: View disk Volume label number.
3. Format: VOL[ Drive letter :]
4. Instructions for use: omitted Drive letter , display the current drive Volume label

(9) Test and repair disk command

1. Function: check the FAT table directory structure , file system, etc., and can repair the detected problems.
2. Type: external command
3. Format: SCANDISK[ Drive letter 1:]{[ Drive letter 2:]…}[/ALL]
4. Instructions:
(1) SCANDISK is applicable to Hard disk And floppy disks. You can specify multiple disks at a time or select the [/ALL] parameter to specify all disks;
⑵ It can automatically detect and repair the logical errors such as cross connection, lost cluster and directory structure in the disk.

(10) DEFRAG -- defragment disk command

1.。 Function: Organize disks and eliminate disk fragments.
2. Type: external command
3. Format: DEFRAG[ Drive letter :][/F]
4. Instructions: Select the/F parameter to eliminate the fragments on the disk in the file, and adjust the disk file arrangement to ensure that there is no space between files. To speed up Disk reading Speed and save disk space.

(11) SYS - System copy command

1. Function: convert the DOS on the current drive System files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and transfer to the specified drive.
2. Type: external command
3. Format: SYS[ Drive letter :]

(1) COPY File Copy Command

1. Function: copy one or more files to the specified disk.
3. Format: COPY [source disk] [path]<; Source file name>[destination disk] [path] [destination file name]
4. Instructions:
⑴ COPY is the file to file method of copying data. Before copying, the target disk must be formatted;
⑵ During the copy process, the old files with the same file name on the target disk will be replaced by the source files;
⑶ When copying files, make sure that there is enough space for the target, otherwise it will appear; The error message of insufficient indicates that the disk space is insufficient;
⑷ It is allowed to use "*" and "?" in the file name, and multiple files can be copied at the same time;
⑸COPY command The source file name in must be indicated and cannot be omitted.
(6) When copying, the target file name can be the same as the source file name, which is called "copy with the same name". In this case, the target file name can be omitted;
(7) When copying, the target file name can also be different from the source file name, which is called "copy with different name". In this case, the target file name cannot be omitted;
(8) When copying, you can also combine several files into one file, which is called "merged copy". The format is as follows: COPY [source disk] [path]<; Source file name 1>+<; Source file name 2>+...+<; Source file name n>[destination disk] [path]<; Destination file name>;;
(9) Use COPY command You can also enter data from the keyboard to create a file in the following format: COPY CON[ Drive letter :] [Path]<; File name>;;
(10) Note: COPY command There must be a space between the source file name and the target file name!

(2) XCOPY -- directory copy command

1. Function: copy the specified directory and all files under the directory together with directory structure
2. Type: external command
3. Format: XCOPY [source disk:] [source pathname]<; Source file name>[target Drive letter :] [target pathname]<; Source file name>[/S] [/V] [/E]
4. Instructions:
⑴ XCOPY is an extension of COPY, which can copy the specified directory together with the file and directory structure, but cannot copy hidden files and System files
⑵ Source during use Drive letter Specify at least one source target path name and source file name;
⑶ When/S is selected, check the source directory and Subdirectory COPY all files under. Unless the/E parameter is specified,/S will not copy the empty directory. If the/S parameter is not specified, XCOPY will only copy the files of the source directory itself, not the files under it Subdirectory
⑷ When the/V parameter is selected, the copied sectors of are compared, but the speed will be reduced.

(3) TYPE -- Display file content command

1. Function: display the content of ASC II code file.
2. Type: internal command.
3. Format: TYPE[ Drive letter :] [Path]<; File name>
4. Instructions:
⑴ Display the text file composed of ASCII code. Etc Extension The content displayed in the file is unreadable and has no practical significance2;
⑵ This command Only the contents of one file can be displayed at a time, and wildcards cannot be used;
⑶ If the document has Extension , the extension must be written;
⑷ When the file is too long to be displayed on one screen, it can be displayed in the following format:; TYPE[ Drive letter :] [Path]<; File name>| MORE, MORE is split screen display command After using some parameters, it will pause when the screen is full, and press any key to continue the display.
(5) If the document content needs to be printed, the following format can be used:
TYPE [ Drive letter :] [Path]<; File name>>PRN
At this time, the printer should be online.

