particular year
zero Useful+1
Nineteen Ninety five , the Gregorian calendar, 365 days in total, 53 weeks. The Year of the Pig, Leap August 384 days in total. The starting and ending time of the lunar calendar is from January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Nineteen Ninety-five
time frame
January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995
Gregorian calendar
Spring Festival
January 31st
Peacetime , 365 days in total
Chinese calendar
Yellow Emperor Chronicle The 4692nd year
Beginning and ending time of the lunar calendar
January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996
Beginning of Spring
February 4th
Trunk branch
Yi Hai
The first spring of the lunar calendar
Last year
Next year

Peculiar calendar

February 14th the lantern festival , which coincides with the Western Valentine's Day. The last time was in 1976, and the next time was in 2014.
The Dragon Boat Festival on June 2 is connected with Children's Day.
The Qixi Festival on August 2 is connected with the Army Day.
The Mid Autumn Festival on September 9 is connected with the Bailu Solar Term and Teachers' Day.
December 6th Xia Yuan Festival , connected with the snow solar term.

Chronicle of Events



January 1—— World Trade Organization Establishment.
World Trade Organization logo
January 1—— Austria Finland Sweden join European Union
January 1 -《 Labor Law of the People's Republic of China 》Formal implementation.
January 1 - China CCTV Sports Channel (CCTV-5) was officially launched.
January 7 - The CPC Central Committee issued a notice on the issuance of the Regulations on the Protection of the Rights of CPC Members (for Trial Implementation). This regulation is the first to protect Party members in the history of the Communist Party of China Democratic rights Special regulations.
January 10 - China National Meteorological Center Established in Beijing.
January 16 - China and Principality of Monaco establish diplomatic relations. Monaco Located in the southwest of Europe, the capital Monaco City
January 17 - A strong earthquake of magnitude 7.2 occurred in Kobe, an important industrial area in Japan.
January 21 - by Liu Zhenwei Directed, Stephen Chow Wulitou comedy starring《 The Moonlight Treasure Box of Fantastic Journey to the West 》(The Hong Kong version is entitled "Journey to the West, the 101st Moonlight Box"), which was released in Hong Kong [1-2]
Poster of "Farewell to the West: Moonlight Box"
January 19 - Cancelled upon approval of the State Council Lu Feng County, established Lufeng City , by Shanwei Municipal escrow. [3]
January 28 - by Tsui Hark Directed, Zhang Guorong Yuan Yongyi A comedy starring others《 Manchu and Han banquet 》(Hong Kong version title:《 gold and jade fill the hall -- abundant wealth or many children in the family 》)Shown in Mainland China and Hong Kong [4]
Full of Gold and Jade Poster
January 30 - The Taiwan Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and other units held a tea party for the Spring Festival. Jiang Zemin delivered a speech at the conference titled "Continue to strive to promote the completion of the great cause of the reunification of the motherland" Cross Strait Relations Several important issues on promoting the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland were raised on developing cross Straits relations and promoting the process of peaceful reunification of the motherland Eight propositions [5]


February 1 -《 Advertisement Law of the People's Republic of China 》Formal implementation.
February 4 - by Liu Zhenwei Directed, Stephen Chow Wulitou comedy starring《 Dahua's Journey to the West: The Great Sage Marries 》(Hong Kong version of the film is called "Journey to the West: The Ending of Fairy Shoes"), which was released in Hong Kong [1]
Poster of Dahua Westward Journey: The Great Sage Marries
February 12—— State Sports Commission appointment Lang Ping China volleyball head coach.
February 26 - UK Barings Bank Declare bankruptcy.
The Philippines, which has long coveted Nansha Islands and reefs, provoked the first Meiji Reef incident, and China recovered the Meiji Reef [43]


March 3 - Taiwan officially implemented national health insurance.
March 3—— United Nations peacekeeping force Ends at Somalia Peacekeeping mission.
March 14 - The first time that human beings Dinosaur egg fossil Obtained in dinosaur Of genetic material
March 20 - Japan Aum Shinrikyo Planning and implementation“ Tokyo subway sarin gas incident ”, resulting in 12 deaths and hundreds of injuries.
Photos of the scene of Tokyo subway sarin gas incident
March 28 - Approved by the State Council, Wuhan Cancel Wuchang County and establish Jiangxia District [6]


April 3 -《 News 30 points 》CCTV-1 was officially launched. CCTV-1 changed its name from "News · Comprehensive · Current Affairs Channel" to "News· Integrated channel ”。
News 30 points
April 6 - Cancelled with the approval of the State Council Jurong County, established jurong , by Zhenjiang City Escrow. [7]
April 14 - The Organization Department and Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a notice on learning from Kong Fansen.
April 19 - USA Oklahoma The explosion in the federal building killed 168 people.
April 27 - Chen Xitong resigns due to Wang Baosen's case.


May 1 - China begins to implement Weekend
May 6 - 10:55, China Arctic Scientific Expedition arrive North Pole Put the five-star red flag on the North Pole. The leader of the scientific research team is Wei Menghua [5]
May 6 - The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council made the Decision on Accelerating the Progress of Science and Technology, proposing to implement the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education [5]
May 8 - Famous female singer in Taiwan, China Teresa Teng Due to illness Thailand Chiang Mai He died at the age of 42.
The funeral scene of Teresa Teng
May 8 - Shanghai Cable TV station The fifth set (drama channel) was officially launched. [8]
May 9—— Russia Chinese President Jiang Zemin attended the military parade to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Patriotic War in Moscow Red Square big parade.
May 22—— Russia Sakhalin Island Sakhalin Island )A strong earthquake occurred in the north.
From May 22 to June 26 -- Jiang Zemin successively visited Shanghai Changchun The speech at the enterprise symposium held by the company requires firm confidence, clear tasks and active promotion Reform of state-owned enterprises He said, modern enterprise system Basic characteristics of“ Clear property rights Clear rights and responsibilities . Separation of government and enterprises management science ”These four sentences are interconnected and unified, and must be comprehended and implemented comprehensively and accurately.
May 26-30 - The CPC Central Committee and the State Council held the National Conference on Science and Technology [5]


June 8 - Adjustment approved by the State Council Jiangsu Province Administrative division: cancellation Wuxian County , set up Wuxian City; revoke Wujin County , set up Wujin City; revoke Wuxi County , set up Xishan City [7]
On June 27, Hamad became the Emir. [41]
June 29 - South Korea Seoul Seocho-gu Of Sanfeng Department Store Collapse accident occurred, causing 501 deaths and 937 injuries.


July—— China Central Television Film Channel ( CCTV-6 )Start the trial.
July 1 - CCTV-4 was named“ International Channel ”。
July 25th—— Paris subway bombing
July 25 - The police in Guangzhou, China successfully arrested more than 50 crimes, killed 18 people and injured more than 30 Zhang Zhicheng gang.


August 15—— Japanse unconditional surrender 50th anniversary, Prime Minister of Japan Tomiichi Murayama Make a statement [9]
August 24—— Windows 95 Officially released, Windows needs to rely on DOS Start the history of and publish the browser Internet Explorer
August 30 - With the approval of the State Council, Shengxian County was cancelled and established Shengzhou City , by Shaoxing Municipal escrow [10] (Officially on December 5 of the same year Remove the county into a city


