Corporate Identity System

Create a good corporate image
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synonym CIS (Corporate Identity System) generally refers to corporate identity system
Corporate Identity System CIS (Corporate Identity System), CI is the abbreviation of Corporate Identity in English. In some documents, it is also called CIS, which is the abbreviation of Corporate Identity System in English Corporate image design CI refers to the conscious and planned transfer of various characteristics of the enterprise The public Actively display and spread, so that the public can have a standardized and differentiated impression and understanding of a specific enterprise in the market environment, so as to better identify and leave a good impression.
CIS is generally divided into three aspects: Concept identification ——Mind Identity( MI ), Behavior Identity( BI )And Visual recognition ——Visual Identity(VI)。 Corporate philosophy , refers to the long-term Production and operation The value criteria and Cultural concept , and by enterprise value Enterprises determined by norms and cultural concepts Business direction Management ideology And operation strategic target Enterprise behavior identification It is an enterprise concept Behavior , including various internal and external behaviors of employees under the guidance of the concept, as well as various production of the enterprise Business behavior Corporate visual identity It is the visualization of enterprise concept, through corporate image advertising, logo, trademark, brand Product packaging Enterprise internal environment The layout, plant appearance and other media and methods present and convey the enterprise concept to the public. The core purpose of CI is to convey corporate philosophy through corporate behavior identification and corporate visual identity, Establish enterprise image
Chinese name
Corporate Identity System
Foreign name
Corporate Identity System
Concept recognition, behavior recognition and visual recognition
Strategic principles
Strategic, national, personalized, holistic
Basic elements
Enterprise name, enterprise logo, etc
Produce good Corporate image

Historical development

CI early
The early practice of CI can be traced back to Germany in 1914 AEG The electric appliance company pioneered CI. AEG adopted the trademark designed by Peter Berens for the first time in its series of electrical products, becoming the prototype of a unified visual image in CI. Then, between 1932 and 1940, Britain implemented London underground railway engineering , the project was carried out by Industrial Design Association Frank Bick, the president, is responsible for“ Design policy ”Of Classic
CI was born
World War II Later, International Economic recovery Business operator Feel that a unified identification system is established and unique Management concept The importance of. Since 1950, Europe and America All major enterprises have introduced CI. In 1956, American International Business Computer Corporation, based on its corporate culture and corporate image, highlighted the spirit of manufacturing cutting-edge scientific and technological products, and designed its full name "International Business Machines" as a blue model "IBM" with a sense of quality and times. Even if the eight stripes Standard word In the next forty years, he became the image representative of the "Blue Giant", that is, the synonym of "avant-garde, science and technology, wisdom"; It is also an important symbol of the official birth of CI. After the 1960s, the trend of CI leaders in European and American countries appeared. The representative work of the 1960s was RCA, which was expanded from radio industry to eight fields, including information and entertainment; The representative work of the 1970s is the Coca Cola logo, which is composed of strong shocking red, unique bottle shape and rhythmic stripes. In short, the 1960s and 1980s were the heyday of European and American CI. Japanese enterprises began to create their own CI after 70 years, and Chinese enterprises began to create their own CI after the 1990s, which has become a worldwide trend. [1]

