Network service provider

Internet Service Provider
open 16 homonymous entries
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synonym ISP (Internet service provider) generally refers to network service provider
Internet Service Provider (ISP), an Internet service provider, is a telecom operator that provides comprehensive Internet access services, information services, and value-added services to users. In the Internet application service industry chain "equipment supplier - basic network operator - content collector and producer - service provider - user", ISP is in the position of content collector, producer and service provider.
Chinese name
Network service provider
English name
network service provider;NSP
A company that provides network services to the public.
Applied discipline
Communication technology (first level discipline), policy, regulation and management (second level discipline)
Chinese name
Network service provider
Foreign name
Internet Service Provider
Internet Network Provider


Network service provider, able to provide Dial up Internet access Service, online browsing, downloading files, sending and receiving e-mail and other services are the entrance and bridge for network end users to enter the Internet. It includes Internet access services and Internet content provision services. This is mainly the Internet access service, that is, to connect your computer or other terminal equipment Connect to the Internet.
Since the connection to the Internet requires renting an international channel, the cost cannot be borne by ordinary users. Internet access providers, as intermediaries to provide connection services, need to invest a lot of money to establish transfer stations, rent international channels and a large number of local telephone lines, purchase a series of computer equipment, and provide connection services to local users through centralized use and pressure dispersion. Larger ISPs have their own high-speed Leased line So that they seldom rely on telecom providers and can provide better services for their customers. The largest international and regional Internet service providers are: AT&T WorldNet, IBM Global Network, MCI,Netcom,UUNet, And PSINet.
The ISP certificate refers to "the second type Value added telecommunication service It can be understood that the "access service" refers to "a series of supporting services for Internet access", and the access concept does not only refer to connecting one broadband Physical access such as optical fiber also refers to the successful connection of a website and other information carriers to the Internet, and a series of supporting value-added services for Internet access, such as space rental, Server hosting Etc. Therefore, the expression of the Ministry of Information Industry is more complete than that of "technical service providers".


ISPs at home and abroad
According to the main business division, China's ISPs mainly fall into the following categories
1. Search engine ISP
For example, Baidu, Google Etc.
2. Instant messaging ISP
The instant messaging ISP mainly provides instant messaging services based on the Internet and mobile Internet. Since instant messaging ISPs own user resources, instant messaging ISPs can play a leading role in the business value chain of instant messaging, which is rare in the business model of cooperation with operators. Operators are also working on instant messaging, such as Feixin Mobile and Yixin Telecom.
3. Mobile Internet Service ISP
Mobile Internet Business ICP mainly provides mobile Internet services, including WAP Internet service, mobile instant messaging service, information download service, etc.
4. The portal ISP provides news information, cultural information and other information services
The portal ISP focuses on providing various information to the public, and has a stable user base. The portal ISP has a wide range of revenue sources, including online advertising, mobile business, online games and other businesses. For example: Sina Sohu Netease and Yahoo And other portals (including industry portals).
5. In the field of email marketing, ISP mainly refers to email service provider
RFC 6650 defines email service providers as companies or organizations that provide email sending, receiving and storage services for end users. This definition covers email hosting services, as well as companies, universities, institutions and individuals that independently manage email servers.
Common e-mail service providers include Netease, Tencent, Sina, Sohu and other mainstream ISPs in China. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, etc. are common in foreign countries.
These ISPs usually implement the mail transfer protocol( SMTP ), Interactive Mail Access Protocol( IMAP ), Post Office Protocol (POP) and other proprietary protocols for information transmission and acquisition.

Information that ISP should provide

If you have selected an ISP and applied to the ISP for network access, the ISP should provide you with the following information:
1) ISP access service phone number (the phone number called during modem connection).
2) User account (user name, ID).
3) Password.
4) The domain name of the ISP server.
5) Used Domain Name Server IP address of.
6) NNTP server address of ISP (IP address of news server).
7) SMTP server address of ISP (IP address of mail server).
This information is necessary for connecting to the Internet. You will install and configure the Internet software in the future
This information will be required at the time of implementation.