September - The Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee decided to revoke Chen Xitong's membership of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee member of central committee And recommend that you legal proceedings And remove him from his post as a deputy to the National People's Congress.
September 3 - the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War. In the morning of the same day, representatives from all walks of life in the capital and party and state leaders Monument to the People's Heros Presentations Flower basket In the afternoon of the same day, the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War was held in the Great Hall of the People.
September 3 - Japan Janice Subordinate combination“ Optical GENJI SUPER5 "is dissolved.
September 4-15 - The Fourth World Conference on Women of the United Nations was held in Beijing. The Conference adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action [5]
September 11 - Approved by the State Council, the adjusted part administrative division : (I) Cancellation Cenxi County, changed to county level Cenxi City Wuzhou City Escrow; (2) Undo Xinyi County Xinyi City , by Maoming City Escrow [3] (On December 19 of the same year, the celebration of removing the county and establishing the city was held [11] )。
September 21 - Japanese famous female singer Hamasaki step Singles cooperated with "DOHZI-T&DJ BASS" before becoming famous《 NOTHING FROM NOTHING 》It was released, which marked the first step for Hamasaki to become a singer, and Hamasaki became the youngest hip-hop in Japan at that time Rapper [12-13]
September 25-28 - The Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held. The CPC Central Committee passed the Proposal on Formulating the Ninth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long term Goals for 2010, and proposed to implement it economic system From traditional planned economy Institutional orientation Socialist market economy Transformation Economic growth mode From extensive type to intensive mode Change these two fundamental changes with overall significance. [5]
September 27 - Jiang Zemin proposed at the Convener's Meeting of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee that leading cadres must stress politics.
September 28 - Jiang Zemin delivered a speech at the closing meeting of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, systematically elaborating on the correct handling of reform, development, stability, etc Socialist Modernization Drive 12 major relationships.
September 30 - at Florida Of Cape Canaveral Emitting“ Pioneer 11 ”In February 1985, the power provided by the battery began to decline, so it began to need to share power with other instruments. Ultimately, based on radio isotope The energy provided by the thermoelectric generator is not enough for the operation of the detector and Telemetry data Stop launching to the earth.


October 1 - China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region At the 40th Anniversary Celebration Conference Urumqi Held.
October 4 - by Uno Xiuming Directed animation《 Neon Genesis Evangelion 》Broadcast in Japan.
New Century Gospel Warrior poster
October 10—— Korean Labor Party The 50th Anniversary Parade and Mass Parade Pyongyang Kim Il-sung Square Held.
October 13 - Cancellation upon approval of the State Council Fuding County, established fuding [14] (Officially granted on December 27 of the same year)
From October 13 to December 22 - by famous Japanese playwrights Shinji Nojima Played by Ishida Icheng Fragrance takes care of me Yuko Sakurai Anti Machiavellian History Gaamon Kai Masaki Kitahara Hamasaki step A TV play starring others《 under age 》In Japan TBS TV Station Premiere [15]
Poster of TV series Minors
October 22 -- Approved by the State Council, Xiangfan City revoke Xiangcheng District , Fanxi District, Fandong District and suburban areas Xiangcheng District and Fancheng District [6]
October 24 - Jiang Zemin attended the special commemorative meeting for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and delivered a speech entitled "Let's Together Create a Better World". This is the first time that a head of state of our country has participated United Nations General Assembly And make a speech.
October 24th—— Iran Afghanistan Pakistan India The People's Republic of Bangladesh Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Vietnam? Malaysia , China Nansha Islands the Philippines Indonesia Appear in some areas Total solar eclipse eurasia And some surrounding areas partial solar eclipse Among them, China has only South China Sea Total solar eclipse can be seen in some islands and reefs, and partial solar eclipse can be seen in other areas. China sent an observation team to Xisha Islands And Thailand Nakhon Ratchasima Siqiu County. [16] India has also done a lot of observation and science popularization work, All India TV Station and All India Radio They all report on the spot; Coincidentally, the total solar eclipse was just in time Diwali Festival period. [17]
October 27 - Adjustment approved by the State Council Fujian Province Fuzhou City Administrative division: original Fuzhou The city suburb was renamed Jin'an District , while adjusting and expanding Gulou District Taijiang District Cangshan District and Cauda equina The administrative region of. [14] (Formally implemented on January 1, 1996 [18]


November 4—— Israel prime minister Rabin stay Tel Aviv A peace rally was shot dead by Israeli extreme right-wing elements.
November 5 - Cancellation upon approval of the State Council Fuling District , set up prefecture level Fuling City , established in the former county Fuling City Zhicheng District and Lidu District Nanchuan City Escrow by Fuling City [19] (officially implemented in January 1996)
November 7—— Shandong Province More than 40 counties (cities) were hit by the storm, 35 people were killed, 121 people were missing, 320 people were injured, Direct economic loss More than 1 billion yuan.
November 8 - Jiang Zemin once again pointed out that in the education of cadres, we should emphasize learning, politics Be upright
November 10 - China General Administration of Anti Corruption Formally established.
November 13—— Saudi Arabia capital Riyadh happen Explosion
November 13-17 President of South Korea Jin Yongsan President Jiang Zemin is invited to pay a state visit to South Korea. This is China and South Korea Establish Diplomatic Relations Since then, the Chinese head of state has visited South Korea for the first time.
November 16 - China Beijing Kowloon Railway Full line paving [20] Beijing Kowloon Railway starts from Beijing in the north and ends at Shenzhen in the south Kowloon, Hong Kong , passing through 98 cities (counties) in 9 provinces (cities), with a total length of 2536km [5] (On September 1, 1996, the Beijing Kowloon Railway was put into operation.)
Map of Beijing Kowloon Railway
November 21 - Cancellation upon approval of the State Council Lingling District , set up Yongzhou City [21] Newly established Lengshuitan District and Zhishan District
November 21 -《 Dayton Agreement 》Signature.
November 29 - the 10th Panchen Lama Reincarnated child through Golden Urn It was confirmed that the State Council specially authorized Genzan Nobu to succeed Erdeni, the 11th Panchen Lama [5]
November 30—— China Central Television Children · Military · Agriculture · Science and Technology Channel (CCTV-7) was officially launched.


December 1 - Japanese famous female singer Hamasaki step Cooperated with "DOHZI-T&DJ BASS" before becoming famous Mini Album NOTHING FROM NOTHING 》Issuance [12]
December 5-7 - The CPC Central Committee and the State Council held the Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing. The meeting stressed that the economic system and Transformation of economic growth mode The key link of. The central government decided to raise the grain purchase price, which is an important measure to develop grain production. We should rectify and strengthen financial discipline , Strike economic crime Behavior is an important task. Zhu Rongji announced that in 1996 Foreign related tax system The first is to significantly reduce Tariff rate , and cancel the import at the same time Tax relief Preferential policies; Second, further lowering Tax rebate rate of export goods Third, yes improvement trade Imported materials Deposit account supervisory system [22]
On December 12, the 50th session of the General Assembly adopted a resolution recognizing Turkmenistan as a permanently neutral country. [42]
December 16 - by Ryosuke Hashiguchi Directed, Yoshitaka Okada Kouta Kusano Hamasaki step A drama starring others《 Quicksand fantasy love 》It is shown in Japan.
Poster of the movie Liusha Fantasy Love
December 23 - Cancelled upon approval of the State Council Huanggang District, set up prefecture level Huanggang City, abolished Huangzhou City, and newly established Huangzhou District and Tuanfeng County Macheng and Wuxue It is managed by Huanggang City. [6] (On May 18, 1996, Huanggang officially withdrew from its land to build a city [23]
December 24 - Sichuan Province was adjusted with the approval of the State Council Luzhou City Administrative division: Naxi County was cancelled and established Naxi District , Shizhong District was renamed Jiangyang District , newly established Longmatan District , for Jiangyang District Naxi District Luxian County The administrative region of [19]
December 28—— Shantou bay bridge Open to traffic.
Shantou bay bridge
December 28 -《 Liuzhou Evening News 》First issue.

traditional festival

Laba Festival (8th day of the twelfth lunar month): Sunday, January 8, 1995
night before lunar New Year's Eve (23rd lunar month): January 23, 1995 (Monday)
Xiaonian (lunar calendar the 24th of the twelfth lunar month ): January 24, 1995 (Tuesday)
New Year's Eve (Lunar New Year's Eve): January 30, 1995 (Monday)
Spring Festival (the first day of the first lunar month): January 31, 1995 (Tuesday)
the lantern festival (The 15th day of the first lunar month): February 14, 1995 (Tuesday)
Spring Dragon Festival (The second day of the second lunar month): March 2, 1995 (Thursday)
Qingming Festival( March in the lunar calendar Day 6): April 5, 1995 (Wednesday)
Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth lunar month): June 2, 1995 (Friday)
Qixi Festival (lunar calendar July 7th ): August 2, 1995 (Wednesday)
Mid Yuan Festival (lunar calendar July 15 ): August 10, 1995 (Thursday)
Mid Autumn Festival( August in the lunar calendar 15) : September 9, 1995 (Saturday)
Double Ninth Festival (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month): November 1, 1995 (Wednesday)
Hanyi Festival (Lunar New Year's Day): November 22, 1995 (Wednesday)
Xia Yuan Festival October in the lunar calendar 15) : December 6, 1995 (Wednesday)

