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Determination method for maintaining its immune activity
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synonym ELISA (ELISA) generally refers to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
1971 Sweden Engvall and Perlmann, scholars, Netherlands Scholars Van Weerman and Schuurs reported that immunization technological development To detect trace substances in body fluid Solid phase immunoassay Method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA ) 。 ELISA has become analytical chemistry It is a special reagent analysis method Immunoenzyme technology A new immunoassay technology developed on the basis of immunokinetic techniques.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay , ELISA
Van Weerman
antibody And Enzyme complex Combined color rendering

Introduction to testing

ELISA washing plate
ELISA , short for ELISA , or ELISA
Its core is to make antibody and Enzyme complex Combine, and then detect by color rendering.


① Make antigen Or antibody is bound to the surface of a solid phase carrier and keeps its Immunological activity
② The antigen or antibody is linked to an enzyme to form an enzyme labeled antigen or antibody, which retains both its immune activity and enzyme activity. During the determination, the tested samples (antibodies or antigens in them) and enzyme labeled antigens or antibodies are reacted with the antigens or antibodies on the surface of the solid carrier in different steps. Use washing method to make Antigen antibody complex The amount of enzyme separated from other substances and finally combined on the solid carrier and tested in the sample Amount of substance In a certain proportion. join Enzyme reaction The substrate is Enzyme catalysis It becomes a colored product, and the amount of the product is directly related to the amount of the tested substance in the sample, so it can be determined according to Color response For qualitative or quantitative analysis. Because of the high catalytic frequency of the enzyme, the reaction effect can be greatly amplified, so that the determination method can reach a high Sensitivity
ELISA can be used to detect antigen and antibody. There are three necessary reagents in this determination method:
① Solid phase antigen or antibody
Enzyme labeling Antigen or antibody of
③ Enzymatic substrate( Chromogenic agent )。 Different types of detection methods can be designed according to the source of reagents, the characteristics of samples and the conditions for detection.

matters needing attention

⒈  Formal test When, respectively positive control And negative control Control test conditions, samples to be tested Should be In duplicate to ensure the accuracy Sometimes Background It is high, indicating that there is non-specific reaction, and sheep serum, rabbit serum or BSA Etc.
2. On ELISA It is very important to select various experimental conditions, including:
⑴ Selection of solid carrier: many substances can be used as solid carrier, such as polyvinyl chloride polystyrene , Polypropylamide and cellulose Etc. It can be in the form of concave plate, test tube, bead, etc. Currently, 40 hole polystyrene concave is commonly used Orifice plate No matter what kind of carrier, it can be screened before use: use the same amount of antigen to coat, react under the same experimental conditions, and observe its Chromogenic reaction whether Homogeneity And judge whether its adsorption performance is good.
(2) Selection of coated antibody (or antigen): when the antibody (or antigen) is adsorbed on the surface of the solid carrier, the purity is required to be good, and the general requirements for adsorption PH Between 9.0 and 9.6. The adsorption temperature, time and protein content also have a certain impact, generally 4 ℃, 18-24 hours. protein The optimum concentration of coating needs to be titrated: different protein concentrations (0.1, 1.0 and 10 μg /Ml, etc.) after coating, when other test conditions are the same, observe the OD (optical density- optical density )Value. choice OD value The highest concentration with the lowest protein content. It is usually 1-10 μ g/ml for most proteins.
⑶  Enzyme labelled antibody Selection of working concentration: first, use direct ELISA method for preliminary titer Titration of (see the section of enzyme labeled antibody). Then fix other conditions or adopt the "square matrix method" (the coating, the reference substance of the sample to be tested and the enzyme labeled antibody are different Dilution )Titrate the working concentration accurately in the formal experimental system.
⑷ Enzyme substrate and Hydrogen donor Selection of hydrogen donor: the selection requirements are cheap, safe and obvious Chromogenic reaction , but it is colorless. Some hydrogen donors (such as OPD) have potential Carcinogenesis Pay attention to protection. If possible, non carcinogenic and highly sensitive hydrogen donors should be used, such as TMB and ABTS It is currently a relatively satisfactory hydrogen donor. After the substrate acts for a period of time, add strong acid Or strong base to stop the reaction. Generally, the substrate action time should be 10-30 minutes. Substrate solution must be freshly prepared, especially H2O2 added before use.

