24 hours

American TV series starring Kiefer Sutherland in 2001
open 11 homonymous entries
USA, UK 204 sets (total sets)
zero Useful+1
"24 Hours" is an action shooting thriller produced by Fox Film Corporation of the United States. from Stephen Hopkins Qiang Casa Directed by Brad Turner, Kiefer Sutherland Carlos Bernard Eliza Cusbert Dennis Heisbert Leslie Hope Mary Ryan Rajescu Etc.
The play has 24 episodes every season, which tells about the US anti-terrorism team in one day CTU A series of Mission Against Terror , hero Jack Bauer The story of how to make a choice among families, countries and civilians within 24 hours and finally defeat terrorists.
The play premiered on November 6, 2001.
Stephen Hopkins、Jon Cassar、Brad Turner
Premiere time
November 6, 2001 (United States)
Chinese name
24 hours
Foreign name
24 Hours, 24 (US)

essential information

Chinese name
24 hours
Foreign name
24 Hours, 24 (US)
24 Special Ops
Type of work
Action, thriller, plot
English, Russian, German, Korean, Chinese, etc
major awards
61st session Golden Globe Award (2004) Best Drama
Production area
Stephen Hopkins、Jon Cassar、Brad Turner
Robert Cochran、 Joel Suno, Virgil Williams
film producer
Howard Gordon, Paul Gadd
Production company
Fox Film Corporation
Premiere time
November 6, 2001 (United States)
Network broadcast platform
Youku, Tudou, Tencent Video
Broadcast status
Number of sets
204 sets (Total number of sets)
Duration of each episode
About 43 minutes
Issuing company
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Number of seasons
9 seasons
IMDB score
eight point four
Other foreign names


