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The year 383 is the historical year, which refers to the year 383 A.D Eastern Jin Dynasty repel Pre Qin Attack.
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383A. D
The Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (the eighth year of Taiyuan, Emperor Wu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty)
Chronicle of Events
The two armies of Jin and Qin fought in Feishui
Contemporary World History
In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts


Pre Qin 19th year of Jianyuan

Major events

383 Winter October Yihai (383.11.30) - Feishui Battle: Eastern Jin Dynasty repel Pre Qin Attack.
Battle of Feishui , also known as Battle of Feishui , occurring in A.D 383 , at that time China Northerly Pre Qin Wanting to destroy the south Eastern Jin Dynasty , and in Feishui (today Shou County, Anhui Province In the end, the Eastern Jin Dynasty only defeated more than 800000 former Qin troops with 800000 troops.

Annual table of this year

A.D 383 A famous battle of the Battle of Feishui was launched in Shouxian County, Anhui Province, which is a famous battle in the world's military history in which the few win the many. Many idioms came into being in this battle, such as: a big army Fearless, panic stricken Etc. When we win Xie An He was playing chess with the guests, but when he heard the news of the triumph, he could not help but remain calm and insisted on playing the game to the end. Although he nearly fell down in excitement later, his affectation was really perfect, and he was worthy of doing great things. Suddenly, he was not surprised. Therefore, you should not be surprised when you see a man's appearance and a man's back. That's their nature.
Time: A.D 383
Both belligerents: Pre Qin Eastern Jin Dynasty
Place of engagement: Feishui (today China Anhui Wabu Lake One Belt)
result: Eastern Jin Dynasty victory
The battle of Feishui took place in Hefei Feixi County On the Dongji River to the north. It is adjacent to Shou County, Anhui Province. It also serves as Feishui, which originates from the Jiangjun Ridge between Feixi and Shouxian. Eastern Jin Dynasty When, Xie An Xie Xuan Defeat Fu Jian Yu Feishui. Eastern Jin Dynasty The battle of Feishui is China It is a famous battle in history that the weak win the strong. 383 Feishui (today China Anhui Wabu Lake One Belt)
The battle of Feishui is China It is a famous battle in history that the few win the many. It determined the pattern of long-term division during the Northern and Southern Dynasties.
The corrupt politics at the end of the Western Jin Dynasty triggered social unrest, China History has entered the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, when the regime was divided. In the south, Sima Rui, the king of Langxie in Jin Dynasty Jiankang (Today's Nanjing, Jiangsu) became emperor and established Eastern Jin Dynasty , occupying most areas south of Hanshui River and Huaihe River. In the north, political disputes among ethnic minorities have arisen repeatedly. Established by Di people Pre Qin China has successively destroyed the former Yan, Dai, Qianliang and other separatist states, and unified the Yellow River basin. Later, it was captured in 373 Eastern Jin Dynasty Liang (now Hanzhong, Shaanxi) and Yi (now Chengdu, Sichuan) extended their influence to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Han River. Pre Qin Emperor Fu Jian enormously proud of one's success With the aim of "sweeping the autumn leaves with the wind" Eastern Jin Dynasty Unify the north and south.
August AD 383 In August, Fu Jian led 600000 infantrymen, 270000 cavalry, 30000 Yu Linlang (the imperial guard), a total of 900000 troops to the south from Chang'an. At the same time, Fu Jian ordered the governor of Zitong Pei Yuanlue to lead 70000 sailors to the east from Bashu Jiankang March. Nearly a million marches "come and go thousands of miles, Flags and drums facing each other Ten thousand miles from east to west, water and land go together. " Fu Jianjiao proudly declared: "Throw whip on the river with my numerous tours, and cut off its flow." This is a famous allusion“ a big army ”The origin of.
Eastern Jin Dynasty Facing the critical moment of life and death under the pressure of powerful enemies, the dynasty took the prime minister Xie An The main battle group led by the leader is determined to rise up and resist. through Xie An Recommendation: The Emperor of Jin appointed Xie An's younger brother Xie Shi For the purpose of conquering Dadu, nephew of Xie An Xie Xuan As a pioneer, he led 80000 "Beifu soldiers" with strong combat effectiveness along the Huaihe River after seven years of training Hexi Go ahead and attack the main force of the Qin army. Hu Bin was sent to lead the water army to reinforce Shouyang (now Shouxian County, Anhui Province), a strategic place. Heng Chong was appointed governor of Jiangzhou to lead 100000 Jin troops to control the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and prevent Qin, Ba and Shu troops from going east along the river.
On October 18, Fu Jian's younger brother Furong He led Qin's vanguard troops to capture Shouyang and captured Xu Yuanxi, the garrison general of the Jin army. At the same time, the Murong Troop of the Qin Army captured Yuncheng (now Yunxian County, Hubei Province). Hu Bin, who was ordered to lead the water army to rescue Shouyang, learned that Shouyang had been Fu Rong After the attack, they retreated to Xiashi (now the southwest of Fengtai, Anhui) and waited for Xie Shi Xie Xuan The armies of our country are converging. Fu Rong led the army to attack Xiashi. Liang Cheng, general of Fu Rong Department, led 50000 troops to attack Luojian (in the east of Huainan, Anhui today), cut off the traffic of Huaihe River and blocked Hu Bin's retreat. Hu Bin is trapped in Xiashi. He has run out of food and grass and is unable to support him. He writes to Xie Shi It's urgent, but the Jin Bing who sent the letter was caught by Qin Bing. This letter was left at Fu Rong Hands. Fu Rong immediately Fu Jian It reported that there were few soldiers and lack of food and grass in the Jin Dynasty. It was suggested that the troops should be mobilized quickly to prevent the Jin army from escaping. Fu Jian Get back and keep the army Xiang Cheng , leading 8000 cavalry to Shouyang.
