Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility
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synonym CSR (Abbreviation of corporate social responsibility) Generally refers to corporate social responsibility (corporate social responsibility)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR for short) means that an enterprise is creating profits and assuming legal responsibility At the same time, we should also take responsibility for consumers, communities and the environment social responsibility It requires enterprises to go beyond the traditional concept of taking profits as the only goal, and emphasizes the importance of Production process Middle pair Human value And emphasize the contribution to the environment, consumers and society.
Chinese name
Corporate Social Responsibility
Foreign name
Corporate social responsibility
10 Principles and 8 Social Responsibilities
Western development
From the middle of the 19th century to the 20th century, it became increasingly perfect
China's development
It has gone through three stages

Ideological origin

Completed as early as the middle and late 18th century in England The first industrial revolution After that, enterprises in the modern sense have been fully developed, but the concept of corporate social responsibility has not yet emerged, and corporate social responsibility in practice is limited to the owners moral behavior Within. The starting point of corporate social responsibility is Adam Smith (Adam Smith)“ Invisible hand ”。 classical economics According to the theory, a society can best determine its needs through the market. If enterprises use resources as efficiently as possible to provide social needs By selling their products and services at the price consumers are willing to pay, enterprises will fulfill their social responsibilities.
At the end of the 18th century, the concept of social responsibility of Western enterprises began to change subtly, which was reflected in the fact that owners of small businesses often donated to schools, churches and the poor.
Since the 19th century industrial revolution The achievements of productivity The company has made a great leap in the number and scale. During this period“ Social Darwinism ”Influenced by the trend of thought, people hold the view of corporate social responsibility Negative attitude Many enterprises do not take the initiative to assume social responsibility, but exploit suppliers and employees who have close relations with the enterprise to become strong players in social competition as soon as possible. This concept has had many negative effects with the vigorous development of industry.
At the same time, in the middle and late 19th century Enterprise system Gradually improved, and the demands of the working class to safeguard their own rights and interests are rising U.S. government One after another《 Antitrust legislation 》And Consumer Protection Act to restrain enterprises Bad behavior Objectively, new requirements have been put forward for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility, and the emergence of the concept of corporate social responsibility has become a historical necessity.

development history

With the progress of economy and society, enterprises should be responsible not only for profits, but also for the environment, and bear corresponding social responsibilities

Profit first

1950s and 1970s
On September 13, 1970, Nobel laureate and economist Milton Friedman On《 New York Times 》The article titled "Social responsibility of business is to increase profits" was published, which pointed out that "there is a rare trend that corporate executives should bear social responsibility more than making money for shareholders, which can completely destroy the foundation of the free society itself", and "one and only social responsibility of enterprises is to increase profits within the scope of competition rules." Socio economic view It is believed that, Profit maximization It is the second goal of the enterprise. The first goal of the enterprise is to ensure its own survival. "In order to achieve this, they must undertake Social obligations And the resulting social cost They must be protected by means of no pollution, no discrimination, and no deceptive advertising social welfare They must integrate into their own communities and support charity organizations, so as to play an active role in improving the society.
1976 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) formulated the "Multinational Corporations Code of Conduct 》This is the only multilateral and comprehensive code of conduct for transnational corporations signed and committed to implement by the government so far. Although these guidelines are not applicable to any country or company binding force , but requires more protection of the rights of stakeholders and shareholders, greater transparency, and Accountability The code was revised in 2000, which further emphasized the responsibility of the signatory governments in promoting and implementing the code.

Focus on the environment

Social responsibility of contracting enterprises
1980s and 1990s
In the 1980s, enterprises social responsibility The movement started at Europe and America developed country It gradually rises, including environmental protection, labor, human rights and other aspects, resulting in consumers' concern from a single concern product quality , turn to care about product quality, environment occupational health and Labor security And so on. Some involve Greenpeace , environmental protection, social responsibility and human rights Non governmental organizations As well as the public opinion, it has also constantly called for linking social responsibility with trade. Due to the increasing pressure and their own development needs, many European and American multinational companies have developed responsibility codes (including social responsibility) to make necessary commitments to the society, or to deal with different situations through environmental, occupational health, and social responsibility certification Interest groups Needs.