Test steps

ELISA uses serum for detection. First, the blood must be agglutinated for at least half an hour, and then the serum is taken. Use the enzyme complex Diluent After dilution, add serum, negative and positive controls, and quality control products (this is a strict requirement, and its scope must be within the quality control range). After an hour of incubation, the plate is washed, the substrate is added, and after half an hour of reaction in the dark, the reaction part is completed by adding the termination solution, and then the reading is made. The negative or positive result is judged by the numerical value.

test method

Double antibody sandwich method
Double antibody sandwich method It is the most commonly used method for antigen detection, and the operation steps are as follows:
1、 Set Specificity The antibody is connected with the solid carrier to form the solid antibody: the unconjugated antibody and impurities are washed and removed.
2、 Add the tested sample: make it contact with the solid antibody for reaction for a period of time, let the antigen in the sample combine with the antibody on the solid carrier to form a solid antigen complex. Wash to remove other unconsolidated substances.
3、 Add enzyme labeled antibody: make solid phase Immune complex The antigen on is bound to the enzyme labeled antibody. Wash the unbound enzyme labeled antibody thoroughly. At this time, the amount of enzyme carried on the solid carrier and the amount of tested substance in the sample positive correlation
4、 Substrate addition: enzyme catalyzed substrate in sandwich complex becomes colored product. The qualitative or quantitative determination of the antigen is based on the degree of color reaction.
According to the same principle macromolecule The solid phase antigen and enzyme labeled antigen conjugates were prepared by the antibody, that is, the antibody in the sample can be determined by the double antigen sandwich method.
stay Clinical test This method is applicable to the detection of various proteins and other macromolecular antigens, such as HBsAg HBeAg AFP hCG Etc. As long as it is obtained that Antigenic anisotropy Antibodies can be used to coat solid carrier and prepare enzyme conjugate to establish this method. For example, the source of antibody is antiserum Antibodies for coating and enzyme labeling should preferably be taken from animals of different species and genera. As applied monoclonal antibody Generally, two different antigens are selected Determinative cluster Of Monoclonal antibody , respectively for coating solid phase carrier and preparing enzyme conjugate. This double locus Sandwich method It has a high specificity, and can be used for one-step detection by holding the sample and enzyme labeled antibody together.
In the one-step method, when the content of the tested antigen in the sample is very high, the excess antigen will bind to the solid phase antibody and enzyme labeled antibody respectively, instead of forming a "sandwich complex". Similar to Precipitation reaction in Superantigen Of Backband phenomenon , at this time, the absorbance value of the color after reaction (located on the antigen excess band) and standard curve (on Antibody excess band (I) The absorbance value of a certain antigen concentration is the same, if measured by normal method, the result will be lower than the actual content, which is called Hook effect (hook effect), because the standard curve bends like a hook after reaching the peak. When the hook effect is serious, the reaction may not even be colored and false Negative results Therefore, when using one-step reagents to determine substances with abnormally high content in samples (such as HBsAg, AFP in serum, and hCG in urine, etc.), attention should be paid to the highest value of the measurable range. The preparation of such reagents with high affinity monoclonal antibodies can weaken the hook effect.
If there are multiple identical determinants at different sites of the tested molecule, such as the a-determinant of HBsAg, the solid phase and enzyme conjugate can also be coated with the same monoclonal antibody for this determination. However, attention should be paid to subtypes in the detection of HBsAg. HBsAg has four subtypes: adr, adw, ayr and ayw. Obviously, each subtype has the same a-determinant Reactivity This is also a problem that should be paid attention to when using monoclonal antibody as sandwich method.
Another point of attention for antigen detection by double antibody sandwich method is Rheumatoid factor (RF). RF is a autoantibody , most of which are IgM type, and can combine with Fc segment of IgG of many animals. Used for double antibody sandwich detection Serum specimen If RF is contained in, it can act as an antigen component and combine with solid phase antibody and enzyme labeled antibody to show false positive Reaction. Use F (ab ') or Fab clip The reagent used as enzyme conjugate can eliminate RF interference due to the removal of Fc segment. Whether the double antibody sandwich ELISA reagent is affected by RF has been listed as an assessment indicator of this kind of reagent (see 6.2).
The double antibody sandwich method is applicable to the determination of bivalent or above macromolecular antigens, but not applicable to the determination of Hapten and Small molecule Monovalent antigen, because it cannot form a two site sandwich.
Double antigen sandwich method for antibody detection
