particular year
zero Useful+1
Nineteen Seven two, Gregorian calendar leap year , a total of 366 days and 53 weeks. lunar calendar Ren Zi Year( year of the rat ), None leap month 354 days in total. The starting and ending time of the lunar calendar is from February 15, 1972 to February 2, 1973.
In 1972, the President of the United States Nixon's visit to China watergate event The 20th Olympic Games was held Normalization of Sino Japanese diplomatic relations And other major events.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Nineteen Seventy-two
time frame
January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972
Gregorian calendar
Spring Festival
February 15th
Leap year, 366 days in total
Chinese calendar
Yellow Emperor Chronicle The 4669th year
Beginning and ending time of the lunar calendar
February 15, 1972 to February 2, 1973
Beginning of Spring
February 5th
Trunk branch
Ren Zi
The first spring of the lunar calendar
No spring
Last year
Next year

Related events

February 29th the lantern festival
August 23rd Mid Yuan Festival , Coincident Manage the summer heat The solar term, last time in 1953, next time in 1991.
September 22nd Mid-Autumn Festival , which coincides with the autumnal equinox, last time in 1953 and next time in 1991.
In 1972, the Emirate of Cape Khaimah joined the Federation. [25]
In 1972, Pakistan withdrew from the Commonwealth [26]


January 6 - Vice Premier of the State Council and concurrently foreign minister Chen Yi Comrade passed away in Beijing. On the 10th memorial meeting Mao Zedong Attend, Zhou Enlai To Eulogy
January 7 - China's first practical Hydrogen bomb The test was successful. CAAC The first successful voyage to New York was 15800 kilometers.
January 24th—— Japan rank-and-file soldiers Shoichi Yokoi Found in a jungle on Guam, he has lived here alone for 28 years.
January 31 - China and Republic of Malta establish diplomatic relations. Malta is located in the middle of Mediterranean Europe, the capital Valletta


1972 Sapporo Winter Olympic Games
February 3 to February 13—— 1972 Sapporo Winter Olympic Games In Japan Sapporo Held.
February 4—— U.S.A Mariner 9 detector Flying along the Mars orbit, 7329 photos were sent back. February 14th—— The People's Republic of China And Estados Unidos Mexicanos establish diplomatic relations. Mexico is located in the southwest of North America, the capital Mexico City. [1]
February 19—— The People's Republic of China And Argentine Republic establish diplomatic relations. [1]
On February 22, Khalifa became the Emir, and Hamad, the son of Khalifa, became Crown Prince and Minister of Defense. [24]
February 21 to February 28—— U.S.A president Nixon answer The People's Republic of China Invited by the government, come China visit. On the 21st, President Nixon and his wife arrived Beijing same day, Mao Zedong Met Nixon On the 28th, China and the United States were announced in Shanghai Joint communiqu é (i.e“ Shanghai Bulletin ”)。 The joint communique said that President Nixon and Zhou Enlai The Prime Minister Normalization of China US relations As well as other issues of concern to both sides, they held extensive, serious and frank discussions and clarified their respective positions and attitudes. The Chinese government firmly opposes any activities aimed at creating "one China, one Taiwan", "one China, two governments", "Taiwan independence" and advocating "Taiwan's status is uncertain". The joint communique also said that there are essential differences between the social systems and foreign policies of China and the United States. However, the two sides agreed that all countries, regardless of their social systems, should handle relations among countries in accordance with the principles of respecting their sovereignty and territorial integrity, non aggression, non-interference in their internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. The publication of the joint communique between China and the United States opened up a new prospect for the normalization of China US relations and the continuous expansion of exchanges in the future. It marked that China and the United States began to normalize relations after more than 20 years of confrontation. On the 28th, Nixon and his party left Shanghai for home. February 29 - China and Ghana Resumption.


March 13 - China and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Britain) diplomatic relations rose to ambassador Level. (In 1954, they were sent to each other as agents) [2]


April 15 - China and mauritius establish diplomatic relations.


May 1—— Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 25th anniversary.
May 10 - 25th World health Assembly Passed the restoration of the People's Republic of China's world health organization The resolution of the legitimate seat in the.
May 18 - China and Netherlands The diplomatic relations between the two countries are governed by agency Upgrade to embassy May 30 - Japan Red Army Three members of Tel Aviv A total of 26 people were killed when the airport of.