Strategic principles

According to the requirements of CI strategy theory and operation techniques, the successful implementation of CI strategy should follow the following principles:
(1) Adhere to the strategic principle.
Enterprises should adhere to the strategic principle
Modern enterprise Image strategy , there must be Long term , global and strategic characteristics. CI strategy should be based on the current situation and take a long-term view. It is by no means a short-term plan of 1-2 years and 3-5 years, but the specific development steps and implementation strategies of the enterprise in the next 10 years, 20 years or more.
(2) Insist nationality Principle of.
"The more national, the more global". CI strategy is to design and plan itself from the direction of enterprise development and operation. CI's creativity, planning and design work should be based on our national Cultural tradition , consumer psychology Aesthetic habit , artistic taste, etc., is likely to be recognized by the public to achieve success.
(3) Adhere to the principle of individualization.
CI strategy is a strategy for enterprises to implement differentiation in the enterprise cluster in order to create a perfect overall image. The important point is that the enterprise image should have distinctive personality characteristics and unique characteristics, instead of "one face all". IBM And Coca Cola It is the model of personality success.
(4) Insist entirety Principle of.
From the three aspects of CI, they are not disconnected from each other, but must be consistent, coordinated and unified. BI and VI serve MI. It is commendable that they are beautiful outside and beautiful inside.
It is always difficult to evaluate the effect of CI, because it involves a wide range, and its effectiveness is difficult to quantify. Nikkei Research Institute of Japan has designed a set of CI effect survey index system, including market factors, appearance factors and modern factors. Different enterprises will pay attention to different factors when importing CI. The Nikkei Research Institute of Japan believes that the sales volume and advertising awareness of enterprises are the decisive factors for evaluating the effectiveness of CI. Chinese scholars have also conducted in-depth research on this issue, and put forward a more detailed and scientific quantitative evaluation system for CI guidance effect, including five categories of 30 indicators, namely MI, BI external activity identification, BI internal activity identification, VI application elements, and VI basic elements. This set of indicators reflects the content of CI in a more comprehensive and detailed way, but the indicators are more abstract, and there are some problems in actual application.
It should be said that CI introduction is a process for enterprises to pursue the harmony and unity of internal beauty and external beauty, and at the same time, the implementation of CI strategy of enterprises is a systematic project of continuous movement and development. It requires enterprises to revise, supplement and innovate according to their different situations in different periods, so that enterprises can maintain and play the powerful role and advantages of CI for a long time. [1]


CI system is composed of Concept identification (Mind Identity (MI), Behavior Identity (BI) and Visual Identity (VI). [2]
Concept identification
It is to establish the unique business philosophy of the enterprise Production and operation In the process of design, scientific research, production, marketing, service, management and other business philosophy identification system. It is the enterprise's Business objectives , business philosophy Marketing methods And marketing form master plan And definition, mainly including: Enterprise spirit Corporate Values Enterprise creed Business purpose Business policy market positioning Industrial composition, organizational system social responsibility And development planning. belong to corporate culture The ideological category.
Behavior recognition
It is a dynamic identification form formed by the unified planning of the enterprise operation mode based on the enterprise's actual business philosophy and the criteria for creating enterprise culture. It is based on the business philosophy and is well established internally Organizational system Management specification, staff education Code of conduct and Welfare system Externally, it is to develop market research and conduct product development , through society Commonweal culture Activities, public relations, marketing activities, etc Corporate philosophy , to get The public yes Enterprise identification The form of identification.
Visual recognition
Yes Enterprise logo Standard word A complete and systematic development centered on body and standard color Visual communication The system is to Corporate philosophy Cultural characteristics , service content, enterprise norms and other abstract semantics are transformed into specific symbol concepts to create a unique corporate image. Visual recognition system Divided into basic elements System application There are two aspects of factor system. The basic element system mainly includes: enterprise name, enterprise logo, standard characters Standard color , symbolic patterns, oral publicity, marketing reports, etc. application system Mainly including: office supplies Production equipment architectural environment Product packaging Advertising media , means of transportation, clothes and uniforms, flags, signboards, signboards, shop windows, displays, etc. Visual identity (VI) is the most popular in CI system Communication power It is most easily accepted by the public and has a dominant position. [3]

