zero Useful+1


Gregorian calendar year
1640 is a leap year, which is the lunar calendar Gengchen Year , is the Year of the Dragon. Year is Ming Chongzhen Thirteen years, Qing Dynasty Chongde Five years. Its first day begins on Sunday.
In 1640, British bourgeois revolution (1640-1688). [2]
Chinese name
Flat leap year
leap year
the Chinese zodiac
years designated by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
Gengchen Year
The 13th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty
Chronicle of Events
The British Bourgeois Revolution Begins [2]


  1. one February
  2. two March
  3. three April
  4. four May
  5. five June
  1. six July
  2. seven August
  3. eight September
  4. nine November
  5. ten December
  1. eleven birth
  2. twelve Death
  3. thirteen Miscellaneous anecdotes


On February 7, Commander Zuo Liangyu , Governor Three Sides of Shaanxi Waiter Zheng Chongjian Wait for a fiasco Zhang Xianzhong In Taiping County Manao Mountain At that time, the Rebel Army was divided into three routes, the west route was Zhang Xianzhong, the boundary between Chu and Shu, and the east route was Zhang Xianzhong Coriaceous eye , Cao Wei, South Road Transit star Etc.


On March 7, Chongzhen The emperor issued an edict to strike the towns Interior minister The imperial edict said: "The officials in each town have been observing for a long time. The army, horses, money and equipment have slightly improved, but the war, defense, and assistance have not been unified. So he withdrew the chief inspector, sub guards, and other officials back to Beijing for another use. The governor, the government, the town, and the Tao will shoulder all the money, horses, border defense, and suppression of the emperor in border affairs.
On March 14, Hu Kegei is in the process Left-handed sparse Chen Si Disadvantages: the people are poor, the soldiers are weak, the ministers and workers are in a hurry, and the national plan is wasted. Also, please prohibit the soldiers from plagiarizing and asking for rice money to help the hungry. Emperor Chongzhen adopted his words, and ordered 75 prefectures and counties to stop practicing three times, 68 prefectures and counties to stop collecting wages in the middle disaster, 28 prefectures and counties to collect wages in the autumn, and ordered the prison to be cleared up.


In April, to raise funds Military expenditure , suppression Scotland uprising, charles i Forced to convene a parliament that had been suspended for 11 years.
On April 15, Chongzhen The emperor told the officials and ministers: over the years, qualifications have been restricted and talents have been suppressed. It is not our ancestors' intention to make an exception to the rules when they failed to comply with the repeated orders to pay tribute and receive tribute. Go to school successful candidates of the national civil service examination And tried Annual tribute A total of 263 people, all owned by six departments Procuratorate General Administration Department Taichang Temple Each department subordinate and the inferred official should fill in the gaps in order. This is for special use, not for example.


In May, an uprising broke out in Barcelona; In order to suppress this uprising, Portugal Our nobles have received Mobilization order , let them go Catalonia enter a war.
On May 13, it rained cats and dogs day and night in Wujiang, Gui'an and other places in Su, Song, Hu and other prefectures. The water suddenly burst out, and the buildings collapsed regardless of the embankment. The price of rice is Teng Yan, and the price of rice is as high as 34 silver coins. Rich families often close the sale, and people eat all the grass and grass, leaving their wives and the dead to sleep on each other. The bullies are in small groups, clamoring for food, street strikes, and rural households are closed.
On May 16, Chongzhen The emperor told the Ministry of Household Procuratorate Direct province The people in Jifu, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, and Shaanxi were hungry, and some people ate vegetables without color. They dug out meat and Cuan bones, hid the amount of water, and said that they fell into tears.


On June 29, Chongzhen Imperial edict series "Seven Books of Martial Arts Classic" , life Bachelor Fan Fucui President, Right Waiter of the Ritual Department Yellow brocade Shao Zhan Shi Li Shaoxian, vice president, right Praise kindness Hu Shi'an , Compilation Liu Lishun , Editing Square arch dry He was the compiler and editor of the library.


July, Zhang Xianzhong Go west Baiyang Mountain And Luo Rucai meet. here Cao Wei When crossing the sky to cross the river, Ming officials and soldiers stopped him. Zhang Xianzhong arrived and met him.
On July 14, Luo Rucai He Ming, Commander in Chief Sun Yingyuan Wait for war Xingshan Zhifeng Yiping was beheaded more than 2300 levels by the officials and captured more than 500 people. Luo Rucai leads his followers to Wushan and joins Zhang Xianzhong's team.
July 15, Linqing Deputy Chief Huang Yinsi Ocean Shipping Chart


August, Yang Sichang When he left for Sichuan, Wan Yuanji, the supervisor of the army, entered Sichuan first General of Shu Guard such dangerous places as Pakistan and Wuwu.


