Agenda 21

Important documents of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
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Agenda 21 》On June 3-14, 1992 Brazil Rio de Janeiro One of the important documents adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development is the "Action Plan for Sustainable Development in the World", which is a comprehensive blueprint for action of governments, United Nations organizations, development agencies, non-governmental organizations and independent groups in all aspects of the impact of human activities on the environment in the world from the previous to the 21st century.
Chinese name
Agenda 21
Rio De Janeiro
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
Action plan for sustainable development worldwide
June 3-14, 1992

Document overview

Agenda 21 》It is a non legally binding, 800 page action blueprint of the global sustainable development plan aimed at encouraging development while protecting the environment Rio de Janeiro Adopted at the Conference on Environment and Development. The organizers of the Earth Summit said that if the plan is implemented, it will cost 125 billion dollars every year. The document includes chapters on women, children, poverty and other aspects of inadequate development that are often not linked to the environment.

Development process

From 3 to 14 June 1992 in Brazil Rio de Janeiro One of the important documents adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The document highlights the choices and action plans that human beings should make between environmental protection and sustainability, and provides a blueprint for action in the 21st century, covering all areas related to the sustainable development of the Earth. It is the "Action Plan for Sustainable Development in the World", which should be a comprehensive blueprint for action of governments, United Nations organizations, development agencies, non-governmental organizations and independent groups in all aspects of human activities affecting the environment in the world from the beginning to the 21st century.

basic content

Agenda 21 has 20 chapters, 78 programme areas and more than 200000 words. Generally, it can be divided into four parts: sustainable development strategy, social sustainable development, economic sustainable development, rational utilization of resources and environmental protection. Each part consists of several chapters. Each chapter has an introduction and programme areas. The introduction focuses on the purpose, significance, work basis and main difficulties of this chapter; The programme area describes the ways to solve the problem and the actions to be taken. The main contents of the four major parts of the text of Agenda 21 are as follows: Part I: overall strategy for sustainable development. It consists of six chapters: preface, sustainable development strategies and countermeasures, or sustainable development legislation and implementation, costs and funding mechanisms, sustainable development capacity building, and group public participation in sustainable development, with 18 program areas. This part generally discusses the background, necessity, strategy and countermeasures of China's sustainable development, and puts forward the development goals of major industries, social development goals and sustainable development countermeasures that are compatible with the above goals by the year 2000. Part II: Social sustainable development. It consists of five chapters: population, residents' consumption and social services, poverty eradication, health and health, sustainable development of human settlements and disaster prevention, with 19 programme areas. The third part: sustainable economic development. It consists of four chapters: economic policy for sustainable development, sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy, sustainable development of industry and transportation, sustainable development of communication industry, and sustainable energy production and consumption, with 20 program areas. Part IV: Rational utilization of resources and environmental protection. This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, soil and other natural resources, biodiversity protection Land desertification There are five chapters on the prevention and protection of the atmosphere and the sound management of solid waste, with 21 programme areas.

Meaning and objectives

Agenda 21 is a document on Non governmental organizations The broad plan of action to be taken is aimed at achieving a shift towards sustainable development. Agenda 21 provides a global framework for taking measures to safeguard our common future. The premise of this action plan is that all countries should share the responsibility, but it recognizes that the responsibilities and priorities of each country are different, especially in developed countries and developing country between. The plan recognizes that without development, human habitat cannot be protected, and it is impossible to expect that development and the environment will always be handled simultaneously in the new climate of international cooperation. One of the key objectives of Agenda 21 is to gradually reduce and eventually eliminate poverty market access , commodity prices, debt and money flow Problem Take action to remove obstacles the third world International obstacles to progress. In order to meet the bearing capacity of the earth, especially in industrialized countries, the consumption mode must be changed; The developing countries must reduce the excessive population growth rate In order to adopt sustainable consumption patterns, countries should avoid developing resources at unsustainable levels at home and abroad. The document proposes to use the atmosphere and international waters And other global public property.

Impact on the world

Commission on Sustainable Development The United Nations has also taken steps to apply the idea of sustainable development to all relevant policies and plans. More and more projects that increase income take environmental impact into consideration. Since women are producers of goods, services, food and caretakers of the environment, development assistance plans increasingly favour them. In recognition of poverty and environmental quality Closely related, people are more morally and urgently aware of the social responsibility of poverty reduction.