As soon as Fu Jian arrived in Shouyang, he immediately sent Yuan Eastern Jin Dynasty Xiangyang Guard General Zhu Xu Go to the Jin army camp to persuade surrender. Zhu Xu After arriving at Jinying, instead of persuading him to surrender, he turned to Xie Shi Provided information about the Qin army. He said: "Although there are millions of Qin troops, they are still in the process of marching. If the forces are concentrated, it will be difficult for the Jin army to resist. Now the situation is different. We should take advantage of the opportunity when the Qin army is not able to reach all, and quickly launch an attack. As long as we can defeat its vanguard forces and defeat their morale, we can defeat the Qin army." Xie Shi At first, I thought that the Qin army was strong and planned to stick to it No war Wait until the enemy is exhausted and then wait for the opportunity to counter attack. Yes Zhu Xu After that, he thought it was very reasonable, so he changed his fighting policy and decided to turn the defensive into the offensive and take the initiative to attack.
November November, Xie Xuan Send brave generals Liu Chenzhi Led 5000 elite soldiers to attack Luojian, opening the prelude to the battle in Feishui. Qin General Liang Cheng led 50000 troops to fight on the edge of Luojian. Liu Chenzhi Divide the troops and make a detour Qin Army After the array, cut off the way back; He led his troops to cross Luoshui and stormed Qin's array. The Qin army panicked, barely withstood for a while, and then collapsed. Liang Cheng, the chief general, and his brother Liang Yun died in battle. The officers and soldiers scrambled to cross the Huaihe River to escape, killing more than 15000 people. The victory in Luojian greatly encouraged the morale of the Jin army. Xie Shi Wield an army Water and land advance together , directly to the east bank of Feishui River (today's Feihe River, in the south of Shouxian County, Anhui Province) Bagong Mountain At the same time, he set up camp and confronted the Qin army in Shouyang across the shore. Fu Jian Standing on the building of Shouyang City, I saw the Jin troops on the other side of the bank were in good order, and the soldiers were excellent. Even the vegetation on the Bagong Mountain feels like a human figure, mistaking it for Jin soldiers. He is quite frightened Fu Rong Said: "This is also a strong enemy, what is weak?" This is a famous allusion“ state of extreme nervousness ”The origin of.
As the Qin army was close to the west bank of the Feishui River, the Jin army could not cross the river and had to face off across the bank. Xie Xuan He sent an envoy to Fu Rong and said to him, "Jun Suspend the army and deepen , and set up the array to force the water, this is go on for long And those who do not want to fight quickly. Isn't it also good to move the array less, so that Jin's soldiers can be saved and the victory or defeat can be decided? " All generals of the Qin army expressed their opposition, but Fu Jian He thought that we could make the army retreat a little, and when the Jin army was halfway across the river, we could use cavalry to smash it, so that we could win. Fu Rong Pairs Fu Jian And agreed to the plan Xie Xuan Command the Qin army to retreat. However, the morale of Qin soldiers was low. As a result, once they retreated, they lost control and the battle was in chaos. Xie Xuan Led more than 8000 cavalry to seize the opportunity to cross the Feishui River and attack the Qin army. Zhu Xu After the formation of the Qin army, they shouted, "Qin's army is defeated! Qin's army is defeated!" Qin believed it, so he turned around and ran away. Fu Rong saw that the situation was not good, so he rode to stop it in order to stabilize his position. Unexpectedly, the horse was mutinous soldiers Rushed down and was killed by the chasing soldiers of the Jin army. The Qin soldiers who lost their main general became more confused and completely collapsed. The defeat of the vanguard caused the subsequent troops to panic, and then fled in disorder, forming a chain reaction. As a result, the whole army fled in disorder and retreated northward. The Qin army was routed and dared not stop along the way. I heard referring to the great fright of routed soldiers They all thought it was the Jin army (this is the origin of the famous allusion "fear of the wind"). The Jin army pursued the victory to Qinggang near Shouyang. The Qin soldiers died when they stepped on each other. The mountains and plains were full of rivers. Fu Jian I was wounded by an arrow and escaped to Luoyang alone.
The Jin army recovered Shouyang, Xie Shi and Xie Xuan Send Pegasus to Jiankang Good news. Xie An was playing chess with the guests at home. He's finished Xie Shi The victory report was delivered without showing any emotion. I put it aside and played chess as usual. The guest knew it was the war report from the front, so he couldn't help asking Xie An "How is the war going?" Xie An said slowly, "The children have defeated the Qin people." The guest was so happy that he didn't want to play chess again. He wanted to tell others the good news quickly, so he said goodbye. Xie An After seeing off the guests and returning to the inner house, his excitement could no longer be contained. When he crossed the threshold, he stumbled and broke the teeth of the clogs on his feet. This is the origin of the famous allusion "folding clogs and teeth".
In the battle of Feishui, more than 700000 former Qin troops were wiped out and fled. Only the 30000 people and horses in Murongta, Xianbei, are still intact. Fu Jian The hope of unifying the north and the south was completely destroyed. Not only that, the situation of temporary unification in the north was also disintegrated, and again split into more local ethnic regimes Murong Chui And Qiang Yao Chang When other nobles rose again and established new countries, Fu Jian himself was captured and killed by Yao Chang two years later, Pre Qin Then perish. The winner of this battle Eastern Jin Dynasty Although the dynasty is unable to restore the whole China However, it effectively curbed the invasion of ethnic minorities in the north and created conditions for the recovery and development of social economy in the south of the Yangtze River.