September, Li Zicheng From Yun, Jun to Henan. At first, Li Zicheng was surrounded in the Yufu Mountain (Sichuan Fengjie County East), when many people in the righteous army surrendered to the government, Li Zicheng wanted to kill himself and discouraged him for his adopted son Shuangxi. Li Zicheng's subordinates Liu Zongmin Killing his wife told Li Zicheng that he would die and obey the king. When the soldiers heard about it, they also killed more wives and swore to follow Li Zicheng. Li Zicheng is burned baggage , Qingqi entered Henan.
On September 6, the Ming army was defeated at Guanyinyan. at that time Wanyuanji Garrison Wushan, Shao Jiechun In Dachang, we support each other.
On September 8, Tang Ruowang The repaired old zither was presented together with another foreign musical instrument Chongzhen emperor.


In November, Yang Sichang Lead the army into Chongqing. military inspector Wanyuanji Promote to the front of the army As fierce as a tiger As the President, Zhang Yingyuan Serve as deputy and lead the army Mianzhou , assign all generals to guard the key place, Yuanji from the path to Shehong , waiting for the Rebels at Pengxi. Rebel garrison An Yue World, when the officers and soldiers arrive, they retreat to Neijiang Like a tiger chasing after it, Yuanji and Yingyuan are guarding under Anyue City.


In December, an imperial edict was issued to increase the tariff of the world. Chongzhen In the early years, the tariff increased by one yuan for every two years, Chongwenmen Ho-hsi-wu Linqing Jiujiang, Hushu Yangzhou , Beixin, Huai'an Baguan, an increase of 50000 liang. Soon, another two dollars were added. minister of works Be strict with oneself , discussion on "increasing Nanjing" Publicity and Education Department Tax amount Ten thousand is thirty thousand ", the minister of the Ministry of Housing of Nanjing Zheng Sanjun Received by "Publicity Department" Land tax Few, please pay taxes in Wuhu to offset the increase Comments "The tax is 30000 yuan in Wuhu, but the tax is still increased by 10000 yuan". Later, he was able to spend less money and increased the tariff by 200000 liang, while the merchants and people became increasingly poor.
On December 1, Portugal Regained independence from Spain.


Pu Songling
On June 5, the author of Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio Pu Songling Birthday.


Zhang Jingyue (1563-1640), late Ming Dynasty Joint inspection (Today Zhejiang Shaoxing )The person, whose name is Jiebin, whose name is Huiqing, and whose name is Jingyue, is also called Tongyizhai, because his room name is Tongyizi. At the same time, because he is good at using Cultivated land , some people also call him“ Zhang Shudi ”。 Ancient Chinese Medicine Wenbu School The representative of. People called him "a master of medical skills"“ Zhongjing Later, one person for thousands of years ", his academic thought has a great impact on later generations.
Cai Guoyong Death: Cai Guoyong (? - 1640), born in Jinxi, Jiangxi, with the word Zhengfu. In 1610, the 38th year of Wanli Zhongshu She promoted the imperial historian. calendar Dali Temple Cheng Shaoqing In the fifth year of the apocalypse (1625) Wei Zhongxian Meaning, order to stay idle. Chongzhen In the first year (1628), he became an official and moved to the right side of the Ministry of Works repeatedly. In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, he was promoted Minister of Rites Concurrent Dongge Bachelor Enter the cabinet. In June of the 12th year, we made progress by making marginal contributions Crown Prince , Minister of Household Wenyuange Bachelor In November, we will make progress in the defense of the city minister of personnel Wu Yingdian Bachelor , died on June 20, 2013, presented Taibao , posthumous title Wenke. It has been used for three years by the government. It has lived in a pure and honest position and has done nothing.
February, Murad IV (Murad IV,1612~1640) Ottoman Empire The 17th Su Dan Alcoholism Overkill.
May 30, Belgium The painter Rubens died [1]