The story revolves around Jack Bauer (Jack Bauer) and the CTC( CTU Counter Terrorist Unit) fights against terrorists who attack in the United States (the story of Season 9 takes place in Britain). In addition, the complex and diverse Personnel relations , Jack and several other supporting actors, and State power Core political struggle It is also the main line of the story.
"24 Hours" is a TV series conducted in "real time", and the time in the play is conducted in "real time". Each episode describes an hour of events, and 24 episodes of a season cover the story of a day. At the beginning of each episode, the audience is reminded that "the following content occurs from a certain time to a certain time". Numbers frequently appear in the play timer , remind the audience that time passes by minute by second.
The first quarter (2001-2002)
At midnight, Jack Bauer, the head of the anti-terrorism team in Los Angeles, received a phone call from his colleague Nina Myers, asking him to return to the office as soon as possible. Because intelligence shows that Senator David Palmer, the first black presidential candidate, is under threat of assassination, and there may be an insider in CTU. So Jack needs to track down the killer to protect the presidential candidate and find out the insider within the next 24 hours. At the same time, Jack's daughter Kim sneaks out of the house to attend a party with his girlfriend Jenny, but doesn't want to be held hostage. In order to find their daughter, Teri and Jenny's father had to find their daughter alone. However, the kidnapping of her daughter was originally planned by terrorists, and Teri, the wife looking for her daughter, was also kidnapped by terrorists. In order to save his wife and daughter's lives, Jack had to obey the boss Gaines. In the next time, Jack had to do everything in his power to ensure the safety of his wife and daughter as well as the safety of presidential candidate Palmer.
Season 1 Poster
The second quarter (2002-2003)
At 8 a.m., the US intelligence service received the news that a nuclear bomb would explode in the US today. In order to prevent this terrorist attack, CTU recalled Jack Bauer, who had left CTU for one year due to the loss of his wife. With the deepening of the investigation, the outline of the plot becomes clearer and clearer. It turned out that in order to provoke war, the terrorist organization forged a recording file and wanted to use the hand of the United States to launch war against the three countries mentioned in the recording file. Although the President believed Jack's investigation very much, he was unable to prevent this hair trigger war when there was only speculation and no substantive evidence. Because the President insisted on delaying the attack, the Cabinet and the Vice President temporarily deprived the President of his power by passing the Constitution. Jack had no support from the President and had to fight alone.
Season 2 Poster
The third quarter (2003-2004)
This season's story happened three years after the last season. In this season, Tony and Michelle married and became the director of CTU, while Jack's daughter Kim joined CTU as an intelligence analyst. The plot begins with a corpse that is thrown outside the Los Angeles Health Center and infected with a deadly virus. A Mexican drug lord threatened to let the US government release his brother with a deadly virus. Jack also embarked on the road of anti-terrorism investigation. In this season, Jack's investigation was not smooth. In order to break into the inside of drug dealers, Jack was willing to become addicted to drugs, which led to many difficulties in his investigation. In the White House, President Ballmer, who was re elected, had a personal doctor girlfriend beside him after his recovery, and the president's brother Wayne became his right-hand man. Under the pressure of re-election, he had to resolve this biochemical crisis.
Season 3 Poster
The fourth quarter (2005)
Jack Bauer quit his addiction in the third season, and left CTU to work for the Secretary of Defense. But Jack can't get rid of the connection with CTU. At the beginning of the drama, a train derailment accident caused by a terrorist attack forced CTU to recall Jack for investigation. Not long after investigating the matter, Jack found that the terrorist's next target was the Secretary of Defense. Through Jack's efforts, he finally rescued the kidnapped defense minister and resolved the crisis. Jack, who thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, found that the assassination of the Secretary of Defense was just a small part set up by terrorists to disrupt CTU's investigation. The real purpose of terrorists is to control nuclear power plants throughout the United States. By overloading nuclear power plants, they cause nuclear leakage and then threaten the entire United States. This is the real stage of the crisis
Fourth Season Poster
The fifth quarter (2006)
In order to get rid of the revenge, Jack uses the plot to escape and lives an ordinary life in anonymity. However, as former President David Ballmer, former colleagues Michelle and Tony were killed one after another, Chloe, the last colleague who knew Jack was still alive, was also threatened with death. As a last resort, Chloe dials Jack and asks him for help. When Chloe and Jack meet, the killer appears. Jack finally catches their pursuer and forces him to tell them that the assassination of the former president is their main task. Other goals are just to point the investigation at Jack and make him the scapegoat for the assassination task. The purpose of killing the former president is also to silence the former president and not to disclose something. Jack has to abandon his current dull life and get involved in a shocking plot again.
Season 5 Poster
The sixth quarter (2007)
At the end of the fifth season, Jack was unexpectedly arrested by China secretly. During the 20 months of imprisonment, Jack endured torture without saying a word. At that time, the United States was under the threat of terrorist bomb attacks, and the evidence showed that it might be the Islamist armed groups. The CTU investigation found that the main behind this series of terrorist attacks was an Islamic terrorist named Assad. In order to successfully implement the assassination plan against Assad, the United States negotiated with the Chinese side to exchange Jack Bauer, who was imprisoned, for using Jack as a bait to lead Assad out. However, in a series of activities to lure Assad, Jack found that there was another person behind the terrorist attack. In order to resolve the upcoming terrorist attack, Jack once again stepped forward and fought against terrorists alone.
Season 6 Poster
The seventh quarter (2009)
After the last terrorist attack, the government was not satisfied with the way CTU responded to terrorist events, and finally decided to dissolve CTU. Jack Bauer was also censored for using illegal means such as torture to prevent terrorist attacks. Originally thought that he would spend the rest of his life in prison, the appearance of former colleague Tony, who came back from the dead, completely disrupted Jack's existing life. Tony hopes Jack can work with him to investigate another terrorist attack on the American road. With the deepening of the investigation, Jack felt that Tony around him was more and more confused. Due to the new president's trust in Jack, their investigation was carried out smoothly despite the crisis. Finally, Jack found that the mastermind behind the terrorist attack had been at his side all the time.
Season 7 Poster
The eighth quarter (2010)
This time, the attack will be carried out in New York. After the efforts of the seventh season, Jack finally got the pardon of the President, and now lives a simple, relaxed and happy life with his daughter and granddaughter. However, this life did not last long. A mercenary came to Jack's house and hoped that Jack could return to the reconstructed CTU to help investigate an upcoming terrorist plot. It turned out that the president of a Middle East country intended to sign a joint statement with President Taylor, but the opposition of the Middle East country tried to organize the signing of the joint statement, so they wanted to assassinate the president. Jack has to accept this task, and Chloe is also called back temporarily to help Jack with data analysis. But as a mother, Chloe cannot concentrate on helping Jack. Jack needs to bring new people who have no experience in dealing with terrorist attacks to investigate together.
Season 8 Poster
The ninth quarter (2014)
The story happened four years after last season, the British branch of the CIA found and arrested Jack Bauer in East London, who had already become a global wanted criminal, but did not expect the latter to deliberately make himself arrested in order to rescue the imprisoned Chloe O'Brien from the CIA. It turned out that Jack learned from an informant that there was a plot to assassinate US President Heller who was visiting Britain. This time, Jack risked his life to sneak into London in order to find the assassin and defeat his plot with the help of Chloe and her gang of hacker comrades. At the same time, in the war zone in Afghanistan, the control system of a US military drone was hijacked for unknown reasons, launching missiles that blew up a US military convoy, killing four soldiers. With the help of hackers such as Chloe, Jack learned that the culprit of the UAV was a hacker named Yat. He had a device that could cover the UAV control system, and he was under the protection of a team of drug dealers.
Season 9 Poster