The battle of Feishui determined the long-term division of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Later, Liu Yu of the Southern Dynasty entered Chang'an in 417 AD and could not stay there for a long time. Northern Hou Jing Repeated mutinies, including the fall of Jiankang in 548 AD, were soon killed by his subordinates, which were far from the goal of unifying the country. It was not until 589 AD that Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian“ Great Harmony in the World ”"Ouyu Family". It has been 206 years since the battle of Feishui.
The battle of Feishui has also become a famous example of fighting with fewer to win more, which has been recorded in the military history and has a long influence on the war concept and decisive thinking of later generations of military strategists.
The Sixteen Kingdoms of Wuhu During the period, the unification of the north was basically completed Pre Qin And those entrenched on the left of the Yangtze River Eastern Jin Dynasty Political power in AD 383 A war of "amazing scale" was launched in Feishui, Huainan. This is a century duel between the brave and vigorous wind of the North and the graceful and indifferent air of Jiangzuo, and also a battle that will determine the fate of China in the era of Wuhu. The result of this war was completely unexpected to many people at that time. History books tell us that, Eastern Jin Dynasty The army won with less, 80000 Jin troops defeated the so-called 970000 Pre Qin army.
November 15th
1. At that time Eastern Jin Dynasty Xie An , Xie Shi, Xie Xuan
Eastern Jin Dynasty Most of the emperors of the past dynasties have no real power. In fact, most of the leaders of the gentry were actually in power. here Eastern Jin Dynasty The number one person is Xie An however Eastern Jin Dynasty The political situation of, Xie An Our power is also quite limited, and we can't do whatever we want to do to the whole country. Xie An Entrusted nephew Xie Xuan The formation of the Beifu Army was his greatest contribution to the Jin Dynasty. Throughout the war, Xie An It does not show any scheduling capability.
The news that Fu Jian was going south on a large scale spread to health, and all officials were shocked. Boy, 970000 people came at once! How can you stand this? at that time Eastern Jin Dynasty The main military forces of Jingzhou are divided into two parts. One is stationed in Jingzhou (the middle reaches of the Yangtze River) Constant impulse Group, one is the Beifu Army Group stationed in Huainan Xie Shi (Xie An's younger brother) and Xie Xuan Commander. From the offensive direction of Fu Jian, Huainan Group will shoulder the main combat task.
Xie Xuan Very anxious Xie An Ask for instructions. Xie An But he is a gentle prime minister. What's a good idea? He can only talk ambiguously Land said: there will be orders, there will be orders. In fact, there is no order at all. Xie Xuan You can only rely on yourself.
Jiankang officials were eager to be captured collectively, so they went to find Xie An Make up your mind. Xie An There is no way to face these people, just leave. He went out for sightseeing and did not show up in Jiankang during the day. According to the historical records, he deliberately showed his calmness to stabilize the situation. But if we put ourselves in the position of Xie An When I think about it, I can see that he is helpless. He was frightened by the figure of 970000 on paper, and could not think of any good way. Seeing a large room of people eagerly waiting for him to make a decision, he just has no idea to make, so the best way is to hide. Xie An At this time, the performance is like a typical China Literati. And his helpless passive avoidance also moved the literati of all previous dynasties. They are easily moved by this gesture, so they just Xie An Your behavior will become elegant and profound. Someone bragged Xie An He said that he had been lying in the Dongshan Mountain for 40 years, and had been defeated by others Fu Jian ”, playing the piano defeated Fu Jian. In fact, this is just the exaggeration of the literati, which is different from the truth What a difference Wanli.
Deep in his heart, Xie An may have jumped into the river and closed his eyes. Fortunately, even if you are a prisoner, you will not risk your life. It is a tradition for Fu Jian to give preferential treatment to prisoners. Before going to war, Fu Jian had already released the wind and said that he was doomed Eastern Jin Dynasty Later, Xie An will be given a servant (vice premier level) to do the work, and in Chang'an City, Xie An will be given a house to build in advance. It's really no good. Xie An will move to Chang'an.
Jingzhou Constant impulse Also very anxious, 3000 soldiers were sent to help Jiankang. Xie An solemnly told him, "We have made a thorough deployment, and we are not short of soldiers and equipment. You can keep these soldiers for your own use." Constant impulse After listening to this, he sighed privately and said, "We are finished!"
Xie An They can only pretend to be deep, and can't help. Xie Shi Xie Xuan They had to gather all the available forces and go to fight with Fujian's army.