Basic elements

essential factor
The basic elements system of design strictly stipulates the logo, graphic logo, Chinese and English font shape, standard color, enterprise symbol pattern and its combination form, and fundamentally regulates the basic visual elements of the enterprise. The basic elements system is the core part of the enterprise image, including Enterprise name Enterprise logo , Enterprise Standard word , standard colors, symbolic patterns, combination applications, enterprise slogans, etc.
Enterprise name
The enterprise name is closely related to the enterprise image CI Design The precondition of is to use words to represent the recognition elements. The determination of enterprise name must reflect the enterprise's Management ideology , reflect Corporate philosophy It should be unique, loud and easy to read, and pay attention to the homophonic meaning to avoid bad associations. The words of the name should be concise and clear, while paying attention to the international character, adapting to the pronunciation of foreigners, so as to avoid wrong associations in foreign languages. The enterprise name that represents or implies the enterprise image and goods should be consistent with the trademark, especially the brand it represents, or the goods that are more well-known in the market can be used as the enterprise name. The determination of enterprise name should not only consider the tradition, but also have the characteristics of the times.
Enterprise logo
Enterprise logo is the symbol and identification symbol of a specific enterprise, which is the core foundation of CI design system. Enterprise logo conveys the enterprise's concept, content Product characteristics And other information. Sign design Not only have strong vision impact force In addition, to express a unique personality and sense of the times, we must express a unique personality and sense of the times, and we must widely adapt to the production of various media, materials and supplies. Its forms of expression can be divided into: 1. Graphic expression (including reproduction graphics Symbolic figure Geometry ); 2. Written expression (including combination of Chinese and foreign characters and Arabic numerals); 3. Comprehensive performance (including the combined application of graphics and characters). To apply the corporate logo in CI design form with a fixed standard prototype, a standard scale diagram must be drawn when opening, and precise numerical values such as the outline, line and distance of the logo must be expressed. The drawing can be made with grid marking method, scale marking and multi arc angle marking, so that the mark can be accurately depicted and accurately copied when zoomed in or out.
Enterprise standard font
Including Chinese, English or other text fonts, Standard word The body is designed according to the name, brand name and address of the enterprise. The selection of standard fonts should be clear Illustrative To directly convey the names of enterprises and brands and strengthen the corporate image and brand appeal. It can be determined by the full name or abbreviation of the enterprise according to the difference in use. The font design requires correct, aesthetic and easy to read fonts. The line thickness and stroke structure of fonts should be as clear, simple and decorative as possible. In the design, the coordination and unity of font and logo shall be considered, the font spacing and shape shall be carefully planned, and the font system and Ductility , to adapt to the production of various media and different materials, and to adapt to the application of various item sizes. The strokes, structure and font design of enterprise standard fonts can also reflect Enterprise spirit management idea And product characteristics, the standard drawing method is to configure the standard characters in a suitable square or diagonal grid, and indicate the height, width, size and angle of the font.
Standard colors
The standard colors of enterprises usually do not exceed three colors
Corporate Standard color Color is used to symbolize enterprises and apply Visual recognition The specified color on all media in the design. Perceptual stimulation through color Psychological reaction It can show the business philosophy of the enterprise and the characteristics of multi product content, and reflect the enterprise attributes and emotions. Standard colors have a strong recognition effect in visual identification symbols. Enterprise standard color The determination of the standard color should be based on the industry attribute of the enterprise, highlight the difference between the enterprise and its peers, and create a distinctive color effect. The selection of standard colors is based on international standard colors. The standard colors of enterprises should not be used too much, usually no more than three colors.
Symbolic pattern
The enterprise symbol pattern is designed to reflect the enterprise spirit in connotation and cause the function of setting off and strengthening the enterprise image in order to coordinate with the basic elements to be widely used in various media. It is supplemented by rich shapes of symbolic patterns Symbol The established corporate image makes its meaning more complete, easier to identify, and more expressive. The symbolic pattern is simple and abstract in its form of expression, which is in contrast with the symbolic pattern and maintains a harmonious relationship. It can also be designed by the logo or the modeling connotation of the constituent logo. When the basic elements are used together, there should be a sense of strong and weak change and a clear relationship between primary and secondary, and the planning and combination design of various deployment applications should be made according to the needs of different media to ensure that Enterprise identification The unity and standardization of the system can strengthen the visual impact of the whole system and produce a visual induction effect.
Slogan proposed by the enterprise
It is a summary of the enterprise's concept and a text developed by the enterprise according to its own marketing activities or concepts propaganda slogan The determination of enterprise slogans requires concise and catchy words. Accurate and loud corporate slogans can inspire employees to work hard for corporate goals internally and express them externally Enterprise development The goal and direction of Public psychology And its main function is to product lines In order to make the public understand the idea of the enterprise in an instant, and leave an unforgettable impression on the enterprise or products.
The corporate mascot is to arouse the attention and favor of the public with the amiable characters or personified images.
Private font
Special fonts are the main characters, numbers Product name combination External publicity Text, etc., for unified design. Mainly including Enterprise products The logo designed for the internal and external activities of the enterprise, and the logo designed for press advertising Posters Film and television advertisement Etc masthead , title font.

