G7 Summit

Summits held by seven major industrial countries: the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada
zero Useful+1
synonym G7 Summit (G7 Summit) generally refers to the G7 Summit
G7 Summit (G7 Summit) , is by U.S.A britain France Germany Japan Italy and Canada The annual summit mechanism of seven major industrial countries on major issues of common concern.
The G7 Summit aims to coordinate policies and alleviate internal contradictions in the complex and volatile international political and economic situation. This mechanism has had an important impact on global economic and political governance. However, with the constant changes in the world pattern, the economic growth of the members of the Group of Seven is weak and lacks stamina. The Group of Seven is weak in leading global economic growth and solving international and regional hot issues, and its influence is weakened. [1]
On June 13, 2024, the G7 Summit was opened in Fassano, Puglia region, southern Italy. A number of protests were held in the area around the venue on the same day. [35-36]
Chinese name
G7 Summit
Foreign name
G7 Summit
start time
November 1975 [1]
Participating countries
USA britain France Germany Japan Italy Canada

Historical evolution

In November 1975, in order to get out of the economic recession caused by the "oil crisis", under the initiative of France, U.S.A britain France Federal Germany Japan and Italy Leaders of the six countries Rambouillet The highest level economic conference established the annual summit mechanism aimed at coordinating the policies of all countries and revitalizing economic development. Canada This mechanism was joined at the second summit in June of the next year, and the Group of Seven came into being. From the Rambouillet Conference in 1975 to the Lyon Conference in 1996, the Group of Seven has gone through three stages: the "Economic Summit", the "Political Summit" and the "Pluralistic Summit". [1]
In June 1997, the 23rd G7 Summit was held in Denver, the United States. Yeltsin, as the President of Russia, participated in the summit "from beginning to end" as an "equal member", and jointly issued a communiqu é with the G7 leaders for the first time in the name of the "G8 Summit". Since then, G8 summit Mechanism formation. [1] The "7+1" model ended and the G8 summit system was formed. However, on economic issues, the G8 Summit still maintains the seven nation system. [4]
In May 1998, the G8 Summit was held in Birmingham, UK. This meeting completed the transformation from the Group of Seven to the Group of Eight. Russia has become a full member of the Group of Eight and participated in all discussions of the Group of Eight. In the final document of the meeting, Russia was called "a member of the world's developed industrial democracies". However, the G7 still exists objectively. [4]
In June 2002, Russia was admitted as a full member of the Group of Eight at the G8 Summit held in Canada, and was entrusted to host the annual G8 Summit as the presidency in 2006. [4]
On June 4, 2014, the Group of Seven refused to participate in Russia in June Sochi The G8 Summit was held in Belgium Brussels The summit was held to show the opposition to Crimea's entry into Russia. This is the first time that Russia has been excluded from the Group since it joined the Group in 1997, and the Group of Eight has been restored to the Group of Seven. [1]
On May 2, 2022 local time, German Prime Minister Schultz held talks with visiting Indian Prime Minister Modi in Berlin, and the two sides started the sixth government consultation. Scholtz officially invited Modi to attend the G7 Summit held at the end of June, and stressed that India is one of Germany's important strategic partners. [13]
On May 23, 2022, US President Biden held talks with Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida in Japan. Kishida announced that the 2023 G7 Summit will be held in Hiroshima, Japan. [14]
On June 22, 2022, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement on its website, saying that at the invitation of German Prime Minister Schultz, Indian Prime Minister Modi would visit the Schloss Elmau in Germany from June 26 to 27 to participate in the Group of Seven (G7) Summit under Germany's rotating presidency. [18]
On June 26, 2022 EDT, the Group of Seven (G7) officially launched a global infrastructure and investment partnership, with the goal of raising $600 billion in five years to provide developing countries with funds for infrastructure development. [20]
On March 19, 2023, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun of Japan quoted by the official microblog of the Reference News on March 19, 2023, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida decided to invite Indian Prime Minister Modi to attend the Group of Seven (G7) Summit held in Hiroshima in May. Kishida will invite Modi to visit Japan on the occasion of talks with him on the 20th. [28]
On April 26, 2023, according to Agence France Presse, the White House of the United States announced that President Biden would attend the G7 leaders' meeting in Hiroshima, Japan. [30]
On May 19, 2023, it was reported that President Zelensky of Ukraine would personally attend the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, this weekend Summit. [31]
