An e-commerce model
zero Useful+1
B2C means Electronic Commerce It is also directly oriented to consumer Sales of products and services retail pattern.
Chinese name
Business to customer e-commerce model
Foreign name
Mainly online retail
B2C domain name
Mainly .com 、.cn、 .cx ,. cc, etc

Platform Introduction

B2C e-commerce The payment method of is Cash on Delivery And Online payment However, most enterprises choose logistics outsourcing to save operating costs. With the change of users' consumption habits and the promotion of excellent enterprise demonstration effect, the number of online shopping users is growing. In addition, some large-scale examinations such as Civil service examination B2C mode has also been implemented. Its basic needs include user management needs, customer needs and sellers' needs.
User management requirements : User registration and user information management.
customer demand : Provide electronic catalogs to help users search and find the goods they need;
Compare similar products to help users make purchase decisions;
Evaluate goods, add shopping cart, place orders, cancel and modify orders;
Be able to pay through the network; Track the status of orders.
Demands of sellers : Check the customer's registration information;
Handle customer orders;
Complete the settlement of products purchased by customers, and process customer payments;
Be able to publish commodity information and publish and manage online advertisements;
Establish an interface with banks to conduct electronic auctions;
Commodity inventory management;
Establish interface with logistics distribution system;
Be able to track product sales;
Realize customer relationship management;
Provide after-sales service.

Mall type

[Comprehensive Mall]: just like the traditional mall. It has a large shopping group, a stable website platform, a complete payment system, and an integrity security system (although there are still many shortcomings), which makes it convenient for sellers to sell things and buyers to buy things.
On the other hand, the online shopping mall, under the condition of sufficient popularity, abundant products and convenient logistics, has the advantages of cost, 24-hour night free city, no regional restrictions, more abundant products, etc., which reflects that the online comprehensive shopping mall is about to play a role in the trading market.
This kind of shopping mall is divided by regions offline, and every big city has three or five big shopping malls.
[Department store]: a store, which means that there is only one seller; The general merchandise is a rich product line to meet the daily consumption demand. This kind of store has its own warehouse and inventory series products for faster logistics distribution and customer service. This kind of store even has its own brand.
[Vertical store]: The products of this mall have more similarities, which are either satisfied with a certain group of people, a certain need, or a certain platform (such as electrical appliances).
[Multi brand stores]: With the maturity of e-commerce, more and more traditional brands will join the e-commerce battlefield
[Service type online stores]: There are more and more service type online stores, all to meet people's different personality needs, even to help you queue up to buy movie tickets, there are people trading, and I'm looking forward to seeing more service type online stores. It is estimated that the competition of online stores will develop in this direction in the future.
[Shopping guide engine type]: For example, shopping guide type websites have greatly increased the fun and convenience of shopping. At the same time, many shopping websites have launched shopping returns, and a few have launched Cash back of joint shopping These are used to meet the needs of most consumers. Many consumers have not only met the needs of direct access to b2c websites for shopping. Before shopping, I will go through some online shopping guide websites.
[Online commodity customization]: commodity customization is a long tail industry. Many customers may only be interested in a certain commodity, but they have to spend money to buy a whole commodity. Commodity customization can just solve this problem, so that consumers can participate in the design of commercial products and get the commodities they really need and like.
[Online gift giving type]:
Nowadays, the traditional way of giving gifts has become narrower and narrower, the price has become more transparent, and the profits generated by various gift enterprises have become less and less. But China is a state of ceremonies We value etiquette and communication. According to incomplete statistics, all kinds of gifts in China reach more than 500 billion each year, with an annual growth rate of about 12%. This has led traditional gift giving enterprises to develop towards e-commerce websites. In another mode of "gift collection and selection" gift book, the transformation from gift making to gift giving service was completed.