Historical records

Pre Qin In July of the 19th year of Jianyuan (383), Fu Jian issued an imperial edict to attack Jin, and every ten soldiers were drawn, children from a respectable family Those below 20 years old who are physically strong pay homage to Lin Lang. children from a respectable family With more than 30000 riders Zhao Shengzhi For the youth Du Tong, he led a feather forest army composed of good families. August 2, Fu Jian Dispatch Yangping Gongfu Rongdu Zhang Ho Murong Chui The vanguard is 250 thousand yuan of equal rate foot riding, and the governor of Yanzhou Yao Chang He served as the general of Longxiang and supervised the military affairs of Liang and other states. August 8, Fu Jian Starting from Chang'an, there were more than 600000 garrisons and 270000 cavalry troops, facing each other with flags and drums, thousands of miles ahead and behind. September, Fu Jian As far as Xiangcheng, Liangzhou's army began to reach Xianyang (now Shaanxi); The soldiers of Shuhan went down the river, and the soldiers of Youyan came to Pengcheng. Dufu Rong led the vanguard to Yingkou (now Fengtai, Anhui). When hearing the news, the Jin Dynasty sent a minister to shoot Xie Shi In order to capture the general and the governor of Dadu, Xu and Yan prefectures were appointed as governors Xie Xuan As the forward governor, he led 80000 troops against the enemy with Xie Anzi, the general of Fuguo Xie Yan and Xi Zhonglang, general Huan Yi, and ordered General Hu Bin of Longxiang to rescue Shouyang with 5000 sailors. The war between Qin and Jin was imminent.
Pre Qin King Fu Jian In spite of the opposition of the ministers, a massive levy was made Eastern Jin Dynasty In October, under the command of Furong, the vanguard governor, the Qin army crossed the Huaishui River, captured Shouyang (now Shouxian County, Anhui Province), and captured Xu Yuanxi, the general of Jin Pinglu. When Hu Bin, the general of Jin, heard the news of the fall of Shouyang, he withdrew his insurance from Xiashi (northwest of Huishou County today). Fu Rong ordered General Liang Cheng to lead 50000 troops to garrison in Luojian (today's Luohe River, a tributary of the Donghuai River in Huainan, Anhui Province), cut off the Huaishui waterway, making Hu Bin unable to retreat eastward, and at the same time consolidated the defense of the Shouyang Qin army. Xie Xuan The main force of the army moved from east to west, but due to fear of Liang Chengjun, it stopped when it reached a distance of 25 miles from Luojian. Fu Jian To exterminate Eastern Jin Dynasty Hu Bin's department in Luojian led 8000 soldiers Xiang Cheng (Now Shenqiu, Henan) rushed to Shouyang. The Qin and Jin armies confronted each other in Luojian. On November 1, Xie Xuan sent vanguards Liu Chenzhi Led five thousand elite soldiers from the northern government to Luojian, crossed the river bravely, and cut Liang Cheng, the general of Qin. Qin Buqi retreated in disorder and crossed the Huai River. Fifteen thousand soldiers drowned. Liu Chenzhi Longitudinal pursuit , captured Wang Xian, the governor of Qin Yangzhou, and others alive, and captured all the weapons discarded by the Qin army. Battle of Luojian The victory of the Battle of Feishui greatly boosted the morale of the Jin Army and laid the foundation for the victory of the decisive battle in Feishui.
Battle of Feishui
Eastern Jin Dynasty After the victory in Luojian, take advantage Water and land advance together The troops were stationed on the east bank of Feishui River (in Anhui Province today, from Zipeng Mountain in Hefei), facing the Qin army across the water. Eastern Jin Dynasty Taiyuan On November 2, the eighth year (383), Xie Xuan sent people to the former Qin army camp. Fu Rong asked Fu Rong to withdraw the army back and make room for a place. When the Jin army crossed the river, suddenly attacked with iron cavalry, he agreed to Xie Xuan's request. Fu Rong commanded the army to retreat. Unexpectedly, the Han people who were forced to serve as soldiers and the soldiers of other nationalities who were enslaved were unwilling to fight and would not stop once they retreated. cover Pre Qin Captured General Jin Zhu Xu He took the opportunity to shout at the back of the array, "Qin's army is defeated! Qin's army is defeated!", Xie Xuan Take the opportunity to lead soldiers across the water and launch a fierce attack. Fu Rong tried to stop the Qin army from retreating, but was killed by the Jin army in the chaos. The Qin army had no leader and was still in a rout. Xie Xuan pursued after the victory, and did not stop until he reached Qinggang, 30 miles west of Shouyang (now Shouxian County, Anhui Province). The Qin army was defeated. Seven out of ten people died. Fu Jian fled north on his own. Jin was taken by Fu Jian Mica car Qin's defeat before the battle of Feishui Eastern Jin Dynasty And the result. After the battle in Feishui, the north fell into chaos again.
On November 1, the 19th year of Jianyuan (383), Fu Jian The vanguard was defeated by the Jin army in Luojian when they sent troops to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Fu Jiantong Fu Rong Boarding Shouyang City, we saw that the Jin army was well arranged. Seeing the vegetation on the Bagong Mountain (north of Huishou County in today's An'an), I thought it was all Jin soldiers, so I thought I would meet a strong enemy, and I was afraid. After the war in Luojian, the Qin and Jin armies launched a decisive battle in Feishui. As a result, the Qin army was defeated miserably. When they ran away, they heard the wind and the cry of cranes. They thought it was the pursuit of the Jin army. They dared not rest day and night. They walked through the grass and stayed in the wild. Seven out of ten people died of cold and hunger. This is "panic referring to the great fright of routed soldiers ”The history of.
Xie An Being Zen
Xie An son-in-law Wang Guobao He is the son of Wang Tan and has bad conduct. Xie An doesn't want to reuse him, but appoints him as the minister. Under the patriarchal system, officials are divided into clear and turbid officials. Honest and upright officials are idle and have high social status, while turbid officials have lower social status than the former, but they must deal with specific matters. Wang Guobao thinks his family is outdated prominent family As a rule, they should only serve in the most elected official departments, and should not serve in other departments. Wang Guobao Therefore, there is hatred Xie An Wang Guobao Her sister is Kuaiji King Sima Daozi His concubine, Sima Daozi and Emperor Xiaowu are both good drinkers and often drink together. Wang Guobao Just take the plane Sima Daozi Face forward slander , let him separate Xie An Relationship with Emperor Xiaowu. After the victory of the Feishui Battle, Xie An The growing popularity also led to Emperor Xiaowu's suspicion. Between the emperor and the prime minister, there was a gradual separation.