Diversified plot

    Season 1 Episode 1
    Jack, a member of the CIA, found his daughter Kim sneaking out of the house at home. When he was in a panic, he suddenly received a call from the bureau and gathered in an emergency. Although Jack couldn't let go of his daughter, he came to his intelligence investigation team. Because it was the day of California presidential primaries, Jack guessed that the emergency gathering should be related to Parma, a black senator who had a strong chance to win the White House. As expected, Walsh, the head of the intelligence investigation team, revealed that someone planned to assassinate Palma on the same day, and told Jack that someone in the CIA was involved. Senator Palma and his wife discussed the contents of the speech in the hotel. Martin, a well-known photographer, called Parma's assistant Patty on the plane to Los Angeles and made an appointment to meet Parma in the morning. Mandy, a female passenger sitting next to Martin, was very curious when she heard this conversation, so she took the opportunity to have intimate talks with Martin. George Mason, a member of the CIA, came to brief Jack. Mason knew the source of the assassination plot, but would not disclose it. Jack asks Mason to obtain authorization. Mason pretends to make a phone call, but Jack shoots Mason with a tranquilizer gun and faints on the spot. At this time, Mandy steals Martin's ID card and starts the time bomb, and the plane explodes

    Season 1 Episode 2
    After Mandy parachuted safely from the aircraft, he immediately buried his certificate in the ground, and Mandy's associates later took it away. Teri and Alan York come to the furniture store and find that Jenny's car has not seen two girls. Wallace and a member of the staff, Baile, meet secretly. Baile gives Wallace a pass. According to the magnetic stripe record on the pass, we can find out the people in the CIA who are plotting to assassinate Senator Palma. However, a gunshot is heard. Baile is killed on the spot. Wallace is shot in the arm and immediately asks for Jack's help. Mandy meets a man, Gaines, and there is a man in the room who looks exactly like Martin, the photographer. Gaines shows a box of cash, confirms the amount, and Mandy calls his partner to send the certificate, but his partner asks for a higher price. Jack arrives at the scene and finds that the gunman is still in the building, so a gunfight takes place. Jack and Worthy killed two gunmen and cut off one of their fingers. When Senator Palma received a call, he immediately lost his wits and contacted a man named Carl to meet him. Dan breaks Jenny's arm and threatens Kim to call her mother, saying she will be home in a few hours at the party. When Teri asks where Kim is, Kim only says I love you. When Jack and Worthy ran out of the building, Worthy was shot, so he gave Jack his pass and asked him to trace the source of the computer, only to find out that it was Nina's computer