The reaction mode is similar to that of the double antibody sandwich method. use Specific antigen Coating and preparing enzyme conjugates to detect corresponding antibodies. The difference between indirect method and ELISA is that ELISA antigen replaces ELISA antibody. In this method, the tested sample does not need to be diluted and can be directly used for determination, so its sensitivity is relatively higher than that of the indirect method. hepatitis B Marker This method is often used to detect intermediate anti HBs. The key of this method lies in the preparation of enzyme labeled antigen, and appropriate labeling methods should be found according to different antigen structures.
When using the double antibody sandwich method to determine the antigen, if the application is aimed at two different antigen molecules Antigenic determinant Of monoclonal antibody As solid phase antibody and enzyme labeled antibody respectively, the addition of sample and enzyme labeled antibody can be made in two steps and one step. This double site one-step not only simplifies the operation, but also shortens the reaction time If high affinity monoclonal antibodies are used, the sensitivity and specificity of the assay will also be significantly improved. The application of monoclonal antibodies has improved the ELISA for antigen detection to a new level.
In one-step determination, attention should be paid to hook effect, which is similar to the phenomenon of the back band of excess antigen in precipitation reaction. When the concentration of the antigen to be measured in the sample is quite high, the excess antigen will bind to the solid phase antibody and enzyme labeled antibody respectively, instead of forming a sandwich complex, and the result will be lower than the actual content. When the hook effect is serious, false negative results may even occur.
Indirect detection of antibodies
indirect method
Indirect method is the most commonly used method to detect antibodies. Its principle is to use enzyme labeled antibodies to detect the tested antibodies that have been combined with solid phase, so it is called indirect method. The operation steps are as follows:
⑴ Connect specific antigen with solid carrier to form solid antigen: wash and remove unconjugated antigen and impurities.
⑵ Add diluted tested serum: the specific antibody in it combines with the antigen to form a solid phase antigen antibody complex. After washing, only Specificity Antibodies. Other antibodies and impurities in the serum are washed away in the washing process because they cannot bind to the solid phase antigen.
⑶ Enzyme labeled anti antibody: it binds with the antibody in the solid phase complex, so that the antibody is indirectly labeled with the enzyme. After washing, the amount of enzyme on the solid carrier represents the amount of specific antibody. For example, if you want to test human antibodies to certain diseases, you can use enzyme labeled sheep anti human IgG antibody
⑷ Color rendering with substrate: color depth Represents the amount of antibody tested in the sample.
This law is mainly used for pathogen Antibody detection is used to diagnose infectious diseases. The advantage of indirect method is that Coating antigen The same enzyme labeled antibody can be used to establish a method for detecting the corresponding antibody.
The key to the success of indirect method is the purity of antigen. Although sometimes the actual and effective results can be obtained by coating with crude extracted antigen, it should be purified as far as possible to improve the specificity of the test. Special attention should be paid to removing impurities that can react with the serum of normal healthy people, such as E Coli is the recombinant antigen of engineering enzyme, such as E Coli composition, probably similar to E The anti E Coli antibody reacts. The antigen shall not contain substances that react with the enzyme labeled anti human Ig, such as antigens from human plasma or human tissues. If the Ig is not removed, false positive reactions will also occur in the test. In addition, if the antigen contains unrelated proteins Competitive adsorption And affect the coating effect.
Another interference factor in the indirect method is the high concentration of non-specific antibodies contained in normal serum. The specific IgG detected in the patient's serum only accounts for a small part of the total IgG. IgG Adsorbability Very strong, non-specific IgG can be directly adsorbed onto the solid carrier, and sometimes onto the surface of the coated antigen. Therefore, in the indirect method, the antigen is usually coated with unrelated proteins (such as Bovine serum albumin )Wrap it again to block the empty gap on the solid phase. In addition, the sample must be diluted first (1:40~1:200) during the test to avoid too high negative background affecting the judgment of the results.
competition law
The competitive method can be used to determine antigen and antibody. Take the determination of antigen as an example, the tested antigen and enzyme label Antigenic competition And solid phase The antibody binds, so the amount of enzyme labeled antigen bound to the solid phase is similar to the amount of tested antigen inverse ratio The operation steps are as follows:
⑴ Connect the specific antibody with the solid phase carrier to form the solid phase antibody. wash.
