zero Useful+1

29 days and a half

TV series starring Wu Ruofu in 2006
China 22 episodes
"29 Days and a Half" is a 22 episode suspense TV series jointly produced by Jiangsu Radio and TV Station, Jiangsu Tiandi Zongheng Film Television Culture Investment Co., Ltd. and Beijing Taihe Film Television Culture Investment Co., Ltd. The play was created by Li Lu Liang Guoguan Directed, Zhao Shuya Gong Dynasty Yang Yi Writer, Wu Ruofu Wu Xiubo Starring, broadcast on CETV-3 and Shanghai TV Drama Channel on May 22, 2006 [17]
The play tells the story of the wisdom, courage, humanity and dignity of Jin Wen, a police officer known as a sharpshooter, and others in solving a series of criminal cases involving the production and sale of counterfeit money by transnational criminal groups and plotting to shoot and kill police officers [2]
Li Lu Liang Guoguan
Premiere time
September 15, 2006
Chinese name
29 days and a half

essential information

Chinese name
29 days and a half
Inferno 29 days and a half
Production company
Jiangsu Radio and TV Station, Jiangsu Tiandi Zongheng Film Television Culture Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing Taihe Film Television Culture Investment Co., Ltd
Production area
Premiere time
September 15, 2006
Li Lu Liang Guoguan
Zhao Shuya Gong Dynasty Yang Yi
Wu Ruofu Wu Xiubo
Number of sets
22 episodes


