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Cell Broadband Engine

IBM Cell Broadband Engine
open 11 homonymous entries
synonym CELL (Cell processor) generally refers to the Cell Broadband Engine
IBM Cell Broadband Engine, an American broadband engine IBM Processors developed by the company chip , R&D started in 2001, and was successfully developed in 2005 for Japan Sony Company's PS 3 Video game console This chip Including 1 64 bit main processor and 8 high-speed processors Coprocessor , suitable for mass Floating point operation , and for broadband Multi-Media The application is optimized. Its multiprocessor technology and computing power created the first computing technology at that time. The PS 3 game console also achieved market success. In 2009, IBM stopped Cell chip R&D.
Chinese name
IBM Cell Broadband Engine
Foreign name
IBM Cell Broadband Engine
computer technology



Play Station 3
In 2001, Sony Company and Toshiba Company to IBM Propose a challenging task: create a chip , enabling it to support a new generation of game consoles and other applications that require a lot of resources. In 2005, these three companies proudly announced the way to deal with this challenge: the thumb sized Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) processor was born! When Sony The company launched the new generation of PlayStation in the spring of 2006 3 video game console, people from Cell BE appreciates its powerful functions in its extraordinary performance in difficult tasks such as real-time video display.


Schematic Diagram of Cell BE Architecture
If you understand the Cell BE processor, you can find its most distinctive feature: each chip It contains one main processing unit and eight other co processing units (SPUs). This multi-core architecture is the "killer" of Cell. Cell BE processors are designed with distributed processing Taking into account, it divides high-performance computing tasks into smaller parts and allocates these subtasks to multiple processing units, each of which runs at a speed of more than 4GHz. It is this capability that enables the Cell BE processor to run at 192 Gigaflop. In addition, cell BE based processors can not only chip Executed between resources on distributed processing , you can also perform distributed processing on multiple chips or even various network devices.


There is no doubt that the Cell BE processor is better than the chip The fact that it is 60 times faster contributes to the reshuffle of the $7 billion game market every year. Unsurprisingly, analysts and observers who have nothing to do with the gaming and consumer electronics industries have begun to pay attention to the potential of this technology in various applications, from scientific research to industrial prototype testing, from medical imaging to real-time broadband communications. The openness of the Cell BE processor based on the Power architecture can promote the development of new processors, because it will enable the market to provide services to a wider range of customers and include a wider range of Application Set , which will form greater market expansion capacity. Not surprisingly, Fortune magazine recently spoke highly of the Cell BE processor, calling it a "9-in-1 super chip", which is suitable for helping "transform the future of all computing."

R&D process

Since 2001, three teams of engineers - two from Japan and one from the United States - have concentrated in the IBM laboratory in Austin, Texas. They are composed of 400 people in total, and each team has different expertise: Sony's mastery of the consumer market, Toshiba's ability to mass produce, and IBM's advantages in power microprocessor and system design. Different skills, cultures and languages converge to work together for a common goal: chip The technical level has risen to an unprecedented height. The result is the best proof. "The energy of this team is amazing," said Michael Gschwind of IBM. "The work we have done in a few months is more than that of our competitors in a few years." Ken Katagari of Sony predicted that "Cell BE processors have opened up a new direction, and computer science will turn a new chapter."


In 2009, IBM announced that [1] , stopped CELL chip R&D projects. The reason is that in business, except for the PS3 game console, Cell chip It has not obtained large-scale market applications; Technically, the coprocessor in Cell uses a special structure and instruction set, which is not universal and does not use cache and Virtual Storage Technology