Born person



January 1—— Huang Sihan , Chinese actress.
January 1—— Zhang Xiaoyu , Chinese female singer.
January 2—— Li Meng , Chinese women basketball player.
January 2—— Yang Liwei , Chinese women basketball player.
January 3—— Chen Youwen , Chinese actress.
January 3—— Yang Yuteng , Japanese Chinese Japanese mixed blood actor and singer.
January 3—— Jin Xuexuan , Korean female artist, AOA One of the members.
Jin Zhixiu
January 3—— Jin Zhixiu , Korean female artist, BLACKPINK One of the members.
January 3—— Rondie Hollis Jefferson , Jordanian basketball player.
January 4—— Mattie Hasson , American actress.
January 5—— Wu Xiongcheng , Chinese male artist, D7 Youth League One of the members.
January 5—— Ploixiangp Supasha , Thai female artist, SIZZY One of the members.
January 6—— Jiang Yuxing , Chinese basketball player, currently working for CBA Jilin Northeast Tiger Club
January 7—— Wei Tianhao , Chinese actor.
January 7—— Wu Zhenshuo , Korean male artist, Unit Black One of the members.
January 7—— Jordan Bell , American basketball player.
January 7—— Sato Ayanami , Japanese female voice actress.
January 8—— Deng Hanwen , Chinese football player.
January 8—— Chen Shengjun , Korean professional player of the League of Heroes.
January 9—— Li Hao , Chinese actor.
January 9—— Nicola Peltz , American actress.
January 10th—— Lin Shijie , Chinese actor.
January 10th—— Zhu Yuling , Chinese women table tennis player.
January 10th—— Kentai Takada , Japanese Korean male artist, JBJ One of the members.
January 11—— rta , Chinese male singer, actor and host.
January 11—— Han Delong , Chinese basketball player.
January 12—— Zhao Dongze , Chinese actor.
January 12—— Mario , the late King of Gambling in Macao Stanley Ho And Sitai Liang Anqi Our third son, model Xi Mengyao 's husband.
January 13—— Deng Yuli , Chinese actress.
January 13—— Li Shengjun , Korean male artist, ONF One of the members.
January 15—— Guan Hong , Taiwan actor.
January 16—— Nanye Topography , Japanese football player.
January 17—— Wang Chunyu , Chinese women track and field athletes.
January 18th—— Feng Boyuan , Chinese football player.
January 19—— Li Junyao , Chinese actress.
January 20—— Xu Lexiao , Chinese actor.
January 20—— Huang Dongping , Chinese women badminton player, Olympic champion.
January 20—— Jose Jimenez Uruguayan football player.
January 20—— Kalum Chambers , an English football player.
January 20—— Jin Zhaoxi , Korean female artist, nature One of the members.
January 22—— Ginger rhizome , Chinese actress.
January 22—— Dong Youlin , male singer and actor from Taiwan, China.
January 22—— Shen Huizhen , Korean female singer.
January 23—— Xiao Yuliang , Chinese actor and singer.
January 23—— Wang Shuang , Chinese women football player.
January 23—— Shen Zaiying , Korean male artist, ONF One of the members.
January 23—— Yooyoung , Korean female artist, Hello Venus One of the members.
January 24th—— Karan McOlliffe , Australian actor.
January 25th—— Xie Chunhua , Chinese female folk singer.
January 25th—— Wang Xinkai , Chinese basketball player, currently working in CBA Guangdong Dongguan Dayi Team
January 25th—— Big rattan tree , Japanese male artist, EXILE FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE One of the members.
Wu Xuanyi
January 26—— Wu Xuanyi , Chinese female artist, Cosmic Girl Rocket Girl 101 One of the members.
January 30—— Danielle Campbell , American actress.
January 30—— Victoria Aleksandlovna Komova , Russian female gymnast.
January 30—— Jack Laver , British male diver, Olympic champion.
January 30—— Marcos Llorent , a Spanish football player.
January 30—— Misaki Iwasa , Japanese female artist, Galleries 7 One of the members.
January 31—— Hu Yixuan , Chinese actress.


February 3—— Tuwu Taifeng , Japanese actress and model.
February 3—— Wang Zining , Chinese male artist, C.T.O One of the members,
Xu Shiyin
February 3—— Xu Shiyin , Chinese female artist, S.I.N.G One of the members.
February 5—— Huang Shengchi , Chinese actor and host.
February 5—— Yin Chengxin , Chinese synchronized swimmer.
February 5—— Adnan Januzai , Belgian football player.
February 5—— Seven Ha (Wang Chen), Chinese male artist, Bear Cat Hall One of the members.
February 6—— Xu Yingzhi , Chinese actress.
February 6—— Wen Zhongye , Korean male artist, B.A.P One of the members.
February 7—— Cao Yuan , Chinese male diver, Olympic champion.
February 8—— Zhang Youhao , Chinese actor.
February 8—— Yao Jinnan , Chinese female gymnast.
February 8—— Joshua Kimihi , German football player.
February 8—— Song Yinheng , Korean male artist, iKON One of the members.
February 8—— Gabriel Decker , Argentine basketball player, currently playing for NBA oklahoma city thunder
February 9—— Wang Rui , Chinese female curler.
February 9—— Xu Yinghao , American Korean male artist, NCT One of the members.
February 10—— Naixu , Japanese actress.
February 10—— Haruna Kawaguchi , Japanese actress, model and host.
February 10—— Sterling Brown , the younger brother of Shannon Brown, an American basketball player and former NBA player.
February 10—— Bobby Portis , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Milwaukee Bucks
February 12—— Zeng Shiyu , Taiwan female artist, AKB48 Team TP One of the members.
February 12—— Rina Kawaei , Japanese female artist, former AKB48 One of the members.
February 15—— Guo Yunqi , Chinese actor.
February 15—— High min indication , Korean actress.
Qin Yu
February 15—— Qin Yu , Chinese female artist, S.I.N.G One of the members.
February 16—— Li Yi , Chinese actress.
February 16—— Mayu Matsuoka , Japanese actress.
February 17—— Cao Feiran , Chinese actress.
February 17—— Wang Lujiao , Chinese female artist, IDOLS FT One of the members.
February 19—— Nikolai Jokic , Serbian basketball player, currently playing in NBA Denver Nuggets
February 19—— Zhao Yaoke , Chinese female artist, KOGIRLS One of the members.
February 20—— Li Xinzhe , Chinese actor.
February 20—— Jin Zhixun , Korean male artist, KNK One of the members.
February 21—— Li Taihuan , Korean male artist, 5urprise One of the members.
February 22—— Devont Graham , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA San Antonio Spurs
February 23—— Ma Jiaming , Chinese actor.
February 23—— Andrew Wiggins , Canadian basketball player, currently playing in NBA Golden State Warriors NBA 2014 Top Scholar Show
February 24th—— Wei Jiamei , Chinese female singer and actor.
February 25th—— Nongira Ratka Zhunnagun , Thai actress.
February 25th—— Li Meilin , Korean female artist, TINT One of the members.
February 26—— Mario Hizzonia , Croatian basketball player.
February 27—— Sergey Milinkovich Savage , a football player with dual nationality of Saixi.
February 27—— Ricky , Korean male artist, TEEN TOP One of the members.
February 28—— Fan Linfeng , Chinese actor and model.
Huang Cancan
February 28—— Huang Cancan , Chinese actress.
February 28—— Li Sihan , Korean actress.
February 28—— Liu Huisheng , Korean male artist, N.Flying One of the members.
February 28—— Li Minhao , Korean professional player of the League of Heroes.


