Full HD

Technical terminology
zero Useful+1
synonym FHD (Full HD) Generally refers to full HD
Full HD , English is Full HD , for Flat panel TV Of Screen resolution Two conditions must be met at the same time: one is the screen Physical resolution Is 1920 × 1080; The second is that the TV internal circuit can process and output 1080p picture signal. The overall physical resolution of the display screen should reach 1920 × 1080P , that is horizontal direction The resolution should reach 1920 pixels, and the vertical resolution should reach 1080 Scanline Full HD refers to the inherent physical characteristics of the screen, which will not change due to the change of signal picture, regardless of whether Cable TV DVD The DVD is still on the PC HD video The full HD TV always maintains 1920 × 1080 physical resolution. LCD TVs that meet the full HD standard will be labeled "FULL HD" near the panel or as part of the TV design.
Chinese name
Full HD
Foreign name
Full HD
Picture signal format
High resolution, clear
TV, monitor, etc

Full HD TV

There are many LCD TV products in the market that only meet the 1366X768 HD standard. However, we often see the logo of "fully supporting 1080P HD display" on the instruction manual or the body, but this is not really to meet the full HD standard, just to say that 1080P images can be displayed, but the picture has been greatly discounted, which is just a promotional language for the product "gold".
Full HD Yes Flat panel TV The inevitable trend of development, although many netizens still think that watching ordinary Cable TV And appreciation DVD In the case of video discs, the 1366 × 768 high-definition resolution of the TV is enough, but no one wants to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy something that will fall behind in a year or two. In addition, the Internet entertainment between PC and high-definition game consoles and TVs is becoming increasingly popular, so most consumers begin to give priority to the full high-definition 1080P model when buying a machine.

Full HD computer monitor

With the development of graphics card technology and LCD panel Production technology At the end of 2009, more and more manufacturers began to implement 1080P Technology application To notebook, LCD, etc graphoscope On. In 2010, 22 inch or even 24 inch Liquid crystal display It began to become the mainstream of the market, and the resolution reached the standard 1920 × 1080. Therefore, some people called 2010 "the first year of 1080P popularization".

Novice literacy

When a model is marked as supporting 1080p signal, it means that the internal circuit can process 1080p signal Input signal , no matter what screen is used, even if Physical resolution Only 1366 × 768, or Screen scale It is 4:3, even just a black and white screen. It can be said that this model supports 1080p Signal format , but its display screen is not the original 1080p image, but is output after a certain conversion. The so-called full HD 1080P TV is a real 1080p image Point to point display TV.