Mainland China market

Three operators
Three operators
Three major basic operators in China:
China Telecom : Dial up Internet access ADSL、1X、CDMA1X,EVDO rev.A、FTTx、 Optical fiber access EPON, FDD/TDD LTE
China Mobile : Dial up Internet access, GPRS and EDGE wireless Internet access TD-SCDMA Wireless Internet access, a small part of FTTx, FDD LTE
China Unicom : GPRS, W-CDMA, wireless Internet access, dial-up Internet access ADSL、FTTx、FDD/TDD LTE
After telecom restructuring, China Netcom merged China Unicom , eliminate China Unicom CDMA and form a new Unicom; Incorporation of China Railcom China Mobile , is its wholly-owned subsidiary; China Unicom CDMA merged into China Telecom to form New Telecom.
Others (in alphabetical order):
Beijing Gehua Cable Broadband: cable TV line
Beijing Telecom (Beijing Optical Fiber Access, IDC, began to cover Wuhan, Chongqing , Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Shenyang, Anhui, Xi'an)
Great Wall Broadband : Broadband (coverage Beijing Tianjin Guangdong Wuhan Fujian Sichuan Shanghai , Shenyang, Heilongjiang , Chongqing, Liaoning, Hebei , Shaanxi, Henan , Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan , Yunnan, Hainan)
Yijia Broadband:( Liaoning Province , fiber to the building, dedicated line access)
Chuangwei Broadband (Beijing, FTTH, leased line access)
Southeast network: Fujian cable TV line (the final outlet is in the trunk route of Netcom)
E-home broadband: broadband
Founder broadband: broadband
Broadcasting and TV broadband
Guangdong cable video broadband network: cable TV line (China Netcom Guangzhou Branch and China Telecom Double export of Guangzhou Branch)
Guangxi Shihu Broadband
Shenzhen Lianya Communication
Haitai Broadband
Liuzhou Shitong Broadband: Broadband (exported by China Telecom Guangzhou Branch)
Halo New Network
Shenzhen Tianwei Video: cable TV line
Sichuan Aipu Broadband
Wangkuangtiandi (hotel optical fiber dedicated line, now covering Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and other regions)
CATV: cable TV network all over the country
CITIC Broadband: (Hunan Province)
China Science and Technology Network (Affiliated to the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences): broadband
China Shipping Broadband: broadband
Pearl River Broadband: cable TV lines (exported by China Telecom Guangzhou Branch)
Hong Kong
Cyber Express
Online broadband
Hong Kong Broadband
Wired broadband
Macau Telecom
WiMAX Mobile Broadband Internet Access
Global Mobile
Volkswagen Telecom
Yuanchuan Telecom (a subsidiary of Far East Group)
Weida Chaoshun Telecom Multimedia Co., Ltd
Datong Telecom WiMAX Our Life
China Telecom
Asia Pacific Telecom (APOL)
(Yuanchuan Telecom subsidiary) New Century Zitong (Subway Sparq *)
(New Century Zitong Subsidiary) Digital United Telecom (SEEDNet)
Taiwan Shuowang Online Entertainment (So net)
Taiwan Fixed Network
Cable Modem
Taiwan Foundation International Network Co., Ltd
Zhongjia Network Co., Ltd
Kaibo Co., Ltd
Southern Cable TV
Taiwan Digital Broadband Cable TV
Tianwaitian Society Cable TV
Shixin Cable TV
New Yong'an Cable TV
Three major cable TV
TBC Taiwan Broadband
Chaoyu Internet Co., Ltd
Academic network
Taiwan Academic Network (TANet) (only for schools, academic units and research institutions at all levels)
Commercial private line network
Hewang Broadband Telecom (KBT) (a subsidiary of Zhongjia Network)
Yilian Technology
Taichung Online TCO (Yongda Digital Corporation)
Taiwan Basic International Network Co., Ltd. (FTTX service is only open to community or commercial users)

world market

Star MaxOnline: provide broadband and wireless broadband Internet access
New Telecom: provide dial-up Internet access, ADSL and wireless Internet access
Pacific Internet: broadband
American ISP AOL
ISP in the United States AOL
Road Runner
NTT Open Computer Network
KDDI(au one net)