March 2—— Zhang Shulun , Chinese actor.
March 2—— Ayouyou , Chinese female singer.
March 3—— Zhang Yuenan , Chinese actress.
March 5—— Xu Kai , Chinese actor and model.
March 5—— Zhizunchun , Japanese male artist, D-BOYS One of the members.
March 6—— Josh Hart , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA New York Knicks
March 7—— Sexy Zone , Japanese male artist, Sexy Zone One of the members.
March 7—— Zheng Yanyong , Korean professional player of the League of Heroes.
March 8—— Luca Brecel , Belgian snooker player.
March 8—— Natsuki Kojima , Japanese female artist, former AKB48 One of the members.
March 9—— Gong Rui , Chinese actor.
March 9—— Wang Chengyang , Chinese actor.
March 9—— Guijingjing , Chinese Hui actress.
March 10—— Shen Jianing , Chinese actress.
March 10—— Du Fanxin , Chinese actress and model.
March 10—— Shao Yiwen , Chinese female swimmer.
March 10—— Zach Raven , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Chicago Bulls
March 13—— Zela Dai , American female singer.
March 13—— Aoyuan Hope , Japanese women badminton player.
March 14—— Wang Luqing , Chinese actress.
March 14—— Park Zhibin , Korean actor.
March 15—— Yu Weixue , Chinese female singer.
March 15—— Jabari Parker , American basketball player.
Li Muyun
March 15—— Li Muyun , Chinese female artist, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one One of the members.
March 15—— Toyota Cute Painting , Japanese female vocalist and singer.
March 16—— Xu Xiaohan , Chinese actress and singer.
Mao Weijia
March 16—— Mao Weijia , Chinese female artist, AKB48 Team SH One of the members.
March 18th—— Silzati , Chinese Uighur actor.
March 18th—— Lai Yumeng , Chinese actress.
March 18th—— Hynes , Chinese male model.
March 18th—— Xie Zhihui , a female model in Hong Kong, China.
March 18th—— Janita Fenpadanji , Thai actress.
March 18th—— Shangxihui , Japanese female artist, former NMB48 One of the members.
March 19—— Lin Gaoyuan , Chinese men's table tennis player.
March 19—— Ector Bellerin , a Spanish football player.
March 20—— Xu Xinwen , Chinese female singer.
March 20—— Yin Cong , Chinese male artist, ZERO-G One of the members.
March 20—— kei , Korean female artist, lovelyz One of the members.
March 22—— Jiang Long , Chinese actor.
March 24—— Chen Luoli (Chen Wentao), Chinese male singer.
March 24—— Yamada Marina , Japanese female artist, former HKT48 One of the members.
March 26—— Chen Hao , Chinese actor.
March 29—— Kay Feld , American basketball player, currently playing in CBA Shanxi SDIC Professional Basketball Club


April 3—— Adrian Rabio , French football player.
April 4—— Changping , Chinese professional player of the League of Heroes.
April 5—— Sun Meinan , Chinese actress.
April 5—— Qidaohun , Korean actor and model.
April 6—— Zhai Yishu , Chinese actress.
April 6—— Wang Jiameng , Chinese male artist, ZOOM Super Power Group One of the members.
April 6—— morimoto ryutaro , Japanese male artist, former Hey! Say! JUMP One of the members.
April 8—— Wang Yuwei , Chinese actor.
April 8—— Zhang You , Chinese actress and model.
April 8—— Wei Shihao , Chinese football player.
April 8—— Baishi Qingxiang , Japanese female voice actress.
April 9—— Daiyu Pill , Chinese female artist, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one One of the members.
April 10—— Yu Dehao , Chinese basketball player, currently working in CBA Xinjiang Guanghui Flying Tiger Club
April 11—— Li Zhixuan , Korean actor.
April 14—— Chen Shun , Chinese male artist, Black ACE One of the members.
April 15—— apink , Korean female artist, A Pink One of the members.
Zhao Shunran
April 16—— Zhao Shunran , Chinese actor.
April 16—— Sun Lulu , Chinese actress and singer.
April 16—— Yang Yunhan , Chinese female artist, CKG48 One of the members.
April 16—— Ginger sublimation , Korean male artist, VICTON One of the members.
April 17—— Ding Huiren , Korean female artist, MAMAMOO One of the members.
April 17—— An Xiaoxie , Canadian Korean actor and singer.
April 21—— Wang Xuan , Chinese actress.
April 23—— Wang Yisu , Chinese actress.
April 23—— Jiji Hadid , American actress and model.
April 24—— Chen Shiya , Taiwan female artist, AKB48 One of the members.
April 24—— Zhao Yingmin , Korean male artist, BOYFRIEND One of the members.
April 24—— Zhao Guangmin , Korean male artist, BOYFRIEND One of the members.
April 26—— Liu Meilin , Chinese female singer.
April 28—— Xue Huiwei , Chinese actress.
April 28—— Ye Sichun , Chinese female singer.
April 29—— Yan Jiaojun , Chinese female singer.
April 29—— Supasha Tanachai , Thai actress.
April 29—— Zhao Yue , Chinese female artist, SNH48 7SENSES Hard Candy Girl 303 One of the members.


May 1—— Jin Meixian , Korean female artist, Oh My Girl One of the members.
May 2—— Zhang Haoyue , Chinese actress and model.
May 2—— Wang Xindi , Chinese men's freestyle skiing aerial acrobat.
May 2—— Lu Xingcai , Korean male artist, BTOB One of the members.
May 3—— Cai Xiangyu , Chinese actress.
May 3—— Niu Dongwen , Chinese actor.
May 3—— Hong Bingyao , Chinese actress.
May 4—— Guo Xiaowei , Chinese actress.
Zhang Mingen
May 6—— Zhang Mingen , Chinese actor.
Li Zixuan
May 7—— Li Zixuan , Chinese female singer.
May 7—— Qian Beiting , Chinese female singer.
May 8—— Zhao Haohong , Chinese actor.
May 8—— Guan Sihui , Chinese actress.
May 8—— Zhu Xingdong , Chinese male singer.
May 8—— Park Zhenghua , Korean female artist, EXID One of the members.
May 8—— Xiaozhi Li Yizhun ), Chinese male artist, Fruit Planet Orchestra Bassist
May 10th—— Wu Nianxuan , Taiwan actor and host.
May 10th—— Li Junhui , Chinese male badminton player.
May 10th—— Missy Franklin , American female swimmer, Olympic champion.
May 12—— Nie Wenyuan , Chinese actor.
May 12—— Chinese and Western Zhidaili , Japanese female artist, AKB48 One of the members.
May 14—— Musen (Feng Hetian), Chinese male singer and dancer.
May 18—— Chen Yuanyuan , Chinese actress.
May 18—— cady , Chinese actress.
May 18—— Zheng Shuhuan , Chinese actress.
May 18—— Xie Jing , Chinese actor.
May 19—— Bai Yufan , Chinese actor.
May 19—— Yan Hairen , Korean female artist, LABOUM One of the members.
Qi Yandi
May 20—— Qi Yandi , Chinese actress and singer.
May 20—— Huang Xiaowan , Chinese actress and model.
Jiang Dunhao
May 21—— Jiang Dunhao , Chinese male singer.
May 21—— Meng Yansen , Chinese actor.
May 22—— Liu Zhijia , Chinese female singer.
May 23—— achievements , Chinese actress.
May 23—— Xie Xinbei , Chinese actress.
May 23—— Metallographic homogeneity , Korean male artist, JBJ Topp Dogg One of the members.
May 25—— Wang Yimiao , Chinese actress.
May 25—— Flash Blue Bridge , Chinese actor and singer.
May 26—— Zheng Ganzhu , Korean actor.
May 27—— Shengu Jiantai , Japanese male artist, THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE MA55IVE THE RAMPAGE One of the members.
May 28—— Zhang Song , Chinese actor.
May 28—— Zheng Duo rate , Korean female artist, BVNDIT One of the members.
May 31—— Wang Chaoyang , Chinese male artist, ZOOM Super Power Group One of the members.


