National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)

China Science and Technology Program
zero Useful+1
synonym 863 Program (863 Program) generally refers to the National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
The National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program for short) is a strategic vision of scientists politician Combined with foresight product And condensed China's strategic demand for high-tech development. In 1986, the State Council organized more than 200 scientists nationwide to demonstrate the plan proposal for more than half a year. In the era when China's science and technology needed to catch up, the implementation of the 863 Plan strongly promoted China's high-tech progress [1]
In 2016, with the National Key R&D Plan The 863 Program ended its historical mission [1]
Chinese name
National High tech Research and Development Plan
Foreign name
National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) [2]
Implementation time
March 1986
National 863 Program Supervision Committee

development history

National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
Since 1980, the rapid development of science and technology has had a tremendous impact on mankind, causing profound changes in economy, society, culture, politics, military and other aspects. In order to win the first chance in the international competition, many countries regard the development of high technology as an important part of their national development strategies, and they are willing to spend huge investment and organize a large number of human and material resources. In 1983, the "Strategic Defense Initiative" (i.e. Star Wars Plan), the Eureka Plan for Europe, and Japan's science and technology revitalization policy for the next ten years have had a certain impact and shock on the world's high-tech development.
National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program) [4] As a strategic plan for China's high-tech research and development [6] The implementation of WTO has effectively promoted China's high-tech and industrial development. It is not only a banner of China's high-tech development, but also a banner of China's scientific and technological development.
National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
March 3, 1986 [5] A report was sent to the residence of the CPC Central Committee Zhongnanhai Later, the Report on the High tech Research and Development Plan formed on the basis of this report was called the "863 Plan". This report, entitled "Suggestions on Tracking the Development of High Technology in the World", is made by the famous Chinese scientist Wang Daheng Wang Ganchang , Yang Jiachi (pronounced "Chi") and Chen Fangyun proposed jointly. In this report, they put forward suggestions and ideas to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in view of the urgent reality of the rapid development of high-tech in the world: to comprehensively track the development of high-tech in the world and formulate China's high-tech development plan.
Major projects of heavy gas turbine (National 863 Program)
According to people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhang Hong (the husband of Deng Nan, Deng Xiaoping's second daughter), the former director of the Science and Technology Development Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, submitted this proposal Deng Xiaoping , directly contributed to“ 863 Program ”The introduction of. [3] The report was soon submitted to Deng Xiaoping's desk. Deng Xiaoping gave instructions two days later. He thought this proposal was very important, and instructed "to find some experts to discuss with relevant responsible comrades and put forward opinions so as to make decisions", and asked relevant responsible comrades to "make decisions as soon as possible without delay".
According to Deng Xiaoping's important instructions, the relevant departments of the CPC Central Committee immediately invited some scientists to have a discussion. During the discussion, the scientists had a heated discussion on the choice direction of high-tech projects. The relevant departments of the central government reported the opinions of the seminar to Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping made clear instructions. According to Deng Xiaoping's instructions, the Report on High tech Research and Development Plan was formed.
Under the support and promotion of Deng Xiaoping, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council officially approved and forwarded the Outline of High tech Research and Development Plan in November of that year. This plan selects 7 fields, including biotechnology and information technology, which will have a significant impact on China's future economic and social development, and establishes 15 theme projects as breakthrough priorities to track the world's advanced level. Vigorously advocate the Zhu Guangya He was the general director of the 863 Program and participated in the formulation and implementation of the program.
The "863 Program" was officially organized and implemented in March 1987. Tens of thousands of scientists worked together in various fields to tackle key problems, and soon achieved fruitful results.
In 1991, Deng Xiaoping wrote an inscription for the "863 Plan" working conference: "Develop high-tech and realize industrialization". Once again, it encourages scientists who tackle key problems to realize the "863 Program", and also points out the direction for China's high-tech development. The implementation of the "863 Plan" is a major strategic deployment of the Communist Party of China to rejuvenate the country through science and education, and has laid a more solid foundation for China to occupy a place in the world's high-tech field.
In 2016, with the introduction of the national key research and development plan, the 863 Program ended its historical mission. This is a timely and key move for China to meet the needs of national development and adapt to the new technological revolution and industrial transformation in the new era. The form of scientific research organization has changed over time, but from "two bombs and one satellite" to the 863 Plan, what remains unchanged is the consistent scientific spirit. Seeking truth is the core of scientific spirit; Innovation is the characteristic of scientific spirit; The spirit of Chinese scientists is the spirit of family and country and mission. Spiritual construction is the soul of our scientific and technological team construction, and also the cultural guarantee of building a scientific and technological power. This spiritual culture is a kind of soft power, a kind of very hard soft power, and an irreplaceable force of material. Inheriting and carrying forward this spirit, which is used to arm generations of young scientific and technological workers, is the spiritual Great Wall to achieve the new goal of "becoming a world scientific and technological power" [1]

Management Measures

Notice on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for the National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)