Mall system

E-commerce system It will provide enterprises with end-to-end e-commerce consultation and platform construction.
Product Functions
Front desk function module: commodity display, site search, user management, online ordering, batch purchase, investment attraction, website announcement, help center, friendship link
Background management functions: customer management, order management, commodity management, sales management, customer service management, purchase management, inventory management, issue management, return management, financial management, statistical report, permission management, and operation log
Design principles
B2C related pictures 1 Ease of use: The technology used in software design and development does not have special requirements for browsers used by browsers. The software operation interface is simple and convenient for various operators to operate.
2. Efficiency: The design of the software page is atmospheric, beautiful and simple, which can reflect the company's corporate culture, improve the browsing speed as much as possible, and highlight the main information. The navigation level of the software is clear, and it is convenient for visitors to access relevant information.
3. Reasonable structure: the columns are set reasonably and conform to people's browsing habits. The software level design is reasonable, so that the operator can find the required information through as few clicks as possible.
4. Scalability: The software design has taken into account the needs of future business development, as well as the phased nature of software use. The design should be as concise as possible, and the coupling between various functional modules should be small to facilitate software expansion and smooth automatic interface with other application software.
5. Security and stability: While fully considering the software access performance, the software also attaches great importance to the security and stability of the software. The software uses anti SQL injection, upload file acceptance, key data encryption and other methods to ensure the security and reliability of the software.
6. Strong concurrency: considering that the software users operate the software at the same time, the software supports multiple operations, establishes a cache mechanism, and provides users with access speed.
7. Portability and continuity: the adopted development technology should not only meet the application requirements, but also adapt to the future development trend, and facilitate the upgrade and migration in the future. Reduce users' secondary development costs and ensure users' investment interests.
8. Personalization: use the relevant information provided by registered users, or use COOKIE and other technologies to provide customers with as many personalized services as possible.
9. Interactivity: The software has established a feedback mechanism to realize automatic response mechanism and high interaction.
10. Strong creativity: combining the current situation and characteristics of the industry, it has distinctive functional features and unique style, fully reflecting the management process of the sales company.
11. Strong maintainability: the software is easy to maintain and operate, so that the enterprise's own management personnel can completely maintain the contents of the software columns by themselves.
Software architecture
The software adopts B/S architecture. The software executable program and related databases are deployed on the server side. Users can use the software directly through the client browser without arranging.
Operating environment
Requirements for server side running environment:
1. windows2003+iis
2. Database: SQL2000 or 2005
Client running environment requirements:
IE6.0 and above browsers, or the same standard browser can use software

marketing strategy



In B2C e-commerce mode, most people will take "inventory and logistics" for granted, and these two factors are also high cost factors. Since these two factors are relatively high cost factors, the first reaction of most people is: definitely not. Nothing is impossible. There are more ways than problems. Some e-commerce websites have eliminated these two links. There are two ways to eliminate these two links:
1. Sell information products, not physical products.
2. When selling physical products, it is necessary to integrate relevant resources.


1. Shopping guide information: most B2C websites are for product display and sales, and the content is monotonous, so it is difficult to retain repeat customers. Many buyers are blind when they are in need of many similar products. If there is a very reasonable shopping guide information to let them have an objective understanding and comparison of the products they want to buy, they can buy a product that satisfies them. If the customer is satisfied, the customer is willing to continue to purchase products on your website. Customers buy products, not the products themselves, but the benefits that the products bring to users. Humanized shopping guide information can help users quickly obtain the benefits of various products.
2. Shopping culture: most shopping websites lack one thing, that is, shopping culture. What is a shopping culture is to create an atmosphere for your shopping website, so that users can feel that buying your products in this atmosphere is a kind of enjoyment.

Warehouse logistics service

With the growing development of e-commerce, logistics distribution business has become increasingly large, and even there is a market situation in which supply exceeds demand. Therefore, the warehousing and logistics industry has become extremely popular in recent years. In addition to warehousing, consignment, logistics and distribution, the main businesses of such enterprises also include distribution tracking, complaints handling of end consumers' returns, and other businesses. A comprehensive warehousing and logistics company will also help suppliers to provide specific logistics solutions, such as efficient distribution solutions, low-cost distribution options, and so on. Such enterprises are mainly concentrated in resource intensive cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangdong.