    Season 1 Episode 3
    Jack sent the cut finger prints back to the CIA. Teri calls Jack to tell her that she has got on the phone with Kim. Jack tells Teri and Aranyok to stay at the furniture store and wait. On the other hand, Bridget takes the opportunity to raise the price, making Gaines furious and threatening not to pay unless she gets Martin's certificate first. The CIA Surveillance Center called Jack and found that there was no fingerprint information of the gunman, which means that the gunman does not exist or the information was deleted by the senior management. After Jamie confirms that the password file of the pass is indeed from Nina's computer, Jack accuses Nina in person, but Nina repeatedly denies it. Jenny wakes up and runs away with Kim. Senator Palma told Carl that according to Maureen Kingsley, the man who raped his daughter Nicole did not commit suicide, but was pushed downstairs by his son. Carl promised to solve the problem. Gaines finally pays Mandy and Bridget the money, and the three go together to get the certificate. As soon as Gaines gets the certificate, a gun suddenly rings, and Bridget is shot dead on the spot. Dan and Rick are chasing after each other. Jenny and Kim take the phone of a passer-by and call Teri for help. Teri calls the police immediately. When Kim and Jenny were crossing the street, Jenny was knocked down by a car. Jamie finds out the production date of the password file. Nina and Jack were on a business trip and were not in Los Angeles. Jack apologizes to Nina, but Nina is very angry

    Season 1 Episode 4
    Dan and Rick forcibly take Jin away. Jin begs Rick to send Jenny to the doctor. Dan refuses at first, but then goes back to kill her. Jamie finds a suspicious address in the password file on the magnetic card. When Jack is going to check it in person, all computers and telephones in the CTC office suddenly fail. Palma returned to the hotel under the escort of security personnel. The Secret Service Bureau informed him that someone intended to assassinate him today, hoping to change the election schedule. Palma insisted on doing business as usual. Dan drives back to the place where Jenny was hit. While taking the gun, an ambulance arrives at the right time. Dan leaves immediately, and Jenny saves her life. Teri and Aranyok received their daughter's call for help and rushed to the scene, only to see the ambulance leave. Dan and Rick give Kim to Gaines, who promises to let her go two days later as long as she obeys. Jack followed the address to a warehouse, met a policewoman on duty, and together pursued the man Pantikov in the house. The policewoman was caught by Pantikov accidentally. In the chaos, the policewoman was shot. Jack caught Pantikov. At this time, the support police arrived, but the policewoman was seriously injured. The police arrest Pantikov. Jack asks Pantikov to tell him the truth, but Pantikov tells Jack that if he wants to see his daughter again, he must find a way to get him out of prison

    Season 1 Episode 5
    Teri and Alan York rushed to the hospital and found that it was Jenny who gave first aid in a car accident. Jack contacts Teri and learns that Jenny is seriously injured in a car accident, but Kim is still missing. Jack tries to persuade the police department to let him meet Pantikov to find out more. Palma requests to meet with Maureen to ask about the source of Keith's suspected murder. Maureen originally refused to disclose it, but on repeated requests, she said that on the day the boy who raped Nicole fell from the building and died, Keith went to a nearby emergency room under a false name for medical treatment. Jack enters the inquiry room to interrogate Pantikov, but he uses an excuse to get together with Pantikov, and slips the note with the phone number into his mouth. Pantikov then asks the telephone lawyer to call Jack. In fact, he takes the opportunity to call Jack. He reveals that he must go to Jack's warehouse to answer the phone 20 minutes later, or Kim's life will be lost. So Jack must immediately take him out of the police station. The two men came to a public phone near the warehouse, but it was not a public phone that rang, but a big cell phone that had been hidden in advance. Pantikov was prompted to be responsible for handling a corpse hidden in the carriage. Jack finds the body in the carriage, confirms it is not Jin, and breathes a sigh of relief. Mason arrives just in time, and Jack can't admit to Mason that someone in the bureau is suspected of participating in the plot to assassinate Palma. Mason is shocked, and Jack takes the nameless body back to the anti-terrorism team, hoping to find out the identity of the dead