Two gangsters robbed the bank in broad daylight. After receiving the police, the Criminal Police Brigade of Tianzhou Public Security Bureau rushed to the scene and surrounded the two gangsters in the bank. Chen Xiaolei, the leader of the Criminal Police Brigade, Liu Meng, Yin Hong and others failed to persuade the gangster to surrender, so they had to prepare a police car for the gangster to take two women hostage to escape. Two gangsters took hostages and fled to a riverside ferry in an attempt to escape across the river. In order to rescue the hostages and capture the robbers, Chen Xiaolei has to ask Jin Wen, the leader of the criminal police team who is on vacation at home, to capture the robbers and rescue the hostages on the other side of the river. Jin Wen was ordered to rush to the riverside wharf and design an ambush. Unexpectedly, the gangster did not enter the trap after landing. Instead, he cunningly tried to escape in a civilian car, but Jin Wen had to show up and risk his life to kill a gangster, who was captured alive and rescued the hostage safely. Just when Jin Wen and others were investigating the identity of the two gangsters, they received an email from an unidentified person on the computer, saying that several bombs had been planted in the Tianzhou Reservoir, which was just completed and ready for use, threatening to explode during the completion ceremony of the reservoir. Jin Wen and Liu Meng rush to Tianzhou Reservoir to verify. At this time, Xiang Yue, his wife and daughter, one of the overseas investors who came back from Australia to participate in the completion ceremony of the reservoir, got off the plane. Xia Sen, the director of the Tianzhou Public Security Bureau, Guan Qing, the old director of the Public Security Bureau, and Guan Qing, the current consultant and investigator of the Tianzhou Municipal Government and the Political and Legal Commission, greeted them at the airport. Xiang Yue was an old criminal policeman of Tianzhou Public Security Bureau before. He and Xia Sen, Guan Qing, etc. were old acquaintances. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yue was suddenly shot by a hidden gangster at the gate of the hotel, and he escaped only because he was lucky. And Jin Wen's wife Li Yan and Guan Qing's daughter Guan Tianduo were suddenly kidnapped. At this time, Jin Wen, Liu Meng, Chen Xiaolei and others who are looking for bombs in Tianzhou Reservoir have broken many bombs, and Jin Wen saved Chen Xiaolei's life. It was here that Jin Wen received a phone call. The man off the ground asked Jin Wen to do what he was doing immediately, or else he would kill his wife, Li Yan and Guan Tianduo. Jin Wen had to leave the reservoir and go to the designated place according to his request, and rewarded the car designated by the gangster. Chen Xiaolei, the captain, was very dissatisfied with Jin Wen's sudden disappearance. His friend Liu Meng explained for him that Jin Wen could not be contacted no matter how they tried. Director Xia Sen and Chen Xiaolei thought it was strange and ordered that Jin Wen's whereabouts must be found.
By this time, Jin Wen had been locked in the basement of a house. Through the telephone and the closed-circuit television system, the gangster assigned him the task of assassinating Xiang Yue. Jin Wen angrily accused the gangster of threatening to kill Li Yan and Guan Tianduo, forcing Jin Wen to obey. According to the gangster's instructions, Jin Wen sneaked into Xiang Yue's secret residence. After a fight, Jin Wen did not kill Xiang Yue and escaped from the secret residence. In order to let the public security bureau grasp the situation as soon as possible, he put the key to open the door in a conspicuous place, and at the same time injured a gangster who came to meet him, trying to make the public security bureau realize that there were spies inside. Unfortunately, Chen Xiaolei and others didn't pay attention to the key. The wounded and captured gangster committed suicide mysteriously in the hospital under the eyes of Liu Meng and other criminal police guarding him. Jin Wen's painstaking efforts failed. And he became the most wanted murderer of the Public Security Bureau because of the assassination of Xiang Yue. After Jin Wen returned to the place where he was held, he was tortured by the gangsters. At the same time, his beloved wife Li Yan was beaten and insulted by the gangsters. In agony, Jin Wen had to continue to kill Xiang Yue according to the gangsters' threats. The gangsters threatened to chop off one of Li Yan's fingers if Jin Wen wanted to play tricks. Jin Wen had to follow the gangster's instructions. At the ceremony of the completion of the Tianzhou Reservoir, he dived into a corner of the reservoir and prepared to kill Xiang Yue, who made a speech, with the sniper rifle that the gangsters had hidden there in advance. However, Jin Wenshen, as a police officer, could not kill anyone, but in order to save his wife and Guan Tianduo, he had to create the illusion that he could not kill Xiang Yue. He did this and escaped in the pursuit of the criminal police, but was wounded by gunshot. Of course, the gangsters won't believe him. In order to control Jin Wen more firmly and warn him, they cut off one of Li Yan's fingers cruelly. Jin Wen is in agony! When the Public Security Bureau pursued the murderer of the reservoir assassination, all the evidence pointed to Jin Wen. Although the director Xia Sen, the captain Chen Xiaolei, Liu Meng, Yin Hong and others could not believe that Jin Wen would be the murderer, the evidence showed that the fact was contrary to their wishes. The Public Security Bureau had to confirm Jin Wen as the murderer according to the evidence, issued a wanted order for him, and began to hunt Jin Wen comprehensively, Jin Wen was almost unable to survive.
From the very beginning, Jin Wen fell into the hands of a transnational criminal group that manufactures and sells counterfeit banknotes. The leader of this criminal group is Guan Tianduo and the "Second Master" who has been hiding behind the scenes. The reason why they want to assassinate Xiang Yue is that he has always been our scout. He has been secretly investigating this criminal group in Australia under the cover of a businessman, and assisted the Australian police to almost completely destroy the headquarters of this criminal group. At the same time, he found in his investigation that the important leader of the criminal group in mainland China was in Tianzhou City, and the important members of the criminal group were also hidden in the Tianzhou Public Security Bureau. Therefore, he returned to Tianzhou City under the arrangement of the organization. His task is to help the Tianzhou police find out the hidden person and the spy inside the Public Security Bureau. The reason why Guan Tianduo and others coerced Jin Wen to assassinate Xiang Yue was that Jin Wen was skilled and accurate. Second, he was used to divert Xiang Yue and the Public Security Bureau's attention from the accomplices hidden inside the Public Security Bureau, and finally targeted Jin Wen. Now that their goal has been basically achieved, it is only because of Jin Wen's wit and unparalleled courage that Xiang Yue is still alive. However, after several rounds of competition, director Xia Sen and Xiang Yue began to seriously think about Jin Wen's behavior, especially Jin Wen's two attempts to assassinate Xiang Yue, which was very different from Jin Wen, who was known as a sharpshooter. Therefore, they believed that there must be another hidden story. As a result, a secret reconnaissance and anti reconnaissance struggle started in the dark, and developed together with the main line of Jin Wenhe's desperate struggle against the criminal group in a secret way. Later, Guan Qing was appointed by the municipal party committee and the municipal government to take over the post of director of Xia Sen; Jin Wen has risked life and death several times under the coercion of criminal groups; Xia Sen and Xiang Yue also helped Jin Wen and the criminal group fight against wits and courage in secret. After a thrilling, life and death battle, which almost made people breathless, the events were closely linked and pushed forward and evolved. After one unexpected and unexpected sudden change after another, Jin Wen finally saved his wife, He also uncovered the important backbone of the criminal group hidden in the public security bureau, an excellent criminal police who was unimaginable to all people, and finally brought the general leader of the criminal group "Erye" and all members of the criminal group to justice [3]