(4) REN -- File renaming command

1. Function: change the file name
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: REN[ Drive letter :] [Path]<; Old file name><; New File Name>
4. Instructions:
(1) New document name cannot be added Drive letter And path, because the command The file name can only be changed for files on the same disk;
⑵ It is allowed to use wildcards to change a group of file names or Extension

(5) FC -- File comparison command

1. Function: compare the similarities and differences of documents and list the differences.
2. Type: external command
3. Format: FC[ Drive letter :] [pathname]<; File name>[Drive letter:] [Path name] [File name] [/A] [/C] [/N]
4. Instructions:
(1) Select/A parameter, which is the ASCII code comparison mode;
⑵ Select the/B parameter, which is the binary comparison mode;
⑶ Select the/C parameter, and treat uppercase and lowercase characters as the same characters.
⑷ Select the/N parameter, and display the line numbers of the differences in the ASCII code comparison mode.

(6) ATTRIB -- command to modify file attributes

1. Function: Modify the attributes of the specified file. File Properties See Section 2.5.4 (II) Document Attributes)
2. Type: external command.
3. Format: ATTRIB [filename] [+R | - R] [+A | - A] [+H | - H] [+S | - S] [/S]
4. Instructions:
⑴ Select the+R parameter, and set the specified file as read-only, so that the file can only be read and cannot be written or deleted; Select the - R parameter to remove the read-only attribute;
⑵ Select the+A parameter and set the file as the file attribute; Select the - A parameter to remove the file attribute;
⑶ Select the+H parameter to coordinate the file as an implicit attribute; Select the - H parameter to remove hidden attributes;
⑷ Select the+S parameter to set the file as the system attribute; Select - S parameter to remove system attributes;
(5) Select the/S parameter, and check all Subdirectory And make settings.

(7) DEL -- Delete File Command

1. Function: delete the specified file.
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: DEL [drive letter:] [path]<; File name>[/P]
4. Instructions:
⑴ Select the/P parameter. The system asks whether to delete the file before deleting it. If this parameter is not used, it will be deleted automatically;
⑵ This command Files with implicit or read-only attributes cannot be deleted;
⑶ Wildcard characters can be used in the file name;
⑷ If you want to delete all the files on the disk (DEL *. * or DEL.), you will be prompted: (Are you sure?) If you answer Y, delete them; if you answer N, cancel the deletion job.

(8) UNDELETE -- restore delete command

1. Function: recover from being deleted by mistake command
2. Type: external command.
3. Format: UNDELETE [drive letter:] [pathname]<; File name>[/DOS]/LIST] [/ALL]
4. Instructions: Use "*" and "?" when using UNDELETE wildcard
⑴ The/DOS parameter is selected to restore files according to the remaining records in the directory. When a file is deleted, the directory records the first file name character It will be changed to E5, DOS will find the file to be recovered according to E5 at the beginning of the file and its subsequent characters, so UNDELETE will request user Enter a character to complete the file name. But this character It doesn't have to be the same as the original, just conform to the file name rules of DOS.
⑵ Select/LIST to only "list" files that meet the specified conditions without recovery, so the disk content will not be affected at all.
⑶ Select/ALL to automatically recover the files that can be completely recovered without asking one by one user When using this parameter, if UNDELTE uses the remaining records in the directory to restore the file, it will automatically select a character to complete the file name and make it different from the existing file name.
UNDELETE also has the function of establishing protective measures for documents, which is beyond the teaching scope of this course. Please refer to the relevant DOS manual when using some functions.

(1) CLS -- Clear screen command

1 Function: Clear screen The cursor is placed in the upper left corner of the screen.
3 Format: CLS

(2) VER command to view the system version number

1 Function: Display the current system version number
3 Format: VER

(3) DATA date setting command

1 Function: set or display system date
2 Type: internal command
3 Format: DATE [mm dd yy]
4 Instructions:
(1) Omit [mm dd yy] to display the system date and prompt to enter a new date Amendment You can press Enter directly. [mm dd yy] is in the format of "month day year";
⑵ When the machine starts to start, if an automatic processing file (AUTOEXEC. BAT) is executed, the system will not prompt to enter the system date. Otherwise, you will be prompted for a new date and time.

(4) TIME system clock setting command

1 Function: set or display the system period.
2 Type: internal command
3 Format: TIME [hh: mm: ss: xx]
4 Instructions:
(1) Omit [hh: mm: ss: xx], display the system time and prompt to enter a new time. If it is not modified, press Enter directly. [hh: mm: ss: xx] is in the format of "hour: minute: second: hundredths of a second";
⑵ When starting, if AUTOEXEC If BAT is executed, the system will not prompt you to enter the system date. Otherwise, you need to enter a new date and time.