Social Responsibility Campaign

Since 1990s
In the early 1990s, American labor and human rights organizations targeted tailoring And the footwear industry launched the "anti sweatshop movement". Due to utilization“ Sweatshop Institutional production Levi Strauss, the American clothing manufacturer of the products, was news media After the exposure, in order to save its public image, the first company's production code was formulated. Under the pressure of NGOs and consumers, such as labor and human rights organizations, many well-known brand companies have also established their own production codes, which later evolved into the "Enterprise Production Code Campaign", also known as the "Enterprise Code of Conduct Campaign" or the "Factory Code Campaign". The direct purpose of the enterprise production code campaign is to promote enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities.
However, the codes of production formulated by multinational companies have obvious business purposes, and their implementation cannot be monitored by the society. Under the promotion of NGOs such as labor organizations and human rights organizations, the production code movement is "self disciplined" by multinational companies- regulation )The "internal production code" of "social regulation" has gradually changed into the "external production code" of "social regulation".
By 2000, there were 246 production codes in the world, of which 118 were formulated by multinational companies themselves, and the rest were so-called "socially constrained" production codes formulated by trade associations or multilateral organizations or international institutions. These production codes are mainly distributed in the United States, Britain Australia Canada , Germany, etc.
In July 2000, the first high-level meeting of the Global Compact Forum was held, and representatives of more than 50 well-known multinational companies participating in the meeting promised to establish globalization At the same time of the market《 Global Compact 》It is a framework to improve the working environment of workers and improve the level of environmental protection. The Global Compact action plan has been attended by representatives of more than 30 countries, including China, and more than 200 famous companies.
In February 2001, the Global Workers' Social Union released a 106 page Nike Funding completed reports. The content of the report is about the labor survey of nine Nike contract factories in Indonesia. The novelty of this report is that it was completed and published at Nike's expense, and Nike cannot refuse to publish it. Nike's response to these problems will be Clothing company Set new benchmarks.
Held in New York in February 2002 world economy At the summit, 36 CEO The theoretical basis for calling on companies to fulfill their social responsibilities is that, Corporate social responsibility "It is not unnecessary", but core business An essential part of operations.
In 2002, the United Nations Officially launched the UN Global Covenants 》(UN Global Compact)。 There are nine principles in the agreement, and the United Nations appeals to the company to treat its employees and supplier We should respect its nine principles.
Corporate Social Responsibility in China
Looking at the development of corporate social responsibility construction in China in recent ten years, it has roughly gone through the following three stages:
The first stage
From the middle of the 1990s to the beginning of this century Brand dealer Under the promotion, we gradually paid attention to social responsibility issues, and established International procurement Guidelines, standards or systems for implementing social responsibility in. Chinese enterprises began to accept the factory audit on social responsibility implemented by multinational companies.
The second stage
From the beginning of this century to two thousand and six Corporate social responsibility began to receive widespread attention.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Chinese academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and international organizations in China began to systematically introduce, extensively study and discuss social responsibility. Government departments have also begun to pay attention to the construction of corporate social responsibility. The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Commerce investigated the construction of corporate social responsibility in China.
The third stage
Enterprises implement social responsibility, realize enterprise economic responsibility, social responsibility and Environmental responsibility Of dynamic equilibrium On the contrary, it will enhance the competitiveness and social responsibility of the enterprise, establish a good reputation and image for the enterprise, and thus enhance the company's brand image Get a good impression of the enterprise from all stakeholders, enhance investor confidence, and more easily attract and retain the talents needed by the enterprise.
Company Law of the People's Republic of China Article 5 The Company engages in operating activities , must comply with laws and regulations Social morality Business ethics Honesty and trustworthiness , accept the government and The public And bear social responsibility. The legitimate rights and interests of the Company shall be protected by law and shall not be violated. Article 219 This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 2006. Corporate social responsibility case selection was held, and the award-winning cases were all from Social public welfare Public service communication And enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to environmental protection.

