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Osaka World Expo 1970, Japan

The First World Expo in Japan
synonym 1970 Osaka World Expo (1970 Osaka World Expo) Generally refers to the 1970 Osaka World Expo in Japan
May 11, 1966 International Exhibition Bureau Adopted by the congress of all members, Osaka ——This one the medieval times The once largest city in Japan will host the World Expo in 1970, making it the first city in Asia to host the World Expo.
Chinese name
Osaka World Expo 1970, Japan
Osaka Japan
Human progress and harmony
Comprehensive class-1
Participating States
sixty-four million two hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and seventy

brief introduction

Japan and the World Expo have a long history. As early as 1867, Japan participated for the first time Paris World Expo Japanese Ukiyo-e Art (Japan Edo Period A popular folk painting depicting customs and customs), Japanese gardens, tea and other exhibits are popular in Paris. Europe learned about Japanese and Oriental culture through the World Expo. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan actively participated in the 1873 Vienna World Expo. The Japanese government is well aware that the World Expo is the best classroom for learning western science and technology. Among the 77 member Japanese delegation sent to Vienna, 66 are engineers. These experts are dedicated and leisurely to study and research in the "factory and workshop of the World Expo". After returning to Japan, they wrote a 96 volume report. It can be said that Japan has absorbed many new western science and technology from the World Expo and has developed and strengthened the country's industrial strength to a large extent. In 1877, Japan began to hold industrial expositions of considerable scale at home. In 1928, Japan participated in《 Convention on International Exhibitions 》And planned to hold the World Expo in 1940 with the theme of celebrating 2600 years of the founding of the Japanese Empire the Second World War And miscarriage.
In the 1960s, Japan's economy began to recover and develop rapidly. In 1964, Tokyo Olympic Games The success of the event has inspired the national spirit. In 1965, Japan formally applied to the Bureau of International Expositions for the 1970 Osaka World Expo, with the theme of "human progress and harmony".
1970 World Exposition The Honorary Chairman of the Organizing Committee is the Crown Prince Akihito to serve as. The Secretary General of the Organizing Committee is Mr. Suzuki, the Prime Minister. At the same time, a master plan committee composed of 40 people has been established, including architects, urban planning engineers, artists and some experts in other fields. Led by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange, the committee has jointly planned and designed the construction of the Expo Garden and the overall planning of the Expo. The project funds for the World Expo are jointly funded by the state, the government and the Osaka municipal authorities.
Looking back to history, in the 19th century, an important reason for the vigorous development of the World Exposition was the need for commodity exchanges and new technological inventions among countries, aiming to spread knowledge to promote social development. But in the 1970s, with the development of transportation and communication, the world has become smaller and smaller. Inventions and creations no longer need to be publicized and spread at the World Expo. The planners of the World Expo fully saw the changes brought about by these characteristics of the times and the rapid development of mass media to the exhibition focus of the Expo, and thus accepted The best man is the third (Kenzo Tange) design concept: the focus of the World Expo should be on human spiritual life, and the World Expo must become a "grand festival of world culture".
How to plan this "grand festival of world culture"? How to design the Expo Park with this goal? The planners encountered difficulties. Kenzo Tange later recalled: I was lucky to participate in every step from site selection to construction and exhibition arrangement. Before we started our work, we visited some cities that had hosted the World Expo, such as Montreal and New York, but we found that there was no connection between the planning of these parks. They all look like large children's parks, with no rules at all, which gives us important inspiration, and we can boldly innovate and pioneer. One day, when I was thinking, a big tree jumped into my eyes on the roadside, which suddenly inspired my inspiration and thoughts, and inspired my planning concept for the Expo Park; This big tree represents the World Expo. The trunk, branches and leaves are like different organizational systems of the World Expo, and the flowers and fruits on the tree are wonderful booths and exhibits designed by exhibitors.

site selection

The Expo site is located in the hills of Qianli Mountain, about 15 kilometers away from the outskirts of Osaka, with an area of about 3.3 million square meters. The exhibition space is divided into three levels: underground, ground and air. The "Gan" shaped structure extends the main entrance to the south. There are festival square and exhibition halls with different themes, international markets and computers on the central axis Information Control Center And the administrative building, the east and west of the main road are exhibition halls of different countries.
In the planning of the Expo Park exhibition area, seven squares are used as distribution centers, and three categories of Japanese national exhibition area, Japanese enterprise exhibition area and foreign exhibition area are organically divided and connected in space. Each square is named after one day of the week in Japanese, giving people a cycle and order in time.
In the transportation of the Expo site, there is a 4.2 km light rail around the park, with 7 stations and 13000 passengers per hour. The main road in the park is designed to be 3.5km long Moving sidewalk Viaduct. They move in two directions at a speed of 40 meters per minute in an oval closed pipe, and special carriages are arranged for mothers, children and the disabled. In addition, there are 30 meter high outdoor cable cars, 33 spherical pods, each with a capacity of 15 people, which keep circulating in the park. Of course, all vehicles in the Expo Park will be charged additionally.
Osaka Expo has a "Japanese Garden" covering an area of about 200000 square meters, which is divided into three parts: "pastoral", "storm square" and "memory forest". Green means peace and tranquility, and also means harmony and progress between man and nature.
In order to host the World Expo, Osaka and Japan are building New transportation system And rebuilding existing systems. The high-speed railway line from Tokyo to Osaka has been reconstructed, and the airport has been expanded. Tens of kilometers of railway has been built from the city center to the Expo, which greatly facilitates tourists' visit and evacuation.