(5) MEM View Current Memory Status Command

1 Function: Display the current memory usage
3 Format: MEM [/C] [/F] [/M] [/P]
4 Instructions:
⑴ Select/C parameter to list loading General memory And the length of each file in CMB, as well as the usage of memory space and the maximum available space;
⑵ Select the/F parameter to list the remaining conventional memory byte Size and available area and size of UMB;
⑶/M parameter is selected to display the address, size and module nature of the memory used by the module;
⑷ Select/P parameter to specify that when the output exceeds one screen, the supply of user see.

(6) MSD Display System Information Command

1 Function: Display the hardware and operating system of the system.
2 Type: External command
3 Format: MSD [/S]
4 Instructions:
⑴ When the/I parameter is selected, the hardware is not detected;
⑵ When/B parameter is selected, start MSD in black and white mode;
⑶ When the/S parameter is selected, a concise system report will be displayed.

(7) HELP command

1. Function: provide relevant information command Help for
2. Type: internal command
3. Format: help [DOS command]

(1) Arp: Address Translation Table of "Address Resolution Protocol"

Display and modify“ Address Resolution Protocol ”(ARP) The translation table of IP or token ring physical address to Ethernet used. This command It can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
arp -a [inet_addr] [-N [if_addr]]
arp -d inet_addr [if_addr]
arp -s inet_addr ether_addr [if_addr]
-A Display the current ARP item by asking TCP/IP. If inet_addr is specified, only the specified calculation will be displayed
-G is the same as - a.
Inet_addr is specified in decimal notation with dots added IP address
-N Displays the network interface ARP items specified by if_addr.
If_addr specifies that it needs to be modified address translation Table the IP address of the interface (if any). If it does not exist, the
An applicable interface.
-D Delete the item specified by inet_addr.
-S Add an entry in the ARP cache, and add the IP address inet_addr and Physical address Ether_addr association. matter
The address is given by Hyphen The six hexadecimal bytes separated are given. Specify IP using dotted decimal notation
Address. The item is permanent, that is, the item automatically changes from cache Delete.
Ether_addr specifying Physical address
(2) Finger displays information about users
(2) Finger displays information about user Information for. Different changes according to remote system output
Quantity. This command Available only after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
finger [-l] [user]@computer[...]
-L Display information in long list format.
The user specifies the user ellipsis user Parameters to display information about all users on the specified computer:
(3) Ftp transfer file
Transfer files to or from a remote computer running the FTP service
Transfer files (sometimes called daemons). Ftp can be used interactively. Click in the Related Topics list
“ftp command ”To obtain the available "ftp" subcommand descriptions. This command is available only after the TCP/IP protocol is installed. Ftp is a service. Once it is started, it will be created in which ftp can be used command By typing the quit sub command You can return to Windows 2000 from the sub environment command prompt When the ftp sub environment runs, it is controlled by ftp command The prompt represents.
ftp [-v] [-n] [-i] [-d] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:windowsize] [computer]
-V Disable remote display The server Response.
-N Disable automatic login to the initial connection.
-I Turn off the interactive prompt when multiple files are transferred.
-D Enable debugging and display in client All ftp commands passed between and the server.
-G Disables file name groups, which allow the use of wildcard characters (* and) in local file and path names. (See
Online“ command Reference.)
-s: Filename specifies to include ftp command Text file; When ftp is started, these commands will run automatically. In this parameter
Spaces are not allowed. Use this switch instead of redirection (>;).
-A is binding data connection Use any local interface.
-w: Windowsize replaces the default size of 4096 buffer
Computer Specifies the computer name or IP address to connect to the remote computer. If specified, the computer must be the top of the row
Next parameter.
(4) Nbtstat TCP/IP protocol diagnostic command
This diagnosis command Use NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) to display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections
Connect. This command is available only after the TCP/IP protocol is installed. nbtstat [-a remotename] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [-R] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval]
-A remotename Lists the name table of the remote computer using its name.
-A IP address uses the IP address of the remote computer and lists the name table.
-C Give the IP address of each name and list the contents of the NetBIOS name cache.
-N Lists the local NetBIOS name. "Registered" indicates that the name has been broadcast (Bnode) or WINS (its
Other node type).
-R After clearing all the names in the NetBIOS name cache, reload the Lmhosts file.
-R Lists name resolution statistics for Windows network name resolution. When configuring Windows to use WINS
On 2000 computers, this option returns the number of names to be resolved and registered through broadcast or WINS.
-S displays client and server sessions, and lists remote computers only by IP address.
