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LP 890-9b

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LP 890-9b is centered around LP 890-9 fixed star Rotating one planet About 30% more than the Earth, it only takes 2.7 days to circle its star [1] [4]
An international scientific research team has found two new planets only 100 light years away from the Earth, one of which may be suitable for life. [3]
Foreign name
LP 890-9b
Discovery time
September 7, 2022 [2]
Revolution period
2.7 days

Discovery History

be known as LP 890-9 Our star is carrying two exoplanets, named LP 890-9b and LP 890-9c Among them, LP 890-9b was first discovered on September 7, 2022 local time by the Trans Solar Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) of NASA. The latter was determined by scientists using the SPECULOOS telescope operated by the University of Birmingham, UK. [1-2]

Track parameters

LP 890-9b is about 30% larger than the Earth, and it only takes 2.7 days to complete the orbit around the star. [1]