    Season 1 Episode 6
    Jack rushes to the hospital to meet Teri and asks the hospital to send more police to protect Jenny. Palma asks Carl, who confesses that he helped Keith hide the truth. Shirley and Nicole also know about it. Palma then questions Shirley, who admits that she hid the truth to protect his political future. Jack tells Teri Palma in the hospital that she is threatened with assassination, and that Kim's disappearance may be related to this. Palma had intended to withdraw from the election, but his campaign advisor Mike tried to dissuade him. Jenny was sent to the intensive care unit after emergency treatment. Jack asks to talk to Jenny, but Aranyok says he wants to confirm Jenny's condition first. Aranyok enters the ward, but unexpectedly, Jenny asks him where his father is. Alanyok immediately pressed the oxygen mask, making Jenny suffocate to death. Jack receives a call from Gaines at this time, asking him to go out of the hospital and take a prepared car. Gaines also asks Kim to talk to Jack, and then asks Jack to throw away his mobile phone and drive away from the hospital. After Alan York leaves the ward, he lies to Teri that he learned an address from Jenny. Kim may be there. Teri can't find Jack at the moment, so she gets on Alan York's car and goes to the address to find someone. Since Nina can't contact Jack, she calls Teri and tells her that the identity of the unknown body Jack wants to check has been confirmed, whose name is Alain York

    Season 1 Episode 7
    The work of cracking the magnetic card has made progress, and a medical record file of cosmetic surgery has been obtained, which shows that the killer has changed his appearance and replaced others' identity to commit murder near Palma. Gaines asks Jack to change the original magnetic card. As soon as Jack enters the office, Nina tells him that the identity of the unknown body is Alan York. Jack is surprised. Gaines threatens Jack to change the magnetic card as soon as possible, or neither his wife nor daughter will survive. Gaines immediately left a message to Aranyok, telling him that Teri knew he was not really Aranyok. However, before Aranyok heard the message, Teri used an excuse to get out of the car. When Aranyok came to find her, she knocked him unconscious with a stone and tied him to a tree. Jack is in the office. He wanted to write a note to tell Nina the truth, but Gaines is monitoring everything with the surveillance camera inside the anti-terrorism team. Jack cannot succeed, so he has to obey. Gaines asks Jack to arrange for Palma's breakfast party. Milo, a computer expert, found that the magnetic card had been changed, so she told Nina that Nina asked Jack to hand over the original magnetic card. Jack had to take a coat over Nina and take her out of the office with a gun. Alan York wakes up and tells Teri that if he doesn't give her to Gaines within half an hour, Kim will die. Teri has no choice but to call back to the anti-terrorism team hoping to find Jack. Jamie, who answers the phone, promises to send someone to help. However, when two officers arrive, they immediately release Aranyok, and Teri is arrested. Just as Kim and Rick are about to escape, they see their mother captured, so they give up the chance to escape. Gaines instructs Jack to kill Nina. Jack had to tell Nina that he had to obey orders and kill her

    Season 1 Episode 8
    Nina takes off her bulletproof jacket and calls the CTC for help. At this time, Palma took a bus to the breakfast meeting to make a speech at the meeting and announce Keith's affairs. The killer who pretended to be a photographer also took his ID card and entered the breakfast party. Jack stops in front of a station according to Gaines' instructions. A man puts a suitcase in the car and leaves immediately. Jack is unwilling to obey orders at this time, so Gaines asks Teri to talk to Jack. Gaines uses a personal digital processor to inform Jamie that Nina has been unlucky and wants to make up an excuse to explain why she is not here. Nina just called, and Tony answered. Nina asked Tony to find Jamie to answer the phone. Tony went to Jamie's side, but heard Jamie tell Milo that she and Nina had just talked on the phone. Nina had to work in the area all day and would not return to the office. Tony questioned Nina and found that the thief was Jamie. Jack enters the breakfast party with a certificate and a suitcase. He happens to meet Jessica, Palma's assistant. Jack wants to pass the note to her, but Gaines' hand in the crowd destroys it. Jack was ordered to enter the medical room, and the photographer followed him. Jack realized that the photographer was the killer. Tony and Nina catch Jamie on the spot and send a message to the outside world. At the same time, they call the secret service personnel beside Palma to tell them that Jack may have an action against Palma, so the secret service personnel look for Jack's whereabouts in the power plant