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    One day, a plane flying to Tianzhou City brought a special guest, Xiang Yue. Xia Sen, Director of the Public Security Bureau of Tianzhou City, and Guan Qing, a consultant of the Municipal Commission of Politics and Law, greeted him personally. At the same time, there was a jewelry robbery in the urban area. Chen Xiaolei, the leader of Tianzhou Criminal Police Team, led Liu Meng, Yin Hong and other police officers to the scene in time. After ransacking all the money and goods, two gunmen took hostages into the Yidao Ferry. The police were caught in a dilemma. When Xia Sen and Guan Qing checked into a hotel with Xiang Yue, they suddenly shot bullets from high places. Xiang Yue dodged the shot tactfully. Accompanied by the police, they immediately started to fire back, but the gunman had disappeared. Xia Sen investigated the scene urgently but found nothing. He immediately received a phone call from Chen Xiaolei and rushed to the scene of the jewelry robbery. In the swimming pool of a resort, Jin Wen's wife Li Yan is chatting with his friend Guan Tianduo. During the conversation, Li Yanxin happily told Guan Tianduo that she was pregnant. The robbers threatened the whole ship with hostages, crossed the river and landed successfully, and wanted to drive away. Unexpectedly, Jin Wen, the deputy chief of the criminal police team on leave, had already ambushed here and shot the gangster with resourcefulness and courage. Chen Xiaolei thinks that Jin Wen is acting on his own, and they have a quarrel. Liu Meng defends Jin Wen and believes that if Jin Wen had not shot a gangster to save himself in the past, he would have been promoted to the post of captain. However, young and beautiful Yin Hong has always been in secret love with Chen Xiaolei and comforted him carefully. One wave is not flat, another is rising. Jin Wen suddenly received an email saying that explosives had been buried in the newly built Tianyan Reservoir in the city. Jin Wen and Chen Xiaolei rushed to the scene and found the explosives. Xia Sen leads the criminal police to arrive. Suddenly, Jin Wen shouts, "Don't move." It turns out that Chen Xiaolei accidentally stepped on the detonator of the explosive. At the critical moment, Jin Wen evacuated all the police officers and reached for the explosive detonator with scissors.

    Episode 2
    Jin Wen decisively cut off one of the leads. All the staff cheered. In particular, Yin Hong has shed tears in the face of Chen Xiaolei who has just come out of danger. All the police officers carried out a careful search of the dam. Jin Wen suddenly received a phone call saying that his wife Li Yan and Guan Qing's daughter Guan Tianduo had been kidnapped. The other party claimed that if Jin Wen did not arrive at the designated place at the designated time, both of them would be killed. Jin Wen, without reporting to Xia Sen, got into the police car and drove away quickly. Chen Xiaolei and Liu Meng are puzzled. Small wooden houses in the forest. Guan Tianduo was forcibly pulled out of the room by the gangster. A moment later, there was a scream of being beaten. Li Yan is in great pain for her good friend. Who knows this is just a plot of Guan Tianduo. It was Guan Tianduo who kidnapped Li Yan. Jin Wen got on another car according to the gangster's instructions, and was forced to change clothes with a taxi driver. Xia Sen and Chen Xiaolei, who closely monitor the event, suddenly find that Jin Wen's signal tracker has no signal, and then run to the signal to disappear. Instead, they find Jin Wen's police car, which contains a body dressed in Jin Wen's clothes. Everyone looked at each other. Xiasen was calm and experienced, and saw the loophole. Jin Wen was taken to the cabin in the forest by the gangster. Guan Tianduo and his brother Guan Tianyun come to him. With his face covered, Jin Wen could not recognize Guan Tianduo, a friend of his wife for many years, standing in front of him. Guan Tianduo and Guan Tianyun motioned to Big Head to speak. Big Head demanded that Jin Wen kill Xiang Yue at the completion ceremony of Tianyan Dam. Jin Wen was not willing to follow, but his wife Li Yan saw that she was going to be severely abused, so she had to accept. Big Head led Jin Wen to the ceremony site. Jin Wen deliberately collided with another car on the way, and quietly asked the driver to notify the municipal public security bureau immediately in the dispute. The driver thought he was mentally ill and ignored him. The ceremony site. Xia Sen and Chen Xiaolei are closely controlled to prevent the gangster from assassinating Xiang Yue again. They believed that Jin Wen's sudden disappearance was probably related to today's ceremony. Jin Wen was forced to put on his diving suit and swam to the ceremony site. He found a sniper rifle under water according to Big Head's instructions. A battle between justice and evil began.