Payment method: Most B2C websites only choose two or three simple payment methods. In fact, whether the payment method is convenient or not directly determines the user's purchase desire. Most consumers are impulsive shoppers. If they encounter some trouble in the process of shopping, these consumers will become rational shoppers. Therefore, the more convenient the payment is, the better the B2C sales will be. And this is particularly important. The biggest reason why China's SP industry can have such a crazy market is the convenience of its payment. If SP's services are all paid by going to the post office for remittance, there will be no market today. If you want to do B2C industry, you must make the payment method above the industry standard. If it is the most convenient, it will be particularly beneficial to sales.

Operation mode

1. Collect service fees;
2. Membership system, charging membership fees according to different ways and service scope;
3. Reduce prices and expand sales. The low price attracts online buyers, the click rate increases, and the number of visitors continues to rise.

Website composition

B2C e-commerce website consists of three basic parts:
1. A shopping mall website that provides online shopping places for customers;
2. The distribution system responsible for the distribution of goods purchased by customers;
3. The bank and authentication system responsible for the confirmation of customer identity and payment settlement.

Website Features

The most important functions of a good B2C website, that is, common functions, mainly include the following aspects from the perspective of use:
1. Display of goods: tell users what the website mainly sells and how much it costs;
2. Search of goods: let users quickly find what they are interested in;
3. Add and view shopping cart: tell users what you have selected;
4. Delivery method: tell the user how to get the goods;
5. Order settlement and payment: tell the user how much to pay and the means of payment;
6. Registration login: obtain valid user information;
7. Customer center: tell users what they have bought;
8. Help, rules, contact information and other related pages are displayed.
In particular, many people don't pay much attention to it. The reason why they take help, rules, contact information and other simple pages that only involve presentation as core functions is that these pages reflect a website's customer service level and respect for users. They copy other people's help and purchase rules without even deleting other people's names, This practice will only make people laugh and hate, and even tolerant users will doubt the professionalism of the website.
Let's look at the core functions of B2C websites from the perspective of internal logic. It should include the following logic: 1. Display logic; 2. Commodity logic; 3. Navigation logic; 4. Search logic; 5. Shopping cart logic; 6. Logistics and freight logic; 7. Order settlement logic; 8. Payment logic; 9. User registration logic; 10. User permission logic; 11. Order tracking logic; 12. Promotion logic, etc.
In addition, functions such as voting, auction, recommendation and points should belong to optional auxiliary logic.

to confront with difficulty

1. Difficulty in capital turnover. In addition to specialized online stores, consumers generally hope that the richer the online stores are, the better. In order to meet the needs of consumers, B2C e-commerce enterprises have to spend a lot of money to enrich the supply of goods. The vast majority of B2C e-commerce enterprises are supported by venture capital. After the e-commerce operation environment is established, there is little money left in the account. This is also the main reason for the difficult operation of the entire e-commerce industry.
2. Inaccurate positioning. First, the positioning of goods is not correct. Many B2C enterprises built online stores into online supermarkets at the beginning. The online goods are large and complete, but they are severely restricted due to the lack of support from a relatively complete logistics distribution system; Second, the customer base positioning is not accurate. Although the number of visits is high, the transaction volume is small. Third, the price positioning is on the high side. The online store pursues zero inventory, and takes goods with orders. Due to the small quantity of orders, it cannot get a good purchase price.
3. The online payment system is incomplete. The prominent feature of online shopping is to use credit cards to realize online payment. At present, the scale of e-commerce online payment in China is still at a low level, and the security risks of online payment still exist Third party payment Since the platform can directly control the transaction funds, the risk of ultra vires transfer of transaction funds always exists. This imperfect online payment system seriously restricts the development of B2C e-commerce enterprises.
4. The credit mechanism and e-commerce legislation are not perfect. Some businesses transfer the credit risk to both parties for the sake of cost and policy risk. Some businesses issue false information, detain current accounts, and disclose user information in order to maximize benefits. Some buyers cancel their orders without reason after submitting them, and some sellers charge them with inferior quality. These phenomena are the fundamental reasons why consumers have doubts about online shopping.