-S Displays client and server sessions. Attempt to transfer the remote computer IP address translation To use host Name of the file
Interval Redisplays the selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each display. Press CTRL+C to stop redisplaying statistics. If this parameter is omitted, nbtstat prints the current configuration information once.
(5) Netstat displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections
Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. This command can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
netstat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p protocol] [-r] [interval]
-A Displays all connection and listening ports. Server connections are usually not displayed.
-E Display Ethernet statistics. This parameter can be used in conjunction with the - s option.
-N Display addresses and Port number (instead of trying to find the name).
-S Displays statistics for each protocol. By default, TCP, UDP, ICMP and IP statistics are displayed- Select p
Items can be used to specify a default subset.
-P protocol displays the connection of the protocol specified by protocol; The protocol can be tcp or udp. If and-
The s option is used together to display the statistics of each protocol. The protocol can be tcp, udp, icmp or ip.
-R display Routing table Content of.
Interval Redisplays the selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each display. Press CTRL+B to stop redisplaying statistics. If this parameter is omitted, netstat prints the current configuration information once.
(6) Ping Verify Connection to Remote Computer
Verify the connection to the remote computer. This command can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j computer-list] | [-k computer-list]] [-w timeout] destination-list
-T Ping the specified computer until it is interrupted- A will Address resolution Is the computer name.
N count sends the number of ECHO packets specified by count. The default value is 4.
-L length Send an ECHO packet containing the amount of data specified by length. The default is 32 bytes; The maximum value is 65527.
-F in data packet Send "Do not segment" flag in. data packet Will not be route Gateway segment on.
-I ttl Sets the Time To Live field to the value specified by ttl.
-V tos sets the Service Type field to the value specified by tos.
-R count in "Record route ”Field to record the routes of outgoing and returning packets. Count can specify at least one set,
Up to 9 computers.
-S count specifies Metric Of time stamp
-J computer list List of computers specified by computer list route Data package. Continuous computer can be hit
Gateway separation between( route Sparse source, route The maximum number of IP addresses allowed is 9.
-W timeout specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds.
Destination list specifies the remote computer to ping.
(7) Copy files between Rcp systems
On Windows 2000 computers and running remote shell ports Monitoring program Copy files between systems of rshd
Pieces. rcp command This is a connection command. When you issue this command from a Windows 2000 computer, you can also
Used for other transfers to copy files between two computers running rshd. The rshd port monitor can
It is used on UN Ⅸ computer, but cannot be used on Windows 2000, so Windows 2000
Computers can only be issued as command System participation. The remote computer must also be provided by running rshd
Rcp utility.
rcp [-a | -b] [-h] [-r] source1 source2 ... sourceN destination
-A Specify ASCII transmission mode. In this mode, the carriage return/line feed character is converted to carriage return character in the outgoing file, and the line feed character is converted to carriage return/line feed character in the incoming file. This mode is the default transmission mode- B Specify the binary image transmission mode. No carriage return/line feed conversion was performed.
-H Transfer source files marked as hidden on Windows 2000 computers. If you do not have this option, you can select it in rcp command line The effect of specifying a hidden file on the is the same as if the file does not exist.
-R Set all Subdirectory The content is copied recursively to the target. Both source and destination must be directories, although - r can work even if the source is not a directory. But there will be no recursion.
Source and destination
The format must be [computer [. user]:] filename. If the [computer [. user]:] section is omitted, the computer is assumed to be the local computer. If the [. user] section is omitted, the currently logged in Windows 2000 will be used user First name. If A fully qualified computer name was used, including a period (.) Separator , must contain [. user]. Otherwise, the last part of the computer name will be interpreted as user First name. If multiple source files are specified, the destination must be a directory.
If the file name does not start with the forward slash (/) of UN Ⅸ or the backslash () of Windows 2000, it is assumed to be relative to the current working directory. In Windows 2000, this is issued command Directory of. On remote systems, this is remote user The login directory of. A period (.) indicates the current directory. At remote route Use escape characters (, "or ') in to use in remote computers wildcard
(8) Run commands on the remote machine of the RexecREXEC service
On the remote computer running the REXEC service Run Command rexec command When specifying command Before, verify the user Name, which can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed command
rexec computer [-l username] [-n] command