Chapter I

National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
Article 1 To implement《 Outline of the National Medium and Long Term Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020) 》(hereinafter referred to as the "Outline") to ensure the smooth implementation of the National High tech Research and Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "863 Plan") and achieve scientific, standardized, efficient and fair management《 Interim Provisions on The Administration of National Science And Technology Plans 》And《 Interim Measures for the Administration of National Science and Technology Plan Projects 》These Measures are formulated according to the requirements of.
Article 2 The 863 Plan is a plan to solve strategic, cutting-edge and forward-looking high-tech problems related to the long-term development and national security of the country, develop high-tech with independent intellectual property rights, coordinate the integration and application of high-tech, and lead the development of emerging industries in the future. It mainly supports the cutting-edge technologies and major tasks in some key fields proposed in the Outline.
Article 3 According to the nature of research and development tasks, the 863 Program selects a number of high-tech fields as development priorities, sets up special topics and projects in the fields, and adopts the method of classified management. The topic is oriented by cutting-edge technology research, with the goal of improving the original innovation ability and acquiring independent intellectual property rights; The project is guided by the national strategic needs and aims to improve the integrated innovation capability and form a strategic product prototype or technical system.
Article 4 The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of General Equipment shall work together with the Ministry of Finance to formulate the plan management measures, and the Ministry of Science and Technology shall take the lead in taking charge and organize the implementation together with the Ministry of General Equipment. It is planned to implement the strategic objectives, tasks and funds in various fields annually. The management principles of the 863 Program are:
(1) Clear objectives and highlight key points. Facing the major strategic needs of the country, the 863 Program encourages independent innovation and strives for breakthroughs in key areas.
(2) Clarify rights and responsibilities and standardize management. 863 plans to implement a project establishment system combining government decision-making and expert review, establish and improve the expert selection system, accountability system, avoidance system, credit system and announcement system, and ensure the scientific, fair and fair project establishment.
(3) Overall coordination and joint promotion. The implementation of the 863 Plan will give full play to the role of departments, industries, local governments, enterprises and experts in all aspects, and coordinate the construction of projects, talents and bases.
(4) Regular evaluation and focus on performance. 863 plans to conduct independent third-party evaluation on the implementation and performance of fields, topics and projects on a regular basis, and take the evaluation results as an important basis for research content and funding adjustment.
Article 5 The 863 Program funds shall be supported by the special appropriation of the central finance. Strengthen the supervision and inspection on the use of funds, and plan the funds to be accounted independently and used for a specific purpose.

Chapter II

Management organization and functions
Article 6 The Ministry of Science and Technology and the General Equipment Department are the organization and implementation departments of the 863 Program. The main responsibilities are:
(1) Formulate planned development strategies, objectives and strategic tasks;
(2) Determine the technical field and task setting in the field;
(3) Establish the 863 Program expert committee and field expert group;
(4) Establish alternative project library, review project proposal, and approve project establishment;
(5) Prepare annual plan and budget;
(6) Supervise and check the implementation of the plan, coordinate and deal with major problems in project implementation.
Article 7 The organization and implementation department shall establish the 863 Plan Joint Office (hereinafter referred to as "Joint Office"). The main responsibilities of the joint office are:
(1) Put forward decision-making suggestions on major issues;
(2) Prepare annual plan;
(3) Coordinate the planned progress;
(4) Organize the evaluation of plan implementation;
(5) Organize and coordinate cross field activities;
(6) Comprehensive management plan expert base and base.
The Joint Office shall establish a permanent office to handle daily work.
Article 8 Field offices (hereinafter referred to as "field offices") shall be established in each field to be responsible for the organization, implementation and supervision of the field. The field office is located in the organization and implementation department. The Office of Civil Affairs in all fields shall include the major relevant departments of the State Council. The main responsibilities of the field office are:
(1) Research and propose strategic objectives and development priorities in this field;
(2) To study and put forward suggestions on the topic setting and project establishment in this field;
(3) Prepare the annual plan of the field;
(4) Review the application guide for projects and special topics (bidding documents);
(5) Approve the establishment of special topics and review the proposal for project establishment;
(6) Put forward suggestions on personnel composition of major project undertaking units and overall expert group, and organize the demonstration of major project implementation scheme;
(7) Organize the evaluation and acceptance of projects and topics;
(8) Sign or entrust to sign the project task contract.
Article 9 The 863 Plan sets up a planning expert committee to consult and supervise the strategic decision-making and implementation of the plan. The members of the Planning Expert Committee shall be appointed by the organization and implementation department, and the term of office shall be three years, with a maximum of two terms. The main responsibilities of the Planning Expert Committee are:
(1) Provide advice and suggestions on the decision-making of the planned development strategy, planned objectives, strategic tasks, deployment and other major issues;
(2) Supervise the implementation of the plan.
Article 10 A field expert group shall be set up in each field to provide consultation and technical guidance for strategic decision-making and organizational implementation in this field. The field expert group is recommended by departments and local governments, and selected by the organization and implementation departments. Members of the planning expert committee do not participate in the field expert group. The term of office of the expert group in the field is three years at most. The main responsibilities of the field expert group are:
(1) Organize research on technology development strategy and prediction in the field, and provide decision-making consultation on the goals and tasks of the field;
(2) Participate in the preparation of application guidelines (bidding documents) for projects and special topics;
(3) Deliberate thematic topics and project proposal;
(4) Participate in the demonstration of project implementation scheme;
(5) Participate in the inspection, evaluation and acceptance of project (subject) implementation;
(6) Undertake consulting work on important technical development issues in the field.
Article 11 The 863 Plan establishes an expert database. Experts in the expert database participate in the implementation of the 863 Program and play the role of peer review. The experts in the expert database shall be recommended by the relevant departments of the State Council and local authorities, and shall be put into storage uniformly after being approved by the organization and implementation department. Experts in the expert database can participate in the following work as needed:
(1) The review and appraisal of the subject;
(2) Inspection, evaluation and acceptance of project (subject) implementation;
(3) Put forward opinions and suggestions on plan management.
Article 12 The relevant center (hereinafter referred to as "the relevant center") under the organization and implementation department accepts the entrustment of the organization and implementation department, and under the guidance of the field office, undertakes the process management and basic work of the 863 Plan, mainly including:
(1) Undertake the organization and preparation of application guide for special topics;
(2) Undertake the acceptance and form review of application forms for special topics and project topics;
(3) Undertake the organization of thematic topic review and evaluation, and put forward project proposal;
(4) Undertake the organization of project subject review or bid evaluation, and put forward project proposal;
(5) Undertake the review of project task contract;
(6) Undertake the organization of subject inspection and acceptance;
(7) Be responsible for the management of information and documents of projects and topics, and report the implementation of topics and projects to the field office every year;
(8) Undertake the support and service work of the field expert group.