Application elements

Application elements system design It refers to the specific and clear regulations on the application of the basic element system in various media. When Corporate visual identity The most basic element signs Standard word After the standard colors are determined, it is necessary to engage in the refinement of these elements and develop various application projects. VI each Visual Design Essential Combined system There are different combination forms depending on the enterprise scale and product content. The most basic thing is to form different units of the standard words and signs of enterprise names to match various application projects. When various visual design elements are applied to various application projects synthetic relation After being determined, it should be strictly fixed in order to achieve the role of strengthening visual appeal through identity and systematization. The application element system is roughly as follows.
Office supplies
The design and production of office supplies should fully reflect the strong unity and standardization, and show the spirit of the enterprise. his design scheme The form and order of office supplies should be strictly specified, and the sign graphic arrangement, text format, color sets and all size bases should be used to form a serious, complete, accurate and unified standard format of office supplies, giving people a new feeling, showing the style of the enterprise, and also showing Modern office The highly centralized and modern enterprise culture has infiltrated and spread to all fields. Including envelopes Stationery , notes, business cards, badges employee's card Invitation card folder Letter of introduction , bills, memos data bag , official document forms, etc.
External architectural environment of the enterprise
The external architectural environment design of the enterprise is the key to the enterprise image public occasions The visual representation of is an open and distinctive group design and marks the enterprise Facial features System. With the help of the environment around the enterprise, highlight and emphasize the enterprise in design Identification mark , and implement surrounding environment Among them, it fully reflects the standardization and normalization of the unified corporate image and the firmness of the corporate image, so that the audience can get a good impression in the dazzling city. It mainly includes: Architectural modeling , flags, facades, signboards, public signs, road signs indicator Advertising tower Etc.
Internal building environment of the enterprise
The internal architectural environment of the enterprise refers to the interior of the office, sales room, meeting room, lounge and delivery room of the enterprise Environmental image The design is to implement the enterprise identification mark in the enterprise indoor environment In addition, it fundamentally shapes, renders and spreads the corporate identity image, and fully reflects the unity of corporate image. It mainly includes: internal department signs, corporate image boards showbill , hangtag Pop ads , shelf labels, etc.
The vehicle is a kind of mobile and open enterprise image communication mode. It flows for many times and gives people instant memory, and establishes the enterprise image intentionally or unintentionally. The characteristics of their movement and rapid flow shall be specifically considered in the design Standard word And standard colors to unify the design effect of the appearance of various vehicles. The enterprise logo and font should be eye-catching, and the color should be strong to attract people's attention, and maximize its Mobile advertising Visual effect of. Mainly including cars, minibuses, buses, trucks Tool car Etc.
The uniform design of clean and elegant clothing in enterprises can improve employees' awareness of the enterprise Sense of belonging Sense of honor and Sense of ownership , change employees' Mental outlook , promote work efficiency And lead to strict staff discipline and conscientiousness , the design shall strictly distinguish Scope of work , nature and characteristics, in line with the dress of different posts. It mainly includes manager uniforms, management uniforms, employee uniforms, etiquette uniforms, cultural shirts, ties, work hats badge Etc.
Advertising media
It is a long-term, overall and highly propagandistic way for enterprises to choose various media advertising forms for external publicity, which can be used in the fastest speed in the short term and in the most extensive range Enterprise information Conveying is the main means for modern enterprises to convey information. Mainly television advertising Newspaper advertising Magazine advertisement Billboard Advertising , poster advertising, etc.
Enterprise gifts Tongshi is also an effective advertising form
Product packaging
The product is the economic source of the enterprise, and the product packaging plays the role of protecting, selling, spreading the enterprise and product image. It is a symbolic, information-based, and commercialized enterprise image, which represents the image of the product production enterprise and symbolizes Commodity quality And the price. Therefore, systematic packaging design has a strong marketing role. Successful packaging is the best and most convenient way to promote and introduce enterprises and establish a good corporate image. Product packaging mainly includes Carton packaging , paper bag packaging Wooden case packaging , glass packaging Plastic packaging Metal packaging , ceramic packaging packing paper Etc.
Enterprise gifts Mainly for the corporate image or Enterprise spirit It is used to connect feelings with visualization and humanity communicate Communication Coordination relationship It is a combination of corporate image on daily necessities guided by corporate logo and aimed at spreading corporate image. Enterprise gifts are also an effective form of advertising, mainly including T-shirt , tie Tie clip , lighters, keyboards, umbrellas, badges Gift bag Etc.
Display is a communication activity in which advertising media is used in enterprise marketing activities to highlight the corporate image and promote the enterprise products or sales methods. During design Highlight display The overall activity of the exhibition. During the design, it is necessary to highlight the Sense of wholeness , sense of order and Novelty To show the spirit of the enterprise. It mainly includes window display, exhibition display, shelf commodity display, display commodity display, etc.
printed publication
The printed and published articles of the enterprise represent the image of the enterprise, which meets directly with its stakeholders and the public. The design is to achieve good visual effects, fully reflect the strong unity and standardization, and show the spirit of the enterprise. The arrangement should be consistent and fixed Typography And typesetting format, and Enterprise logo and Standard word Uniformly placed in a specific format style, resulting in a unified Visual image To strengthen the public's impression. Mainly including Company Profile Commodity description , product introduction, enterprise briefing, annual calendar, etc.