June—— Hao Yun , Chinese male swimmer.
June 1—— Gao Zhiting , Chinese actor.
June 1—— Maeda Ami , Japanese female artist, AKB48 One of the members.
June 4—— Yujing Poetry Weaving , Japanese female artist, Momoiro Clover One of the members.
June 5—— Troye Sivan , Australian male singer and actor.
June 7—— Yi Jiaai , Chinese female singer.
June 7—— Li Jing , Chinese female artist, SNH48 Team X One of the members.
June 7—— Li Zhuen , Korean female artist, DIA One of the members.
June 7—— Natori Wakana , Japanese female artist, AKB48 One of the members.
June 8—— Jin Zhongxuan , Korean male artist, NU'EST One of the members.
June 8—— Sato Kumei , Japanese female artist, E-girls Flower One of the members.
June 8—— Han Anxu , Chinese Ewenki male singer.
June 8—— Wang Yitai , Chinese male rapper.
June 8—— Saho Akari , Japanese female artist, UFZS One of the members.
June 10—— Xu Yixuan , Chinese actress.
Sun Qiaolu
June 12—— Sun Qiaolu , Chinese actress. (died on January 1, 2021)
June 12—— Chen Nanxi , Chinese female artist, GNZ48 One of the members.
June 13—— Zhao Lingbin , Chinese actress and director.
June 13—— Gold filigree , Japanese female artist, SKE48 One of the members.
June 13—— Komori Falcon , Japanese Korean male artist, GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE One of the members.
June 14—— Wang Yifei , Chinese actress.
June 14—— Songpuya , Japanese actress.
Left navigation
June 14—— Left navigation , Chinese mainland film actress.
June 15—— Tanaka tree , Japanese male artist, SixTONES One of the members.
June 16—— Qixixian , Korean female artist, DIA Captain.
June 17—— Liu Yuhan , Chinese actor.
June 17—— A YueYue , Chinese female singer.
June 17—— Zhang Zhaoyi , Chinese actress.
June 17—— Clement Langley , French football player.
June 18—— matsumura hokuto , Japanese male artist, SixTONES One of the members.
June 21—— Jin Luying , Chinese actress.
June 21—— Horse Farm Fumeijia , Japanese actress and model.
June 22—— Tan Quan , Chinese actor.
June 22—— Zhou Xingzhe , male singer and songwriter from Taiwan, China.
June 23—— Seven, five, three hanging dragons , Japanese male artist, Travis Japan One of the members.
June 24—— Sun Xiaolun , Chinese actress.
June 26—— Asha , Chinese female singer.
June 27—— Cui Yunzhen , Korean female artist, TINT One of the members.
June 29—— Cui Li , Korean actress.
Fu Jing
June 29—— Fu Jing , Chinese female artist, TRAINEE18 Rocket Girl 101 One of the members.
June 30—— Zhou Ziyan , Chinese female singer.


Li Xueqin
July 1—— Li Xueqin , Chinese actress.
Li Tairong
July 1—— Li Tairong , Korean male artist, NCT One of the members.
July 2—— Rong Zixi , Chinese actress.
July 2—— Wild silk , Japanese actress and model.
July 3—— John Yang , Chinese American male artist, BEAUZ One of the members.
July 4—— Poz Malone , American male singer, songwriter.
July 4—— High Vine , Chinese actress.
July 5—— Pan Zhenqi , Chinese women basketball player.
July 5—— Pusala Venkata Sindu , Indian female badminton player.
July 5—— Han Xiangchu , Korean male artist, VIXX One of the members.
July 6—— Han Muyi , Chinese actress.
July 6—— Li Dongyin , Chinese women canoeists.
July 9—— Joki Henley , British actress.
July 9—— Sandro Ramirez , a Spanish football player.
July 10—— Wang Jingwen , Chinese actress.
July 10—— Nopanu Gantachai , Thai actor.
July 11—— Zeng Aijia , Chinese female artist, GNZ48 One of the members.
July 11—— Ai Chen , Chinese male singer.
July 12—— Luke Shaw , English football player.
July 13—— Liao Qiuyun , Chinese female weightlifter.
July 13—— Dent Eksam , Australian basketball player, currently playing in NBA Dallas Rangers
July 14—— Liu Jiaying , Chinese female artist, ATF One of the members.
July 14—— Serge Gnabri , German football player.
July 16—— Checkerboard (Chen Wenjun), Chinese female singer.
July 17—— Ren Hao , Chinese male artist, ZERO-G R1SE One of the members.
July 17—— Yuan Ruixi , Chinese female artist, AKB48 Team SH One of the members.
July 18—— Sui Wenjing , Chinese figure skating female double skater, Olympic champion.
July 18—— Takahata Jiexi , Japanese female artist, SKE48 One of the members.
Zhang Yazhuo
July 19—— Zhang Yazhuo , Chinese actress.
Ding Yuxi
July 20—— Ding Yuxi , Chinese actor.
July 21—— Xu Zhenzhen , Chinese actress.
July 21—— Jiang Donghao , Korean male artist, NU'EST One of the members.
July 22—— Zhou Yitong , Chinese actress.
July 23—— Liu Zhehui , Chinese actor.
July 23—— Anhuizhen , Korean female artist, MAMAMOO One of the members.
July 23—— Marsin Jankowski , Polish professional player of the League of Heroes.
July 24—— Kyle Kuzma , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Washington Wizards
July 24—— Li Dayuan , Korean male artist, SF9 One of the members.
July 25th—— Liu Yuchen , Chinese male badminton player.
July 27—— Lu Dinghao , Chinese male singer.
July 28—— Yang and Su , Chinese male rapper.
July 29—— Jin Xiaodi , Chinese actress.
Sun Rui
July 29—— Sun Rui , Chinese female singer and actor.
July 30—— Xu Kainian , Chinese actress.
July 31—— Long Mengrou , Chinese Tujia actress and singer.
July 31—— boyfriend , Korean male artist, BOYFRIEND One of the members.
July 31—— Cui Shengyun , Korean male artist, Golden Child One of the members.