Eastern Jin Dynasty First Prohibition
Eastern Jin Dynasty Taiyuan In December of the eighth year (383), the Eastern Jin Dynasty lifted the ban on alcohol, which was the first time since Cao Cao imposed a strict ban on alcohol in the Eastern Han Dynasty. At the same time, the rice tax will be increased, with five stones for each mouth.
Murong Chui Kill Fu Fei Long
In November of the 19th year of Jianyuan (383), Murong Chui Break away in the name of appeasing the northern border people Fu Jian Go north, December to Anyang , happened to meet Ding Ling Zhai Bin Rise up against Qin. Changle Duke Fu Pi result in Murong Chui He led the army in the expedition and sent General Guangwu Fu Feilong Lead a thousand Di cavalry to serve as deputy and hand in the secret order to kill the dragon Murong Chui Unexpectedly, the plot leaked, Pre Qin On December 27, 383, Murong Chui Kill all Fu Feilong And led by them. Then send a letter Fu Jian , Explicit Killing Fu Feilong reason. And issued a secret order on December 28 Murong Nong Respond.

Historical records

Emperor Liezong Xiaowu Taiyuan Eight years( Gui Wei 383 A.D.)
In spring, in the first month of the month, Lu Guang of Qin Dynasty sent his hair to Chang'an. He took Xiu Mi, the king of Shanshan, as his carrier, and Wang Mixuan, the head of the chariot division, as his village guide.
In March, Ding Si, amnesty.
In summer and May, Huanchong commanded a hundred thousand people to attack Qin and Xiangyang; Send Liu Bo, the former general, and others to attack the northern cities of Mianyang; Yang Liang, the assistant general, attacked Shu, pulled out five cities and attacked Fucheng; General Yingyang Guo Quan Attack Wudang. In June, Chong Bie will attack Long live, build Yang and pull it out. The King of Qin Jian sent the general of South Expedition Julu Gongrui and the champion general Murong Chui Wait for Shuai Bu to ride 50000 yuan to save Xiangyang, Yanzhou Governor Zhang Chong to save Wudang, the later general Zhang Ho , Infantry Colonel Yao Chang Save Fucheng; Remarkable troops are stationed in Xinye and Dengcheng. Huanchong retreated to the south of Mianyang. Autumn, July, Guo Quan And the champion general Huan Shiqian Defeated Zhang Chong in Wudang and plundered 2000 households to return. Giant Deer Gongrui Dispatch Murong Chui For the vanguard, Advance Renew water. At night, the soldiers were ordered to hold ten torches and tie them to the branches to illuminate dozens of miles. If you are afraid, return it to Shangming. Zhang Ho Out of the valley, Yang Liang leads troops back. Chong Biao, his brother and son Shi Min, led the Xiangcheng Prefecture Chief, guarded Xiakou, and Chong asked himself to lead the Jiangzhou Governor; Let it be.
Qin Wangjian An imperial edict was issued to invade on a large scale, and the people sent one soldier every ten soldiers; his children from a respectable family At the age of 20, those who have talent and courage will all worship Yu Linlang. He also said, "Sima Changming is the minister's left servant, Xie An He was the minister of the official department, and Huan Chong was the servant; The potential is not far away, but we can start first. " children from a respectable family There are more than 30000 riders to worship the master book of Qinzhou, Jincheng Zhao Shengzhi For the youth, Du Tong. At that time, all the courtiers did not want to stick to it Murong Chui Yao Chang and children from a respectable family Advise. Yangping Gong melted his words and said to Yu Jian, "Xianbei and Qiang are my enemies. They often think about the changes in the world to show their ambition. What can we do with the collected plans and paintings? All good young people are rich and have no leisure in military travel. They are flattering words to meet your majesty's wishes. Today your majesty believes in them and uses them. They take great actions lightly. The officials are afraid that they will not succeed, and they will regret their future troubles!".
In August, on the afternoon of the fifth lunar month, Yangping Gongrong Governor was dispatched Zhang Ho Murong Chui Two hundred and fifty thousand equestrians are the vanguard; Yao Chang, the governor of Yanzhou, served as the general of Longxiang and supervised the military affairs of Yiyi and Liangzhou. I firmly said to Chang, "In the past, I built my business as a dragon, but I did not want to teach others lightly. Please encourage me!" General Zuo Douchong Said: "The king has no joking words An ominous expedition Also! " Be firm and silent.
Murong Kai Murong Shaoyanyu Murong Chui He said, "The Lord is very proud. My uncle is going to build Zhongxing!" Chui said, "Well, if it's not you, who will succeed?"
Jiazi, with his firm hair in Chang'an, has more than 600000 soldiers and 270000 riders, Flags and drums facing each other , thousands of miles ahead and behind. In September, the troops from Liangzhou reached Xianyang as far as Xiangcheng. The troops from Shu and Han went down the river, and the troops from Youji and Youcheng reached Xianyang Pengcheng , thousands of miles from east to west, advancing by land and water, convey food by water 10000 ships. Yangping Gongrong and other soldiers reached Yingkou first with 300000 soldiers.