⑵ Add the mixture of the tested sample and a certain amount of enzyme labeled antigen in the tube to be tested solution And make it react with solid antibody. If there is no antigen in the tested sample, the enzyme labeled antigen can be successfully combined with the solid phase antibody. If the tested sample contains antigen, it will bind to the solid antibody with the same opportunity as the enzyme labeled antigen, occupying the opportunity to bind the enzyme labeled antigen to the solid carrier competitively, reducing the amount of the enzyme labeled antigen bound to the solid carrier. Only enzyme labeled antigen is added to the reference tube. After heat preservation, the combination of enzyme labeled antigen and solid antibody can reach the maximum amount. wash.
⑶ Color development with substrate: the reference tube has the darkest color because it has the most enzyme labeled antigens. The difference between the color depth of the reference tube and the color depth of the tube to be measured represents the amount of antigen in the tested sample. The lighter the color of the tube to be tested, the more antigen content in the sample. Generally, the culture system is detected by square wave voltammetry peak current , through peak current and Antigen antibody Of linear relationship To finally determine the concentration of the final detection target of the system.
When the Interfering substance This method can be used when it is difficult to remove or obtain enough purified antigen Specificity Antibodies. The principle is that the antibody in the sample competes with a certain amount of enzyme labeled antibody to bind to the solid phase antigen. The more antibodies in the sample, the less enzyme labeled antibodies bound to the solid phase, so the positive reaction is lighter than the negative reaction. If the antigen is of high purity, it can be directly coated with solid phase. Such as antigen China Council If there are interfering substances, it is not easy to directly coat them. The capture coating method can be used, that is, first coat the antibody corresponding to the solid phase antigen, then add the antigen to form the solid phase antigen. Wash to remove impurities in antigen, and then add samples and enzyme labeled antibodies for competitive binding reaction. There are many modes for competitive antibody detection, which can combine the sample and enzyme labeled antibody with solid phase Antigenic competition This method is generally used for anti HBc ELISA. The other mode is to add the sample and antigen together into the solid phase antibody for competitive binding, and then add enzyme labeled antibody after washing to react with the antigen bound on the solid phase. This method is generally used to detect anti HBe.
In serum, certain Antigen specificity IgM It often coexists with specific IgG, and the latter will interfere MP-IgM Determination of. Therefore, capture method is often used to determine IgM antibody. First, fix all serum IgM (including specific IgM and non-specific IgM) on solid phase, and then determine specific IgM after removing IgG. The operation steps are as follows:
⑴ Connect anti human IgM antibody to solid phase carrier to form solid phase anti human IgM. wash.
⑵ Add diluted serum sample: IgM antibody in serum after heat preservation reaction is captured by solid antibody. Wash to remove others immunoglobulin And impurities in serum.
⑶ Add specific antigen reagent: it only binds to specific IgM on solid phase. wash.
⑷ Add the target Specificity Enzyme labeled antibody: make it react and bind to the antigen on the solid phase. wash.
(5) Adding substrate color: if there is color display, it means that there is specific IgM antibody in the serum sample, which is a positive reaction.
Applied to ELISA
Avidin Is a kind of glycoprotein , can be extracted from egg white. Molecular weight 60kD, each molecule consists of 4 Subunit Composition, can be combined with 4 Biotin Molecular intimate combination. Vitamin H , molecular weight 244.31, found in egg yolk. Derivative made by chemical method, biotin hydroxyamber Imine Biotin hydroxysuccinide (BNHS) can be formed with proteins, sugars, enzymes and other types of large and small molecules Biotinylation The product of. The combination of avidin and biotin, although not immune reaction , but the specificity is strong and the affinity is large. Once they are combined, they are extremely stable. Since one avidin molecule has four binding positions of biotin molecules, more biotinylated molecules can be connected to form a lattice like complex Therefore, the sensitivity of ELISA can be greatly improved by coupling avidin and biotin with ELISA.
The avidin biotin system can be used in ELISA in many forms, including indirect coating and final reaction amplification. The avidin can be pre coated on the solid phase Adsorption method Antibodies or antigens coated with solid phase bind to biotin, and biotinylated antibodies or antibodies are in phase through avidin biotin reaction. This coating method can not only increase the amount of adsorbed antibodies or antigens, but also fully expose their binding points. In addition, the enzyme labeled antibody in conventional ELISA can also be replaced by biotinylated antibody, and then the avidin enzyme conjugate is connected to amplify the reaction signal.
Reagents for ELISA
Commercial kits are generally used in clinical tests. There are three necessary reagents in ELISA: Immunosorbent Conjugates And enzyme substrates. The complete ELISA kit contains the following components:
ELISA reagent
⑴ Solid phase carrier (immunoadsorbent) coated with antigen or antibody; ⑵ Enzyme labeled antigen or antibody (conjugate);
⑶ substrate of enzyme;
negative control Product and positive Reference substance (in qualitative determination), reference Standard And control serum (in quantitative determination);
(5) Enzymes (conjugates) and samples Diluent
(7) Enzyme reaction Termination liquid