August—— Li Zhuoyu , Chinese American male piano player.
August 1—— Ge Jiahui , Chinese female singer.
August 1—— Liu Jie , Chinese female artist, SNH48 One of the members.
August 2—— Sun Dandan , Chinese actress.
August 2—— Cristapus Bozingis , Latvian basketball player, currently playing in NBA Boston Celtics
August 2—— Jin Chenyu , Korean male artist, UP10TION One of the members.
August 3—— Liu Xun , Chinese actor.
August 3—— Chen Shihua , member of the Chinese women's gymnastics team.
August 3—— Kendrick Nunn , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Washington Wizards
August 4—— Indipa Tani , Thai actor.
August 4—— Li Dongxian , Korean male artist, one of the members of VERIVERY.
August 6—— Huang Youqi , Chinese actor.
August 8—— Zhao Zhonghao , Chinese male shooter.
Cui Shengzhe
August 8—— Cui Shengzhe , Korean male artist, Seventeen Captain.
August 9—— Chen Ke , Chinese female artist, GNZ48 One of the members.
August 9—— Huang Weixuan , Korean male artist, NU'EST WANNA ONE One of the members.
August 10—— Wang Xudong , Chinese actor.
August 10—— Kangning , Chinese Manchu actress.
August 10—— Jize Leisure , Japanese male artist, Travis Japan One of the members.
August 11—— Tang Xingqiang , Chinese male sprinter.
August 12—— Sun Wei , Chinese male gymnast.
August 13—— Chen Siqi , Chinese male artist, COSMOS One of the members.
August 13—— Fan Wei , Chinese female artist, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one One of the members.
August 14—— Bijia Cool Tree , Japanese male artist, DEEP SQUAD One of the members.
August 15—— Kokura Wei , Japanese actress, singer and voice actor.
August 15—— Zhao Shuai , Chinese men's taekwondo athlete, Olympic champion.
August 16—— Xu Fangzhou , Chinese male artist, CORE ONE One of the members.
August 16—— Jiang Zhen , Chinese female artist, IdolSchool One of the members.
August 16—— And that mountain , Japanese male artist, THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE One of the members.
August 17—— Liu Junlin , Chinese male artist, RTA Youth Group One of the members.
August 18th—— Pasekon Bussanawadi Thai actress, singer and model.
Xu Jiayu
August 19—— Xu Jiayu , Chinese male swimmer.
Duan Yixuan
August 19—— Duan Yixuan , Chinese female artist, SNH48 One of the members.
August 19—— Jin Zhiyan , Korean female artist, Cosmic Girl One of the members.
August 20—— He Zeyuan , Chinese actor.
August 21—— High quasi wing , Chinese Korean soccer player.
August 21—— Zhang Xiaoying , Chinese female artist, SNH48 One of the members.
August 22—— Yu Ziyang , Chinese actress.
August 22—— Dua Lipa , Albanian British female singer, songwriter, model.
August 22—— Huang Wenpan , Chinese male disabled swimmer, Olympic champion. (March 15, 2018 traffic accident Died)
August 22—— Lian Sijia , Chinese female artists developed in South Korea, FANATICS Captain.
August 23—— Camoran Nori , British tennis player.
August 24—— Zhang Xincheng , Chinese actor and singer.
Li Jiaqi
August 24 - Lamu Yoko( Li Jiaqi ), Chinese actress.
August 24—— Lin Yanjun , Chinese male artist, NINE PERCENT One of the members.
August 24—— Noah Vonley , American basketball player, currently playing in CBA Shanghai Jiushi Shark Club
August 25—— Liu Zhaohong , Chinese actor.
Zhao Jiwei
August 25—— Zhao Jiwei , Chinese basketball player, currently working in CBA Liaoning Shenyang Sansheng Flying Leopard Basketball Club
August 25—— Yongshengyou , Korean male artist, WANNA ONE One of the members.
August 25—— Yin Duyun , Korean male artist, DAY6 Drummer.
August 26—— Zhu Ran , Chinese actor.
August 26—— Wu Zhehan , Chinese female singer and actor.
August 27—— Feng Xiaotong , Chinese actor.
August 27—— Lin Chaopan , Chinese male gymnast.
August 27—— Xu Jiaqi , Chinese female artist, 7SENSES THE9 One of the members.
August 28—— Tan salt , Chinese actress and singer.
August 28—— Zhao Ye , Chinese female artist, SNH48 Team SII One of the members.
August 28—— Yosemite Sasaki , Japanese female artist, AKB48 One of the members.
August 30—— Samantha Melanie Koz , Thai British actress.
August 30—— Chen Dequan , Chinese men's short track speed skater.
August 31—— Yamamoto Yayi , Japanese female artist, AKB48 One of the members.


September 1—— Yu Yijie , Chinese male artist, Mr Assassin One of the members.
September 1—— Munir Al Hadadi , Moroccan football player.
September 2—— Wang Haoxuan , Chinese actor.
September 2—— Zhang Yu , Chinese female singer.
September 2—— Jin Yingzhu , Korean male artist, ONEUS One of the members.
September 3—— Wen Jie , Chinese actress.
September 3—— Tang Jiaqi , Chinese actress and host.
September 3—— Wang Changsing , Chinese female singer and actor.
September 4—— Zhou Sihan , Chinese female singer.
September 4—— Helen (Cui Zhitong), Chinese male singer.
September 5—— Liu Qianyu , Chinese actress.
September 5—— Forest seed , Chinese actress and model.
September 5—— Jiao Manting , Taiwan actress, singer, actor Jiao Enjun 's daughter.
September 6—— Chen Zeyu , Chinese female artist, MERA One of the members.
September 6—— Yin Ru , Chinese female artist, IdolSchool One of the members.
September 6—— Yoshida Ayanaki Christie , Japanese female artist, Nogizaka46 One of the members.
September 10—— Jack Greelish , an English football player.
September 11—— Liang Baoling , Chinese actress.
September 11—— Geng Wenqiang , Chinese steel frame snowmobile athletes.
September 14—— Han Feier , Chinese actress.
September 15—— Chen Ziyou , Chinese Miao male actor and model.
September 15—— Yang Yunyu , Chinese female singer and actor.
September 16—— Yang Fuyu , Chinese actress.
September 16—— Zhu Zanjin , Chinese actor.
September 16—— Aaron Gordon , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Denver Nuggets
September 17—— Nan Zhixuan , Korean actress.
September 17—— Liu Yi , Korean female artist, Oh My Girl One of the members.
September 18th—— Sugino Yaoliang , Japanese actor and model.
September 20—— Zhao Ruyan , Chinese actress.
September 20—— SAYAKA , Japanese female artist, Happiness E-girls One of the members.
September 21—— Shao Yahan , Chinese female artist, former ATF One of the members.
Lin Nalian
September 22—— Lin Nalian , Korean female artist, TWICE One of the members.
September 22—— Dakari Johnson , American basketball player.
September 23—— Lin Xiaozhai , Chinese female singer, model, businessman.
September 24—— Zhu Zhiling , Chinese actor.
September 25th—— Zhong Qi , Chinese actress.
September 25th—— Yuan Jiaxiao , Japanese actor.
September 25th—— Neishan Naiyue , Japanese female artist, former AKB48 One of the members.
Xu Yang Yuzhuo
September 25th—— Xu Yang Yuzhuo , Chinese female artist, SNH48 , one of the members of 7SENSES.
September 26—— Wu Zhuofan , Chinese female artist, ACEMAX-RED LEGAL HIGH One of the members.
September 26—— AnnJ (Zhao Nulun), Korean female artist, c-real One of the members.
September 27—— lino , Chinese actress.
September 27—— Christian Wood , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Los Angeles Lakers
September 27—— Guan Dan , Chinese female artist, CH2 One of the members.
September 27—— Quan Enfei , Korean female artist, IZ*ONE One of the members.
September 28—— Jinbaoluo , Korean actress.
September 28—— Juan Hernangomez , a Spanish basketball player.
September 29—— Anyoutai , Japanese male artist, King&Prince One of the members.


Zhao Zhitong
October 1—— Zhao Zhitong , Chinese female singer.
October 1—— Li Shijuan , Korean female artist, Dreamcatcher Lead singer.
October 2—— Long Yirui , Chinese female artist, GNZ48 One of the members.
October 4—— Zhang Leyun , Chinese actress and model.
October 4—— Yin Jinghan , Korean male artist, Seventeen One of the members.
October 6—— Ao Ruipeng , Chinese actor.
October 6—— Yin Qi , Chinese actress.
October 6—— Mulen , Chinese actress.
October 6—— Jiangshan , Chinese female artist, SNH48 One of the members.
October 6—— Yamamoto Zhangwu , Japanese male artist, THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE MA55IVE THE RAMPAGE One of the members.
October 7—— Bian Li , Chinese female artist, S.I.N.G One of the members.
October 8—— Xiang Hao , Chinese actor.
October 10—— Wu Chengji , Korean female artist, CLC One of the members.
October 11—— Xie Anran , Chinese female singer, model, short video creator.
October 12—— Guan Shimin , Chinese American female singer.
October 12—— Yan Zibei , Chinese male swimmer.
Park Zhimin
October 13—— Park Zhimin , Korean male artist, Bulletproof Youth League One of the members.
October 14—— Wang Mohan , Chinese Hui actress.
October 16—— Sun Jialing , Chinese actress.
October 16—— Wang Siyu , Chinese women basketball player.
October 16—— film , Chinese female artist, ACEMAX-RED One of the members.
October 16—— Niigata jasmine , Japanese female artist, NGT48 One of the members.
October 17—— Feng Xiaofei , Chinese female singer.
October 17—— Li Meixiao , Korean female artist, GLAM One of the members.
October 18th—— Sun Xizhi , Chinese actor and host.
October 18th—— Pilava Shanpotila , Thai actor.
October 18th—— Youyi Daqiao , Japanese female swimmer, Olympic champion.
October 19—— Zhang Xin , Chinese female artist, SNH48 GNZ48 One of the members.
October 21—— Sheng Yinghao , Chinese actor and model.
October 21—— Sun Jiayu , Chinese actress.
October 21—— Gulan Emperor , Chinese male artist, Desert Five One of the D5 members.
October 21—— Doja Cat , American female singer, songwriter.
Song Yanfei
October 22—— Song Yanfei , Australian Chinese actress.
Chen Aisen
October 22—— Chen Aisen , Chinese male diver, the first man to win the double gold medal in the 10m platform diving at the Olympic Games.
October 23—— Luo Zheng , Chinese Miao male singer and actor.
October 24th—— Le Liang , Chinese female artist, ASTRO12 Youwo Women's League One of the members.
October 25th—— Li Yanman , Chinese actress.
October 25th—— Patrick McCoy , American basketball player.
October 25th—— And that city award , Japanese male artist, JO1 Captain.
October 26—— Yotai Nakamoto , Japanese male artists developed in South Korea, NCT One of the members.
October 27—— Guo Jiayu , Chinese actress.
Song Zhaoyi
October 27—— Song Zhaoyi , Chinese female singer and actor.
Ge Qiugu
October 28—— Ge Qiugu , Mainland Chinese actor.
October 28—— Pan Meiye , Chinese actress.
October 28—— Jason Tate , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Houston Rockets
October 29—— VAVA (Mao Yanqi), a Chinese female rapper.
October 29—— Ma Jingyi , Chinese female curler.
October 30—— Xu Hao , Chinese actress.
October 30—— Jinjiya , Chinese female singer.
Liu Lifei
October 30—— Liu Lifei , Chinese female artist, GNZ48 One of the members.
October 31—— Cai Yuhang , Chinese actor.
October 31—— Zhong Weilun , Chinese actor.
October 31—— Li Qian , Chinese actress.
October 31—— Morita Meiyong , Japanese male artist, 7ORDER One of the members.