June 5—— China and Greece establish diplomatic relations.
1972 Belgian European Cup
June 14~June 18—— 1972 Belgian European Cup Held.
Bruce Lee attended the "June 18th" rain disaster fundraising event on June 24
June 17—— watergate event happen.
June 18—— Hong Kong Debris flow is caused by continuous rainstorm. The debris flow not only washed away Xiumaoping Many wooden houses in the wooden house area even destroyed the Xuhe Building, causing 67 deaths. This is the "June 18th" rain disaster (also known as June 18th flood )。
June 18 - The final stage of the fourth European Cup was held in Belgium from June 14 to June 18, 1972. In the semi-finals, the Soviet Union defeated Hungary 1-0, and West Germany defeated Belgium 2-1. Belgium beat Hungary 2-1 to win the third place. In the final, West Germany defeated the Soviet Union 3-0 and won for the first time Delaunay cup [3]
June 27 - China and Guyana establish diplomatic relations.


July 4—— North Korea and the republic of korea Jointly issued the "South North Joint Statement" (i.e. the July 4th Joint Statement DPRK Joint Statement ), sure kim il-sung The three principles of national reunification, namely, autonomy, peaceful reunification and national unity, were previously proposed.
July 7—— July 7th Incident The 35th anniversary of the outbreak.
July 30 - Xinhua News Agency reported that Western Han Dynasty Early tombs in the suburbs of Changsha, Hunan Mawangdui be unearthed. In this ancient tomb, a female corpse, corpse, official outer coffin and a large number of burial objects are buried, which are well preserved. It is an extremely rare and important discovery in China's archaeological excavation. This is of great value to the study of the history, culture, handicraft production, industrial and agricultural production, medicine, anti-corrosion and other aspects of the early Western Han Dynasty.


August 1—— the Chinese People's Liberation Army The 45th anniversary of the founding of the army.
August 2~August 11—— 1972 Heidelberg Paralympic Games In West Germany Heidelberg Held.
August 24—— Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Make a statement. Statement on the bombing of American aircraft on August 22 Vietnam? Yi'an Province A lifeboat belonging to the Chinese merchant ship "Hongqi 151" on the sea near Yudao, which killed five Chinese sailors in a serious provocative action, lodged a strong protest. On the 26th, the spokesman of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China was ordered to make a statement refuting the United States' attempt to deny its responsibility for bombing Chinese lifeboats.
August 26~September 11—— 1972 Munich Olympic Games stay Munich Held.


September 5—— During the Munich Summer Olympics, the Israeli delegation was attacked by the Palestinian militant organization "Black September", and all 11 people were killed. [20]
September 19 - China and Togo establish diplomatic relations.
September 25th—— Prime Minister of Japan Kakuei Tanaka Visit China.
September 29 - The joint statement of the Chinese and Japanese governments was signed in Beijing, announcing that Normalization of Sino Japanese diplomatic relations


October 1 - China Shandong Beizhen Yellow River Bridge It was completed and officially opened to traffic.
October 11 - China and Federal Republic of Germany establish diplomatic relations.
October 13 - China Hunan Guizhou Railway All completed and opened to traffic.
October 14 - China and Maldives establish diplomatic relations.


November 6 - China and Margash (today Madagascar )Establish diplomatic relations.
November 8 - two Germany On behalf of bonn The signing of the Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on the Basis of Relations between the Two Countries marked the transition of bilateral relations from confrontation to coexistence. [4]
November 16 - China and Luxembourg establish diplomatic relations.
November 21—— The People's Republic of China and Jamaica establish diplomatic relations. [1]
November 24 - China and zaire (Today Democratic Republic of the Congo )Normalized Joint communiqu é sign.
November 28—— China and Chad establish diplomatic relations.


