zero Useful+1


particular year
1513 is the 13th year of the 16th century, which belongs to the eighth year of Zhengde of Wuzong in the early 16th century.
Chinese name
sixteenth century
Ming Wuzong Eight Years of Zhengde
year of the rooster

Year information

Century: 16th century
Traditional calendar: Year: Ming Wuzong Eight years of Zhengde; Ten Years of Emperor Yongzheng of Japan
Guiyou Year (Year of the Rooster)

Big story

Portugal Map
The Portuguese came to China for the first time. The first Portuguese to arrive in China was Jorge Alvares, who led a fleet of ships to unload ingots near Lingding Island in 1513.
Nikolai Machiavelli published On Kings.
January 20 - Christian II is crowned king of Denmark and Norway.
March 11 - Giovanni de Medici is elected Pope as Leo X.
September 25 - Baskou Nuennis De· Balvoya [1] He was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.


Jinchuan Shiyao (1513-1547) is a famous family in the Yijia family of Kamakura Silla Balangyuan, and the eighth generation supervisor of Junhe Jinchuan family. His father is a relative of the present Chuan family, and his mother is Shou Guini. The third brother is Yoshiwon Konkawa, the god archer of the first bow in Tokaido and the ninth generation of home governor.
Sanada Yukitaka
Shizaki Jing's family, born in the 10th year of Yongzheng (1513) and died in the 4th year of Tianzheng (1576), is a family minister of Nagao and Shangshan's family in the Yuehou State (today's Shinzo Prefecture) during the Warring States Period of Japan. Shangshan is one of the Chinese people. Minamijiro, whose official worship is Hequan Shou, is also called Shizaki Hequan Shou. He is the master of Muqi City and Ape Mao City. His father is Shizaki. His sons are Shizaki Qingjia and Shizaki Youjia. Dazhengsuo (1513-1592, August 29), whose real name is Zhong, is the mother of Fengchen Xiuji, Fengchen Xiuchang, Ruilongyuan and Xuji. The term "Dazhengsuo" was originally specifically used to honor the mother of Ren Guanbai, but now it has specifically referred to the mother of Toyotomi Xiuji.
Makita Xinglong (1513-1574, June 8, and Yongzheng 10, May 19, Tianzheng 2) was a military general in the Warring States Period of Japan. Family ministers of the Wu Tian family, the famous name of the Warring States Period in Jiafei State, are also the ancestors of the Zhen Tian family. Youzi Makita Shingang, Makita Changhui, Makita Changxing, Makita Xinyin and Jinjing Gaosheng. Also known as Zhen Tian Xingang, it is called "Attack Bomb Zheng". The main room is Gongyun Yard, the younger sister of Heyuan Longzheng.
Lihuadao Snow (March 17, 2010, Yongzheng (April 22, 1513) - September 11, 2013, Tianzheng (November 2, 1585)) was a military general in the Warring States Period of Japan, and a family minister of Kyushu Island Fenghou, a famous man in the Warring States Period.
Well developed mouth and feather (1513 (the 10th year of Yongzheng) - August 16, 1582 (July 28, Tianzheng 10th year)), military general of the Warring States Period of Japan, a Maori family minister. It belongs to Shidao, a branch of Banshi, a collateral branch of Maori's family of the Dajiang system.
Tamespo I (Persian: هممم; March 3, 1513~May 14, 1576) Shah (king) of Safavid Dynasty in Iran. He reigned from 1524 to 1576.
Flower path snow
Tobe Nagata was born in 1513 (the 10th year of Yongzheng) and died on March 27, 1630 (February 14 of the 7th lunar calendar in Kuanyong). He was a famous doctor from the late Warring States Period to the early Edo Period of Japan. They are known as "Tebon of Jiafei", "Mr. Shisiwen" and "Japanese medical sage". No. "contentment room", "dry room". His image of traveling around on the back of a cow and practicing medicine cheaply to help the poor spread to later generations.
Yoshima Masaya (Yongzheng 10th year (1513) - Tianzheng 16th year (1588)), from the Warring States Period to Azuchi-Momoyama period Military general. He is the supervisor of Jijian's family, the leader of Sanben Pine, and one of the eighteen Maori generals. Good luck to see the son of Laixing. The official position is guarded by three rivers.
Gao Gong (1513-1578) was named Su Qing and Zhong Xuan. Han nationality, Xinzheng People. ming dynasty Jiajing Longqing Minister of the time. In the 20th year of Jiajing, he became a scholar. When Zhu Zaiyeng was King Yu, he served as a lecturer. In the 45th year of Jiajing period (1566), I was recommended by Xu Jie Wenyuan Pavilion Bachelor degree.
Ming Shenzong After assuming the throne, Gao Gong took charge of the young and wanted to take over Supervisor of rites The cabinet has the power to do so. And Zhang Juzheng Mou, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao Make friends, Feng Baojin slandered the empress dowager and accused Gao Gong of being professional and unruly, and was ordered to become an official. Wanli died at home in the sixth year. In the seventh year of Wanli, it was presented to the rehabilitated officials. His works include Gao Wen Xiang Gong Ji.