Advantages, disadvantages and main objects of difference

Advantages: There are a wide range of products. One stop shopping is the first choice for online shopping because of the customer evaluation mechanism and the customer service attitude.
Disadvantages: The merchants are mixed, and there are many black shops.
Frequently asked questions: the goods are not on the right board (appearance, color, quality or others), and of course, they are cheated even more seriously (payment has been made, but the goods are delayed)
Main difference objects:
B2C: Enterprise to individual user EC
C2C : Individual to individual EC
B2B : Enterprise to enterprise EC
C2B : Individual to enterprise EC
Other objects: O2O M2C 、I2C、O2P

pattern analysis

Tmall has experienced the splitting of Taobao, the siege in October, and the renaming of Tmall; JD has experienced a round C financing of $1.5 billion, established a large logistics system, and fought with various e-commerce giants; Vanke has experienced the advertising carnival of Vanke, the expansion of product categories and huge losses of the company. Every time these three companies spread the news of listing, they got heated discussion in the industry, because these three giants represent three B2C e-commerce models, and these three B2C e-commerce models have their own advantages.
Tmall ——Serve people as a platform
Although the name has been changed, Tmall's leading position in B2C industry is unmatched. The model of Tmall is to build an online sales platform, through which sellers can sell all kinds of goods. This model is similar to the shopping mall in real life, mainly providing a platform for merchants to sell things. Tmall mall does not directly participate in selling any goods. However, when doing business, the merchants should abide by the provisions of Tmall mall and cannot violate the rules, otherwise they will punish you. If this online "shopping mall" wants to make more money, it will increase your rent. If you don't pay it, it will send you to the (Taobao) market to set up a stall. However, some owners who do not obey the regulation will argue with the person in charge of the mall by pulling the flag and playing the broadsword. This is Tmall, similar to the shopping malls in our real life.
The advantage of this model is that its platform is large enough to sell whatever you want, provided there are no violations. The mall is responsible for maintaining the establishment of this platform, while merchants are only responsible for their own business, and their profits and losses should be at their own expense, which has nothing to do with the mall. But no matter how your business is, you have to pay a certain site fee. If you want to do promotion, you can do advertising and promotional activities in the mall. These are voluntary business activities of merchants. The mall is responsible for setting up its own image. It is enough to attract enough consumers, and its income is stable. And businesses can sell anything they want (without violating laws and regulations), and they are responsible for their own profits and losses. The advantage of this model is that merchants can respond to the market by themselves as the market changes, and the mall does not need to worry. The market is free, there are not too many restrictions, and the expansion is strong. This mode is very stable for both the mall and merchants. Apart from some management disputes, the market operation is independent, and there is no conflict of interest. In general, this model has the advantages of stable income and flexible market. The mall does not need to spend too much time on managing the operation of various products. The disadvantage is that the profit may be low. The strategic change of the mall may be resisted by the merchants inside the mall, and there will be more internal disputes. However, this model is more popular with merchants because they can make profits on this platform, while JD's model is the enemy of these merchants.
Similar to Tmall, there is QQ Mall.
JD.COM ——Self operating and selling products
Jingdong Mall On April 1, 2011, it announced that it had obtained financing of $1.5 billion. Since then, Jingdong Mall has begun to spend a lot of money to build its own logistics, spend a lot of money on advertising, and fight a price war with industry competitors. These practices are very fruitful, and JD's market share continues to increase. It also used its financial advantage to hit its online and offline competitors, thoroughly angered Gome and Suning, making Suning become its own online shopping mall, Suning E-shop. Gome built Gome online shopping mall and acquired to fight back at Jingdong Shopping Mall.
The mode of Jingdong Mall is similar to that of Wal Mart, Tesco and Carrefour in real life, introducing various sources of goods for independent operation. JD first purchases goods from various manufacturers and then sells them in its own mall, where consumers can One stop purchase JD is responsible for running such a huge online mall, and its profits and losses depend on its own business ability. If consumers have problems when purchasing, they should directly find JD to solve them.
The advantage of this model lies in its diversified products and high comprehensive profits. The mall can make overall adjustments to the products it sells according to the market situation and the enterprise strategy. The mall holds the right to operate, with small internal competition and high external unity. The disadvantage is that the internal organization is huge, the market response is slow, there are many competitors, the expansion of product categories is not flexible, and it is easy to have conflicts with suppliers.
Similar to Jingdong Mall, there is Dangdang. com.
Everyman ——Self produced and self sold brands
Vancl , love life, love freedom, I am an ordinary guest. In the first half of 2011, Vanke experienced the rapid expansion of product categories and the huge losses at the end of 2011. It can be said that Vanke took a roller coaster ride in 2011.
The model of Vancl is similar to the real life clothing stores such as Metersbonway and Tebu, and it is mainly a self production and self sales business model. Every customer started by selling clothing products, and has successively launched household products, cosmetics and other products. These products sold by Vanke are basically produced and sold by Vanke itself. The whole process from production to sales is up to ordinary customers.
The advantage of this model is that the entire industrial chain of products is controllable, and the company's target profit can be formulated from the time of product production, without the supplier's supply constraints. The disadvantage is that it is difficult for the company to expand its categories.
Similar to Vancl Coran diamond , Mengbasha, etc.

