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3C 273

Quasars in Virgo
3C 273 Is located in Virgo One of a quasar It is the brightest quasar in the visible light band Apparent magnitude It is about 12.9, which is one of the quasars closest to the earth, red shift z Only 0.158. its Photometric distance , DL=2.44 billion light years (749 Mpc )Is via z Value converted. It is also one of the brightest quasars, Absolute magnitude - 26.3, etc. By focusing on its broad radiating Reverberation mapping According to inversion mapping, its mass is 886 ± 187 million times that of the sun.
Chinese name
3C 273
PKS 1226+02
886 ± 187 million M ⊙
Apparent magnitude
12.85 etc
Absolute magnitude
-26.7 etc
Right ascension
Distance from ground
244000000 light years
Host galaxy type
E4 type elliptical galaxy
Spectral type

Basic overview

3C 273 is the brightest in the sky a quasar It is also the second quasar discovered. People discovered this as early as 1963 Radio source It is used by the Australian astronomer Cyril Hazard moon The method of concealment is accurate.
Large-scale jet
This quasar has a large scale jet, and the measured length is 200000 light years (~62000 seconds), and the apparent size is 23 ″. Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to observe the jet in 1995 morphology The upper structure is interwoven by repeated bright knots and weak radiation areas. Until 1963, the discovery of 3C273 quasar triggered a lot of theoretical research on black holes and observation attempts to detect them. 3C273 quasar is the first discovered quasar wireless power supply, which generates a large amount of power in a small area. [1]

scientific research

The origin of 3C 273 name is University of Cambridge List of radio wave sources published in 1959 (according to Right ascension Sorted 3C catalog )The 273rd celestial body in. Parks Radio Observatory Used by Cyril Hazeld of Lunar occultation After the precise measurement of the position, the radio source will quickly connect with the Optical counterpart Together, an unexplained "stellar body". Martin Schmidt And Bev Oke published 3C 273 in the journal Nature in 1963 red shift , its distance is several Billion light years Far away.
Before astronomers discovered 3C 273, some radio sources had optical counterparts. The first one was 3C 48 many Active galaxy Are mistaken for Variable star , including famous BL Lacertae objects Backseat W and Beagle AU。 However, astronomers still do not know what kind of objects they are, because their spectra are different from those of any known star. 3C 273 is the first confirmed quasar - an extremely bright object at cosmological distance.
3C 273 is a radio noisy quasar and the first extragalactic galaxy discovered in 1970 X-ray Source. However, the determination of the X-ray emission process is still controversial. 3C 273 in all wavelength , from radio waves reach Gamma ray Of luminosity Are changing, and the time varies from a few days to decades. The radio wave, infrared ray and visible light emitted from the large-scale jet have consistent directionality polarization Observed; Therefore, the radiation is almost from nature in essence synchrotron Radiation created by a charge moving at a relativistic speed in a jet. Such jet should be centered black hole and Accretion disk Created by the interaction of. use VLBI Observation of 3C 273 has revealed some radio wave radiation areas voluntarily It is further suggested that there is relativistic matter in the jet. southern hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere 3C 273 can be seen in May, Amateur astronomy use Large telescope It can also be seen.

Ranging method

In 2020, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that the scientific research team led by researcher Wang Jianmin had developed a new geometric ranging method. Through simulation and comprehensive analysis of GRAVITY interference data, as well as the 10-year response mapping data of the Lijiang 2.4m telescope and the US Steward Observatory Bok 2.3m telescope, The cosmic distance of a quasar named 3C 273 has been successfully measured. The 3C 273 quasar is about 2 billion light years away from the earth, realizing the direct measurement of the quasar's distance, providing a new method to solve the "Hubble constant crisis", and will also provide help in the future in accurately measuring the cosmic geometry, studying the expansion speed and history of the universe. [2]