To order a minister to shoot Xie Shi In order to capture the general and the governor of Dadu, he took Xie Xuan, the governor of Xu and Yanzhou, as the forward governor, and together with Xie Yan, the general of the auxiliary country, Xi Zhonglang, rejected Huanyi and other people for 80000 yuan; Hu Bin, General of Longxiang, was asked to help Shouyang with 5000 sailors. Yan, the son of An.
At that time, when the Qin army was strong, they were shocked. Xie Xuan Input Xie An An Yiran replied, "There is no other purpose." Then he was silent. Xuan dared not reply, but asked Zhang Xuan to ask again. An Sui ordered him to travel to the villa. His relatives and friends gathered together and gambled with Go. An's chess is often inferior to Xuan's. When it is time for Xuan to fear, he will become an opponent and be defeated. An Suiyou Zhi will return at night. Huan Chongshen, worried about the root, sent 3000 elites to help the capital. Xie Angu, however, said: "The imperial court has decided to punish, and there is no shortage of soldiers. It is better to stay in the west for defense." Assistant official Sighed:“ Xie An Right The quantity of temples , will be omitted if not idle. Now the enemy has come down, Fang You Talk too much, send all Careless The youth refused, and the people were few and weak. Everything in the world has been known, and I have left my lapel! "
Record six things about Shangshu with Taoist Wang Langxie.
In winter and October, Qin Yangping and Gongrong attacked Shouyang; Guiyou, Kezhi, Zhipinglu General Xu Yuanxi, etc. Rong took Guobao, Henan Province, as the garrison of Huainan. Murong Chui Bayun City. When Hu Bin heard of Shouyang depression, he withdrew his insurance from Xiashi and integrated the attack. Liang Cheng, the general of Qin Wei, and others commanded 50000 troops to garrison in Luojian and fenced the Huaihe River to contain the eastern troops. Xie Shi Xie Xuan When we go to Luojian for twenty-five miles, we dare not enter. When Hu Bin ran out of food, he secretly sent envoys to inform Shi and others, saying, "There are plenty of thieves and food is exhausted, so I'm afraid we won't see the army again!" Qin people got it and sent it to Yangping Gongrong. Rongchi sent Bai Qin King Jian to say, "Thieves are few and easy to catch, but they should hurry to get there if they are afraid of escaping." Jian left the army behind Xiang Cheng , lead eight thousand light cavalries, and merge the Tao into Shouyang. A letter of commendation Zhu Xulai say Xie Shi Wait for“ Strong weak heteropotential , it is better to speed down. " The preface said to Shi et al., "If there are millions of people in Qin Dynasty, it will be hard to be honest with them. Now we should attack them quickly before they gather. If we defeat their vanguard, they will have captured their qi and can break it." Shi Wenjian was in Shouyang. He was afraid and wanted to No war Take the old teacher Qin. Xie Yan Persuade the stone from the preface. November, Xie Xuan Liu Jianzhi, the commander of Guangling, sent 5000 soldiers to Quluo Stream, less than ten miles away, and Liang Chengju Stream was waiting for Chen. Go straight to the prison and cross the water. Hit it and smash it Cheng and Wang Yong, the governor of Yiyang, divided his troops to return to Tianjin. Qin Buqi collapsed and fought for Huaishui. Fifteen thousand soldiers died. Wang Xian, the governor of Yangzhou in the Qin Dynasty, and other officials collected all their military equipment. therefore Xie Shi And other armies continue the process Qin Wangjian Meet Yangping Gongrong and climb Shouyang City to look at it. Seeing that the military headquarters of the Jin Dynasty were in strict order, and seeing the vegetation on the Bagong Mountain, all thought that the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty were soldiers. Gu called Rong and said, "This is also a strong enemy. What is weak?" frustrated Beginning Fear of looks
The Qin soldiers forced the fat water to become old, and the Jin soldiers could not cross it. Xie Xuan sent an envoy to call Yangping Gongrong and said, "Jun Suspend the army and deepen , while placing Forcing water This is a long-term plan. It is not a quick war. If Chen Xiaoque is removed, it will help Jin soldiers to win and lose. " All the generals of Qin said, "We are few, so it is better to stop them. We can't make it, and we can do everything." Jian said, "But we can only lead a few soldiers, and we can only make it half way across. I will kill them with an iron cavalry, and I can't be more contemptuous!" Rong also thought so, so he commanded the army to make it disappear. The Qin army retreated without stopping. Xie Xuan Xie Yan Huan Yi and others led troops to cross the water and hit it. Rongchi rode a little Chen, and the horse fell down when he wanted to command the retreat. The Jin soldiers killed him, and the Qin soldiers collapsed. As for Qinggang, Xuan and others followed after the victory. The Qin soldiers were defeated, and they died because of their mistakes. When they heard the news, they all thought that the soldiers of Jin Dynasty were coming, and they dared not stop day and night, pass the night in the open , re Hunger and cold The dead are seven or eight. At the beginning, Qin Bing Xiaoque, Zhu Xu After Chen, he called out, "Qin's army is defeated!" So the people rushed. Sequent and Zhang Tianxi Xu Yuanxi all came here. Won the ride of Qin Wang Jian Mica car As well as instruments, military treasures and livestock products, Shouyang was taken back by Guo Bao, the governor of Huainan.
When he rode alone to Huaibei, he was hungry. Some people went to the pot to have supper and porridge legs. When he ate hard, he gave ten pieces of silk and ten kilograms of cotton. The speech said: "Your majesty is tired of hardship and happiness, and seeks danger and hardship. Your majesty is your son, and your majesty is your father. Do you have a son to feed his father and ask for retribution?". The firm said to Mrs. Zhang, "How can I manage the world today?" She wept.