On May 19, 2023, according to Yonhap News Agency, South Korean President Yoon Seok Yuet left for Japan on the presidential plane "Air Force One" at Seoul Airport in Shinan, Gyeonggi do, to attend the Group of Seven (G7) Summit held in Hiroshima. [32]

Previous sessions

On November 15-17, 1975, it was held in the old castle of Rambouillet on the outskirts of Paris. The participating countries were the heads of government of the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, France and Italy. The central topic of the conference was how to establish a "new order", coordinate the macro-economy and jointly deal with the most serious economic crisis after the war. The meeting basically agreed on measures to stimulate economic growth, accepted the floating exchange rate, and proposed that "the most urgent task is to ensure economic recovery and solve unemployment". [5]
June 27-28, 1976 Puerto Rico The meeting was held in San Juan, Canada, with the participation of the Prime Minister of Canada. Since then, the annual summit has been fixed as a system. The meeting called for attention to balanced growth and stressed the danger of new inflation, but did not propose specific measures. [5]
It was held in London from May 7 to 8, 1977. The President of the European Community participated in the meeting for the first time. The meeting proposed to reduce inflation, create more employment opportunities, and agreed to further promote trade liberalization policies.
In 1978 bonn The meeting reached a strategic agreement on economic growth and other issues, determined to reduce oil imports, emphasized the development of nuclear energy and coal industry, and pledged to support the development of the economy of the third world.
Held in Tokyo from June 28 to 29, 1979, the meeting focused on energy issues.
On June 22-23, 1980 Venice Held. Due to the changes in the international situation, the meeting openly expressed concern about the international political situation and discussed the issues of Afghanistan, the Middle East and the threat of the Soviet Union to the West. Meeting confirmed reduction Inflation rate It is the first task to reduce oil consumption; The meeting called for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
It was held in Ottawa from July 20 to 21, 1981. The most heated debate at the meeting was the high interest rate of the United States and international trade. Western European countries not only expressed dissatisfaction with the high interest rate of the United States, but also blamed Japan on trade issues. Europe and the United States have sharp differences on trade with the Soviet Union. The declaration of the meeting said that the participating countries would consult in this regard and improve the current system of strategic goods and technology trade with the Soviet Union, so as to ensure that the economic policies in East West relations continue to meet the political and security objectives of the West.
It was held in Versailles from June 2 to 6, 1982. The meeting mainly discussed the common countermeasures of the western economy, the relationship between the East and the West, and the countermeasures of the South and the North. The meeting reached an agreement on how to impose sanctions on the Soviet Union. When discussing the armed conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina in the Malvinas Islands, the meeting supported the British position in the Falklands conflict.
In the United States from May 28 to 30, 1983 Williamsburg Held. The meeting mainly discussed East West relations and economic and monetary issues. The meeting issued a statement on disarmament negotiations, which is the first document on security issues issued by the seven nation economic summit.
It was held in London from June 7 to 9, 1984. The meeting extensively discussed economic issues, East West relations and disarmament issues. When discussing the issue of western economic recovery, Western European countries condemned the high interest rate and high deficit policy of the United States, believing that such policy of the United States is a policy of benefiting oneself at the expense of others. The meeting issued the London Seven Summit Economic Declaration, but no substantive progress has been made on the above issues.
On May 2-4, 1985 bonn Held. The main topic was international politics and economic and trade issues, and the Political Declaration and the final communique were issued. The declaration mentioned the Korean issue for the first time, "hoping to create a political environment and eliminate the division of the Korean Peninsula". When discussing the strategic defense plan of the United States, the Western countries had serious differences, and the conference document did not mention the plan at all.
Held in Tokyo from May 4 to 6, 1986, the conference extensively discussed international political and economic issues and issued declarations and statements. The Economic Declaration calls for addressing unemployment, trade imbalances and protectionism. It is required to strengthen the coordination of economic policies.
On June 8-10, 1987 Venice The meeting mainly discussed the western economic situation and issued the Venice Economic Declaration. The declaration stressed that in order to maintain economic growth, the participating countries need to strengthen the coordination of economic policies, curb inflation, reduce fiscal and foreign trade deficits, and resist trade protectionism.