The exhibition in the World Expo is subject to the theme of the Expo "human progress and harmony". Both the site architecture and the exhibition activities remind people how to make better use of natural resources, better apply science and technology, better promote mutual understanding, and better enjoy work and life.
There are 116 different pavilions in the whole Expo site. Architects from all over the world give full play to their artistic imagination and try to make the Expo buildings themselves the most innovative and advanced exhibits. The pavilion architecture has broken the established traditional mode and is dominated by the trend of technological expressionism. Many of the pavilions and facilities have borrowed from Archigram's new futurism fantasy. Designers from both Japan and the participating countries have widely used steel Glass and new materials to emphasize the trend of modern architecture. This is also the fashion of holding the World Expo since World War II.
For the buildings of the Osaka World Expo, someone once humorously said that these buildings are like a collection of different gifts at a wedding. Each pavilion is a big gift: the French pavilion is like a large golf ball, the American pavilion is like a Moreton duvet, the Japanese pavilion is like a group of tambourines, the Ivory Coast pavilion is like a big ivory, and the Swiss pavilion is like a huge crystal tree, The Australia Pavilion is like a dinosaur with cheese and food bags, the Philippines Pavilion is like a sea clam, and the Fuji Pavilion is like an inflatable pillow. The bizarre and various exhibition buildings directly impact people's vision, and show the theme and innovative spirit of the times.
Commentator NAVLITSKAYA said that the 1970 Osaka World Expo, on the one hand, demonstrated Japan and the world's vision of future urban development, on the other hand, it also demonstrated the latest human science and technology from the laboratory to reality.
However, for the vast number of visitors, the rich visual landscape and imaginative creation, the invention of modern science and technology, and the display of exotic customs in the World Expo are undoubtedly realizing the dreams of children and adults alike. Enthusiastically attracting groups of tourists into the world of games, entertainment and fantasy.
It is worth mentioning that the shape design of the Japan National Pavilion, the largest exhibition area, derives from the five petals of the Japanese national flower Cherry Blossom, and also directly builds the logo of the World Expo. It is composed of five drum shaped buildings with a diameter of 58 meters and a height of 28 meters, and is surrounded by an 80 meter high stamen tower. The theme of the Japan Pavilion: Japan and Japanese -- past, present and future. The living style and culture of Japanese people are displayed in the room. The eye-catching exhibits include an oil tanker with a displacement of 300000 tons, a radio telescope with a magnification of 500000 times, a physical model of the earthquake resistant skyscraper structure and a speed of 500 kilometers per hour Magnetically Levitated Train Model.
The Osaka World Expo opened an art exhibition hall. The precious works of art from 43 countries in different times and 510 works of art from Japan are divided into five exhibition areas under the titles of "Dawn of Creation", "Sacred Art", "Communication between East and West", "Marching towards Freedom", and "Dynamics of the 20th Century". The works cover the entire art history of mankind, reflecting the theme of "Human Progress and Harmony"