    Season 1 Episode 9
    Jamie confessed that she was ordered by a man named Gaines to intrude into the surveillance system to monitor the movement of the anti-terrorism team. Jack was arrested by the secret service personnel, who insisted that the killer was another person, and his wife and daughter were kidnapped, but Symus did not believe it, so Jack waited for an opportunity to escape, stopped a car on the road, and threatened the driver Lauren to speed up his escape. Eli, who is responsible for watching over Teri and Kim, has a bad heart for Kim, and asks Kim to go to another room. Kim refuses and resists desperately, so Teri voluntarily goes to the next room with Eli. Jamie said Gaines paid her 300000 dollars to work as an agent in the anti-terrorism team. Tony and Nina asked her to disclose more information. Jamie insisted on obtaining immunity before she was willing to confess. Jack calls back to the anti-terrorism team. Nina tells him that the thief is Jamie. Jack can't believe it. Jack and Lauren arrive at a construction site, explaining that they have no choice but to kidnap her. They contact Nina again and ask her to send a car to the designated place. Palma learns from the assistant that it is Jack of the anti-terrorism team who will cause chaos at breakfast. Palma recalls that the name sounds very familiar. Teri came out of the small room with a mobile phone stolen from Eli in her pocket. When she was calling Nina, someone came in. She quickly hid the phone. Nina told Jamie that they were going to take Kyle to the anti-terrorism team. Jamie didn't believe it, so Nina asked Jamie to think about it. Unexpectedly, when Nina and Tony returned to the room, they found Jamie cut her wrists and committed suicide

    Season 1 Episode 10
    Ambulance personnel sent Jamie to the hospital. At this time, there was a breakthrough in the decryption of the magnetic card, and Gaines was found to have contact with a businessman named Cofell. Jack gets in the car sent by Nina, and Teri calls Nina. Nina immediately connects the phone and asks Jack and Teri to talk, but without a few words, Eli and Rick come in to search his mobile phone. Teri doesn't hang up the phone, and puts it on the beam. Rick sees the mobile phone, but doesn't tell Eli. Teri doesn't know where she is. Nina immediately asks Milo to track down the phone signal and find out where Teri is. Gaines sends an email to Jamie, but no reply is received. Then a man named Drayshan calls Gaines and says that his brother is very disappointed with Gaines. Gaines immediately promises to find Jack as soon as possible and kill Palma today. As soon as Eli and Rick leave, Teri immediately picks up the phone, but Milo has 20 minutes to find out where Teri is talking, so Teri and Jack continue talking. At this time, a policeman finds Jack, and Jack has to abandon the car and escape. Jamie is still seriously injured after emergency treatment in the hospital. Tony finds out Cofell's office address, and tells Nina that the division has decided to send Nina's former subordinate Alberta to replace Jack.

[21] [23-27]

screen credits



Mary Ryan Rajescu Ornament Chloe O'Brian
Dubbing -
Carlos Bernard Ornament Tony Almeida
Dubbing -
Jane Smart Ornament Martha Logan
Dubbing -
Eliza Cusbert Ornament Kim Bauer
Dubbing -
Laco Ellsworth Ornament Michelle Dessler
Dubbing -
Dennis Heisbert Ornament President David Palmer
Dubbing -
james morrison Ornament Bill Buchanan
Dubbing -
Penny Johnson Ornament Sherry Palmer
Dubbing -
James Becky Dell Ornament Chase Edmunds
Dubbing -
Sander Beckley Ornament Mason
Dubbing -
kim raver Ornament Audrey Raines
Dubbing -
Zud Seklila Ornament Mike Novick
Dubbing -
Glenn Moshore Ornament Aaron Pierce
Dubbing -