Ten principles


human rights

Corporate Social Responsibility Standards of Commercial Banks
1. Enterprises should support and respect the international society A declaration made to uphold human rights.
2 Do not protect human rights violations and labor.
Effectively ensure the freedom to form trade unions and the right to negotiate with groups.
4 Eliminate any form of forced labor.
5 Effectively abolish child labour.
6 Eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation.

environmental protection

7. Enterprises should take precautions against environmental problems.
8 Take the initiative environmental protection Responsibility.
9 Promote the development and popularization of environmental protection technology.

Anti corruption

Actively take measures against any form of corruption such as extortion and bribery.


SA8000 : Social Accountability 8000 ( SA8000 )The social responsibility standard is based on International Labour Organization International social responsibility standards established by the Regulations.
The fulfillment of corporate social responsibility will help solve the employment problem. In addition to increasing investment, new projects and employment, the most important thing is to encourage enterprises to scientifically arrange labor force, expand employment opportunities, create experience that can increase efficiency without reducing staff, and try to reduce the number of people pushed to the society employment pressure In the past, only ISO9000 And ISO14000 International certification This standard clearly stipulates that enterprises need to ensure that workers work in a clean and hygienic environment, eliminate potential work safety hazards, and do not use child labor. It effectively protects the vital interests of workers, which can not only attract Labor resources , encourage them to create more value, and more importantly, establish a good corporate image through this management Reputation And trust to achieve long-term Business objectives In this sense, the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility will help solve the employment problem.
Corporate social responsibility helps to protect resources and environment and achieve sustainable development. As a social citizen, enterprises bear an unshirkable responsibility for the sustainable development of resources and environment, while fulfilling their social responsibility, technological innovation can first reduce Production activities The possible environmental pollution caused by each link can also reduce energy consumption, save resources, and reduce enterprise production costs , so that product price More competitive. Enterprises can also Public welfare undertakings Build together with the community Environmental protection facilities To purify the environment and protect the interests of the community and other citizens. This will help alleviate the economic development and serious environmental pollution of cities, especially those with concentrated industrial enterprises environmental deterioration The contradiction between.
Corporate social responsibility helps alleviate poverty gap And eliminate the hidden danger of social instability. On the one hand, large and medium-sized enterprises can concentrate their capital advantages, management advantages and human resources advantages to develop resources in poor areas, which can not only expand their production and operation, obtain new growth points, but also make up for the lack of funds in poor areas, solve the problem of idle local labor and resources, and help local people get rid of poverty and become rich. On the other hand, enterprises can also help people in backward areas through charity Development education , social security and medical and health services, which can not only solve the problem that the local government is unable to invest due to financial difficulties, help the backward areas gradually develop social undertakings, but also achieve unparalleled Advertising effect , improve the corporate image and consumer recognition Market share

Business practices

Dual responsibility of enterprises
On Corporate Social Responsibility
First of all, enterprises should undertake and perform well Economic responsibility , in order to greatly enrich the people's material life national economy The rapid and stable development of China will play its due role. The most direct way is to make profits and expand sales as much as possible, cost reduction , make correct decisions and ensure stakeholder Of Legal rights and interests
Secondly, the enterprise sets an example in observing disciplines and laws, and abides by all laws and regulations, including environment law consumes'interests Law and labor protection Law. Complete all Contractual obligations Take the lead in honest operation, legal operation and acceptance of warranty promises. Drive the employees of the enterprise and the community where the enterprise is located to abide by laws and disciplines and jointly build A society ruled by law
Third, ethical responsibility is the expectation of the society to the enterprise. The enterprise should strive to protect the society from the negative impact of its own operating activities, products and services. accelerate Industrial technology Upgrade and industrial structure Optimize and develop vigorously Green enterprise To increase the ability of enterprises to absorb employment and fulfill their responsibilities for environmental protection and social stability.
Finally, it is the charitable responsibility of enterprises. An important task of building a harmonious society at this stage is to vigorously develop social undertakings , education medical and health work The development of social security and other undertakings is directly related to the most direct interests of the people, and also directly determines social stability and harmony. Many places are developing social undertakings Underinvestment Or inability to invest, which requires mobilizing all the capital that can be mobilized. Enterprises should give full play to their capital advantages to develop social undertakings and become a good Corporate Citizen And external donation. support community education Support the development of health, humanistic care, culture and art, urban construction and other projects to help communities improve Public environment , voluntarily Community work