Impact on China

China’s Agenda 21 In Brazil from June 3 to 14, 1992 Rio de Janeiro At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Premier Li Peng made a solemn commitment on behalf of the Chinese government to implement Agenda 21 and other documents. China has formulated China's Agenda 21 in accordance with Agenda 21, which is also known as the White Paper on Population, Environment and Development of China in the 21st Century, as China's sustainable development overall strategy , plans and countermeasures, which are the guiding documents for the Chinese government to formulate medium and long-term plans for national economic and social development. It was organized by the Environmental Protection Committee of the State Council in July 1992 and discussed and adopted at the 16th executive meeting of the State Council on March 25, 1994.
China Agenda 21 consists of 20 chapters and 78 program areas. The main contents are divided into four parts:
The first part is the overall strategy and policy of sustainable development. The background and necessity of putting forward China's sustainable development strategy are discussed; It puts forward the strategic objectives, strategic priorities and major actions of China's sustainable development, the legislation and implementation of sustainable development, the formulation of economic policies to promote sustainable development, and the principled positions and main areas of action for participating in international cooperation in the field of environment and development. It particularly emphasizes the capacity building for sustainable development, including the establishment of a sound management system for sustainable development, the establishment of cost and funding mechanisms, the strengthening of education, the development of science and technology, and the establishment of an information system for sustainable development. In particular, women, adolescents, ethnic minorities, workers, and people and groups in the scientific community should be encouraged to participate in sustainable development.
The second part is social sustainable development. Including population, residents' consumption and social services, poverty eradication, health and health, human settlements, disaster prevention and mitigation, etc. The most important is to implement family planning, control the population and increase population quality Including guiding the establishment of a living system of moderate and healthy consumption, and emphasizing the elimination of poverty as soon as possible; Improve the health and hygiene level of the Chinese people; By correctly guiding urbanization, strengthening urban land management, accelerating urban infrastructure construction and improving the functions of residential areas, promoting the development of the construction industry, providing adequate housing for all and improving the residential environment.
The third part is sustainable economic development. China’s Agenda 21 》To promote rapid economic growth as a way to eliminate poverty, improve people's living standards comprehensive national strength The necessary conditions for sustainable development include economic policies for sustainable development, sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy, sustainable development of industry and transportation, communication industry, sustainable energy, production and consumption, etc.
The fourth part is the rational use of resources and environmental protection. Including the protection and sustainable use of water, soil and other natural resources. It also includes biodiversity conservation; prevention and cure Land desertification , disaster prevention and mitigation; Protect the atmosphere, such as controlling air pollution and preventing acid rain; Solid waste harmless treatment Management, etc.
Agenda 21 is a non legally binding 800 page action blueprint for a global sustainable development plan aimed at encouraging development while protecting the environment Rio de Janeiro Adopted at the Conference on Environment and Development.
Agenda 21 - our plan of action The entire international community adopted Agenda 21 at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, which is an unprecedented global sustainable development plan. The international community has also agreed on the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, which is a set of principles defining the rights and obligations of countries, and has agreed on a Statement of Forest Principles to guide how to manage the world's forests in a more sustainable way. Agenda 21 is a landmark achievement in integrating environmental, economic and social concerns into a single policy framework. Agenda 21 contains more than 2500 proposals for action, including detailed proposals on how to reduce waste and consumption patterns, alleviate poverty, protect the atmosphere, oceans and diversity of life, and promote sustainable agriculture. The proposals in Agenda 21 were still appropriate, and later the major United Nations conferences on population, social development, women, cities and food security were expanded and strengthened. At the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, about 150 world leaders agreed on a series of time bound targets, including halving the number of people in the world whose income is less than one dollar a day and halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water. However, no matter how good the strategy is, its actual implementation cannot be better, Johannesburg The Summit provides an important opportunity for today's leaders to take concrete steps and identify quantitative indicators for better implementation of Agenda 21. When governments signed Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit, they took a historic step to ensure the future security of the planet. It is the overall plan of global action in all fields of sustainable development. In Agenda 21, the governments of all countries