Employee List

producer Brian Grazer
director Qiang Casa Brad Turner
Associate Director (Assistant) Scott Remick
Scriptwriter Joel Surnow
Photography Rodney Charters
Soundtrack Sean Callery
clip David Latham
Casting director Debi Manwiller
Art Direction Joseph A. Hodges
Art Design Andrew Murdock
clothing design James Lapidus
Scenery master Cloudia

Role Introduction

Jack Bauer
dubbing -
Jack Bauer holds a Master of Science, Criminology and Law degree and a Bachelor of Arts and British Literature degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. After finishing his studies, Jack became a member of the SWAT team in Los Angeles and joined the Delta Army. Because of exposing the bribery of three agents of the CTC, they are very unpopular in the CTC.

Broadcast information

Season 1 [11]
The second quarter [12]
Season 3 [13]
Fourth Season [14]
Season 5 [15] [22]
Season 6 [16]
Season 7 [17]
The eighth season [18]
bones [19]

Music soundtrack

  1. one
  2. two
    Up and Down Stairs
  3. three
    L.A. at 9:00 A.M
  4. four
    Jack on the move
  5. five
    Jack's Revenge at the Docks
  6. six
    Kim and Terry's Escape from the Safe House
  7. seven
    Jack in the Limo
  8. eight
    In Pursuit of Kyle
  9. nine
    Salazar's Theme
  10. ten
    Copter Chase Over L.A.
  11. eleven
    Jack Tells Kim He's Not Coming Back
  12. twelve
    Bomb Detonates

Behind the Scenes

Kiefer: (talking about his father Donald Sutherland) We have a lot in common. I think this is mainly genetic genes Relationship.
Kiefer: (talking about his movies) There are many movies I want to throw away. This is not to say that my attitude was the same when I took the picture. Every time I make a film, I will wholeheartedly hope to be recognized by the world, but some films are just too bad.
Kiefer: (obtained in 2001 Golden Globe Award My mind went blank and my body was completely numb. That unusual moment... was a great night. I admit that I went crazy for 24 hours, and then I will start working again.
Kiefer: I used to make movies with my heart and soul. No one else could imagine. My bottom line is that I want to do something well, and I also want others to recognize it.

Award record

Obtained Golden Globe Award , another 11 times won other awards (1 time Emmy Award )And 33 nominations
In 2002, he won the Emmy Award for Best Drama hero nomination
In 2003, he was nominated as the best actor and best drama of the Emmy Award drama series
In 2004, he was nominated as the best actor and best drama of the Emmy Award drama series
In 2005, he was nominated as the best actor and best drama of the Emmy Award drama series
In 2006, he won the Emmy Award for Best Actor and Best Drama of Dramatic Drama
In 2007, he won the Emmy Award for the best actor and nomination of drama series
In 2002, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor of Dramatic TV Series
In 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007, he was nominated as the best actor of drama drama of Golden Globe Award

Drama evaluation

The biggest difference between teleplays and cinemas is that the picture and sound cannot be compared with the latter, but the film should be subject to the length of the film in terms of story description and structural framework. In other words, it is limited by time. However, teleplays have an absolute advantage over movies in this respect, of course, the premise is how you play and make good use of this advantage, Based on this, it only works on the plot and plot Subtext That is: mature script+excellent creativity. The "24 Hours" series will undoubtedly bring this to the extreme. The painstaking efforts of dozens of directors and screenwriters have not been wasted, drawing countless audiences from the cinema back to the TV set, and accompanying Jack through difficulties one by one. The protagonist in the play is experiencing one suspense after another, with waves of climax, almost suffocating the audience. And if you look closely, Spot advertisement When the plot goes to a certain place, for example, a person is going from place A to place B, or someone is inquiring about a computer data, in short, the plot is not delayed at all, nor is it changed artificially Time concept On the one hand, it can relax your brain temporarily, and on the other hand, it can also advertiser Satisfied, this way Business acumen It's really worth learning Chinese dramas. [20]