Eight Social Responsibilities

Ren Yuling It is suggested that China's enterprises should establish Social responsibility standards


Responsibility for ensuring the authenticity of products
The lack of integrity caused by various reasons is destroying the normal operation of the socialist market economy Counterfeit goods It can be seen at any time that the welfare loss caused by consumers is 250-270 billion yuan every year, accounting for gross domestic product 3-3.5% of the specific gravity. Due to the interference of commodity counterfeiting and the difficulty of cracking down on counterfeiting, many enterprises are difficult to sustain and at risk. In order to maintain market order and guarantee masses The enterprise must bear the responsibility of ensuring that the products are genuine social responsibility

scientific development

The mission of the enterprise is to develop and make profits, and it is responsible for increasing taxes and national development. Enterprises must assume the responsibility of development, do a good job in economic development, take development as the center, take development as the premise, and constantly expand Enterprise scale , expand the share of tax payment, complete the task of tax payment, and make great contributions to national development. But this Development concept It must be scientific. No enterprise can only focus on the immediate and long-term, nor can it focus on the local and overall situation, nor can it focus on itself and ignore friendly neighbor So no matter which enterprise, we should attach great importance to“ Five overall plans ”Under the guidance of the scientific concept of development.

sustainable development

China is a country with a special shortage of per capita resources. The development of enterprises must adapt to resource conservation. An enterprise cannot ignore one thing and lose another, regardless of the overall situation. As an entrepreneur, we must stand on the overall position, adhere to sustainable development, and pay close attention to resource conservation. And be determined to change Economic growth mode , Development circular economy Adjust the industrial structure. In particular, we should respond to the call of the central government, implement the strategy of "going out", and make good use of two resources and two markets to ensure the economic Operation safety In this way, our development can be sustained, and the goal of quadrupling it can be achieved.

protect the environment

Environmental protection of corporate social responsibility
With the economic development of the world and our country, the environment is deteriorating day by day, especially the pollution of the atmosphere, water and sea is becoming increasingly serious. Wildlife Our survival is in crisis. The overexploitation of forests and minerals poses a great threat to human survival and development, environmental problems It has become the bottleneck of economic development. For human survival and economy sustained development Enterprises must take responsibility Environmental protection and maintenance The task of natural harmony.

Cultural construction

Health care, public education and Cultural construction It is extremely important for the development of a country. In particular, public education plays an important role in a country's poverty eradication and prosperity. Medical and health work not only affects the health of the whole nation, but also affects social labor resources Supply guarantee Cultural construction can cultivate people's sentiment and improve their quality through leisure and entertainment. Our country, due to less investment in these areas in the previous period, has more debts and serious problems. and public goods and Cultural undertakings Although it is the responsibility of the state to develop health care, education and cultural development, enterprises should allocate some financial resources and energy to undertake the responsibility of developing health care, education and cultural construction when the state has difficulties in supporting these aspects and lacks financial resources.

Develop philanthropy

Although our economy has made great progress, as a big country with a population of 1.3 billion, there are still many difficulties. In particular, the difficulties in rural areas are more onerous, and some poor people need to help the poor. Although these responsibilities require the efforts of the government, they also require enterprises to share the concerns of the country and participate in the social poverty alleviation. For the development of the society, and also for the development of the enterprise itself, our enterprises should pay more attention to poverty alleviation, and better assume the responsibility of poverty alleviation.

Protect employees' health

Human resources are the precious wealth of society, and also Enterprise development Support. guarantee staff and workers of enterprise It is not only related to the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, but also related to the development and stability of society. In order to cope with the international Social responsibility standards In order to implement the central government's goal of "putting people first" and building a harmonious society, our enterprises must assume the responsibility of protecting the lives and health of employees and ensuring the protection of working conditions. As an enterprise, we must resolutely respect discipline and abide by law, care for employees, do a good job in labor protection, and constantly improve workers Wage level And ensure timely distribution. Enterprises should be more involved with Employee communication , think more about employees.

