Microsoft Office Excel

One of Microsoft's office software
zero Useful+1
synonym Excel Table (Excel table) generally refers to Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Excel yes Microsoft To use Windows And Apple Mac A computer program of the intosh operating system Spreadsheet Software. Intuitive interface, excellent calculation function and chart tool, together with successful marketing, make Excel the most popular individual Computer data processing Software. In 1993, as Microsoft Office After the release of version 5.0 of the components of Excel, Excel will become applicable operating platform The overlord of electronic tabulation software on.
Foreign name
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Excel
R&D company
Data processing
Spreadsheet software
Intuitive interface, excellent calculation function and chart tool

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel yes Microsoft To use Windows And Apple Macintosh operating system Spreadsheet Software. Intuitive interface, excellent calculation function and chart tool, together with successful marketing, make Excel the most popular individual Computer data processing Software. In 1993, Excel became applicable after the release of version 5.0 as a component of Microsoft Office operating platform The overlord of electronic tabulation software on. [1]

Microsoft Excel History

In 1982, Microsoft launched its first spreadsheet software, Multiplan, and CP/M Great success on the system, but on the MS-DOS On the system, Multiplan lost Lotus 1-2-3 This event led to the birth of Excel, just like the Excel R&D code Doug Klinder: do what Lotus 1-2-3 can do, and do better. In 1985, the first Excel was born, which is only used for Mac system; In November 1987, the first Excel for Windows was also produced (directly bundled with the Windows environment Version No 2.0). Lotus 1-2-3 could not be applied to Windows system for a long time. By 1988, the sales volume of Excel exceeded that of Lotus, making Microsoft stand in the leading position of PC software vendors. This event has led to the replacement of the overlord of the software kingdom, and Microsoft has consolidated its powerful competitor Status and found development from it Graphic software Direction of. Every two years or so, Microsoft will launch a new version to expand its advantages. The latest version of Excel is 16, also known as Microsoft Office Excel 2016.
In the early days, Excel became the Trademark Law After the trial, Microsoft was required to name the software with Microsoft Excel in its official documents and legal documents. However, over time, this practice gradually disappeared.
Although Excel provides a large number of user interface Features, but it still retains the first spreadsheet software VisiCalc Properties of: composed of rows and columns Cell , data, formula related to data, or Absolute reference Save in cell.
Excel is the first spreadsheet software that allows users to customize the interface (including font, text attribute and cell format). It also introduces the "intelligent recalculation" function. When the cell data changes, only the relevant data will be updated. The original tabulation software can only recalculate all the data or wait for the next instruction. At the same time, Excel has powerful graphic functions.
In 1993, Excel was first bundled into Microsoft Office When Microsoft PowerPoint The interface of application program
Excel has supported Visual Basic for Applications since 1993( VBA ). VBA is a powerful tool that makes Excel independent Programming environment Using VBA and macros, you can automate manual steps. VBA also allows you to create forms to obtain information entered by users. However, the automation function of VBA also causes Excel to become Macro virus The target of the attack.
From 5.0 to 9.0, different Easter Eggs [1]
In July 2024, Microsoft released the dynamic watermark function. [4]


be used for MS-DOS Versions of include:
1987 Excel 2.0 for MS-DOS 3.0
be used for Microsoft Windows Versions of include:
1987 Excel 2 for Windows
1990 Excel 3
1992 Excel 4
1993 Excel 5
1995 Excel 95 - also known as 7
1997 Excel 97 - also known as 8
1999 Excel 2000 - also known as 9
2001 Excel XP - also known as 10
2003 Excel 2003 - also known as 11
2006 Excel 2007 - Also known as 12
2010 Excel 2010 -Also called 14
2013 Excel 2013 - also known as 15
2016 Excel 2016 - also known as 16
For Apple Mac The versions of intosh include:
1985 Excel for Mac intosh
1989 Excel 2.2 for Mac intosh
1990 Excel 3.0
1992 Excel 4.0
1998 Excel 98
2000 Excel 2001
2001 Excel v.X
2004 Excel 2004
Excel 2008
2010 Excel 2011
Excel 2016
be used for OS/2 Versions of include:
1989 Excel 2.2
1990 Excel 2.3
1991 Excel 3.0
In addition, there are targets iOS Android Windows 10 Mobile Mobile version of Excel, Excel Mobile. [1]
Microsoft Excel provided by the Microsoft 365 subscription is the latest version of Excel. Previous versions include Excel 2016 Excel 2013、Excel2010、 Excel2007 And Excel 2003. Featured advantages include: Collaborative processing Share project , get common Office functions and real-time collaboration functions through browser; quick start Spreadsheet , using more than 40 categories of Excel templates to show professional level, while saving time; Contact experts , view the new functions, get Tips and tricks To help you create, edit, and improve spreadsheets like an expert. [2]
In March 2023, Microsoft Win11 Moment 2 will be updated, Fixed a problem that prevented access to hyperlinks in Microsoft Excel [3]

Password protection

In Microsoft Excel Password protection Several types are available:
Use a password to open a document;
Use password to modify documents;
Use password to remove protection Worksheet
Use password to protect workbook
Use a password to protect shared workbooks. [1]

Technical indicators

For Excel 2007, the maximum number of rows is 1048576 (=2), and the maximum number of columns is XFD (=16384). [1]


Google file
Ability Spreadsheet
OpenOffice .org Calc
The Cruncher(for Mac Intosh)
WPS form