put forward a detailed blueprint for action, so as to change the unsustainable economic growth model of the world and turn to activities to protect and update the environmental resources on which economic growth and development depend. Action areas include protecting the atmosphere, preventing deforestation soil erosion and Desertification , prevent air pollution And water pollution, prevent the depletion of fishery resources, and improve the safety management of toxic waste. The Agenda also proposed that Environmental pressure Development mode of developing country Poverty and foreign debt, unsustainable production and consumption patterns, population pressure and international economy Structure. The action plan proposes to strengthen the role of major groups in achieving sustainable development - women, trade unions, farmers, children and youth, Indigenous people , scientific community, local government, business community, industry and non-governmental organizations. All countries request the United Nations to support their efforts to bring Agenda 21 into force, and in order to fully support the implementation of Agenda 21 worldwide, United Nations General Assembly Established in 1992 Commission on Sustainable Development As United Nations Economic and Social Council The 53 member committee monitors and reports on the implementation of the Agenda and other Earth Summit agreements, supports and encourages the government, business, industry and other non-governmental organizations to bring about social and economic changes needed for sustainable development, and helps coordinate environmental and development activities within the United Nations. Through its Division for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Programme provides the secretariat for the Commission and policy recommendations for the implementation of sustainable development. It also provides analytical, technical and information services, an important element of which is building partnerships between government, non-governmental and international actors. Created by Liu Hongping.
Agenda 21
Chapter Sub paragraph
1. Preface
Part I Social and economic aspects
2. Acceleration developing country International cooperation and related domestic policies for sustainable development
3. Poverty eradication
4. Changing the Consumption Pattern............................................................ 4.1-4.27
5. Population Dynamics and Sustainability
6. Protecting and Promoting Human Health
7. Promoting sustainable development of human settlements
8. Integrating environment and development issues into the decision-making process................................................... 8.1-8.54
Part II. Preservation and Manage Resources To promote development
9. Protection of the atmosphere............................................................ 9.1 - 9.35
10. Methods for Overall Planning and Management of Land Resources
11. Stop Deforestation
12. Vulnerability ecosystem Management of sand control and drought control
13. Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development.................................... 13.1-13.24
14. Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development
15. Conservation of biodiversity
16. Environmentally sound management of biotechnology
17. Protect oceans and seas, including enclosed and semi enclosed seas and coastal areas, and protect
Rational utilization and development of its biological resources
18. Protection Freshwater resources Quality and supply of water resources: development, management and utilization
Comprehensive Measures
19. Environmentally sound management of toxic chemicals, including prevention of illegal international trafficking in toxic chemicals
Insurance products
20. Environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes, including prevention of illegal international trafficking in hazards
Waste materials
21. Environmentally sound management of solid wastes and problems related to sewage..................... 21.1-21.49
22. Safe and Environmentally Sound Management of Radioactive Waste.................................... 22.1-22.9
Part III Strengthening the role of major groups
23. Preamble 23.1-23.4
24. Taking global action for women in pursuit of sustainable and equitable development.................................... 24.1-24.12
25. Participation of children and youth in sustainable development
26. Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples and communities................................................ 26.1-26.9
27. Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations as sustainable development partners.................................... 27.1-27.13
28. Initiatives of Local Authorities Supporting Agenda 21.................................... 28.1-28.7
29. Strengthening the Role of Workers and Trade Unions
30. Strengthening the Role of Commerce and Industry
31. The scientific and technological community
32. Strengthening the role of farmers............................................................ 32.1-32.14
Part IV. Means of implementation
33. Financial resources and mechanisms............................................................ 33.1-33.21
34. Transfer of environmentally sound technologies, cooperation and capacity advice................................................ 34.1-34.29
35. Science for Sustainable Development............................................................ 35.1-35.25
36. Promotion of education, public awareness and training............................................................ 36.1-36.27
37. National mechanisms and international cooperation to promote capacity-building in developing countries.................................... 37.1-37.13
38. International institutional arrangements............................................................ 38.1-38.45
39. International Legal Instruments and Mechanisms
40. Decision making data............................................................ 40.1-40.30