Develop science and technology

At present, on the whole, China's enterprises economic performance Poor, resources Input-output ratio It is also very low. In order to solve the problem of low efficiency, we must pay attention to technological innovation Through scientific and technological innovation, reduce the consumption of coal, electricity, oil and transportation, and further improve Enterprise benefits Since the reform and opening up, in order to change the backward situation of technology as soon as possible, China has implemented the principle of bringing in economic development Take a shortcut. But even today, the wind of our introduction is still growing stronger and more serious. Many factories have almost become expositions of foreign production lines Imported technology The digestion and absorption did not attract attention. Therefore, enterprises should attach great importance to the digestion and absorption of imported technologies and scientific research and development, increase the investment of funds and personnel, and strive to make innovation centered on enterprises.

Foreign experience

Some international organizations in the world attach great importance to promoting corporate social responsibility, and have established relevant institutions and organizations. Corporate social responsibility work is expanding rapidly worldwide. as the United Nations Implemented in 2000“ Global Compact ”More than 2900 people have advocated ten principles including human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption Home World Famous enterprises join the Global Compact. world Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development International Labour Organization International Organization for Standardization International Organization of Employers They also actively promoted corporate social responsibility and reached consensus on how to further promote corporate social responsibility.

Construction method

Listing Strategies
First, enterprises should establish clear processes to ensure that social problems and emerging Social forces Fully discussed at the highest level and incorporated into the company's strategic planning development strategy Set out to Corporate social responsibility Penetrate into the whole company operating activities Medium.
Second, enterprises should set up special institutions to be responsible for the implementation of social responsibility, and set up corresponding social responsibility assessment indicators.
Third, the training of enterprise employees Social responsibility awareness So that every employee of the enterprise can fulfill their social responsibilities everywhere in their actual daily behavior.
Fourth, continuous regular distribution Corporate Social Responsibility Report Full authenticity To show the corporate citizen image.
China Institute of Labor Relations Director of the Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility, WTO Economic Guide, Ministry of Commerce development Chief expert of the Center Beijing Zhuoyue Yibai Management Consulting Co., Ltd Distinguished experts have independently written and edited more than 4 million words of monographs and papers. Used to be State Grid China Post Hundreds of enterprises and units provide corporate social responsibility Enterprise Strategy , management, management communication and other training consulting services.
Vice President of WTO Economic Journal of the Ministry of Commerce, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility Development Center Brandenburg University of Applied Technology Technology and innovation Management Master of Science, a distinguished expert of Beijing Zhuoyue Yibai Management Consulting Co., Ltd., focuses on the research and promotion of corporate social responsibility, and takes the lead in proposing enterprises in China Responsibility competitiveness idea. Published Responsibility Competitiveness《 Corporate Social Responsibility Action Guide 》And a series of monographs on corporate social responsibility. by World Bank Ministry of Commerce, State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, China Enterprise Confederation, State Grid PetroChina , China Huaneng, China Huadian Pepsi (China) and many others enterprises and institutions And government agencies have provided corporate social responsibility consulting training and special research services.
The social responsibility and competitiveness improvement of Chinese enterprises are corporate social responsibility Management ability Improved application guide. Through the background of social responsibility and Development trend Corporate Social Responsibility in China Social responsibility management system The in-depth analysis of the position of the enterprise helps the enterprise to effectively use Social responsibility report Writing and other tools, changing management idea , improve management model , sorting out the responsibility system and rapidly improving the enterprises in the era of comprehensive responsibility competition Comprehensive competitiveness , leading the enterprise to success international market
2008 China's economy The sustained and rapid growth of Corporate social responsibility management system Development brings new opportunities and challenges.
market demand Support of:
With the deepening tide of globalization responsibility, the development of corporate social responsibility will bring management philosophy New changes.
Policy level: representatives strongly called for a harmonious society proposed at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Company Law clearly stipulates that enterprises should fulfill their social responsibilities《 Labor Contract Law 》State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Republic of China in 2008 Document No. 1 propose central enterprises Guidance on fulfilling social responsibilities Industry Association Released in succession Social Responsibility Guidelines , reports, etc.
Corporate level: corporate social responsibility is a new topic for Chinese enterprises, with only the State Grid, COSCO association Haier Alibaba Wait for more than 60 releases Corporate Social Responsibility Report More enterprises will face the challenge of preparing corporate social responsibility reports and the urgent need to establish the knowledge of social responsibility management system and improve the ability of social responsibility management, which is not only for enterprises Internationalization process It is an effective way to build a harmonious society.