Chapter III

Thematic management
Article 13 Each field shall have a number of special topics, which shall focus on research and development of cutting-edge technologies. The field office shall study and put forward suggestions on the thematic setting, thematic goals and main tasks of the field, which shall be submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval after comprehensive review by the joint office.
Article 14 There are subjects under the special topic, and in principle, there are no sub subjects. The subject is determined through an open and fair competition mechanism, and the main procedures are as follows:
(1) Publicly publish the application guide for the subject;
(2) Peer expert communication review;
(3) Peer expert meeting review;
(4) Approved by the field office.
Article 15 According to the annual plan and thematic strategic objectives of the field, the relevant center organizes the members of the field expert group and peer experts to study and prepare the subject application guide every year, which is reviewed and issued by the field office.
Article 16 Relevant centers shall randomly select peer experts from the planning expert database to conduct communication review or conference review on the subject application.
Article 17 Relevant centers shall put forward project proposal according to the review results, and the field expert group shall review the proposal and the field office shall approve it.
Article 18 In order to encourage innovation, various fields can arrange an appropriate proportion of non consensus topics. For non consensus issues arising from the review process, the members of the field expert group shall sign their names and recommend them, directly list them into the project proposal, and report them to the field office for approval.
National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
Article 19 The project responsible person shall fill in the project task contract, the relevant center shall be responsible for the review, and the field office shall sign the project task contract with the project responsible person.
Article 20 The results of project initiation shall be announced to the public. For the unapproved subject application, the relevant center shall make a written notice to the subject applicant.
Article 21 The relevant center shall organize the members of the field expert group and the experts in the expert database to inspect the subject, and put forward suggestions for subject adjustment according to the inspection, which shall be submitted to the field office for approval after being reviewed by the field expert group.
Article 22 The relevant center shall organize the members of the expert group in the field and experts in the expert database to carry out the acceptance of the subject. The acceptance results can be divided into three types: passing the acceptance, failing the acceptance and ending the subject. The national secret technology formed by the subject is in accordance with《 regulations on the protection of scientific and technological secrets 》Management.
Article 23 For the subject that needs to be terminated or adjusted due to objective reasons of force majeure, the subject responsible person shall submit a written application to the relevant center, which shall be reviewed by the field expert group and then submitted to the field office for approval.
Article 24 The Field Office shall entrust a professional evaluation institution to conduct an independent evaluation of the implementation of the special subject, and make suggestions on the adjustment of the special subject according to the evaluation results, which shall be countersigned by the joint office and submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval.
After the completion of the special tasks, the Field Office shall organize a summary of the special tasks and conduct performance appraisal.