December 7—— U.S.A Apollo program Last task in Apollo 17 Launch.
December 13—— Nanking Massacre 35th anniversary.
December 14 - China sent 16 overseas students britain study English , together with 20 international students sent to France in, a total of 36 international students were sent. This is the first batch of international students sent since the stop of sending foreign students in 1966.
December 21 - China and Australia establish diplomatic relations.
December 22 - China and New Zealand establish diplomatic relations.
December 26—— U.S.A 33rd President Harry S. Truman He died at the age of 88.
December 29 - China and Dahomey (Today Republic of Benin )Restore diplomatic relations. [5]
December 29—— China Eastern Airlines Flight 401 is in the north of the airport Florida Everglades District crash, this is the first time wide-body aircrafts an accident. The accident killed 101 passengers.

historical event

Normalization of Sino Japanese diplomatic relations
Prime Minister of Japan Kakuei Tanaka Visit the People's Republic of China at the invitation of Premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council. Zhou Enlai and Kakuei Tanaka with China and Japan Normalization of diplomatic relations Focusing on issues, the two countries have held many talks on various issues between the two countries and other issues of concern to both sides. On the 27th, Mao Zedong met with Kakuei Tanaka. On the 29th, the joint statement of the Chinese and Japanese governments was signed in Beijing. The joint statement declares that since the date of the announcement of this statement, the abnormal state between China and Japan so far has ended; The two governments decided to establish diplomatic relations from September 29, 1972 and exchange ambassadors as soon as possible; The Government of Japan recognizes The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China It is the legitimate government of China; The Chinese government reaffirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China. The Japanese government fully understands and respects this position of the Chinese government, and adheres to the position of Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation; The Chinese government announced that it would give up its claim for war compensation to Japan for the sake of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese people; The Chinese and Japanese governments agree to respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity noninterference in each other's internal affairs Establish lasting peaceful and friendly relations between the two countries on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.

traditional festival

Laba Festival (8th day of the twelfth lunar month): January 23, 1972 (Sunday)
night before lunar New Year's Eve (23rd lunar month): February 7, 1972 (Monday)
Xiaonian (24th lunar month): February 8, 1972 (Tuesday)
New Year's Eve (30th lunar month): February 14th, 1972 (Monday)
Spring Festival (The first day of the first lunar month): February 15, 1972 (Tuesday)
the lantern festival (The 15th day of the first lunar month): February 29, 1972 (Tuesday)
Spring Dragon Festival (The second day of the second lunar month): March 16, 1972 (Thursday)
Qingming Festival (February 22 in the lunar calendar): April 5, 1972 (Wednesday)
The Dragon Boat Festival (The fifth day of the fifth lunar month): June 15, 1972 (Thursday)
Double Seventh Festival (July 7th in the lunar calendar): August 15th, 1972 (Tuesday)
Mid Yuan Festival (July 15 of the lunar calendar): August 23, 1972 (Wednesday)
Mid-Autumn Festival (August 15 of the lunar calendar): September 22, 1972 (Friday)
Double Ninth Festival (September 9th in the lunar calendar): October 15th, 1972 (Sunday)
Hanyi Festival (Lunar New Year's Day): November 6, 1972 (Monday)
Xia Yuan Festival (October 15 of the lunar calendar): November 20, 1972 (Monday)

Birth celebrity



January 1—— Lilian Thuram , French football player.
January 1—— Wen Qing , Chinese actress China Central Television host.
January 1—— Sha Baoliang , Chinese male singer.
January 3—— Ma Hongtao , China CCTV Finance Channel Male anchor.
January 4—— Yao Yingying , Hong Kong actress.
Zhang Ruixi
January 5—— Zhang Ruixi , Korean actress.
January 8—— Giuseppe Favalli , Italian football player.
January 10th—— Yamaguchi Tatsuya , Japanese male artist, TOKIO Bassist.
Tan Kai
January 13—— Tan Kai , Chinese actor.
Tao Hong
January 15—— Tao Hong , Chinese actress and synchronized swimmer.
January 17—— Hirai Jian , Japanese male singer, songwriter and music producer.
January 18th—— Lu Yong , Chinese male music producer and recorder.
January 22 -- Pu Lumei , Japanese female voice actress.
January 26—— Peng Li , a female singer from Taiwan, China.
January 27—— Ijan , Chinese male singer and actor.
January 29—— Binkou You , Japanese actor.
January 30—— Ding Wei , Chinese female singer and musician.