Labeling enzyme

be used for Labelled antibody or Anti antibody The enzyme must have the following characteristics: high activity and susceptibility Stable at room temperature; The reaction products are easy to appear; It can be commercialized. Currently, there are many applications Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)、 alkaline phosphatase glucose oxidase HRP is the most widely used.


Peroxidase It is widely distributed in plants, horseradish It contains the highest content of horseradish. The horseradish peroxidase (HRP) extracted from horseradish is composed of colorless Enzyme protein And dark brown Iron porphyrin Constitutive glycoprotein sugar content 18%), molecular weight about 40 000, about 300 amino acid composition Isoelectric point Is pH 3-9, catalytic reaction The optimum pH value of is slightly different due to different hydrogen donors, generally around pH 5. This enzyme is soluble in water and ammonium sulphate Solution. Enzyme protein and Cofactor Maximum of absorption spectrum 275 nm and 403 nm, respectively.
The purity of the enzyme is expressed in RZ: RZ=OD403/OD275
The RZ of pure enzyme is more than 3.0, the highest is 3.4. Enzymatic products with RZ below 0.6 are crude enzymes, and non enzymatic proteins account for about 75%, which cannot be used for labeling. RZ above 2.5 can be used for marking. The acting substrate of HRP is hydrogen peroxide , Catalytic Reaction time There are several kinds of hydrogen donors for: (1) O-phenylenediamine (OPD), the product is orange, soluble, high sensitivity, maximum Absorption value At 490nm, it can be judged by naked eye, and is easy to be concentrated H2SO4 Stop reaction, the color can remain unchanged for several hours, which is the most commonly used ELISA in China; (2) General Assembly fennel Amine (OD), the product is orange, the maximum absorption value is 400nm, and the color is relatively stable; (3) 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-AS): the product is dark brown, the maximum absorption value is 449nm, partially dissolved, and has poor sensitivity; (4) O-toluidine OT )The product is blue, the maximum absorption value is 630nm, partially dissolved, unstable, and acid resistant, but the reaction is fast and the color is obvious.

alkaline phosphatase

The intestinal mucosa and Escherichia coli Extracted from multiple Isoenzyme form. There are many kinds of substrates, commonly used as nitrobenzene phosphate , cheap and non-toxic. Enzymolysis The product is yellow, soluble, and the maximum absorption value is 400nm. Enzymatic activity: hydrolyze 1 μ g at 37 ℃ for 1 minute in pH10 reaction system Disodium phenyl phosphate Is a unit.

Enzyme labeling

Enzyme and antibody cross-linking, commonly used glutaraldehyde Method and periodate oxidation method. The modified sodium periodate method of HRP labeled antibody established by Guo Chunxiang is simple and easy to use, with good labeling effect, especially suitable for small batch preparation in the laboratory. The labeling procedure is: dissolve 5 μ g HRP in 0.5ml distilled water, add 0.06 freshly prepared mol/L Sodium periodate( NaIO4 )0.5ml water solution, Evenly mix Place in 4 ℃ refrigerator for 30 minutes, take out and add 0.16mol/L glycol 0.5ml of water solution, add 5g after 30 minutes at room temperature Purified antibody 1ml of water solution, mix and load dialysis Bag, use 0.05mol/L, pH9.5 carbonate buffer solution in a 4 ℃ refrigerator to slowly stir for dialysis for 6 hours (or overnight) to combine, and then Aspirate , plus Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solution 5 (g/ml) 0.2ml, put it in a 4 ℃ refrigerator for 2 hours, and transfer the above combination Mixed liquid Add an equal volume of saturated ammonium sulfate solution, place it in a 4 ℃ refrigerator for 30 minutes, and centrifuge the obtained precipitate Dissolve it in a little 0.02mol/L, pH7.4PBS, and dialysis it overnight (4 ℃). Centrifuge it the next day to remove the insoluble matter to obtain enzyme labeled antibody. Dilute it to 5ml with 0.02mol/L, pH7.4PBS, and measure it, freeze drying or Cryopreservation

Effect measurement

Enzyme labeled antibody labeling effect test: the test content includes enzyme and Antibody activity Conjugates Medium enzyme content and IgG Content, enzyme and IgG mole Ratio and binding rate.