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Master of Auditing
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1、 In order to meet the urgent needs of China's economic and social development for audit professionals Audit talents The training system should innovate the training mode of audit talents, improve the training quality of audit talents, and set up a professional degree of audit master.
2、 The English name of the professional degree of Master of Auditing is Master of Auditing, and the English abbreviation is MAud.
3、 The training goal of the professional degree of Master of Audit is to cultivate high-level, application-oriented audit professionals who have good political and ideological quality and professional ethics, systematically master the basic theories of modern auditing and the knowledge and skills in related fields, have a broad international vision, strong professional ability, and can creatively engage in audit work.
Chinese name
Master of Audit
Foreign name
Master of Auditing
Foreign name
Master of Auditing
Creation time
February 13, 2011

Basic Introduction

Master of Audit It is the 39th professional master in China, February 13, 2011 the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council The 28th meeting reviewed and approved the establishment of the master.
Master of Auditing is a full-time master, mainly for new students

Preliminary examination subjects

1. Foreign Language (English 2)
It includes three parts (mathematics, logic and writing)

Pilot schools

Currently publicly disclosed colleges and universities that have applied for trial operation
17. Xiamen University
26、 treasury department Institute of Finance and Science
32. Nanjing University
34. Sun Yat sen University
36. Xijing University
37. Jilin University of Finance and Economics