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An information technology research and analysis company in the United States
Gartner Group, founded in 1979, is the first information technology research and analysis company. It provides special services for technical users in need. Gartner has become an independent consulting company. Gartner's services mainly cater to the needs of medium-sized companies. It hopes to make its business cover all areas of the IT industry, so that it can become a one-stop information technology for every user service company
Gartner, an IT research and consulting service company, announced on the 5th that Stock acquisition CEB, a business research and analysis company, thus Expand the company Business research services. [1]
February 8, 2022, Gartner data display In 2021, the global semiconductor revenue will increase by 25.1% to reach 583.5 billion dollars. [4]
corporate name
Gartner Consulting
Foreign name
Gartner Group
Date of establishment
Headquarters location
U.S.A Connecticut Stanford
Business scope
IT research and consulting
Number of employees
4000 people

Company Profile

Gartner( Gartner , and translated Guneng Company , NYSE: IT and ITB), the world's most authoritative IT research and consulting company, was founded in 1979 and headquartered in Connecticut, US Stanford Its research scope covers all IT industry To provide customers with objective and fair demonstration reports and Market research report Assist customers in market analysis Technology selection Project demonstration investment decision For decision makers in investment risk And management marketing strategy , development direction, etc Major issues Provide important information on Advice To help decision makers make the right choice.
Company 2002 Financial year Operating income US $907.2 million. The company has more than 4000 employees, including more than 1200 world-class analysts, and more than 80 branches around the world. In the global IT industry, Gartner, with its recognized authority and ownership System integrator , consulting companies, banks, financial institutions, energy and transportation, government departments and other fields (including China), with more than 11000 client institutions taking the lead. Among them, corporate customers almost include the vast majority of world-class companies.
In defining and analyzing those that determine the business process Development trend Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT and ITB) has more than 20 years of rich experience, providing unparalleled thought leadership and strategic consulting services to more than 10000 organizations worldwide.
Gartner is headquartered in the United States Connecticut Stamford is responsible for helping customers understand and utilize various Market opportunities It is proud that its research and consulting group has unique international capabilities, and this group was established by 4000 colleagues in more than 75 locations around the world, including Brisbane Johannesburg Jerusalem New Delhi Suri , Sao Paulo and Tokyo, etc.
Gartner was founded in 1979, and its revenue reached 907 million dollars in fiscal year 2002. Through the research and consulting department - Partner Research Gartner Consulting、 Gartner Events, including Gartner's famous symposia, as well as the website gartner, are used to achieve IT expertise.

Company characteristics

Customers must carefully choose to use a research service. This is because Gartner's reports will appear in more than one service, and customers will also find that they have to pay more than once for a given report. In 1998, the company pointed out that the focus of service would be "to establish a major global customer system so as to focus on those larger customers". The business of small customers will pass a“ Internal sales System. This pair Key customers The attention paid to small companies may lead to limited services.

Main business

Gartner consists of four parts, which are designed to provide customers with comprehensive research and consulting services needed to promote efficient use of IT. These parts include:
1. Gartner Research&Advisory Services
2. Gartner Consulting
3. Gartner Measurement
4. Gartner Community
Research services
For 20 years, Gartner's research and consulting services have been regarded as the authoritative source of objective technological thought leadership. Today's business growth is largely driven by the technology used by companies, government departments and various organizations. Gartner's customers rely on 1000 worldwide analyst These analysts have an average of 10-15 years of work experience in the technical field. Many analysts at Gartner used to be CIOs( Chief Information Officer )Born, all of these analysts have extensive previous business technology expertise. stay United States Congress They often call Gartner analysts before discussing key business and technical issues that drive today's economy.
Gartner has the most comprehensive Global research These global studies report and analyze the technologies that promote the success of businesses and institutions. There are more than 200 research topics, including customer relationship management (CRM), IT procurement, and IT commercial value , Enterprise Infrastructure supply chain management , wireless Emerging technologies , security and IT expenditure, strategy, etc.
Through proprietary research method And the relationship between IT vendors and end user Different customer bases are available at the same time to maintain objectivity In fact, manufacturers only account for 20% of the company's revenue, while the services purchased by CEO, CIO and corporate strategists from traditional enterprises account for 80% of the company's revenue.
consulting service
Gartner Consulting utilizes the company's industry-leading research capabilities to provide field customer support from strategy to measurable results Consultant They are technical instructors in business operation and IT. While Gartner's consultants focus on horizontal e-commerce and technology, they also observe the global issues in great detail.
In 2002, Gartner Consulting completed tens of thousands of agreements in the fields from IT spending strategy to evaluating the efficiency of global IT operations. Since Gartner's consultants do not implement technology solutions, they have CRM , IT expenditure suggestions and hundreds of customized solutions Technical evaluation And procurement project management , evaluation and technical management And other aspects act as independent Consultants Gartner Consulting also plans and executes industry wide research projects, which are funded by Benchmarking Initiated by multiple customers with deliverables, and these benchmarks and deliverables often set standards for marketing and evaluating emerging technologies. [2]
Gartner evaluation has the largest industry benchmark database in the world. Gartner's customers occupy a place in the database anonymously in order to benefit from benchmarking capabilities, such as evaluating an enterprise against its Vertical fields The ability of the equivalent companies in the database and the ability to measure relative to any one company or all companies in the database.
Gartner evaluation provides the most complex set of software products called Decision Tools Control panel Services are used to measure total cost of ownership, the overall impact of innovation, and Return on investment Etc. Decision Tools is the flagship benchmark testing software , which provides IT professionals and Enterprise strategist Tools are provided to evaluate technical effectiveness. [3]
Gartner community is a series of peer to peer high-level contact combinations, which aim to Executive Gather with IT professionals.
1. Research Board: Exclusive Think tanks Bring together global CIOs.
2. Executive Program: Implementation plan by new economy The key business drivers are outlined.
3. Gartner Symposium/ITxpo: This is the largest event in the global IT industry. It is usually held in the United States Florida Of Rolando Australia Of Sydney , French Cannes California, USA Of Santiago Italy Of Florence ,, Tokyo, Japan Canada Of Toronto as well as South Africa The event was held by Sandton of Gartner and other places. It was characterized by more than 200 meetings led by Gartner analysts.

company event

Gartner will hold many expert meetings and other activities throughout the year. In order to attract respected participants, most conferences are held in major cities in the world, usually within 1-5 days. Gartner has recently provided many more comprehensive activities covering a wide area of the IT industry, such as "Gartner Forecast", which immediately received comments from different parties once it was launched. In addition, a half day academic seminar and an hour of voice conference are also organized. Gartner customers are free to participate in voice conferences related to the services they subscribe to. Customers can also choose to listen to some meeting contents beyond their scheduled services according to their different demand levels.