On June 19-21, 1988 Toronto Held. The meeting issued the Political Statement of the Seven Countries and the Economic Declaration. The declaration believes that serious trade imbalances, sharp fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and the debt crisis of some developing countries have cast a shadow on the Western economy; He called for strengthening international economic cooperation, stabilizing the exchange rate of the US dollar, and strengthening the coordination of economic policies.
It was held in Paris from July 14 to 16, 1989. The meeting mainly discussed the economic situation and economic policies. The need to control inflation, reduce budget deficits and coordinate policies was emphasized again. And for the first time, ecological environment protection was listed as an important topic.
July 9-11, 1990 Houston Held. Focused on multilateral trade negotiations , assistance to the Soviet Union and environmental protection. The meeting issued the Economic Declaration, setting forth the views and positions of the participating countries on the major economic, environmental, social and other issues facing the West and the world.
It was held in London from July 15 to 17, 1991. The meeting discussed some of the most pressing political and economic issues at present, and issued the Political Declaration, the Economic Declaration and the declaration on arms control. Since the meeting invited Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to attend the last day of the meeting, the western public opinion circles also called it the "7+1" meeting. The meeting highlighted the issue of assistance to the Soviet Union. Although the seven heads of state agreed in principle to provide economic assistance to the Soviet Union, the meeting did not decide to take practical action. [5]
July 6-8, 1992 Munich Held. In accordance with the usual practice, the meeting adopted the Political Declaration and the Economic Declaration. In addition, the Declaration on Yugoslavia was adopted. Since the seven heads of state on the issues involved in the meeting had their own plans, they did not achieve surprising results.
It was held in Denver, a mountain city in the western United States, from June 20 to 22, 1997. Since Russian President Yeltsin participated in the meeting as a full member for the first time, the summit of the seven western countries, which has been held for 23 years, has become the "eight summit". However, due to the huge gap between Russia's economic strength and that of the seven Western countries (GNP only accounts for 1% of the world, and the United States accounts for 26%), Russia is still excluded from discussing core issues such as global economic and financial exchange rates, has not participated in the meeting of finance ministers of the seven countries, and is not qualified to sign an economic statement with extensive contents. The main topics of the meeting were politics, economy, diplomacy, population aging, "cloning" of human beings and other issues, and an 18 page final announcement was issued. [1]
Held in Evian, France, from June 1 to 3, 2003, the main topics were global environmental protection issues, the purpose and spirit of implementing the Kyoto Protocol, and the collective fight against the global warming caused by the greenhouse effect. Consultations were held on how to revitalize the global economy, increase development assistance, fight terrorism and prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and exchanged views on regional and global issues such as regional conflicts, environmental protection, AIDS prevention and control. At this session, Chinese President Hu Jintao was also invited to participate in the North South informal talks. [6]
On June 8-10, 2004, it was held on the "Island" in Georgia, the United States. In addition to the two focus issues of Middle East reform and Iraq reconstruction, the leaders of the eight countries also discussed non-proliferation, counter-terrorism, the global economy and aid to Africa, and adopted measures to strengthen the global non-proliferation mechanism, strengthen international travel security and anti-terrorism cooperation, And plans to train 75000 peacekeepers mainly for Africa in the next five years. It is worth noting that, following the participation of our President Hu Jintao in the informal talks at the last summit, Central Bank of China President and Finance Minister Zhou Xiaochuan and Jin Renqing were invited by US Treasury Secretary Snow to participate in the G7 finance ministers and central bank governors' summit in Washington. It represents China's formal integration into the economic development of the whole world.