February 1—— Christian Zig , German football player.
February 2—— HISASHI (Waimura Shang), Japanese male artist, GLAY Guitar player.
February 5—— Mary Donaldson , Crown Princess of Denmark.
February 7—— Yan Xuejing , Chinese actress.
February 7—— Sun Yuanyuan , Chinese female singer.
February 8—— Yuan Tengfei , a famous history teacher in China.
February 11—— Steve McManaman , an English football player.
February 17—— Billy Joe Armstrong , American male artist, Green Day Lead singer and guitarist.
February 20—— Liang Hongda (Lao Liang), Chinese media commentator and publisher.
February 22—— Zhang Depei , Chinese American male tennis player.
February 25th—— Yoshino , Japanese comedian.
February 26—— Corolla , Malaysian male singer.
February 28—— Yamamoto Junichi , Japanese director and screenwriter.


March 1—— Kang Kai , Chinese actor.
March 2—— Jiang Qichen , Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang Party.
March 5—— Shen Jianing , Chinese female journalist.
March 6—— Shaquille O'Neill , American basketball player.
Zhang Dongjian
March 7—— Zhang Dongjian , Korean actor.
March 9—— Ronald , male singer from Hong Kong, China.
March 9—— Haixia China Central Television Female anchor of news network.
March 10—— Timberland , American male rapper and music producer.
March 19—— Inamori Spring , Japanese actress.
March 19—— Tomoharu Hasegawa , Japanese actor.
March 22—— Diao Haiming , Chinese actor. (Due to long-term illness on December 9, 2017 heart failure Died due to ineffective rescue)
March 27—— Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink , Dutch football player.
March 29—— Rui Costa , Portuguese football player.
March 29—— Zeng Anqi , Taiwan actress.
March 29—— Suwa visited Shunyi , Japanese male voice actor.
March 30—— Ke Yimin , Malaysian Chinese female singer and actress.
March 30—— Huangzijiao , male host from Taiwan, China.
March 30—— Karel Popowski , Czech football player.
March 31—— Zhao Xueer , Hong Kong singer and actress.


April 2—— Dai Rao , Chinese female singer and actor.
April 3—— Jenny Gass , American actress.
April 5—— Shunko Takeuchi , Japanese female voice actress.
April 6—— Xie Chengjun , Taiwan actor.
April 10—— Zhao Wenzhuo , Chinese actor.
April 10—— Wu Yue , Chinese actress.
April 13—— Shi Xiaonuo , China CCTV Finance Channel host.
April 17—— Jennifer Garner , American actress.
Xu Zheng
April 18—— Xu Zheng , Chinese actor and director.
April 18—— Strong soldiers , Chinese actor and businessman.
April 18—— Eli Rose , American actor and director.
April 19—— Rivaldo Vido Boba Ferreira , Brazilian football player.
April 20—— Peng Jiahui , a female singer from Taiwan, China.
April 27—— quiet , Chinese actress.
April 30—— Chang Pan Gui Zi , Japanese actress.


May 2—— Dawn Johnson , American actor.
May 4—— Mike Dean , American male artist, Green Day Bassist.
May 15—— Hiroyuki Takei , Japanese cartoonist.
May 21—— The Notorious B.I.G. , American male rapper and hip-hop musician. (shot on March 9, 1997)
May 24—— Yang Ling , Chinese male shooter.
May 25—— Shitianguang , Japanese female artist.
May 30—— Hoshi Souichirou , Japanese male voice actor.


June 1—— Jin Xiangqing , Korean actor.
June 2—— wentworth miller , American actor.
June 7—— Karl Urban , New Zealand actor.
June 8—— Du Wenze , Hong Kong actor.
June 10—— Urshan , Chinese Mongolian male director.
June 16—— John Zhao , Korean American film actor. [18]
June 19—— Fan Shaohuang , Hong Kong actor.
June 23—— Zinedine Zidane , French football player.
June 26—— Wang Ting , Chinese actor.
June 27—— Wang Jinpeng , Chinese actor.
June 28—— Alessandro Nivola , American actor.
June 29—— Zhao Jianming , a doctor from Taiwan, China, Chen Shuibian Son in law.
June 29—— Gao Yalin , Chinese actor and director.
Gao Yalin
June 29—— Sun Yue , Chinese female singer.
Sun Yue