Chapter IV

project management
Article 25 Projects in various fields of the 863 Program include major projects and key projects. Major projects aim to form prototype or major technical systems, while key projects aim to break through core technologies, develop single strategic product prototypes, or solve important process problems in pilot scale tests. The project generally consists of topics, which are undertaken by the legal entity.
Article 26 According to the major scientific and technological needs put forward by departments and local governments, combined with the technical development trend of the field and the achievements of special topics, the Field Office shall organize research and put forward project proposal. The project proposal mainly includes: project objectives and specific indicator requirements, main research contents, technical routes, etc. For major projects, suggestions of major undertaking units shall be put forward at the same time.
Article 27 The proposal for the establishment of a major project shall be comprehensively reviewed by the joint organization and approved by the organization and implementation department; The proposal for the establishment of key projects shall be signed by the joint office and submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval.
Article 28 Implementation of tasks of major projects:
(1) The main subject undertaking unit of the project recommends the overall expert group candidates, which are reviewed by the field office and then submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval. The overall expert group is responsible for proposing the project implementation scheme, overall integration and technical coordination of the project, and participating in the acceptance of the project subject.
(2) The overall expert group studies and puts forward suggestions on the implementation scheme of major projects according to the approved proposal for the establishment of major projects. The implementation plan shall include specific objectives, task decomposition, schedule and suggestions on the selection of the project undertaking unit.
(3) The field office shall organize the members of the field expert group, experts in the expert database and relevant industry experts to demonstrate the implementation plan of major projects, and submit the demonstrated implementation plan to the organization and implementation department for approval.
(4) The undertaking unit of the project subject is determined through bidding or preferential entrustment, and the overall expert group is responsible for preparing the subject guide or tender, which is issued after being reviewed by the field office.
(5) The relevant center shall organize the bidding or merit evaluation of the project undertaking unit, put forward the suggestions of the project undertaking unit, and report to the field office for review after soliciting the opinions of the overall expert group, which shall be approved by the organization and implementation department.
Article 29 Implementation of tasks of key projects:
(1) The field office shall organize the members of the field expert group and experts in the expert database to prepare guidelines or tenders for key projects, which shall be issued by the field office after being approved by the organization and implementation department.
(2) Relevant centers shall organize the review or bid evaluation of key projects, and put forward suggestions from project undertaking units and project leading units.
(3) The field office shall organize the field expert group to consult and review the suggestions of the project undertaking unit and the project leader, and report to the organization and implementation department for approval after review.
Article 30 The field office shall sign a project task contract with the project undertaking unit, and the confidential project shall also sign a confidentiality agreement, which shall be managed according to the confidentiality provisions; The project results of unclassified projects are disclosed to the public.
Article 31 The relevant center shall organize experts in the expert database to inspect the implementation of the project subject, put forward suggestions for subject adjustment, and submit them to the organization and implementation department for approval after being reviewed by the field office.
Article 32 For the subject that needs to be adjusted or terminated due to objective reasons of force majeure, the subject undertaking unit shall submit a written application to the relevant center, which shall be reviewed by the field office and then submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval.
Article 33 For projects that are highly related to departments, industries and places and have strong demonstration, relevant departments or local governments can be entrusted as the project hosting units to be responsible for the organization and implementation of projects. According to the characteristics of the project, the Field Office shall put forward suggestions from the project host unit and report to the organization and implementation department for approval. The project hosting unit is the main responsible party of the project.
(1) The project hosting unit shall organize to put forward the project implementation plan, which shall be submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval after being demonstrated by the field office.
(2) The project host unit determines the project undertaking unit through bidding or preferential entrustment.
(3) The project host unit and the project undertaking unit sign the project task contract and report to the field office for filing.
(4) The project hosting unit shall implement the matching funds and other supporting conditions agreed to be paid by the project, coordinate and handle the relevant matters during the project implementation.
(5) The project host unit is responsible for supervising and inspecting the implementation of the project, and submitting the annual project implementation and progress report to the field office.
(6) The project host unit shall adjust the project according to the implementation of the project and report it to the field office for filing.
(7) The project host unit shall organize project acceptance, prepare relevant materials for project acceptance and apply for project acceptance to the field office.
Article 34 The Field Office entrusts a professional evaluation institution to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the project implementation, and a professional supervision institution to supervise the whole process of engineering projects. According to the evaluation conclusions and supervision opinions, the Field Office proposes project adjustment suggestions, which are countersigned by the joint office and submitted to the organization and implementation department for approval.
Article 35 The relevant center or project host unit shall organize the acceptance of the subject; The Field Office shall organize the acceptance of the project and conduct performance evaluation. The state secret technology formed by the project shall be managed in accordance with the Regulations on Confidentiality of Science and Technology.

Chapter V

Base management
Article 36 The 863 Program considers the construction of projects, talents and bases as a whole, and forms a batch of 863 Program research and development bases with international standards while continuously supporting innovative talents and teams through projects (topics). The 863 Program R&D Base is a unit that has made outstanding achievements in undertaking the 863 Program R&D tasks, has an excellent innovation team and strong R&D strength.
Article 37 During the implementation of the plan, priority and continuous support should be given to the research and development base of the 863 Plan through projects (topics), a group of high-level research and development talents should be gathered and cultivated, and an open, mobile, competitive and cooperative mechanism should be formed to realize the effective allocation and sharing of research and development resources and lay a good foundation for the sustainable development of China's high-tech.
Article 38 The joint office is responsible for the identification of the organization base. On the basis of recommendation of the Field Office or declaration organized by relevant departments (local) under the State Council, the Joint Office shall organize experts to review, put forward suggestions on the identification of the base, and report to the organization and implementation department for approval.
Article 39 The base is subject to time limit and dynamic management. The joint office organizes the evaluation and assessment of the base. Organize the implementation department to dynamically adjust the base according to the evaluation and assessment results. The joint office is responsible for the comprehensive management and coordination of the base, and entrusts departments or local authorities to carry out specific management of the base.