Industry development characteristics

1、 The government strengthens the injection of guiding investment to solve the problem of insufficient funds
In 2008, the government strengthened its guiding investment in the field of e-commerce to improve the investment environment of the domestic e-commerce industry. The government introduced a large amount of funds into the development of e-commerce through policies such as returning investment income to social investors and supporting social investment to buy back the shares held by the government. At the end of 2008, the "Zhengjia Network" built on the key project of the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" National Science and Technology Support Plan, "Modern Service Industry Service Interactive Support Platform", was officially opened in Guangzhou, which fully demonstrated that the national support for e-commerce development has reached a new height, and the funding problem of industry development has been gradually alleviated.
2、 Enterprises and government work together to improve e-commerce support system
In the construction of e-commerce support system, the payment system has already had a certain development foundation, and online payment service providers such as Alipay and Tenpay have already had a certain competitive advantage. At the same time, in order to further improve the development environment of online payment industry and continue to expand the industry share, enterprises have the willingness to actively cooperate with the government or financial institutions to improve the payment system, Among them, improving the online payment credit system has become the main theme in 2008. On January 17, 2008, the third-party payment platform Alipay and China Construction Bank jointly launched the Alipay seller credit service. Taobao sellers who meet the credit requirements will be able to obtain personal micro credit of up to 100000 yuan. This credit model is the first to be launched in China, which greatly strengthens the reputation guarantee of third-party payment companies.
3、 Integration and construction of government led logistics e-commerce service platform
Different from enterprises' initiative in building online payment systems, the improvement of the logistics system needs the strong promotion of the government. By integrating the logistics resources of the whole province and even the whole country, establishing a logistics public information platform has become the primary task of a period. At present, there are a number of municipal logistics platforms in China, such as domestic logistics trading center, Xiamen logistics public information platform, etc., but information quality, functional services and other aspects need to be further improved. In this context, in 2008, the state listed the modern logistics public information platform in the Comprehensive Bonded Zone of Suzhou Industrial Park as a pilot project for the construction of a national regional modern logistics public information platform, and built a domestic and international electronic product trading base by taking advantage of policy advantages, hardware construction, and software services.
4、 E-commerce keeps investment attraction, B2C becomes a new favorite
In 2008, in addition to the achievements in expanding the source of funds and building the support system, the domestic e-commerce industry inevitably needs to face the impact of the global financial crisis. However, with the wider and deeper integration of domestic e-commerce and industry development, making full use of e-commerce B2C has become an important choice for domestic industry enterprises to survive the economic winter. Therefore, in 2008, the attention of investment institutions to the domestic e-commerce industry increased rather than decreased, and the B2C industry showed a rapid growth trend in both the number of investment cases and the amount of investment. A large number of traditional industry segments, such as mother and baby products, IT digital products, jewelry, building materials, have entered the B2C industry and received continuous attention from VC. During the year, Fanke and McCullin received capital injections of US $20 million and US $80 million respectively. It can be seen that B2C has become an important sub industry to promote the development of domestic e-commerce industry.
Looking forward to the future, the domestic e-commerce industry will play an increasingly important role in the development of the national economy. It is estimated that the industry scale will reach 6827.4 billion yuan in 2011. From the perspective of the industry pattern, the B2B industry accounts for 89.3% of the overall industry, the proportion of B2C has significantly increased to 7.3%, and the transaction volume of C2C industry will reach 3.4%. According to the data of Quarterly Monitoring of China's B2C Market in the Fourth Quarter of 2012 released by EnfoDesk, an Analysys think tank, the transaction scale of 3C category in China's B2C market in 2012 reached 150.87 billion yuan, an increase of 95.9% over 2011, accounting for 31.5% of the total transaction volume.