    Episode 3
    On the one hand, there are just comrades in arms and innocent people, and on the other hand, there is a loving wife. What choice Jin Wen will make. In a luxury suite in Tianzhou, a transaction is in progress. Guan Tianduo, Guan Tianyun and the two black bag holders sitting opposite waited quietly. At the ceremony, after the municipal leaders finished their speech, it was the turn of the returned overseas Chinese investment representative to speak to Yue. Suddenly, a large balloon above the rostrum was shot through, and the gunshot was coming from the reservoir in front of the venue. Xia Sen and Chen Xiaolei command the police to shoot into the water quickly. A pool of bright red blood came out of the water. In his suite, Guan Tianduo receives a phone call: Xiang Yue's assassination failed. The person carrying the black bag brushed aside and said when to kill Xiang Yue and when to talk about the transaction. Guan Tianyun's anger was so bad that he accused his sister of being soft on Xiang Yuexin. It turned out that several years ago, Guan Tianduo and Xiang Yue were a couple. Jin Wen covered his left arm and came out of the water. The big head who has been waiting here hates him for spoiling the event and beats him up. Seeing the police approaching, Big Head had to leave quickly with Jin Wen. Xia Sen and Xiang Yue analyze the case. It turned out that Xiang Yue had been working abroad to fight against counterfeiting groups, and had experienced a life and death struggle with the enemy as an undercover. In order to track down the counterfeit banknote groups who returned from Australia this time, they wanted to find the leader of the counterfeit banknote production and sales gang called "Guan Erye" under the cover of an overseas Chinese investor. Chen Xiaolei gets the autopsy report at this time and confirms that this person is not Jin Wen, but a taxi driver. The report at the ceremony shooting scene showed that the fingerprint on the sniper rifle was Jin Wen's. Wooden house in the forest. Due to Jin Wen's mistake, Li Yan was brutally cut off her little finger. Jin Wen stayed there, trembling, clenching his teeth and bursting into tears. Big Head takes out a drawing of the internal structure of the house and forces Jin Wen to assassinate Xiang Yue again. Jin Wen had to follow.

    Episode 4
    Chen Xiaolei led Liu Meng, Yin Hong and others to search Jin Wen's family, and found that Jin Wen's computer had many photos of Xiang Yue and Tianyan Reservoir taken secretly. At this time, Chen Xiaolei decided that Jin Wen was the one who assassinated Xiang Yue, and that Jin Wen was also responsible for burying explosives in the reservoir. Liu Meng is unbelievable. He has a dispute with Chen Xiaolei. Night. Xiang Yue's residence is heavily guarded. Jin Wen endured the gunshot wound in his left arm and sneaked into Xiang Yue's bedroom according to Big Head's instructions. On the bed in the bedroom, Xiang Yue seems to be asleep. Jin Wen deliberately kicked over the garbage can in front of the door, and then slowly raised the gun and aimed at the head of the bed. A pistol hit Jin Wen's head coldly. It was Xiang Yue. Ask Yue about Jin Wen's real identity and the purpose of the assassination. But Jin Wen has a listener in his ear, so he can't argue a hundred words. They had a vague conversation. Jin Wen was in a dilemma. He seized the opportunity, jumped and kicked Xiang Yue's gun to the ground, broke through the window and disappeared in the dark forest. Xiang Yue led the police to chase him and started a fierce gunfight in the forest. Jin Wen saw the right moment and hit a gangster who answered him in the leg. Then he fled in a hurry. The wounded gangster was captured. Returning to the cabin in the forest, Jin Wen was beaten up and told that if she misses again, Li Yan will be cut off. Jin Wen was so angry that he had no choice but to think about countermeasures. A series of events confused Xia Sen and Xiang Yue. Jin Wen has always been the best shooter. Why did his shooting techniques fail to be trusted in two assassinations? Chen Xiaolei firmly believes that Jin Wen is a traitor who has been hiding in the public security team. For this reason, Liu Meng was even more unconvinced and quarreled fiercely with him. The injured gangster was sent to the hospital for treatment, and the guardians were Liu Meng and Li Jun. The gangster went to the toilet. When Liu Meng went to fetch a lighter for Li Jun, the gangster was suddenly killed.