Chapter VI

Intellectual property and asset management
Article 40 The 863 plan management organization, project supporting units and project undertaking units shall strengthen the management of intellectual property rights and strictly implement the Regulations on Strengthening the Management of Intellectual Property Rights in National Science and Technology Plans (GKFZZ [2003] No. 94) issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The ownership, use and management of the intellectual property formed by the 863 Program subject shall be in accordance with the Several Provisions on the Management of Intellectual Property Rights of Research Achievements of National Scientific Research Programs (GBF [2002] No. 30).
Article 41 Establish standardized and sound archives of project scientific data and scientific and technological reports. The project (subject) undertaking unit shall follow the relevant scientific data sharing and scientific and technological plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology Project information management And submit scientific research materials and data related to the project (subject) on time.
The research achievements, including papers, monographs, patents, software, databases, etc., formed during the implementation of 863 Program projects (topics) should be marked with "863 Program Funding".
Article 42 Intangible assets formed in the course of project research shall be managed and used by the project supporting unit. The economic benefits generated from the transformation of research achievements and the use of intangible assets《 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Application of Scientific and Technological Achievements 》And relevant national regulations.
Article 43 The fixed assets purchased or trial produced with the 863 Program funds belong to state-owned assets, and the management of assets shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Chapter VII

Evaluation and supervision
Article 44 The organization and implementation department shall entrust professional evaluation institutions to conduct independent third-party evaluation on the implementation and performance of 863 Program fields, topics and projects on a regular basis. The evaluation results serve as an important basis for adjusting the research content and funding of fields, topics and projects, as well as improving and perfecting the plan management.
Article 45 In the process of project (subject) initiation, inspection, acceptance and other links, the withdrawal system shall be implemented for matters involving the interests of the organization manager, experts and the unit.
Article 46 The 863 Plan implements a credit management system to scientifically record, manage and use credit information.
(1) Objectively record the credit status of project (subject) applicants in the application process;
(2) Objectively record the credit status of the project leader, the project supporting unit, the project undertaking unit, and the project responsible subject during the implementation and acceptance of the project (project);
(3) Objectively record the credit status of experts in the process of project (subject) review, assessment, inspection and acceptance.
Article 47 The organization and implementation department shall commend the personnel or units that have made outstanding achievements in the research, development and management of the 863 Program.
Article 48 The 863 Program will implement the accountability system for those who are found to be practicing fraud, favoritism and malpractice during the process of application, review, evaluation, inspection, implementation and acceptance, and who fail to complete the tasks specified in the contract due to illegal operations or subjective reasons and cause heavy losses. If the circumstances are minor, the direct responsible person shall be publicly notified, the relevant project (subject) contract shall be terminated, and the accounts and assets shall be cleared; If the circumstances are serious, the person directly responsible will be disqualified from undertaking the 863 Program tasks within a certain period of time; If it constitutes a violation of discipline, it is recommended that the relevant management department give administrative (disciplinary) punishment to the person directly responsible.

Chapter VIII

supplementary articles
Article 49 The administrative measures for the special funds of the 863 Program shall be formulated separately.
Article 50 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The Administrative Measures for the National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program) (GKFJZ [2001] No. 632) shall be repealed at the same time.
Article 51 The organization and implementation department shall formulate corresponding implementation rules in accordance with these Measures.

Fund management


Chapter I

National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
Article 1 In order to implement the Outline of the National Medium and Long term Scientific and Technological Development Plan (2006-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Outline), standardize and strengthen the management of special funds for the National High tech Research and Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as the 863 Plan), and improve the efficiency of fund use, These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Transmitting the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology's Opinions on Improving and Strengthening the Management of Central Financial Science and Technology Funds (GBF [2006] No. 56) and relevant national financial rules and regulations.
Article 2 The special funds of the 863 Program (hereinafter referred to as "special funds") come from the central financial allocation. It is mainly used to support scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, domestic funded or domestic holding enterprises with independent legal personality in mainland China, and carry out research work around the cutting-edge technologies and major tasks in some key fields proposed in the Planning Outline.
Article 3 Management and use principles of special funds:
(1) Concentrate financial resources and highlight key points. Special funds should be used to support strategic, cutting-edge and forward-looking high-tech research and development related to long-term national development and national security, and prevent decentralized use.
(2) Scientific arrangement and reasonable allocation. The budget shall be prepared and arranged scientifically and reasonably in strict accordance with the objectives and tasks of the project, and randomness shall be avoided.
(3) It is accounted separately and used for specific purposes. The funds for projects and research projects shall be included in the financial management of the unit and accounted for separately to ensure that the funds are earmarked for specific purposes. The management and use of special funds should establish a result oriented tracking and efficiency mechanism.
Article 4 The 863 Plan shall be led by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and organized and implemented jointly with the General Equipment Department (hereinafter referred to as the organization and implementation department). The organization and implementation department shall set up the joint office of the 863 Plan (hereinafter referred to as the joint office), and set up the field office according to the field (hereinafter referred to as the field office).
Article 5 Within the 863 Program, there are special topics and projects, under which there are topics, and the projects are composed of topics. according to Financial budget management Requirements and characteristics of the 863 Plan, the annual budget of the project is included in the budget management of the organization and implementation departments.
Article 6 The Ministry of Science and Technology shall establish a scientific research project budget management database and improve the information disclosure system. The budget arrangement of the project (subject), the leading (presiding) unit of the project and the undertaking unit of the subject, the person in charge of the subject and the researchers of the subject, the scientific research conditions promised by the undertaking unit and other contents will be included in the database for management, and the non confidential information will be disclosed in a timely manner and subject to social supervision.