Miscellaneous anecdotes

Statue of Li Zicheng
Li Xin Invest in Li Zicheng : Li Xinwei Qi County This is the son of Shangshu Jingbai. Chongzhen In December of the 13th year (1640), it was invested by Li Zicheng. Li Xin wanted to wash away his sins because his father was listed against the law. He once sent rice and stone to help the hungry people. People called him "Young Master Li". Hour Red Lady Anti trust. The letter escapes, surrenders itself to the government, and the government jails it. The Red Lady and the starving people robbed the prison together, killed the magistrate and returned, and coerced Li Xin to return to Li Zicheng. Li Zicheng changed his name to Yan. Li Zicheng proposed that "killing one person is like killing my father, and raping one person is like raping my mother", Li Yan It has "Welcome" title assumed by the rebel leader Gao Yingxiang and later passed to Li Zicheng in their uprisings during the late Ming dynasty , no food, "and put forward“ Equal field free of grain ”Etc. To make the Rebellion's military discipline solemn. The Rebel Army grew rapidly. Taurus Invest in Li Zicheng : Taurus is Lushi To cite people grade He was accused of joining Li Zicheng's army as the mastermind without permission. Later, he sneaked back. After the incident, he should be punished. Since then, take it easy. So he returned to Li Zicheng in December of 1640, the 13th year of Chongzhen.
Song Xiance Invested by Li Zicheng: Chongzhen In December of 1640, Song Xiance was recommended by Niu Jinxing and voted by Li Zicheng. Song offered advice and divination to Li Zicheng, and wrote "Eighteen sons, the main artifact" to him.
Battle of Manao Mountain
On February 7, 1640, the 13th year of Chongzhen, Yang Sichang Resident Xiangyang , and order Zuo Liangyu Special suppression Zhang Xianzhong Zuo Liangyu led the army to fight with Zhang Xianzhong at Gouping Pass (west of Xing'an County, Shaanxi Province), and Xianzhong was defeated. Zuo Liangyu, please come from Hanyang Xixiang Go to Sichuan and pursue it. Yang Sichang ordered Zuo Liangyu to be pursued by other generals, but Zuo Liangyu refused. When Zhang Xianzhong moved to Jiugunping, he saw that the Agate Mountain was very steep, so he took it. Zuo Liangyu's army reached the foot of the mountain, while Zhang Xianzhong had occupied the top of the mountain. Zuo Liangyu was divided into three groups and went up about the drum. After a long battle, Zhang Xianzhong's army was defeated. Zuo Liangyu's soldiers broke Cao Wei, the sweeper, Deng Tianwang, the white horse and other leaders of the Rebellion. Zhang Xianzhong's wife and concubine were captured, and Zhang Xianzhong fled to Xingzhong and Guishan. Soon he entered Xing'an again Fangxian County The government and army are afraid of mountain risks and will not attack, Zhang Xianzhong In the hidden forest, the mountain people were bribed to buy salt rice. The mountain people became the eyes and ears of the Rebels. Zhang Xianzhong received scattered soldiers, and his momentum recovered.
Dismiss the town officials
Chongzhen Employing people on an exceptional basis
Suzhou , Songjiang, Huzhou, etc
Emperor Chongzhen comforted the people
May 16, 1640 (the 13th year of Chongzhen's reign), when natural disasters were prevalent, people sought inspiration and greedy help demon of drought The cruel and harsh drum Yellow River water god Wave. In the course of people's livelihood, don't die. Recently, although the imperial edicts of Zhenzhen were issued repeatedly, they were unheard of. Today, I heard that lazy thieves do not follow the rules of the world, and those who abuse recovery do not do good. How much money will local officials give to accumulate grain? How many people will be recruited for the relief work? The fields are deserted. Did you buy calves for the seeds and cultivate them in many ways? The rich gentry, if they lose money and make money, try to persuade them? Have you ever announced the suspension of money and food in order to benefit? It is the duty of the caretaker to check the officials and pacify the people. It is necessary to reduce the practice of county survey, that is, whether there are local hungry people or not, and the palace where the officials belong is the most important.
Peasant Army Entering Sichuan
Chongzhen July, 1640, Zhang Xianzhong Although he was defeated, he was still full of anger. He immediately moved to the riverside and cut off the former. The officers and soldiers retreated. After Zhang Xianzhong crossed the river, he stationed in Wanqing Mountain Yang Sichang Only since Yiling The boat came up. Zhang Xianzhong's power has been strong, he has successively captured Dachang and Kaixian, attacked Jianzhou in the north, and will enter Hanzhong And attacked Mianzhou Luzhou , to Kaixian Yang Sichang is in Chongqing He Renlong Zuo Liangyu did not come to help.
Li Zicheng Entering Henan
The Ming Army Defeated at Guanyinyan
On September 6, 1640, the 13th year of Chongzhen's reign, the Ming army was defeated at Guanyinyan. At that time, Wan Yuanji was stationed in Wushan, and Shao Jiechun was stationed in Dachang to support each other. Later Jiechun, in the words of his generals, thought that it was difficult to guard the upper, middle and lower Madu in Dachang because the water was shallow and flat. Instead, the soldiers were divided into three places, each sent three or four hundred people to guard. The Rebels rushed to the Madu and broke it first. The Yuanji ordered the generals to gather at Tanjialing, Qibonkan, Qianxi and other places, and sent Zhang Zukai to garrison the clean wall. Luo Hongzheng of Jiechun School Shen Yinglong 2. Will help. and Zhang Xianzhong Having broken through the net wall and reached Dachang, Dachang was conquered.
Zengtianxia tariff
Puzhou Mansion A great famine
Chongzhen In the 13th year of the Great Famine (1640), all the plants were eaten up. The government dug a pit outside the city gate to bury the starving dead. The burial was full, and the hungry people who had no food fought for In pit Those who cut and eat their meat until a father and son couple eat each other.
In 1640 (the 13th year of Chongzhen's reign), locusts were everywhere, hundreds of trees were leafless, and there were thousands of miles of bare land. People dig grass roots bark Father and son eat each other, skeletons are crisscross, babies are abandoned, and many people stand on their own feet Draft Those who want to sell and turn the ravine are not counted. Spring of 1641 Pestilence Then, more than half died.