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2015 World Robot Conference

Conference held at the National Convention Center in 2015
The 2015 World Robot Conference was organized by China Association for Science and Technology Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Beijing Municipal People's Government Jointly hosted, China Electronics Society International conference organized by Robot Industry Alliance and Youth Science and Technology Center of China Association for Science and Technology.
The conference was held at the National Convention Center (Beijing) from November 23 to 25, 2015. The theme is "synergy, integration and win-win, leading an intelligent society". It is divided into three parts: "2015 World Robot Forum", "2015 World Robot Expo" and "2015 World Youth Robot Invitational".
Chinese name
2015 World Robot Conference
Foreign name
World Robot Conference 2015
Abbreviation in foreign language
WRC 2015
Synergy, integration and win-win, leading the intelligent society
Beijing · National Convention Center
November 23, 2015 to November 25, 2015

Background to the Conference

National Convention Center
In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech on the development of the robot industry at the Academicians' Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, actively promote the innovation driven development strategy, and realize the leapfrog development of China's robot technology and industry, the report has been submitted to the State Council for approval, China Association for Science and Technology The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will jointly hold the 2015 World Robot Conference.
The conference will focus on the key fields of robot research and application in the world and the innovation and development of intelligent society, carry out high-level academic exchanges and display of the latest achievements, build an international collaborative innovation platform, organize Chinese experts and international peers to discuss the trend of robot development and innovation, clarify the development direction of robot industry, and explore the profound impact of robot revolution on future social development, It provides decision-making reference for China to formulate the development strategy of robot industry, promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, and enhance the international influence of China's robot industry.

organizational structure

The conference was chaired by Shang Yong, Executive Vice President, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group.
The Assembly has an organizing committee and an academic committee. The Organizing Committee and the Academic Committee have their respective secretariats.
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organizational structure

Component plate

The theme of the conference is "synergy, integration and win-win, leading an intelligent society". The conference is divided into three parts: "2015 World Robot Forum", "2015 World Robot Expo" and "2015 World Youth Robot Invitational".
2015 World Robot Conference
Time and place
primary coverage
2015 World Robot Forum
World Forum on Robot 2015,WFR2015
Time: November 23-24, 2015
Venue: Grand Ballroom of National Convention Center
The forum lasted for two days, and invited leaders of international organizations in the field of robotics, leaders of domestic competent ministries and commissions, well-known experts at home and abroad, and representatives of industry enterprises to attend. The conference will focus on the world robot technology innovation and industrial development, and carry out discussions in the form of keynote reports, sub forums, etc. Strive to build the forum into a high-end international academic and application platform in the field of robotics in China.
2015 World Robot Expo
World Robot Exhibition 2015,WRE 2015
Time: November 23-25, 2015
Venue: Exhibition Halls 1, 2 and 3 of the National Convention Center (22000 square meters)
The latest scientific research achievements, applied products and solutions in the field of robots in the world were intensively displayed. The world's famous scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises in the field of robotics were invited to exhibit in three functional areas, namely, industrial robots, service robots and special robots, in various attractive forms.
2015 World Youth Robot Invitational
World Adolescent Robot Contest 2015,WARC 2015
Time: November 22-23, 2015
Venue: Exhibition Hall 4 of National Convention Center (5500 square meters)
The invitational competition includes two events: WRO (World Robot Olympic Competition) regular season and VEX robot engineering challenge, as well as two exhibition events: FTC technology challenge and FRC robot competition. Excellent teams from all over the world, as well as from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, come to Beijing to compete with domestic players on the same stage, learn skills and exchange experience.

Conference size

With an exhibition area of more than 18500 square meters, the Expo has five exhibition areas, namely, the preface hall, the industrial robot exhibition area, the service robot exhibition area, the special robot exhibition area, and the future exhibition area. The Expo gathered more than 200 world-class experts and scholars, 12 international robot authorities, and held one main forum and 12 special forums. 209 enterprises, scientific research institutions and universities from the robot field at home and abroad jointly displayed the latest scientific and technological products, and held more than 300 negotiation activities. The Youth Robot Invitational attracted more than 700 students and coaches from 16 countries and regions, with 145 youth teams in total. The duration of the conference is 3 days, including about 60000 live viewers and online live viewers of the main forum of the conference, nearly 4000 participants in 12 special forums, more than 50000 visitors to the Expo, and about 1500 invitational contestants and spectators.