Chapter II

Expenditure scope of project funds
Article 7 Project funds refer to various expenses directly related to research and development activities and paid by special funds in the process of project organization and implementation.
Article 8 The expenditure scope of project funds generally includes equipment costs, material costs, testing and laboratory processing costs Fuel and power cost , travel expenses, conference fees, international cooperation and exchange fees, publishing/literature/information dissemination/intellectual property affairs fees, labor costs, expert consulting fees, management fees, etc.
(1) Equipment cost: it refers to the cost of purchasing or trial producing special instruments and equipment, upgrading existing instruments and equipment, and leasing instruments and equipment from other units in the process of research and development. Special funds should be strictly controlled Equipment purchase cost Expenditure.
(2) Material cost: refers to the cost of purchasing, transporting, loading and unloading, sorting and other low value consumables such as various raw materials and auxiliary materials consumed in the research and development process of the project.
(3) Testing, testing and processing fees: refer to the fees paid to external units (including the internal independent economic accounting unit of the project undertaking unit) for inspection, testing, testing and processing during the research and development of the project.
(4) Fuel and power cost: refers to the water, electricity, gas and fuel consumption costs that can be measured separately during the operation of relevant large-scale instruments and equipment, special scientific devices, etc. during the research and development of the project.
(5) Travel expenses: refer to the travel expenses incurred in the process of scientific experiment (experiment), scientific investigation, business research, academic exchange, etc. The standard of travel expenses shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
(6) Conference expenses: refer to the conference expenses incurred during the research and development of the project to organize and carry out academic research, consultation and coordination of projects or topics. The project undertaking unit shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, strictly control the size, number, expenditure standard and duration of the meeting.
(7) International cooperation and exchange costs: refer to the costs for project researchers to go abroad and foreign experts to work in China in the process of project research and development. The fees for international cooperation and exchange shall strictly comply with the relevant provisions of the State on the management of foreign affairs funds. In case of international cooperation and exchange costs, major project topics and key project topics shall be reported to the overall expert group of the project or the leading (presiding) unit of the project for approval in advance.
(8) Publishing/literature/information dissemination/intellectual property affairs fees: refer to the publishing fees, data fees, special software purchase fees, literature retrieval fees, professional communication fees, patent applications and other intellectual property affairs that need to be paid in the process of research and development.
(9) Labor cost: refers to the related personnel (such as graduate students in school) and the research team who have no wage income paid to the research team members in the research and development process Temporary employees Labor service expenses.
(10) Expert consulting fee: refers to the fee paid to the temporarily hired consulting experts during the research and development of the subject. The expert consultation fee shall not be paid to the staff involved in the 863 Program, its projects and subject management.
For the consultation organized in the form of meeting, the expenses of expert consultation fees are generally referred to the high-level Professional and technical titles 500~800 yuan/person day for personnel and 300~500 yuan/person day for other professional technicians. If the meeting lasts for more than two days, the standard of consulting fees for the third day and later shall refer to 300-400 yuan/person/day for senior professional and technical personnel, and 200-300 yuan/person/day for other professional and technical personnel.
For the consultation organized in the form of communication, the expenses of expert consultation fees generally refer to the standard of 60-100 yuan/person time for senior professional and technical personnel, and 40-80 yuan/person time for other professional and technical personnel.
(11) Management fee: refers to the subsidy expenditure for using the existing instruments, equipment and houses of the unit, daily water, electricity, gas, heating consumption, and other related management fees during the research and development of the project. The management fees shall be checked and approved according to the method of sectional excess regressive proportion of the special funds budget of the project, and the checked and approved proportion is as follows:
The project budget of 1 million yuan or less shall be verified at 8%;
The part exceeding 1 million yuan to 5 million yuan shall be verified by 5%;
The part exceeding 5 million yuan to 10 million yuan shall be verified by 2%;
The part exceeding 10 million yuan shall be verified by 1%. The total amount of management fees shall be controlled and managed and used by the project undertaking unit.
Article 9 Other expenditures incurred in the course of research and development other than the above-mentioned expenses shall be separately listed and verified when applying for the budget.