Held in the United Kingdom from May 10 to 11, 2013, the main topic was to discuss many issues in the fields of economic recovery, financial regulation and trade promotion. At the same time, George Osborne, the Chancellor of the UK, the host country, pointed out that the finance ministers of all countries would focus on discussing what measures should be taken to ensure the effective recovery of the economy while continuing to implement the necessary austerity measures to ensure that the government's financial situation is reasonable and orderly. At the same time, all parties will further discuss the monetary policy of major global economies, and focus on the actual effect and impact of Japan's new easing policy. [7]
From June 7 to 8, 2015, the G7 Summit was held at the Elmao Palace Hotel in Garmisch Partenkirchen, southern Germany. During the two-day meeting, the leaders of the seven countries from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States will discuss the relationship between the trans Atlantic trade partnership, Western countries and Russia Relations, Greek debt crisis Ukraine crisis , combating terrorism, climate change and other political and economic issues were discussed, and even the corruption scandal of FIFA will be one of the contents of its discussion. Thousands of protesters marched near the summit site to boycott the summit. Before the opening of the summit, Germany prime minister Merkel and U.S.A president Obama Meeting; They said that Ukraine Until the crisis of the New Minsk Agreement is fully implemented, the West should maintain sanctions against Russia. Obama said that resisting the "Russian attack" should be one of the topics of the summit. Merkel said in an interview with German media on the 6th, Global governance Russia's participation is needed. Although it will not return to the G8 model, "we must and hope to continue to work with Russia". British Prime Minister Cameron On social media Twitter, he said that he would recommend that the summit take the anti-corruption action of FIFA as an opportunity to expand the anti-corruption discussion to other areas around the world. [8]
On June 9, 2018, Joint communiqu é No sign, import car tax is levied! The Group of Seven (G7) Summit, known as the "most divisive in history", ended in Quebec, Canada. In order to cover up internal differences, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, the host country, announced on the same day that the joint communiqu é of the G7 Summit, supported by the United States, would solve the problem of trade protectionism and reduce trade barriers. However, as soon as Trudeau spoke, President Trump of the United States retorted: "Trudeau lied, and I have ordered the United States representative not to sign the joint communiqu é!" [9]
From August 24 to 26, 2019, the G7 Summit was held in France; On August 24, leaders from Biarritz, France, Japan, the United States, Chile and other countries successively arrived at the local airport. On site security personnel are armed with live ammunition. The three-day G7 Summit 2019 ended in Biarritz, France, on the 26th local time. Although France, the host country, has made great efforts, the substantive results of the summit are still very few. The summit finally issued a one page leader's statement on trade, Iran, Ukraine, Libya and other issues, which did not produce much substantive results. Although the statement talked about trade for a relatively long time, it was only a general statement, saying that the Group of Seven was "committed to open and fair world trade and global economic stability". [10]
May 30, 2020, President of the United States Trump Take the "Air Force One" special plane from Florida When he returned to Washington, he told the accompanying reporters that he considered postponing the G7 summit to around the UN General Assembly in September or after the US presidential election in November. He also said that the G7 was "very outdated" and he planned to invite Russia the republic of korea Australia and India Participation. [2]
On June 11-13, 2021, the Group of Seven Summit will be held in Kabisby, Cornwall. [3]
On March 24, 2022, the Group of Seven Summit was held at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. [11]
The 2022 G7 Summit will be held in Ermao, Bavaria, Germany, from June 26 to 28. Zelensky will attend the summit via video [16]
On June 26, 2022 local time, the three-day G7 Summit opened at the Elmao Hotel in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. Germany is the rotating presidency of the Group of Seven in 2022. The situation in Russia and Ukraine is an important topic of the summit. At the same time, discussions on climate protection and energy crisis are also on the agenda; The draft conference statement is intended to promise indefinite support Ukraine [22]
On June 28, 2022, the three-day summit of the Group of Seven ended in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Bavaria, southern Germany. [25]
On June 26, 2022, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida held talks with German Prime Minister Schultz and French President Malone respectively during the G7 Summit held in Germany. Japan is the chairman of the 2023 G7 Summit. Takeo Kishida and Schultz confirmed to strengthen cooperation in order to hold the summit in Hiroshima. [23] On June 27, the Group of Seven issued a statement saying that it would provide 28 billion euros (about 1983 billion yuan) of assistance to Ukraine, and would continue to implement targeted sanctions against Russia, and "support Ukraine indefinitely". [24]
2023 Conference