Some guests

1、 Zheng Nanning, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, presided over the first stage of the main forum: strategy and trend
Arturo Baroncelli, President of the International Federation of Robots (IFR)
Subject: Global robot research: robots conquering the world
Raja Charila, President of IEEE Society for Automation and Robotics
Subject: Robotics: Integration of Science and Engineering
Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher, Director of National Engineering Research Center for Robotics, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Wang Tianran
Subject: Robot helps China's intelligent manufacturing
Michiharu Nakamura, Chairman Consultant of Japan Science and Technology Promotion Agency (JST)
Subject: The present and future of robots
2、 2013-2014 Toshio Fukuda, chairman of IEEE Zone 10, presided over the second stage of the main forum: technology and innovation
Korean Academy of Advanced Science and Technology (KAIST) JUN Ho Oh, Director of Humanoid Robot Research Center
Subject: What we learned from the Darpa Robot Challenge
Paolo Dario, Director of Institute of Biorobotics, University of Santa Ana, Italy
Subject: Robot Challenge in the Next Decade
3、 Li Deyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, presided over the third stage of the main forum: industry and application
Deputy Director of National Robot Engineering Center Xinsong Robot Automation Co., Ltd President Qu Daokui
Subject: Opportunities and challenges - in-depth thinking on the development of China's robot industry
Daniel Warppling, Product Architecture Director of ABB Robotics Division
Subject: Industrial robots: past, present and future, challenges and opportunities
Michigan State University John D. Ryder, Distinguished Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Xi Ning, Chair Professor
Subject: Technology of transfinite robot: application and challenge
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There are 12 international robot organizations and 58 domestic scientific research institutions participating in the World Robot Conference. More than 100 experts and scholars from more than 10 countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan participated in the keynote report and thematic forum. More than 100 domestic and foreign enterprises participated in the Robot Expo to display leading robot products. 145 youth teams from 16 countries and regions participated in the two-day World Youth Robot Invitational

Outcome of the Conference

1. Signing the "Beijing Consensus on Robot Innovation Cooperation": On the evening of November 23, a total of 290 people, including 10 representatives of ministries and local governments, 12 representatives of international institutions and 21 international scientific research institutions, 56 world-class experts, 78 representatives of domestic institutions and 123 representatives of domestic and foreign first-class enterprises, signed the "Beijing Consensus on Robot Innovation Cooperation".
2. Two new books were released: A Brief History of Robots and China's Choice for the Robot Age. China Electronics Society Edited by Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Shang Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Executive Vice Chairman, and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology.
3. Officially launched the "Robot Science and Technology Achievements Transformation Platform": this platform gathers shared resources, builds a communication bridge, promotes the combination of industry, university and research, promotes the trade of science and technology resources and achievements, and accelerates the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity through technology trading and other service means, so as to achieve the efficient combination of science and technology and economy.
4. The first group standard was issued nationwide to fill the gap in the industry: during the conference, the first robot group standard in China, which was formulated by the Chinese Institute of Electronics in conjunction with the Artificial Intelligence Society, was officially released. The standard is composed of such standards as Technical Requirements and Acceptance Specification for Stacking Robot, Terminology for Wheel Robot, General Principles for Design of Wheel Robot Mobile Platform, and Online Automatic Calibration Specification for Electronic Belt Scale. The standards for stacking and wheel robot are the first in China, effectively filling the gap in the industry. This is the first group standard issued since the pilot reform of standards in China.
5. Signing the "Memorandum of Cooperation on Robot Innovation": China Electronics Society The "Memorandum of Cooperation on Robot Innovation" was signed with IEEE RAS, Japan Robotics Society, Italy Robotics and Automation Association, Italy Welding Society, Israel Robotics Society, and Korea Robotics Society, respectively, to jointly seek the coordinated innovation and development of global robot technology and industry.


Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the meeting, pointing out that the intelligent industry represented by robot technology is booming and has become an important symbol of modern scientific and technological innovation. China has included robots and intelligent manufacturing into the priority areas of national scientific and technological innovation.
Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of China, said in his instructions to the 2015 World Robotics Conference that China is implementing the innovation driven development strategy and vigorously promoting Mass entrepreneurship and innovation , Internet+and Made in China 2025, which will strongly promote the growth of emerging robot markets and create the world's largest robot market. [1]
The 2015 World Robotics Conference was held in the National Convention Center (Beijing) from November 23 to 25, and three domestic anti-terrorism robots attracted attention [2]