Xing Jiadong
July 1—— Xing Jiadong , Chinese actor.
July 1—— Inada Toru , Japanese male voice actor.
Lian Yiming
July 7—— Lian Yiming , Chinese actor.
July 8—— Aksuke Tanabara , Japanese actor.
July 8—— Duan Xuan , China CCTV Sports Channel Football commentator.
Yuan Li
July 12—— Yuan Li , Chinese actress.
July 13—— Ulantoya , Chinese Mongolian female singer.
July 17—— Liang Jing , Chinese actress.
July 17—— mani , a female broker in Hong Kong, China.
July 17—— Stam , Dutch football player.
July 25th—— Cochrane , Chinese actress, host, model.
July 27—— Qingshui Chong , Japanese male director.


August—— Duan Luming , academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, physical scientist Tsinghua University Chair professor of basic science. [22]
August 1—— Chen Miaoying , Hong Kong actress.
August 1—— Lv Xiaojun , China CCTV Chinese International Channel Female news anchor.
Zhang Huimei
August 9—— Zhang Huimei , a female singer from Taiwan, China.
Liu Zaishi
August 14—— Liu Zaishi , Korean male artist and host.
August 15—— Ben Affleck , American actor.
Gu Juji
August 18th—— Gu Juji , male singer from Hong Kong, China.
August 18th—— Zhongju Zhengguang , Japanese male artist, SMAP One of the members.
Zheng Xiuwen
August 19—— Zheng Xiuwen , a female singer from Hong Kong, China.
August 23—— Guo Feili Singaporean actress and model.
August 24—— Francesca , Taiwan singer and actress.
August 27—— Giant Cary , American professional wrestling WWE player.
August 29—— BYJ , Korean actor.
August 30—— Pavel Nedvěd , Czech football player.


September 1—— Ji Xiaojun , male host of China International Television.
September 2—— Lu Ling , Chinese actress.
September 4—— Ye Fanghua , Canadian Chinese French actress.
September 8—— Zhang Xiaofei , Chinese actor and duet performer.
September 8—— Guan Zhiyi , Japanese male voice actor.
Chen Huilin
September 13—— Chen Huilin , Hong Kong singer and actress.
September 14—— Nakamura Shitong , Japanese actor.
September 15—— Chen Jieyi Singaporean singer and actress.
September 23—— Shen Yinhe , Korean actress.
September 23—— Gao Linsheng , Chinese male singer.
September 28—— Gwyneth Paltrow , American actress.
September 28—— John Wright , British actor.


October 4—— Lu Jian , China CCTV Chinese International Channel host.
October 5—— Park Jumei , Korean actress.
October 5—— Grant Hill , American basketball player.
October 6—— Liu Shiyuan , Korean actor and singer.
October 7—— Liu Genghong , male singer, host and actor from Taiwan, China.
October 9—— Nagano Hiroshi , Japanese male artist, V6 One of the members《 Diga Altman 》Dagu actor.
October 16—— Liang Yan , China CCTV News Channel Female anchor. [19]
October 16—— Li Weishang , Hong Kong actor.
October 17—— Eminem , American male rapper.
October 17—— JIRO (Yoshihito Wayama), Japanese male artist, GLAY Bassist.
October 21—— Hou Jian , Chinese male musician.
October 22—— Zeng Zimo , female host of Phoenix Satellite TV.
October 24th—— Jin Zhixiu , Korean actress.
October 24th—— VAN (Van Ducholm), Vietnamese American 㚻 slice Actors, producers, performance artists.
October 26—— Rupert Wyatt , British male director.
October 31—— Ai Iijima , Japanese female artist. (died on December 24, 2008)


November—— Zhang Shaogang , Chinese male host Communication University of China Associate professor, master's supervisor.
November 4—— Luis Figo , Portuguese football player.
November 4—— Wang Jinghua , Chinese actress.
November 6—— Rebecca Romain , American actress.
November 9—— Lu Fang , Chinese actress.
November 10—— Liu Dan , Chinese actress and dancer. (died in a car accident on January 30, 2000)
November 11—— Adam Beech , Canadian actor.
November 12—— Zhao Yuping Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Professor of Management《 One hundred forums 》Keynote speaker.
November 13—— Takuya Kimura , Japanese male artist, SMAP One of the members.
November 15—— Huang Weiming , Chinese cartoonist, director, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf Father.
November 16—— Liuzhen , Korean actor.
November 23—— Tong Ailing , Hong Kong actress.
November 28—— Matsuxue Taizi , Japanese actress.
November 30—— Lao Chunyan , China CCTV News Channel Female anchor.