    Episode 5
    Jin Wen finally found a chance, grabbed a gangster's pistol, escaped from the hut, and caught Big Head at one fell swoop, got a gangster's mobile phone, and asked Big Head to lead him to find the place where Li Yan and Guan Tianduo were detained, but the room was empty. At this time, the gangsters besieged. Jin Wen launched a fierce gun battle with him. While fighting, he jumped to another hut and finally found Li Yan, who was covered in blood. The couple had mixed feelings. Without much thought, Jin Wen finally got out of trouble with his wife and was injured again. Jin Wen tried hard to bear the pain, pushed Li Yan into the dense forest, and asked her to report to the public security bureau at once. Instead, he went back to find Guan Tianduo's whereabouts. Unexpectedly, he was surrounded by gangsters in a small wooden house, and the last bullet was finally empty. Guan Tianyun is very angry about Li Yan's escape. Guan Tianduo sneers: "She can't run far. At this time, the gangsters came again. Li Yan fled in a panic. Liu Meng followed the mobile phone signal and found the mountain where Li Yan was, but only found the dead mobile phone. Li Yan finally stopped a passing vehicle on the mountain road. The middle-aged man who was driving took her in and kindly drove her to a telephone booth and asked her to call the police. Li Yan reported to the police, and safely sat back in the car to receive the mineral water from the middle-aged man.

Diversity scenario reference [4-8]

screen credits



Wu Ruofu Ornament Jin Wen
Dubbing -
Wu Xiubo Ornament Pan Yashi
Dubbing -
many Ornament Li Yan
Dubbing -
Wu Chao Ornament Liu Meng
Dubbing -
He Yongsheng Ornament Chen Xiaolei
Dubbing -
Zhang Zhizhong Ornament CHARSON
Dubbing -
Liu Sha Ornament Crimson
Dubbing -
Marksman Ornament To the month
Dubbing -
Yue Lina Ornament Guan Tianduo
Dubbing -
Turquoise Ornament Guan Tianyun
Dubbing -
Du Yuming Ornament Big head
Dubbing -
Chen Xiaoying Ornament Guan Qing
Dubbing -
Wang Hongcheng Ornament Land release
Dubbing -
Cui Jinhua Ornament Li Jun
Dubbing -
Hu Xue Ornament Wang Guoqing
Dubbing -
Xu Xiangrong Ornament Wu Zong
Dubbing -
Liu Bangchao Ornament Qin Gang
Dubbing -
Yang Yuejun Ornament Zhao Ming
Dubbing -
Chedong Ornament Gao Yong
Dubbing -
Wei Xu Ornament Gold buddha
Dubbing -
Lin Xueqing Ornament Sanyaozi
Dubbing -
Zhang Hongtao Ornament Grandfather Sanyaozi
Dubbing -
Yu Limei Ornament Gao Yongniang
Dubbing -
Yang Guang Ornament Gangster A
Dubbing -
Liu Yandong Ornament Gangster B
Dubbing -
Fang Yang Ornament Director Xing
Dubbing -
Xu Ruchun Ornament Tang San
Dubbing -

