cerebral palsy

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Non progressive brain injury syndrome
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synonym CP (Cerebral palsy) Generally refers to cerebral palsy
Wu Sheng (Chief physician) Military trauma rehabilitation center
cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) , full name of cerebral palsy. Refers to babies Before birth In the early stage of brain development within one month after birth, non progressive due to various reasons brain damage Syndrome. It is mainly central Dyskinesia And abnormal posture, which may be accompanied by Mental retardation epilepsy Sensory disturbance language barrier And spirit Abnormal behavior It is one of the major diseases that cause children's physical disability. [1]
TCM disease name
cerebral palsy
Foreign name
cerebral palsy
cerebral palsy
Visiting department
Internal Medicine-Neurology
Common causes
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, premature delivery, hyperbilirubinemia, intracranial hemorrhage
common symptom
Dyskinesia, abnormal posture


High risk factors of cerebral palsy mainly occur in Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy , premature delivery hyperbilirubinemia intracranial hemorrhage Some of the newborns with one or more factors may develop cerebral palsy.

clinical manifestation

1. Clinical classification
(1) Spasmodic type with Cone system Mainly damaged.
(2) No random movement Type with Extrapyramidal system Damage is the main reason, and involuntary movement increases. It is characterized by slow movement of hands and feet Dance like movements Muscular tension Disorders, tremors, etc.
(3) Ankylosis type The external system of cone is mainly damaged, which is gear Lead pipe kind Sustainability Increased muscle tone
(4) Ataxia Type with cerebellum Mainly damaged.
(5) Hypotonic type.
(6) Hybrid The same child has two or more types of symptoms.
2. Classification according to paralysis site
(1) Monoplegia A single limb is involved.
(2) Diplegia The limbs are involved, the upper limbs are light, and the lower limbs are heavy.
(3) Triplegia Three limbs are involved.
(4) hemiplegia Half of the limbs are involved.
(5) Quadriplegia The limbs are involved, and the upper and lower limbs are similarly involved.


1. Causing cerebral palsy brain damage It is non progressive.
2. Cause Dyskinesia The location of the lesion is in the brain.
3. Symptoms: Infancy appear.
5. Exclusions Sexual diseases Central dyskinesia and normal children's temporary movement caused by Developmental retardation


At present, there have been some in-depth studies on the early rehabilitation screening and intervention of brain injury in children with cerebral palsy High risk child The early screening, diagnosis and intervention of Quality of life Important preventive measure In the intervention, if we want to analyze and discuss educational strategies from multiple perspectives such as society, family and individuals, we must Organism Study as a whole or system, and discuss with typical cases. For example, play is the instinct of infants Life movement It is a kind of form that can be created by using toys, commonly used items at home or self-made toys during training Rich and colorful The external environment and the stimulation of food, toys and household activities. Let children feel the rich and colorful external environment, make children become agile adaptability Strong.
It can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine surgical treatment and medication Intramuscular BTXA injection can be used for the treatment of children with spastic CP rehabilitation training Provide favorable conditions.

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