Chapter III

Preparation and approval of budget
Article 10 The field office shall prepare budget estimates at the same time when organizing research and proposing thematic setting in the field and proposing project initiation suggestions.
Article 11 The budget estimate shall be subject to independent consultation and evaluation when the proposal for special topic setting and project establishment is comprehensively reviewed and verified. The consultation and evaluation results shall be used as an important basis for the setting of special topics and project approval decisions, as well as the control of the general budget of each special topic and project, and shall be reported to the Ministry of Finance for filing.
Article 12 The approved proposal for the establishment of major projects, when studying and proposing the implementation plan, shall include the project budget and its breakdown. The organization and implementation department shall independently demonstrate the project budget estimate and its breakdown in combination with the demonstration of the implementation plan of major projects as the basis for organizing the preparation of the project budget.
Article 13 While selecting the project undertaking unit, each special topic and project shall organize the project applying unit to prepare the project budget. Preparation requirements of project budget:
(1) The preparation of project budget should be based on the reasonable needs of project research, adhere to the relevance of objectives, policy consistency and Principle of economic rationality
(2) The source budget and expenditure budget shall be prepared when preparing the project budget.
In addition to applying for special funds, if the source budget has self raised funds, the capital contribution certificate and other relevant financial information shall be provided. Self raised funds include the unit's own monetary funds, and those specially used for the research of the subject Other monetary funds Etc.
The expenditure budget shall be prepared in accordance with the expenditure items determined by the scope of expenditure and different sources of funds. In general, the same expenditure item may not be used to allocate special funds and self raised funds at the same time. The expenditure budget shall describe in detail the main purpose of each expenditure and the reasons for measurement.
(3) If there are several units undertaking a project jointly, the main tasks and budget of each unit shall be listed at the same time.
(4) The project budget shall be jointly prepared by the financial department of the project undertaking unit with the assistance of the project leader.
(5) When preparing the project budget, it shall also state the existing organizational implementation conditions and resources of the project undertaking unit, as well as the shared services that may be obtained from outside the unit, and propose a social sharing scheme for the scientific and technological resources and achievements that may be formed in the project implementation.
Article 14 The project budget shall be submitted to the organization and implementation department after being reviewed and summarized according to relevant requirements.
Organize the implementation department and the Ministry of Finance to organize experts or entrust intermediaries to review or evaluate the project budget. Organize the implementation department to establish a database of budget review experts, and improve the selection, avoidance, credit and accountability system of review experts.
Article 15 Organize the implementation department to review the budget review or evaluation results, and publicize them according to the procedures on the premise of meeting the confidentiality provisions. If there is a major objection to the subject budget, it shall be reviewed according to the procedure.
Article 16 The organization and implementation department shall, in accordance with the requirements of financial budget management, put forward proposals for project (subject) budget arrangements and submit them to the Ministry of Finance for approval before issuing the project (subject) budget. The projects (topics) for which the budget has been approved shall be included in the scientific research project budget management database for unified management, and shall be arranged by year in a rolling manner.
Article 17 The organization and implementation department shall sign the project (subject) budget statement with the project leader (host) unit and subject undertaking unit according to the budget approval. The project (subject) budget is an important basis for budget implementation, supervision and inspection, and financial acceptance.
Article 18 The annual budget of the project (subject) shall be submitted by the organization and implementation department to the Ministry of Finance according to the requirements of departmental budget preparation.
Article 19 The organization and implementation department shall, according to the budget approved by the Ministry of Finance, send the annual budget of the project to the project undertaking unit, and send a copy to the project leading (presiding) unit.
Article 20 The budget of the project (subject) subject to the administration of bid invitation and bidding shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State on bid invitation and bidding.

Chapter IV

Budget implementation
Article 21 The appropriation of special funds shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions on the management of financial fund payment. If government procurement is involved in the use of funds, the relevant provisions on government procurement shall apply.
Article 22 The project undertaking unit shall strictly follow the assigned project budget and generally not adjust it. If it is really necessary to adjust it, it shall review and approve it according to the following procedures:
(1) The total budget of the project (subject) and the budget adjustment between subjects shall be reported to the implementation department for review and the Ministry of Finance for approval according to the procedure.
(2) If the total budget of the project remains unchanged, the budget adjustment of the project cooperation units and the increase or decrease of the project cooperation units shall be made by the project leader to assist the project undertaking unit to put forward the adjustment opinions, and shall be reported to the organization and implementation department for approval according to the procedures.
(3) In general, the budget of labor cost, expert consultation fee and management fee in the subject expenditure budget subject will not be adjusted. For other expenditure items, if they do not exceed 10% of the approved budget of the item, or exceed 10%, but the amount of adjustment of the item does not exceed 50000 yuan, the project undertaking unit shall adjust them according to the research needs; If the budget implementation of other expenditure items exceeds 10% of the approved budget and the amount is more than 50000 yuan, the project leader shall assist the project undertaking unit to put forward adjustment opinions, and report to the organization and implementation department for approval according to the procedure.
Article 23 The project undertaking unit shall, in strict accordance with the provisions of these Measures, formulate internal management measures and establish and improve them internal control system Strengthen the supervision and management of special funds, and separately calculate the special funds and self raised funds.
Article 24 The project undertaking unit shall handle the expenditure in strict accordance with the scope and standard of project funds as stipulated in these Measures. It is strictly prohibited to use project funds to pay various fines, donations, sponsorships, investments, etc., and to seek private interests in any form.
National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
Article 25 The project undertaking unit shall prepare the project funding year according to regulations FINANCIAL ACCOUNT REPORT For projects with less than three months from the date of issue of project funds to the end of the year, annual final accounts may not be prepared in the current year, and the use of funds shall be reflected in the annual final accounts of the next year. The final account report of the project shall be prepared by the financial department of the project undertaking unit together with the project leader. The final account report of the subject shall be submitted to the organization and implementation department before April 20 of the next year after being reviewed and summarized according to the procedures.
Article 26 The annual balance of funds for research projects in progress shall be carried forward to the next year for continued use according to regulations. If the project is terminated for some reason, the financial department of the project undertaking unit shall timely clear the accounts and assets, prepare financial reports and asset lists, and submit them to the organization and implementation department after being reviewed and summarized according to the procedures. The organization and implementation department shall organize the inventory and processing, and recover the remaining funds (including the income from the disposal of purchased funds, materials, instruments, and equipment) from the organization and implementation department, The organization and implementation department shall be responsible for Balance fund management Implementation of relevant provisions of.
Article 27 The system of reporting major events shall be implemented in the process of budget implementation. During the implementation of the project, if there are major issues that affect the implementation of the budget, such as the adjustment of the project plan task, the change of the project leader or the transfer unit, and the change of the project undertaking unit, the project leader and the project undertaking unit shall timely report to the organization and implementation department for approval according to the procedures.
Article 28 The fixed assets formed by the special funds are state-owned assets, which are generally managed and used by the project undertaking units. The State has the right to allocate them for relevant scientific research and development. The management of intangible assets such as intellectual property formed by special funds shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
Large scientific instruments and equipment, scientific data, natural science and technology resources formed by special funds shall be shared openly in accordance with relevant national regulations to reduce repeated waste and improve resource utilization efficiency.