Solar tower
At the Osaka World Expo, the most popular works were Japanese modern art masters Taro Okamoto The solar tower designed by Taro Okamoto and the moon stone brought back by Apollo in the American Pavilion. On July 7, 1967, the Japan World Expo Organizing Committee appointed Taro Okamoto as the designer of the theme pavilion of the Osaka World Expo to conduct comprehensive design for the festival square, the central facility of the Expo.
Okamoto thought at the beginning of design: what is the real progress and harmony of human beings? How to turn the World Expo into a grand ceremony that can integrate all human qualities? He examined the cultural and social patterns of human beings from ancient times to the present from a historical perspective, and sought creativity from the ritual ceremonies of human primitive clan communes. From the totems full of the original power of human life, he realized that human beings gathered the infinite power of body and mind in the religion of life art, which produced a strong original life power, which is the real driving force of human progress and harmony.
The shape of the Sun Tower is like a giant soaring into the sky, as well as an ancient statue. The raised arms hold up the huge roof of the magnificent festival square. There are four big masks on the sun tower: the top of the tower is the shining "golden face", the center of the tower is the "face of the sun" and the "dark star" looking at the festival square, and the bottom of the tower is the "underground star" shining the "lost world". The four masks symbolize the past, present and future of the world.
Under the Sun Tower is the exhibition hall of "wisdom" and "prayer". On the base is a huge human face sculpture, and on both sides are carved masks of various sizes from all over the world. The whole pavilion presents a mysterious atmosphere, which makes visitors feel at a sacrificial dance scene in ancient times.
The layout inside the solar tower is intended to be that the fire of human wisdom and creation is like the sun burning from ancient times to today, and will illuminate the future until eternity. The creative potential contained in human life will inevitably open the future world for mankind.
Visitors enter the "mysterious world" that symbolizes the beginning of human history through a conveyor belt. The red, blue and yellow flame light shapes the atmosphere of ancient times, and the artistic effect makes people deeply feel the power of life.
The tower displays the themes of "man and life", "man and nature", "man and technology" and "man conquers himself".
The tree of life in the center exhibits the "power of life". From the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower, the big trees are surrounded by branches, which are arranged with 292 kinds of organisms from primitive creatures to human beings in nature. Scientific and technological means have endowed more than 40 models with vitality, enabling them to breathe and move. These lifelike, vivid and interesting exhibits reveal the mileage of biological evolution, and fully interpret the nature. The five minute climb of the "Tree of Life" has crossed the long years of biological evolution on the earth and reached the top platform. Immediately, it will be shocked by the special seven color sunlight produced by optics. At this time, the "Song of the Earth" coming from the underground and the "Song of Heaven" echoing from the sky blend harmoniously to perform a "Praise of Life".
USA Pavilion
At the World Expo, the moon stone in the US pavilion is the most popular exhibit for the audience. The space exhibition hall in the US pavilion displays the "Apollo" series spaceships. Armstrong's giant picture of stepping on the moon and the small moon stone excite every audience, and they describe the greatest moment in human history; On July 16, 1969, Americans Armstrong (Neil. A. Armstrong), Michael Collins and Aldrin (Edwin. E. Aldrin). After 102 hours, 39 minutes and 40 seconds of flight, the "Eagle" lunar module landed steadily on the land of the moon. The ancient peace of the distant planet was broken by human envoys, and human beings left their mark on another planet.
In front of the Moonstone, people realized that only with the progress of human science and technology can human beings develop themselves. Moonstone demonstrated the philosophy of "one small step for man, one big step for man" of Armstrong, a lunar astronaut.

Grand occasion

On March 14, the Expo opened. Emperor Hirohito and the Prime Minister attended the opening ceremony and delivered a short speech. Tens of thousands of guests gathered in the park to celebrate the grand event. The next day, the Expo was open to the public. In the 183 days that followed, the Expo Garden was filled with people, singing and laughing every day, and different performances from all countries in the world made the activities during the Expo climax and colorful.
Since the Osaka World Expo, almost every participating country has held a pavilion day celebration on their national day. Guests from all over the world gathered together to deliver information, cooperate and exchange, and enhance friendship. Various cultural activities have added a festive color to the World Expo. This initiative has also become a reserved program for future World Expo.
The Osaka Expo has achieved great success. A total of 64218770 people visited the Expo, creating the highest record of being the first in the Expo at that time (now surpassed by China). During the Expo, the maximum number of visitors per day was 835832 (September 5), and the minimum number was 163857 (March 16). More than half of the Japanese people visited the Expo. The investment of up to 150 billion yen was not only recovered quickly, but also made a lot of profits. The Osaka Expo became a classic success in the history of the Expo.
Japan further opened its door through the Osaka World Expo, made effective efforts to reintegrate into the international community, and also made contributions to the development of the World Expo.
Kobo Ab é, a famous Japanese novelist, said: "The real criterion of the world today is modernization. The rapid development of national civilization means that the key to opening the door to the world is' modernization ', and its symbol is' cooperation and exchange'. The success of the 1970 Osaka World Expo is the symbol of the arrival of Japan's national modernization.
The Osaka World Expo ended on September 13, 1970. The crown prince left a famous saying among the cheering crowd: "May the ideal fire of human progress and harmony never extinguish".

Main impacts

After the Osaka World Expo, most of the buildings of the World Expo were demolished. The Expo Park was changed to Wanbo Park, and the international pavilion was changed to a children's playground with different contents. The original Japan Pavilion, Steel Industry Exhibition Hall and Japan Folk Art Hall are retained as permanent architectural facilities, and are re planned and designed. Wanbo Park now has the Japanese Folk Art Museum, the National International Art Museum National Museum of Ethnology The International Children's Literature Museum and the World Expo Memorial Hall.
With regard to the preservation of the solar tower, different opinions have been aroused after the World Expo. In 1975, the Japanese government decided to implement a permanent reservation of the Sun Tower, which became a national specific monument.
The sun tower, which symbolizes the dignity of human beings and the never-ending pace of progress.
The sun tower, whose burgeoning artistic charm still shocks and stirs everyone's mind.
The sun tower, which contains the philosophy of "human progress and harmony", still reminds the society in the process of human progress