CI design system
CI design system is based on Enterprise positioning Or the enterprise's business philosophy as the core, organizing, systematizing and unifying all aspects including the enterprise's internal management, external relations activities, advertising and other promotional activities by means of vision and sound Comprehensive design And strive to make all aspects of the enterprise appear in front of the public in a unified form to produce a good corporate image.
As an integrated design system of corporate image, CI is a complete and ideal method to establish and convey corporate image. Enterprises can use CI design to Office system production system management system , as well as business, packaging, advertising and other systems to form standardized design and Standardized management So as to arouse the enthusiasm of every employee and participate in the development strategy Divide the responsibilities and obligations of enterprises through the symbolic form of integration, so that enterprise operation In each functional department Intermediate energy Effectively operate, establish a distinctive personality image of the enterprise, and make the enterprise's products Similar products Distinguish, stand out from peers, and quickly and effectively help enterprises create brand effect , occupy the market.
The implementation of CI system can help enterprises Operation management To be scientific and orderly, to be symbolic, to formulate business philosophy purposefully according to the development of the market and enterprises, and to formulate a set of Management principles And management specifications, in the form of symbols Execute by reference , make the enterprise's Production process And market circulation process to cost reduction And loss, effectively improving the ratio product quality The form of external communication is to use various media as a unified launch to enable the public to receive a large number of corporate communication information, establish a good corporate image to improve the visibility of enterprises and products, enhance the public's memory of corporate image and subscription rate of corporate products, make corporate products more popular, and bring better results to enterprises social results and Operating benefits [4]


CI's impact assessment It has always been difficult because it covers a wide range and its effectiveness is difficult to quantify. Japan Nikkei The Institute has designed a set of CI effect survey Indicator system , including market factors, appearance factors and modern factors. Different enterprises will pay attention to different factors when importing CI. The Nikkei Research Institute of Japan believes that the sales volume and advertising awareness of enterprises are the decisive factors for evaluating the effectiveness of CI. Chinese scholars have also conducted in-depth research on this, and put forward more detailed and scientific quantification of CI guidance effect Evaluation system , including MI BI There are five categories of 30 indicators, including external activity identification, BI internal activity identification, VI application elements, and VI basic elements. This set of indicators reflects the content of CI in a more comprehensive and detailed way, but the indicators are more abstract, and there are some problems in actual application.
It should be said that, CI Import It is a process for enterprises to pursue the harmony and unity of internal beauty and external beauty CI Strategy Implementation is a system engineering with continuous movement and development. It requires enterprises to revise, supplement and innovate according to their different situations in different periods, so that enterprises can maintain and play the powerful role and advantages of CI for a long time. [5]

Design planning

CI design planning and implementation introduction is a kind of step-by-step planned work. The whole plan is carried out in the promotion, integrating the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises in introducing CI. Its operation process can be roughly divided into the following five stages:
1. In the stage of enterprise status survey, grasp the company's current situation, external cognition and design status, and confirm the actual image cognition of the enterprise.
2. Image concept establishment stage
Based on the survey results, analyze the internal and external perceptions market environment Based on the problems of various design systems, the basic concepts of the company's positioning and image should be formulated as the principle basis for CI design planning.
3. Design operation development stage
According to the basic image concept of the enterprise, it can be transformed into specific and visible information. After careful operation and test investigation, it is determined that the identification system is complete and consistent with the enterprise.
4. Completed in the import phase
The focus is to prioritize the introduction and implementation of projects, plan the advertising activities of enterprises and organize CI. [6]