November 1—— Ye Yuhan , Chinese actress and singer.
November 1—— Chrysanthemum , Chinese German actress of mixed blood.
November 2—— Jiao Na , Chinese actress.
November 3—— Cui Minqi , Korean male artist, NU'EST One of the members.
November 3—— Kendall Jenner , American female model.
November 5—— Trey Lyles , Canadian basketball player, currently playing in NBA Sacramento Kings
November 5—— Li Zhenning , Chinese male artist, UNINE One of the members.
November 6—— Lv Yun Peak , Chinese actor.
November 6—— Zhang Changning , Chinese women's volleyball player.
November 6—— Qiu Zhaozhen , Korean female artist, Cosmic Girl Captain.
November 6—— Andre Silva , Portuguese football player.
Lu Keran
November 7—— Lu Keran , Chinese female artist, FANXY RED THE9 One of the members.
November 8—— Tsuzuki Rika , Japanese female artist, SKE48 One of the members.
November 10—— Zuo Zhuo , Chinese female singer.
November 11—— Shen Chenghao , Korean actor and model.
November 11—— Lu Xiuyi , Korean male artist, UP10TION One of the members.
November 12—— Bi Kun , Chinese male sailor.
November 12—— Thomas Lemar , French football player.
November 13—— Zheng Yingchen , Chinese actress.
November 14—— Wang Mengjie , Chinese women's volleyball player.
November 15—— Carl Anthony Downes , a basketball player with dual nationalities of Dominica and the United States, currently playing in the NBA Minnesota Timberwolves 2015 NBA Champion Show.
November 16—— Zhou Junwei , Chinese actor and singer.
November 16—— Zhang Zixuan , Chinese actress.
November 16—— Xi Lu Tong , Chinese actress.
November 16—— June , China Dong nationality Male artist, TimeZ One of the members.
Wang Ziyu
November 16—— Wang Ziyu , Chinese female artist, Listen to Yin Que's Poems Lead singer.
November 16—— Cui Zhongxian , Korean male artist, TEEN TOP One of the members.
November 16—— Park Minjun , Korean male artist, ONF One of the members.
November 17—— Gao Yufei , Chinese actress.
November 17—— Lin Zhuoyu , Chinese male writer and poet.
November 18th—— Hou Dong , Chinese actor and singer.
November 19—— Mina , Chinese actress.
November 20—— Maintenance (Liao Zhixiu), male singer from Taiwan, China.
November 20—— Liu Shaolin , Hungarian Chinese male short track speed skater, Olympic champion.
November 21—— Li Tingting , Chinese actress.
November 21—— Meng Shiduo , Chinese actress, singer, model.
November 22—— Oku Manami , Japanese female singer and actor.
November 23—— Wang Yizhe , Chinese actress.
November 23—— Jin Naing , Korean female artist, gugudan One of the members.
November 24th—— Qianben Wood Colored Flower , Japanese female voice actress.
November 25th—— Valley and mountain , Chinese male voice actor.
November 26—— Cao Enqi , Chinese actor.
November 26—— Iinai Itsuda , Japanese female artist, one of the members of CGM48.
November 27—— Zhang Xiaowen , Chinese female artist, IdolSchool One of the members.
November 28—— Liu Jiaxi , Chinese actress.
November 29—— Jiang Zhuojun , Chinese actress.
November 29—— Chen Li , Chinese female artist, S.I.N.G One of the members.
November 29—— Yoshika Kani , Japanese female artist, Yuban 46 One of the members.
November 29—— Abe Maria , Japanese female artist, former AKB48 Team TP One of the members.


December 1—— Wu Jiayi , Chinese actress.
December 1—— James Wilson , an English football player.
December 2—— Water wrasse praying , Japanese female singer, actor and voice actor.
December 2—— Li Zhifan , Chinese Manchu male artist, Mr.BIO One of the members.
December 3—— Xingnai Mountain , Japanese female artist, AKB48 One of the members.
December 4—— Wang Yueyi , Chinese actress.
Meng Ziyi
December 5—— Meng Ziyi , Chinese actress.
December 5—— Chen Yunxia , Chinese women rower, Olympic champion.
December 5—— Anthony Machal , French football player.
December 6—— Wang Muyao , Chinese actress.
December 7—— Ding Jiawen , Chinese actor.
December 7—— Shen Xiaoai , Chinese female artist, SNH48 One of the members.
December 7—— Jinshao Love , Korean female artist, GFriend One of the members.
December 9—— Kelly Ubray , American basketball player, currently playing in NBA Philadelphia 76ers
December 9—— Jin Naxian , Korean female artist, former SONAMOO One of the members.
December 10—— Taco Farr , Senegal basketball player, currently playing in CBA Nanjing Tongxi Dasheng Club
December 11—— Zhang Wenting , Chinese actress.
December 11—— Zhang Xinghe , Chinese actress.
December 11—— High source , Korean male artist, PENTAGON One of the members.
December 14—— Xu Can , Korean male artist, VICTON One of the members.
December 14—— Chen Wen , Chinese actor.
December 15—— Hongxuan (Zhang Jingyan), Chinese actress.
December 15—— Yan Junxi , Korean actor.
December 15—— Jalil Okafu , American basketball player, currently playing in CBA Zhejiang Guangsha Lion Club
December 17—— Gelshon Yabuselle , French basketball player.
December 18th—— Barbola Cratchkova , Czech women's tennis player.
December 18th—— Lin Narong , Korean female artist, I.O.I PRISTIN One of the members.
December 19—— Ye Shan Award , Japanese actor.
Xie Binbin
December 20—— Xie Binbin , Chinese actor, singer and host.
December 20—— Long Honghao , Chinese male artist, Black ACE One of the members.
December 21—— Shi Lei , Chinese actor.
December 21—— Jin Zhiyuan , Korean male artist, iKON One of the members.
December 22—— Guo Xinyu , Chinese actor.
December 22—— Lin Chen , Chinese actress.
December 22—— Jin Huimei , Korean female singer.
December 22—— Jindong River , Korean professional player of the League of Heroes.
December 23—— Xu Shaoying , Chinese actor.
December 23—— Lu Caiyi , Chinese Tujia actress.
December 23—— Li Yitong , Chinese female singer and actor.
December 24th—— Chen Yuan , Chinese actress.
December 25th—— Hou Ruixiang , Chinese actor.
December 25th—— Zhao Tianyang , Chinese female artist, SNH48 One of the members.
December 25th—— Wu Yiyou , Taiwan female artist, Morning leisure combination One of the members.
December 25th—— Lin Yingmin , Korean male artist, AB6IX Captain.
December 26—— Yang Ze , Chinese actor.
December 26—— Xu Zhouzheng , Chinese male track and field athlete.
December 27—— Shauna , Chinese actress.
December 27—— Liu Yating , Chinese female singer and actor.
December 27—— Timothy Chalame , American French dual nationality actor.
December 29—— Wang Mengzhu , Chinese female artist, IDOLS FT One of the members.
December 29—— Ikoma Rina , Japanese female singer and actor.
December 30—— Fujiwara cherry , Japanese female folk singer and actor.
Jin Taiheng
December 30—— Jin Taiheng , Korean male artist, Bulletproof Youth League One of the members.
December 30—— Hong Zhixiu , American Korean male artist, Seventeen One of the members.
December 31—— Yang Yige , Chinese female singer and webmaster.
December 31—— Jin Hanquan , Korean professional player of the League of Heroes.