5、 B2B still has development potential, and B2C will accelerate its growth
From the perspective of the development of the overall industry and sub industries, the domestic e-commerce transaction volume in 2009 will reach 3427.8 billion yuan, with a growth rate of more than 40%. In the next 10 years, 70% of domestic trade will be completed through electronic transactions. domestic B2B e-commerce The trade scale of the industry has huge growth potential. In addition, due to the deeper penetration of e-commerce into the industry and the stronger attraction of B2C industry to investors, the share of B2C industry will show an obvious expansion trend in 2009, including IT digital Home building materials The B2C industry will become a hot field in the development of domestic e-commerce industry in the next few years.
In just two months, "Dangdang · Home Furnishing Building Materials Home Furnishing Flagship Store" launched several promotional activities Sales growth rate More than 333%, or become another strategic category after books, clothing, pregnancy, baby and children.
6、 The share of e-commerce in insurance, tourism, wholesale and retail industries has expanded
From the perspective of industrial application, in view of the economic environment in 2008, the insurance awareness of the people will be further strengthened, and the convenient and fast insurance e-commerce will become the first choice of insurance customers, so the insurance e-commerce will still develop rapidly in the future; At the same time, with the slowdown of economic growth, provinces and cities will pay more attention to the tourism industry, so as to improve the local economic growth capacity. Under the requirements of secondary entrepreneurship of the tourism industry, tourism e-commerce will become a business that will be emphasized by all regions in the future; In addition, CCID consultants believe that the domestic national consumption capacity will not fluctuate greatly in the future. When the industry price gradually increases, the low price products provided by the online platform will be more popular with consumers. With the online shopping, online payment and logistics services of Internet users, e-commerce in the wholesale and retail industry that directly faces individual consumers will face the best development opportunities.
7、 The logistics platform will gradually rise, and the payment industry is facing a reshuffle
From the perspective of e-commerce industry support system construction, on the one hand, the logistics public information platform will have great development in 2009 under the continuous promotion of the government, and the platform information service ability will be significantly improved. At the same time, more e-commerce service chambers will join the ranks of logistics system construction. On the other hand, online payment service providers will undergo secondary screening in the next two years, and those who are short of funds and have imperfect links such as technology, business model and credit system will face the danger of being eliminated by the industry.
It can be easily seen from the above that the reason why domestic e-commerce is full of opportunities and challenges in recent years is mainly the result of the cooperation between the government and enterprises. The domestic e-commerce is also gradually in line with the international practice.

Development prospect

General Office of the Ministry of Commerce Yao Jian, director and spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said that e-commerce and B2C online retail are expected to become new growth points of the national economy with rapid development.
Yao Jian said at the special press conference on "e-commerce" of the Ministry of Commerce [1] The application of e-commerce in China's industrial and agricultural production, trade circulation, tourism, community services and other fields has continued to expand and deepen. As enterprises Supply chain e-commerce The development of international e-commerce will drive the development of e-commerce service industry and gradually become a new growth point of the national economy.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development According to the 2015 Information Economy Report released by UNCTAD, among 130 economies in the world, small European economies are the most developed in the field of "business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce", while developing economies are catching up quickly. In fact, China has become the world's largest "business to consumer e-commerce" market. [2]

Related news

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Interestingly, this remote ECG monitoring device developed by Natali Company has broken through the common ECG monitor It looks like a household oven glove. When patients are monitored, they only need to wear gloves on their chest. Professional medical ECG can be measured in one minute, and the data and monitoring results can be directly transmitted to the cloud database. [4]
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