On June 9, 2022, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida held talks with Hiroshima Mayor Ishiji Matsui and others. Matsui and others requested that during the G7 Summit held in Hiroshima in 2023, leaders of all countries be arranged to visit the nuclear explosion data library and meet with the victims of nuclear explosions. [15] On June 19, it was reported that the Japanese government was discussing to schedule the 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima in the second half of May. [17] On June 26, the leaders of the Group of Seven pledged to raise $600 billion in private and public funds within five years to fund infrastructure construction in developing countries and counter China's "Belt and Road" initiative. [21] On June 28, the three-day G7 Summit ended in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Bavaria, southern Germany [26]
On March 20, 2023, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida said that he would invite the republic of korea India Vietnam? , Indonesia, Australia, the Cook Islands, the Comoros and Brazil participated in the expanded meeting of the Group of Seven (G7) Summit held in Hiroshima in May. [27] [29]
May 19-21, 2023, 2023 G7 Summit Held in Hiroshima, Japan. [33]
On February 24, 2024 local time, Italian Prime Minister Meloni hosted a video summit of the heads of the Group of Seven in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, which mainly discussed assistance to Ukraine. The meeting adopted a statement saying that it would intensify sanctions against Russia. After the meeting, Prime Minister Meloni of Italy, President Zelensky of Ukraine, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, President Von Delain of the European Commission, the rotating President of the European Council and Prime Minister De Kro of Belgium jointly held a press conference. Italian Prime Minister Meloni reiterated that the Group of Seven would continue to provide necessary assistance as much as possible. Von Delain stressed that the 45 billion euro aid to Ukraine will be ready in March. [34]
On June 13, 2024 local time, leaders of the Group of Seven gathered in the olive grove of the resort in Puglia, Italy, to participate in the 2024 G7 Summit. [36]
G7 Summit in 2024
On June 14, 2024, the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries issued a joint communiqu é, which covered the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, freedom of navigation in the Red Sea waters and other topics. In the joint communiqu é, the G7 leaders reiterated their support for Ukraine and demanded that Russia compensate Ukraine for more than 486 billion dollars of losses. As of press release, no response has been seen from the Russian authorities. [37]


On the day of the Group of Seven Germany Summit in 2015, Germany Non governmental organizations Party and social groups convened thousands of protesters to participate in the demonstration. The protesters believed that the G7 was more "empty promises" in climate protection and poverty alleviation, and called for "strengthening global climate protection and fighting poverty". In addition, the protesters called for the cessation of the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement( TTIP )”Negotiations. Some protesters were stopped by the police and clashed with the police during the march, and some protesters were taken away by the police. About 17000 German police officers participated in the security activities of the Summit, and about 2000 Austrian police officers were on standby in the Austrian German border area. The reporter saw that a large temporary security zone and no fly zone had been set up in the summit venue, and several security checkpoints had been set up on the roads and railways leading to the summit venue.
On March 24, 2022, Ukrainian President Zelensky delivered a video speech at the Group of Seven summit, calling on the Group of Seven to implement comprehensive restrictions on Russian trade, completely block all Russian banks, and deprive Russia of the opportunity to use global satellite navigation system (GPS) in the war. [12]
On June 25, 2022, the day before the opening of the G7 Summit, thousands of people held a rally and march in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, Germany, to protest and boycott the G7 Summit. [19]
On May 13, 2023, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida visited Hiroshima to inspect the preparations for the summit. The people held a rally in Hiroshima that day and strongly opposed the G7 Hiroshima Summit. The meeting was initiated by the Implementation Committee of "Interrogating the G7 Hiroshima Summit Japanese Citizens' Meeting". The Declaration issued on the day of the meeting pointed out that the G7 Hiroshima Summit "carries out the reality of 'military alliance' under the banner of 'freedom and democracy'". The essence of the summit is that "(G7) major countries among member countries force other countries to obey their own meetings". On the same day, about 200 Japanese people braved the rain to participate in a speech rally against the summit. At the meeting, slogans such as "No G7 Summit" were very eye-catching. [33]
On June 13, 2024, the G7 Summit was opened in Fassano, Puglia region, southern Italy. A number of protests were held in the area around the venue on the same day.
On the same day, a large number of protesters gathered in Brindisi, 60 kilometers away from the summit venue. Some of them held the Palestinian flag, and posted slogans such as "Resist the Group of Seven", "Stop Destroying the Earth" and "No War". The protesters criticized the Group of Seven for "not playing an active role" in the fields of environmental protection, social equity, maintenance and equality, and not taking practical measures to address global challenges. In an interview with the Xinhua News Agency, German art student Lucas Hoover, who participated in the protest, said that the Group of Seven was "full of hypocrisy" in handling international affairs, and "did nothing to help the world's vulnerable groups". [35]