Employee List

publisher Zhou Li Wang Wei Jiangyong
producer Wang Zhiqiang Li Lu
Supervised by Qian Shimu Xiao Quan Communist military guerrilla leader and political commissar Li Lu Guo Gang
director Li Lu Liang Guoguan
Scriptwriter Zhao Shuya Gong Dynasty Yang Yi
Photography Zhu Qiang
Soundtrack Wu Xiubo
clip Cao Weijie
prop Chu Bin
Casting director Chu State
Art Design Xin Yi
Action instruction Huazai
Modeling design Mao Qing
clothing design Zhao Yuping
lighting Wu Dan
sound recording Shi Xiaoyu Li Shuo
Field record Qiu Jing
Chief planner: Liu Zhenyun, Cao Yong
Public security consultant: He Bangqi, Liu Bangchao, Yang Yuejun
Planner: Guan Yiming
Screenplay director: Wang Chenggang
Executive Director: Bai Baosong
Fireworks: Li Guoliang
Firearms: Feng Weixin, Zhu Xinmin
Electrician: Tang Yuejin
Production director: Zhang Jiajia, Zhang Hai
On site production: Che Dong
Performer List Reference [9]

Role Introduction

Jin Wen
performer Wu Ruofu
dubbing -
Vice captain of the Criminal Police Force, about 35 years old. The business is sophisticated, rough, tough, not stick to stereotypes, and sometimes impulsive. His wife was kidnapped, he was coerced, hunted down, wanted, endured humiliation, suffered repeated defeats, and there was no despair in the desperate situation. His support was his love for his wife, loyalty to his career, and trust in his comrades in arms.
Pan Yashi
performer Wu Xiubo
dubbing -
Professional criminal, about 40 years old. There is a black attraction on the body. He is calm and modest, capable and conceited, extremely rational, ruthless and self destructive. Behind the extreme rationality is the rich and deformed spiritual world. The misfortune of his family in his early years caused other people's personality defects. From Guan Qing, he found his father's love. Out of inferiority, he always buried his love for Guan Tianduo in his heart. Crime is not only a means of life for him, but also a kind of emotional comfort.
Liu Meng
performer Wu Chao
dubbing -
criminal police. He is impulsive and reckless, but he is honest and kind-hearted. He is an excellent criminal policeman. Unfortunately, he is also a member of the counterfeiting group, known as "axe".
To the month
performer Marksman
dubbing -
Senior police officer, with false identity of overseas returnees, about 40 years old. Elegant and elegant, with many years of experience against the enemy, and versatile. She is delicate in emotion and loyal to love. She has suffered great emotional damage in her early years and still cannot forget it. His former lover Guan Tianduo is now a criminal, facing the biggest test in his life to the moon.
Guan Tianduo
performer Yue Lina
dubbing -
About 30 years old, a backbone of criminal gangs, Guan Qing's daughter, Guan Tianyun's sister, beautiful, sexy and ambitious. Beautiful, smart, noble temperament. Once pure and kind, once and Xiangyue were lovers of life and death. Xiang Yue is engaged in undercover work. She broke up with him because of a misunderstanding. Love begets hate, and she has a strong sense of revenge against the society. Facing Xiang Yue's return to China again, she became more narrow-minded and extreme, and her heart knot has never been solved.
Chen Xiaolei
performer He Yongsheng
dubbing -
The head of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau works conscientiously. But he is rigid. They are narrow minded and not open-minded enough.
expand all
Role Introduction Reference [10]

Music soundtrack

Song Title
Write off

Broadcast information

Broadcasting platform
Broadcast time
May 22, 2006 [17]
Shanghai TV Drama Channel
Guangzhou TV Comprehensive Channel Thunder Theater
September 15, 2006 [1]
Jiangsu TV City Channel
September 26, 2006 [15]
Fujian TV Drama Channel
October 27, 2006 [14]
Shenyang TV Channel
January 12, 2007 [13]
Zhejiang Satellite TV
April 6, 2009 [2]

Drama evaluation

"29 Days and a Half" draws on the skills of the American TV series "24 Hours". Through the clues provided by a number of people involved in sudden cases, it uncovers the tense plots like bamboo shoots, so that the audience and the people in the play experience a thrilling 29 days and a half [12] , the plot is tense and exciting, and the rhythm is bright [13] Through the perspective of many people involved in the emergency case, the play allows the audience to observe the development of the event from different perspectives, making the story full of tension [16] (Comprehensive evaluation of Qianjiang Evening News, Shenyang Evening News, Newsnoon News)
In 29 and a Half Days, Wu Ruofu shows the soul stirring, life and death front-line, almost breathless experience of iron blooded fighting in the process of handling the case of the public security criminal police, and while shaping the tall image of the public security criminal police, he reflects the meticulous and true feelings of the iron blooded man [15] (commented by Nanjing Morning Post)