Historical controversy

In 1924, the British scholar Oliver Sheldon proposed in his book "The Philosophy of Management"“ Corporate social responsibility ”The concept of. It is known from the available data that this is the earliest description of "corporate social responsibility" so far. He linked corporate social responsibility with the responsibility of company operators to meet various human needs inside and outside the industry, and believed that corporate social responsibility included moral factors.
In the 1930s, there was a famous Dodd Bailey controversy in the American corporate law circle Managers Who is the trustee? ". Professor Dodd took the lead in pointing out that companies have social responsibilities to employees, consumers and the public, although these social responsibilities may not be seen in the law for the company Statutory obligations But should be strictly observed by the company's managers professional ethics Later, Professor Berle immediately objected: the only purpose of commercial companies is to make profits for shareholders, and the company managers have the same responsibility to shareholders as trustees. If the managers are required to be responsible for other people than shareholders, then the owners control the company, and the managers should be responsible for the owners Fiduciary Responsibility The company law rules of the company will be weakened or even subverted. In the name of the company's social responsibility, various interest groups will put forward property requirements to the company as market economy The private ownership of basic property will be shaken, and the result will be similar to an economic civil war public wealth Redistribution.
However, it was not until 1953 that Howard R. Bowen, known as the "father of corporate social responsibility", published the book "Social Responsibility of Businessmen" that the modern debate on corporate social responsibility really began. Bowen defines corporate social responsibility as the obligation of businessmen to approach relevant policies, make corresponding decisions and take ideal concrete actions according to the goals and values of society.
In 1961, Eells and Walton further developed the concept of corporate social responsibility. They believed that "when people talk about corporate social responsibility, they are considering what companies and enterprises bring to society negative effect , and the ethical principles that should be followed in dealing with the relationship between the company and society ".
In 1975, Davis and Blomstrom gave a clearer definition of social responsibility in their book Economy and Society: Environment and Responsibility. They claimed that "social responsibility refers to the obligation of decision makers to take measures to protect and promote the overall interests of society while promoting their own interests".
Incorporate corporate social responsibility into economic legal obligation In 1963, McGuire put forward a new view: "The idea of social responsibility believes that enterprises not only have economic and legal obligations, but also have obligations to society beyond these obligations". However, this definition does not clearly explain what obligations beyond economic and legal obligations are. Sethi (1975)'s definition of social responsibility is a supplement to this. In his opinion, "social responsibility" refers to social responsibility when it is consistent with the value expectations of mainstream norms enterprise behavior Hierarchy ".
Of course, there are many arguments and voices from scholars who oppose "corporate social responsibility".
Gunness once pointed out that some people criticized corporate social responsibility, which reflected the company's belief that it was directly responsible for solving many problems that troubled the society, and that it was also capable of assuming this responsibility alone. In fact, this belief was at most an unrealistic hope. Smith also believes that the term "corporate social responsibility" is ambiguous; In his opinion, "corporate social responsibility" is just a kind of instrument of propaganda or publicity nothing more. This term has never described the behavior standards of enterprises, but is just a tool for companies, governments and consumer groups to fight against each other ".
It can be seen that "corporate social responsibility" is a rather complex concept, which has caused extensive debate and discussion among experts and scholars. The concept of corporate social responsibility has been gradually clarified in the debate between proponents and opponents.
In 1979, Carroll, a famous scholar, gave a comprehensive definition, which seemed to summarize the debate on the concept of corporate social responsibility at this stage. He believed that corporate social responsibility refers to the sum of the economic, legal, ethical and benevolent expectations of society on organizations in a given period of time. This concept was widely recognized for a long time afterwards.