Computer specifies the remote computer on which to run the command.
-L username Specifies the user First name.
-N Rexec's input redirection To NULL.
Command Specifies the command
(9) Route control network routing table
Control network routing table. This command It can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
route [-f] [-p] [command [destination] [mask subnetmask] [gateway] [metric costmetric]]
-F Clear all gateway The routing table of the entry. If this parameter is associated with a command Used together, the routing table will be running
command Clear before.
-PThis parameter is the same as add command When used together, will make route Persists between system bootstrappers. By default, it is not reserved when the system restarts route And print command When used together, the registered Persistent route List. Ignore All Others Always Affects Corresponding Persistent route Command.
Command specifies one of the following command
command Destination print print route
Add Add route
Delete Delete route
Change Change an existing route
Destination specifies the computer that sends the command. The mask subnet mask specifies route Item Associated Subnet mask If not specified, the。
Gateway specifies the gateway.
Networks Database file The symbolic names used by all destinations or gateways are referenced in the database files of computer names and Hosts. If command It is print or delete. The target and gateway can also use wildcard , gateway parameters can also be omitted.
Metric costmetric Assign an integer Metric (from 1 to 9999) route Is used.
(10) Rsh Run command on remote computer
Run the command on the remote computer running the RSH service. This command can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
rsh computer [-l username] [-n] command
Computer specifies the remote computer on which to run the command.
-L username Specifies the user First name. If omitted, the logged in user First name.
-N Change rsh's input redirection To NULL.
Command Specifies the command to run.
(11) Tftp transfer file
take file transfer To or from the remote computer where the TFTP service is running
Program computer transfers files. This command can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed. tftp [-i] computer [get | put] source [destination]
-I Specifies the binary image transfer mode (also known as“ Octet ”)。 In binary image mode, the file moves byte by byte word for word. Transferring Binary file This mode is used when.
If - i is omitted, the file will be transferred in ASCII mode. This is the default delivery mode. This mode converts EOL characters into carriage return characters of UN Ⅸ and carriage return characters/line feed characters of personal computers. This mode should be used when transferring text files. If the file transfer is successful, the data transfer rate is displayed.
Computer Specifies the local or remote computer.
Put transfers the destination of the file on the local computer to the file source on the remote computer.
Get transfers the destination of the file on the remote computer to the file source on the local computer.
If the file file two on the local computer is transferred to the file one on the remote computer, specify put. If the file file two on the remote computer is transferred to the file one on the remote computer, specify get. Because the tftp protocol does not support user Authentication , so the user must log in and the file must be writable on the remote computer.
Source specifies the file to be transferred. If the local file is specified as -, the remote file will be printed on stdout
(if acquired), or read from stdin (if placed).
Destination specifies the location to which the file is transferred. If destination is omitted, it is assumed to have the same name as source.
(12) Tracert Diagnostic Utility
This diagnostic utility will echo Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) with different Time To Live (TTL) values data packet Send to the target to determine the route to reach the target. To forward on data packet Decrement by at least 1 before TTL on the required path Router , so TTL is a valid hop count. When the TTL on the packet reaches 0, the router should send the message "ICMP Timeout" back to the source system. Tracert first sends echo data packets with TTL of 1, and then increases the TTL by 1 in each subsequent transmission process until the target response or TTL reaches the maximum value, thus determine route. route Determine the route by checking the message "ICMP timeout" sent back by the intermediate router. However, some routers secretly send out data packet , but tracert cannot see it.
tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j computer-list] [-w timeout] target_name
/D Specify not to Address resolution Is the computer name.
-H maximum_hops Specifies the maximum size of the search target Metric
-J Computer list specifies the sparse source route along the computer list.
-W timeout The number of microseconds specified by timeout for each response.
Target_name Name of the target computer.
Restore the last 5 registry entries in DOS command

Zha Muma

Start → Run → Input CMD, click OK to enter command Copy into the CMD window, and then enter to run.
It is divided into four parts:
Proto (connection mode), local address( Local connection Address), foreign address (the address to establish a connection with the local), and state (the current port status). Through this command We can find out whether the computer has been installed Trojans Is it monitored by any program to maintain the security of your system.