Chapter V

National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
Supervision and inspection
Article 29 The Ministry of Finance and the organization and implementation departments shall supervise and inspect the allocation and use of special funds.
Article 30 The organization and implementation department shall, together with the Ministry of Finance, organize experts or entrust intermediaries to conduct special financial inspection or mid-term evaluation on the use and management of special funds. The results of special financial inspection and mid-term evaluation will be used as an important basis for adjusting the budget arrangement of projects (topics) and allocating funds according to the schedule.
Article 31 After the completion of the project (subject), the leading (presiding) unit of the project or the undertaking unit of the subject shall submit an application for financial acceptance to the organization and implementation department in a timely manner. Financial acceptance is the prerequisite for the acceptance of the project (subject). The organization and implementation department is responsible for organizing the financial audit and financial acceptance of the project (topic). Financial audit is an important basis for financial acceptance.
Article 32 In case of any of the following acts, the financial acceptance shall not be passed:
(1) Compiling and reporting false budgets and obtaining state financial funds;
(2) The special funds are not accounted for separately;
(3) Retain, occupy and misappropriate special funds;
(4) Transferring and transferring special funds in violation of regulations;
(5) Providing false financial and accounting information;
(6) Failure to implement and adjust the budget as required;
(7) False promises and insufficient self raised funds;
(8) Other acts in violation of national financial discipline.
Article 33 After the project (subject) passes the acceptance, each subject undertaking unit shall go through the financial settlement procedures in a timely manner within one month. If there is any surplus in the project funds, they shall be timely and fully handed over to the organization and implementation department, which shall implement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Finance on the management of surplus funds.
Article 34 The organization and implementation department shall gradually establish a performance evaluation system for scientific research project funds in combination with financial audit and financial acceptance.
Article 35 A commitment mechanism shall be established for the management of special funds. The legal representative of the project undertaking unit and the project leader shall jointly sign the letter of commitment when preparing and submitting the budget, ensure the authenticity of the information provided, and assume responsibility for the consequences caused by false information.
Article 36 A credit management mechanism shall be established for the management of special funds. Organize the implementation department to evaluate and record the credibility of the project leader (host), project undertaking unit, project leader, intermediary agency and review experts in the management of special funds.
Article 37 In the process of budget implementation, the organization and implementation department will work with the Ministry of Finance to suspend the allocation of funds or circulate a notice of criticism for units that do not manage and use special funds according to regulations, do not prepare and report final accounts in time, or do not conduct accounting according to regulations. If the circumstances are serious, projects or topics can be terminated. The organization and implementation department and the Ministry of Finance can cancel the qualification of relevant units or individuals to apply for national scientific research projects within the next three years and announce to the public that they have failed to pass the financial acceptance, committed fraud, withheld, misappropriated, misappropriated special funds and other violations of financial discipline. At the same time, it is suggested that the relevant departments give disciplinary punishment. If the case constitutes a crime, it shall be transferred to the judicial organ for investigation of criminal responsibility.

Chapter VI

supplementary articles
Article 38 The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of General Equipment shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.
Article 39 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. Administrative Measures for Special Funds of National High tech Research and Development Program [2] (CJ [2001] No. 207) shall be abolished at the same time.

Value significance

More than 30 years of practice shows that excellent achievements have been made in all fields of the 863 Program, Laser technology The domain is an example. In 1999, when the work made historic progress, China's famous photologist was also one of the initiators of the 863 Program Wang Daheng Mr. Liu said this to everyone: "Someone once doubted whether this project should continue. After nationwide demonstration, he affirmed the leading position of this project in the laser field and strengthened his belief. Through continuous efforts, we have achieved the current results, which is a great innovation." I also have a profound experience: an important source of engineering technology innovation, From basic research and applied basic research. For example, the linear and nonlinear effects of the interaction between laser and matter have an important impact on the lifeline of beam quality in many links of the high-energy laser system.
The 863 Program is a major national science and technology program in the era of reform and opening up. Its management and operation mechanism has the remarkable characteristics of the reform of the science and technology system. In the middle of 1985, the country issued the "Decision on the Reform of the Science and Technology System", and the 863 Plan followed the spirit of this decision. The cross sectoral and advantageous research units jointly formed a research team in the field, and the outstanding scientists from different units formed an expert group, which was responsible for the implementation of the field (or theme), integrating the strategic decisions The technical and management decisions of the expert group are combined with the support and guarantee of the administrative unit. At the same time, the competition mechanism under the market economy and the cooperation mechanism under the guidance of the national strategic objectives are combined, and the independent innovation and open communication are combined, which improves the scientificity and efficiency of the project implementation. The 863 Plan also inherits“ Two bombs and one star ”The way to success: to achieve national goals as a common spiritual pillar; The whole country will play a chess game, build a "national team" and work together vigorously; Academic democracy, construction of error correction mechanism, combination of theory and experiment, emphasis on basic research, discipline construction and talent training [1]