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1669 was a Peacetime , is the lunar calendar Year of Youyou It's the Year of the Rooster. Year : The 23rd year of Yongli in the Ming Dynasty and the 8th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. Its first day begins on Tuesday.
Chinese name
Lunar calendar
Year of Youyou [1]
bright Perpetual calendar Twenty three years, Qing Dynasty Kangxi Eight years

Historical Chronicle

Strictly enforce the confidentiality system of the meeting of the king and ministers
In the eighth year of Kangxi's reign (1669), Emperor Kangxi heard about the contents of the meeting of the ministers of the House of Governors, but before it was asked, outsiders knew about it. So, in July, he gave a special order Zongren Mansion The Second Department of Officials and Soldiers: All matters that belong to the Council of Ministers of Baylor, the King of Parliament, are important state secrets. At the time of the meeting, we should be very careful. In the future, the miscellaneous attendants must be strictly restricted. As for the kings Baylor Their long history and idle ministers will stop their political discussion. In the future, you must be careful in meetings. Only state secrets shall be disclosed. Order the above Yamen and Ministries to give instructions immediately and make strict demands.
It is strictly forbidden to mistreat the Eight Flags Slave
In the eighth year of Kangxi (1669), the minister of punishment Zhu Zhibi Commentary: Eight Banners Servants, there are no less than 2000 people who commit suicide every year! This is because they have been suffering from hunger and cold for many years, and have been scolded and insulted. In June, Emperor Kangxi further analyzed the reasons why a large number of slaves were forced to commit suicide when he ordered the Ministry of Punishment, agreed with what Zhu Zhibi had said, and seriously pointed out: "In the future, officials and people must give their families a pension and do not continue to do so Coercion If you die, your life will be extremely heavy, and your Ministry will make an order. "

Chronicle of Events

On March 8, the Qing government decided to exempt the provinces of the Ming Dynasty from the practice of abolishing the land property of vassals, withdraw the ministry members sent for this purpose, hand over the land with the unchanged price to the governor of the province, and give it to the original farmers to cultivate, and change it into a private household, called renamed land, which will always be the world industry, and collect silver and grain as usual. For the remaining land that has not been planted, people will be invited to reclaim it. In the first month of the ninth year of Kangxi's reign, it was also considered that there were abandoned vassals of the Ming Dynasty who bought their own land in the renamed field and rented land for the people. They also paid rent in addition to grain transportation. In order to avoid overloading, they decided to exempt them from paying rent and pay food with the people's field. If the exchange silver has been collected in the treasury, it is allowed to offset the regular tax of the next year.
In April, The military division is in the middle of the matter Liu Ruhan Shuyan: "The first task of the emperor is not to look beyond learning, and not to rush to the feast." He asked Emperor Kangxi to instruct the ritual department, examine the old rules in detail, speak the first day, hold the feast the second time, select Confucian officials, and speak in different classes. Emperor Kangxi "accepted his words, and the lower part discussed the action".
In May, Kangxi decided to take action. He first Oboi Of henchmen Send in various names to weaken the power of Aobai, and then send people to summon Aobai into the palace to be captured. After that, the followers of Aobai were captured one by one.
In August, Chen Yikui was served as a secretary by the Ministry of Household, and the printed text of the Ministry of Household falsely claimed the money and grain from the local servants in Qingyuan and other counties of Zhili. After the incident, he suggested that we should deal with it strictly to learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones. He advocated grain storage for war and famine.
On October 9, the Qing government rebuilt Lugou Bridge Upon completion, the monument was erected, and Emperor Kangxi wrote the inscription himself. The inscription reads: In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the autumn rain was disastrous, and the northeast side of Lugou Bridge was damaged by water for twelve zhang. So, Luo Duo, the minister of the Ministry of Works, was ordered to select craftsmen, supervise the construction and dredging, and dredge the water. Rework as before. "Since then, people from all over the world have never been sick." "Yuanle monument is immortal."


Tang Shangxian , a French, born in 1669, joined the Association in October 1685, arrived in China on November 25, 1701, and died in Beijing on February 25, 1724.
August, Right to disincentive Born in Jingmen, Hubei Province.


On August 5, Italian composer and singer cesti Born in Arezzo, he died in Florence on October 14, 1669.
Rembrandt (1606-1669) died in Amsterdam on October 4 and was born in Leiden on July 15, 1606.
On December 16, Feng Bingzheng , literally friend, was born in the "Mayan Castle", the fief of an ancient noble family in Bugey, France