Time unknown

Yuan Liruoxin , Chinese actress.
Cai Siyun , Hong Kong actress.
Hu Shi'an , Taiwan actor.
Qiao Yueyuan , Taiwan actress.
Annika , Chinese female swimmer.

Deceased person



January 8—— Jia Titao , with the name of Luehou, alias of Xuanfei, and legal name of Dingmi. Graduated from Shanxi University Law School. He has successively served as professor of Shanxi University, Jinling University and Guanghua University. He used to be a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, executive director of the Chinese Buddhist Association, senior researcher of the Chinese Buddhist Culture Institute, and vice chairman of the Sichuan Chess Association. [40]


February 3—— Luo Zhanglong , China Proletarian Revolutionist Economist, one of the early leaders of the Communist Party of China. [24]
Xia Yan
February 6—— Xia Yan , a famous Chinese film artist, playwright, writer, and literary and artistic activist.
February 14th—— Wu Nu Myanmar The first Prime Minister. (born in 1907)
Cheng Zhi
February 14th—— Cheng Zhi , China actor (born in 1926)
February 23—— Zhang Ruihua The Third National People's Congress Representative, member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth CPPCC National Committee. [37]
February 25th—— Wu Zhenyu people's army of Korea Marshal, Minister of the Korean People's Armed Forces.
February 25th—— Meng Zhaoying , electronic scientist and physicist. [38]


March 11—— Cui Daqing Beijing city Fengtai District Fengtai Town The deputy director of the police station died tragically and heroically in the process of arresting the murderer.
March 16—— Yang Minghuang , China Taiwan Famous musician. (born in 1960)
March 22—— Huang Jiqing , academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, petroleum geologist.
March 23—— Lou Zhicen , Chinese pharmacognosy expert, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Joseph Needham
March 24—— Joseph Needham , Modern England Biochemist History of Science and Technology Experts. (born in 1900)


April 2—— Hannes Alfven Sweden Physicists and astronomers.
April 4 - Wang Baosen, former member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and vice mayor of Beijing, China.
April 10—— economic expert , the leader of the Communist Party of China. (born on June 13, 1905) [25]
April 13—— Lang Jingshan , a Chinese master photographer, died in Taipei. [26]
April 16—— Gu Zhizhong , Chinese news educator.
April 21—— Kang Shien , former Vice Premier of the State Council of China.


May 6—— Yang Sanlang , a painter from Taiwan, China. (born in 1907)
May 8—— Ye Qianyu , China art circle He is a great master and famous painter.
Teresa Teng
May 8—— Teresa Teng , Taiwan famous female singer, Japan Showa era Extremely Representativeness Japanese female singer, because bronchial asthma Attack, Thailand Chiang Mai The rescue was invalid, and he was 42 years old.
May 11—— Zhang Ju , Chinese male artist, former Tang dynasty One of the members.
May 16—— Jiang Shaoji , an expert in Chinese internal medicine and disinfection, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
May 26—— Chen Jianyuan , an expert in chemical engineering.
May 28—— Zhang Nuanxin , China's "fourth generation" famous film director, former Film Academy Director.


June 25—— Li Jukui , New China Founding General [27]


July 5—— Takeo Fukuda , the 67th Prime Minister of Japan. (born in 1905)
July 7—— Li Shiqiao , a painter from Taiwan, China. (born in 1908)
July 8—— Wu Xiaobang , China Dancer
July 20—— Shen Fengmei , a famous off key performing artist in China.
July 20—— Xie Shaowen , microbiologist and immunologist. [39]
July 22—— Chen Shiju , General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. [36]
July 24—— George Roger , British photographer. (born in 1908)
July 24—— Gong Chu , a famous traitor in China. [28]


August 21—— Chandraseka, Subramanian , an Indian born American physicist, who obtained the The nobel prize in physics
August 23—— Chen Pixian , former member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Advisory Committee, Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress.
August 26—— Zhuang Xiaoxuan , Chinese experimental embryologist and cell biologist. [29]


Zhang Ailing
September 8—— Zhang Ailing , a famous Chinese writer. [30]
September 25th—— Toyama Jing , Japanese male voice actor, aged 56.


October 2—— Nyima, Lausanne , China the zang or tibetan people Crosstalk performers. (born on September 9, 1968)
October 5—— Zhang Jijia Atmospheric science Expert, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
October 9—— Alec Douglas Holm Jazz, front British Prime Minister (born in 1903)
October 27—— Zhan Tong , a famous Chinese cartoonist. [31]


November 4—— Yitzhak Rabin Prime Minister of Israel , was assassinated. (born in 1922)
November 6—— Matsuda Chiaki , Japan Rear Admiral
November 13—— Su Yuanlei , a famous contemporary Chinese scholar of literature and history, poet, calligrapher and painter. [32]
November 20—— Zeng Sheng Guangdong People's Anti Japanese Guerrilla Dongjiang Column leader. The People's Republic of China was founded Later, he served as Ministry of Transport Minister level.
November 29—— Wu De , member of the Political Bureau of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman and Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of the Standing Committee of the 5th National People's Congress [35]


December 11—— Yang Mo , Chinese contemporary famous female writer, novel《 Song of Youth 》Author of.
December 15—— Wang Tiehan (Wang Chaozhi), general of the Kuomintang.
December 30—— Su Feng Vice President of Liaoning Provincial High Court Dalian Municipal Health Bureau Deputy Director General, Deputy Procurator General of Dalian Municipal Procuratorate, Vice Chairman of Dalian CPPCC.

Debut star


Important awards


Nobel Prize

Physics: Martin Perl Frederick· Reines (USA)
Chemistry: Paul Crutzen Mario Molina Frank Roland
Medicine and Physiology: Edward B. Lewis (USA), Christian N ü sslein Volhard (Germany), Eric F. Wieschaus (USA)
Literature: Hini Ireland Poet)
Peace: Joseph Rotblat (UK), Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs( Canada
Economics: Robert E. Lucas Jr (ROBERT LUCAS, Jr. , USA)

Academy Awards

Oscar for Best Picture ——《 A brave heart 》(Braveheart)
Best Actor Oscar —— Nicolas Cage (Nicolas Cage) 《 Leave Las Vegas

astronomical wonders

Once on April 29 and October 24, 1995 Total solar eclipse And once annular eclipse
It happened twice on April 15 and October 8, 1995 lunar eclipse [33]

archaeological discovery

In October 1995, Hetian Prefecture, Xinjiang Nya Site Archaeological excavation An ancient tomb with two people buried together was unearthed. After excavation, it was found that a colorful brocade was tied to the right arm of one of the corpses, and eight characters of Han Dynasty were embroidered up and down“ Five Stars from the East Benefit China ”。 Five stars from the east benefit China, which means Jinmu Shuihuo Earth The five planets appear in the eastern sky at the same time in a period of time, namely the so-called Five star Lianzhu Or five-star gathering phenomenon. [34]