At that time, all armies collapsed, but Murong Chui It has 30000 people alone, and more than 1000 people are riding to it. The son of Heaven Baoyan said in Chui: "The family and the country are overthrown, and the fate of heaven and the people are all supreme, but the fate has not yet arrived, so the dark signs are hidden in his ears. Today, the leader of Qin was defeated and committed to me. It is heaven's use to restore Yan Zuo. At this time, we can't lose it. May we not forget the importance of the country with a little grace!" Chui said: "You are right. But he threw his life at me with his heart. What harm would it do! If heaven abandoned it, what harm would it do? If you don't protect him from danger and repay him for his good deeds, Xu waits for his provocation and plans to do so! Neither negative one's heart's desire And can take the world with righteousness. " General Fenwei Murong De Said: "Qin was strong and merged with Yan, and Qin was weak and tried to do it. This is revenge and revenge, not negative one's heart's desire Also; How can you not take it? Do you want to release tens of thousands of people to teach others? " Chui said, "In the past, I was not allowed by the Taifu. I had no place to escape from the Qin Dynasty. Lord Qin met me as a national officer, and he was gracious. Later, Wang Meng sold me, and there was no way to know myself. Lord Qin can only understand it. How can I forget this kindness! If the Di people will be poor, I should gather in Guandong, and return to the first place, and Guanxi will not be mine." The champion line joined the army Zhao Qiu He said, "The Duke of Ming, when Shao Fuyan Zuo, wrote Augury Today's time has come. How can we wait! If you kill Lord Qin, according to Yecheng The drum goes west, and the Three Qin Dynasty is not the Fu family! " The Chuqin Party advised Chui to kill Jian, but they did not obey it. They learned that they would give Jian a military award. General Murong of Pingnan? Tunyun City, hearing of its defeat, abandoned its people and fled; to Xingyang Murong Defu said? Raise the army to recover Yanzuo,? Not from.
Xie An When I got the posthouse book, I knew that the Qin soldiers had been defeated. Then I played Weiqi with the guests. After taking the book and putting it on the bed, I was not happy, and Weiqi was the same as before. When the guest asked, Xu replied, "The children have broken the thief." Household Limit , unconscious A broken tooth
Ding Hai, Xie Shi, etc Jiankang The music workers of Qin can learn the old sound, so the temple begins to prepare the music of gold and stone. Yiwei: Zhang Tianxi To serve as a casual rider, Zhu Xu It is the internal history of Langye.
Qin Wangjian Collect discrete, To Luoyang, with more than 100000 people, has hundreds of officials, ceremonial objects and rough military appearance.
Murong Nong Predicate Murong Chui He said, "You should respect people and not force them to take risks. Their righteousness is enough to move the world. The secret record of farming news says, 'The rejuvenation of Yan should be in Heyang.' The fruit is taken from the immature and self falling. But in the late ten days, it is difficult to be beautiful or evil. It is far away from each other!" He went to Mianchi with good intentions and words, Yan Yujian said, "The people of Beibi, when they heard that the king's teacher was unfavourable, lightly agitated. I would like to ask you to obey an imperial edict to comfort them, because they have visited the temple." Jian Xu said. Power wing The admonishment said: "The national army is newly broken, and there are centrifuges everywhere. It is advisable to recruit famous generals and place them in the capital to consolidate the foundation and control the branches and leaves. With great courage and courage, the world's greatest power has come to avoid disaster. Its heart is more than just to be a champion! For example, if you raise an eagle, you will be attached to others if you are hungry. Every time you hear the wind blowing, you often have the ambition of Lingxiao. It is appropriate to honor it Tapering cage You can't let it go! " Jian said, "You are right. But I have promised you that, and even if you don't break your promise, how can you do that?" If the fate of heaven has been abandoned, it cannot be removed by intelligence. " Yi said, "Your majesty values small faith but despises the state. When his officials see that he is going, they will not return. The chaos in the Kanto area has started since then. He also sent Shi Yueshuai, a cavalry general, and three thousand elite soldiers to guard Ye, a cavalry general Zhang Ho The Shuaiyulin has 5000 garrisons in the state and is the general of the town army Maodang He commanded four thousand soldiers in Luoyang. Quanyi secretly sent a brave man to hang in the south empty warehouse of the river bridge. He doubted it, and built a straw raft to cross from the cool horse platform, so that the typical military journey could wear his own clothes, ride his own horse, and enjoy the river bridge with the servants. Ambush hair, same Gallop Exempted.
December, Qin Wangjian To Chang'an, he wept for Yang Ping and then merged with the public. His posthumous title was Aigong. Amnesty is the home of the dead.
Geng Wu, amnesty. with Xie Shi It is the minister's order. The general who entered the Xieyuan did not accept it.
Xie Anshun, Wang Guobao, the son of Tan; He likes to be a man, but does not use it every time. He thinks he is a scholar. The national treasure is regarded as a noble family. The story only serves as an official department, not as a surplus Cao, and is determined not to worship. This is because of resentment and security. The national treasure Cong Mei is the Taoist concubine of Kuaiji King. Both the emperor and Taoist are addicted to alcohol, Intimate The evil flattery, the national treasure, is Zen's peace with the Taoist priest, making the separation to the emperor. The reputation of An Gong is very high, but those who want to make progress are dangerous. They often destroy short An, and the emperor is a little lax.