December 3—— Juke , Chinese male singer.
December 4 -- Miyamura Yoshiko , Japanese female voice actors, singers and actors.
December 9—— Tre Cool , American male artist, Green Day Drummer.
December 15—— Li Zhengzai , Korean actor.
December 16—— Yan Bingyan , Chinese actress.
Yang Kun
December 18th—— Yang Kun , Chinese male singer.
December 18th—— Takeda Shinji , Japanese actor.
December 20—— Suke , Chinese actor.
December 28—— Terima tolerance , Japanese actress.
December 29—— Jude Law , British actor.
December 30—— Yan Guangming , Chinese actor.

Deceased person

January 6—— Chen Yi , People's Republic of China Ten Grand Marshal one of.
architect and authority on the history of Chinese architecture
January 9—— architect and authority on the history of Chinese architecture , a well-known Chinese architect. [6]
January 14—— Frederick IX of Denmark , King of Denmark.
January 19—— Gao Shuxun People's Government of Hebei Province Vice chairman, vice governor, member of the National Defense Commission. [7]
February 9—— Chen Daishan The young worker who sacrificed himself for the public died. [8]
February 15—— edgar snow , American journalists and writers, An old friend of the Chinese people
Xie Fuzhi
March 26—— Xie Fuzhi , the second term of New China Ministry of Public Security Long. [9]
April 16—— Zeng Shan , proletarian revolutionist, communist fighter, member of the 7th, 8th and 9th CPC Central Committee. [21]
April 16—— Liao Zhengguo , artillery commander of Nanjing Military Region. [23]
April 23—— Li Dequan The first female health minister of New China.
May 2 - Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation J Edgar Hoover Death.
May 9—— He Zhonghan He is a military figure of the Republic of China and one of the three outstanding people in Huangpu.
May 28 - The King of England edward viii He died at the age of 76.
July 1 - Served as the head of Argentina twice peron Death. [10]
July 25 - Famous Chinese writer and literary theorist Wang Renshu Death. After the founding of New China, the first Chinese resident Indonesia ambassador, People's Literature Press President, author of Literary Essays, etc. [11]
September 1 - Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Chairman of the Central Committee of the National Revolutionary Committee and Honorary Chairman of the All China Women's Federation first woman to join the Tongmenghui He died of illness in Beijing. [12]
October 2 - helicopter inventor Sikorski Death. [13]
October 11—— Yang Boyao Ethnic Affairs Commission of Guizhou Province Deputy Director. [14-15]
December 1—— Wing Chun Boxing Grandmaster Ye Wen He died in Hong Kong at the age of 79.
December 10—— Deng Zihui , a great proletarian revolutionist, an outstanding Marxist, a famous political activist, an outstanding expert in the peasant movement and rural work. [16]
December 23 - Aircraft Designer Andrei Tupolev Death. [17]
December 26 - President of the United States Harry S. Truman He died at the age of 88. [27]

Award winning personnel




: Kisyan Bermer· Amphenson Stanford Moore , William Howard Stein
Physiology and medicine
Gerald Edelman ,Rodney R. Porter



: No award


John Hicks (en:John Hicks), Kenneth Joseph Arrow (en:Kenneth Arrow)

Oscar Award

(The 45th session, issued in 1973)
Oscar for Best Picture ——《 godfather 》(The Godfather)
Oscar for Best Director —— Bob Fosse (Bob Fosse)《 KTV
Best Actor Oscar —— Marlon Brando (Marlon Brando)《 godfather
Oscar for Best Actress —— Liza Minnelli (Liza Minnelli)《 KTV

Person of the Year