Responsibility embodiment

1. Run the enterprise well and make it stronger, larger and longer
2. Everything of the enterprise Operation management Conduct ethically
3. Community welfare investment
5. Consciously protect the natural environment


(1) Business to government Responsibility.
In modern society, the government has increasingly evolved into a social service agency, playing the role of social organization Service and implementation Social justice Role of. Under this institutional framework, enterprises are required to play the role of social citizens, consciously operate legally, pay taxes according to regulations, and assume the responsibilities stipulated by the government Other responsibilities And obligations, and accept government supervision and legal intervention.
(2) The responsibility of the enterprise to its shareholders.
In modern society, the number of shareholders is becoming larger and larger civil life The relationship between enterprises and shareholders has gradually become the nature of the relationship between enterprises and society, and the responsibility of enterprises to shareholders has also become Social First, enterprises should strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations Fund security And profits, and strive to give shareholders Return on investment Secondly, the enterprise has the responsibility to provide shareholders with true and reliable information on operation and investment, and shall not deceive investors.
(3) Business to consumer Responsibility.
Enterprises and consumers are a pair of contradictory unity. Enterprise profit The maximization of purchasing behavior To achieve. As an organization that gains profits by providing products and services to consumers, it is the bounden duty of enterprises and enterprises to consumers to provide high-quality, safe, comfortable and durable goods and services and meet the material and spiritual needs of consumers social responsibility Social responsibility to consumers requires enterprises to product quality and Service quality Take responsibility, fulfill the commitment to consumers in terms of product quality and service quality, not cheat consumers and seek huge profits, and consciously accept the supervision of the government and the public in terms of product quality and service quality.
(4) The responsibility of the enterprise to its employees.
The enterprise's responsibility for employees belongs to the internal stakeholder Question. Enterprises must pay considerable attention to the status, treatment and satisfaction of employees. stay globalization In this context, the issue of workers' rights has been recognized by governments and Social groups The universal attention of. In the 1990s, the famous Jeans Manufacturer Levi Strauss is in a prison like Working conditions After the fact that young women workers were used under the government was exposed, in order to save their image, the first Corporate social responsibility Code, and then some multinational companies Global competition They also followed suit. In 1997, long-term social and environmental protection Non governmental organizations The Economic Priorities Committee (CEP) established the Accreditation Committee (CE2PA), which was renamed Social Responsibility International (SAI) in 2001《 ILO Conventions 》, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 》Etc international covenant It has formulated the world's first corporate social responsibility international standard , i.e SA8000 standard And its certification system (revised in 2001).
(5) Enterprise vs Resources and environment And sustainable development.
Practical proof , industrial civilization For human society While bringing unprecedented prosperity, it also gives us natural environment It has caused disastrous effects. Enterprises play a major role in the pollution and consumption of the natural environment. The environmental revolution in the past half century has changed the attitude of enterprises towards the environment - from denying the damage to the environment to assuming the responsibility of no longer harming the environment, and then hoping to exert a positive impact on the environment. However, the environment is improving only in developed country The whole human race has not embarked on the path of sustainable development. The root cause of this situation lies in the rapid growth of population and economy in emerging countries. Although these politics and social problem It is beyond the jurisdiction and capacity of any enterprise, but only enterprises are the organizations that integrate resources, technology, global influence and sustainable development motivation, so enterprises should undertake to establish sustainable development global economy This task, and then use this historic transformation to achieve their own development.
(6) Corporate responsibility to the community.
An enterprise is a part of society, but also a part of its community. It is an important social responsibility of an enterprise to establish a harmonious relationship with its community. The responsibility of the enterprise to the community is to give back to the community, such as providing employment opportunities for the community Public welfare undertakings Provide charitable donations and make them public to the community enterprise operation And so on. A socially responsible enterprise realizes that it is its obligation to return a part of its profits to the community through appropriate means. Konz and Wellick, the world famous management masters, believe that enterprises must social environment Connect, respond to changes in the social environment in a timely manner, and become an active participant in community activities.