For the first time, the liquor ban was introduced, and the tax was increased.
Qin Lvguang traveled more than three hundred miles through quicksand, and Yanqi and other countries fell. But King Bochun of Kucha refused, The infant city is firmly guarded Light marches to attack it.
King Jian of the Qin Dynasty also joined the invaders. He took Qifu Guoren as the former general and led the vanguard to ride. Uncle Huiguohen's step is declining Longxi We will resolutely send our country's benevolence to ask for it. Step decadent to hear it, great joy, welcome national benevolence on the road. Guoren bought wine and said, "The Fu family is tired of the people. They are going to die. I should build a business with all the princes.".
Murong Chui went to Anyang and sent Tian Shan, a member of the army, to write a paper at Changle Gongpi. When Pi heard that he was coming from the north, he suspected that he wanted to be in trouble, but he still welcomed him. Zhao Qiu He persuaded Chui to take Pi from his seat, but he could not follow him because he had to fight according to Ye. Pimou attacked Chui, and the minister Tianshui Jiang let him admonish, saying, "Chui Inverse It is not the justice of the officials to kill the public without writing it; It's better to treat them with the courtesy of the honored guests and guard them strictly. It's a secret expression of the situation. Listen to the imperial edict and then try to figure it out. " Pi followed it, and the pavilion hung in the west of Ye.
Diving down and swallowing A late minister He planned to recover Yanzuo, rally Ding Ling and Zhai Bin to rebel against Qin, and attack the Luyuan Plain in Luoyang, Qin Wangjian The postscript messenger asked the soldiers for it. Shi Yueyan and Yu Pi said, "Wang Shixin is newly defeated, and the people are still unsettled To disappear and hide Many people are confused by their thoughts. Therefore, Ding Lingyi sings. In ten days, there are thousands of people. Murong Chui, Yan Zhi Overnight hope And have the heart to revive the old business. Now we have recovered our capital to fight lend support to a rebel Also. " Pi said Change of elbow and armpit It is not better to be far away from the outside today! And Zhai Bin If it is vicious, it will not hang down and kill the two tigers. I will make it. This is Bian Zhuangzi's skill. " To defeat two thousand soldiers and defeat those who have the disadvantage of armoring, and send General Guangwu Fu Feilong Shuai Di rode a thousand horses as his deputy, and secretly commanded the flying dragon to say, "I am the commander of the three armies, and Qing is the general of the military. Let's do it!"
Please come to worship the temple in Yecheng, Pi Fu Xu, but Undercover clothing Entry; The officials in the pavilion were forbidden, and they were angry. They cut off the officials and burned the pavilion. Shi Yueyan Yu Pi said, "Chui Dare Belittle In Fangzhen, officials were killed and pavilions were burned. The shape of the pavilion was exposed, so we can eliminate it. " Pi said, "In the defeat of Huainan, we should not forget the contribution of the guards to the imperial palace." The Yue said, "Chui Shang is unfaithful to Yan, and can be loyal to me as much as possible? If we lose the present and don't take it, it will be a future disaster." Pi refused. The more he retreated, the more he told people, "My father and son are good for small benevolence, and they should be arrested for their big plans."
Pendulous retention Murong Nong Murong Kai Murong Shao was in Ye and went to Tangchi in Anyang. Min Liang and Li Pei came from Ye and told him with Pi and Fu Feilong. Chui was infuriated by the crowd and said, "I am loyal to Fu, but he wants to draw on my father and son. Although I want to have it, I can get it! But I asked Yan to stop in Hanoi to recruit soldiers. In ten days, there were eight thousand soldiers.
The public light of the plain sent envoys to let down and interesting envoys to march. He said to the flying dragon, "The bandits are not far away today. When they stop walking at night, they will attack them unexpectedly." The flying dragon thought so. In the afternoon and at night, Shizibao soldiers were sent to the front, and the younger son Longle followed his lead, making the five soldiers of the Di army the company; Yin and Baoyue, hearing the sound of drums, fought against the Di soldiers and the flying dragons before and after, and killed them all. All the participants in the west sent back, and left the king of Qin Jian with a book, saying that it was the reason why they killed the flying dragons.
At the beginning, Chui Congjian entered Ye. He used his son Lin to accuse Yan and kill his mother. However, he still couldn't bear to kill Lin. He wanted to be seen outside. Nai Sha Fu Feilong Lin has repeatedly made plans to enlighten Chui's mind and make Chui even more extraordinary. He has always been fond of all the scholars.
Murong Feng Wang Teng, Yanjun, the son of Yan's old minister, Duan Yan, etc Zhai Bin When the troops are mobilized, the commanders will return. Plains Public Light Emissary Wuping Marquis Wu Maodang Ask for Bin. Murong Feng He said, "Feng today will wipe out the shame of the former king. Please kill this Di slave." Straight forward The people of Ding Ling followed and defeated the Qin soldiers Maodang So he attacked Lingyuntai and garrisoned it.
Gui Wei Murong Chui There are 30000 people burning the bridge on the Jihe River. If you stay in Xianbei, Liaodong, you can gather troops in the sand city of Hanoi in the Huntan Pond. Dispatch fields and mountains like Ye, secret notice Murong Nong And so on. As time goes by, farming and Murong Kai Stay in Yezhong; Murong Shao went out first to Puchi and stole hundreds of Pi steeds to wait for farmers and Kai. Jia Shenhui, Nong and Kai generals rode out of Ye in disguise for dozens of times, so they joined the ranks of Benlie people.