Pope Julian II
Map of Scotland
Pope Julio II, also translated as Julius II, Julius II, and Julius II (December 5, 1443 February 21, 1513), formerly known as Giuliano della Rovere, reigned from November 28, 1503 to February 21, 1513. He is the nephew of the former Pope Situ IV.
James IV of Scotland (from March 11, 1473 to September 9, 1513), the sixth monarch of the Stuart Dynasty of Scotland and the son of James III, reigned from 1488 to 1513.
Lunwenxu (1467-1513), the word Bochou and the number moved to Okayama. Li Chong, Nanhai, Ming Dynasty (now called Li Chong Village, Lanshi, Foshan, Guangdong).
High arch
High arch (1512-1578), with the name of Suqing and the name of Zhongxuan. People from Gaolaozhuang Village, Xinzheng City, Henan Province. Political figures in the Ming Dynasty, Longqing Served as the cabinet bachelor and cabinet Primary and secondary
Gao Gong was born on December 13 (January 19, 1513), the seventh year of Zhengde, Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty. He was born into a family of officials. He was born with a big face and was eager to learn from an early age.

Historical records

Jiang Bin is trusted by Wuzong
The troops from Liaodong, Xuanfu, Datong and Yansui were transferred to the capital, and they were called "Four Foreign Families". Crisscross the city. Each group practiced in the hall, and used horns to contradict each other. Wu Zongrong wears a uniform and rides out with Jiang Bin. His armor is almost indistinguishable. On the 15th day of the first month of the eighth year of Zhengde (1513), Xu Tai was ordered to lead the Ganyong Camp and Jiang Bin led the Shenwei Camp. It also changed Taipingcang into Zhenguo Mansion and was located at the border of Xuanfu Mansion. Jianxi Official Hall is located in Fenwu Camp. Give Xu Tai and Jiang Bingguo the surname. Later, they moved to Xu and Jiang respectively as the governor. Jiang Bin recommended Wan Quan to command Cong and Zhou Yonglue, the commander god of Shaanxi, and called them into the leopard house, both of whom are righteous children. Destroy the folk houses of Jiqing and Mingyu, build the imperial shop and wine shop, and build the Yizi Mansion. Jiang Bin is also in charge of the four garrisons, and Wu Zong leads the officials, who are good at riding and shooting. In the morning and on the evening, Jia's light shines on the palace, and the call sign reaches nine gates. Wuzong reviews it from time to time, and it is called "Guojin".
Qiu Yue Tells Chen Bing
On the third day of June in the eighth year of Zhengde's reign (1513), Xianning waited for Qiu Yue to report on Chen's military affairs. There are police on all sides, but it is advisable to send a quantity of police to show solidarity. If you have more than you can chew, you will pay more than you can chew. The beggars will listen to the army of twenty thousand soldiers in Beijing and reserve them for operation. 2、 There are elite soldiers on all sides. Since there are no horses and equipment, they cannot use them as much as they can, so they beg for supplement. 3、 Make up the shortage of border soldiers in all provinces. 4、 Reward for meritorious deeds and punish for crimes. Wu Zong ordered the Ministry of War to discuss and implement. However, the border troops are still not repatriated.
Shen Ban You Si Ke Lian
Zhang Run told Chen: Recently, a company deprived the army and civilians, and set up more celebrities. The money and grain are consumed, the word litigation is explained, the text is moved, and the reverse text is wrong. It is advisable to order the officials to strictly ban the agreement, so that the less Su people are trapped, and God will return. There are prohibitions in both the Du Cha Yuan Meeting and the Zhang Runli dialect, but the law has long been harmful to students. Please state that it is strictly prohibited. Emperor Wuzong issued an edict: "There is a strict discipline in the application for prohibition, and violators will be severely punished.".
Fu Heng became an official
Fu 珪 (1459-1515) was born in Qingyuan, Baoding. In the 23rd year of Chenghua's reign (1487), he was promoted as a scholar, and selected the commoners as the lucky ones. He was awarded the Imperial Academy for editing. He also revised the "Huidian" and the "Filial Piety Record", and successively promoted Zuo Zhongyun as the editor, Zuo Yude as the lecturer, taught the commoners as the lucky ones, and Chongri as the lecturer. Liu Jin used an excuse to demote him to Xiuzhuan. Later, he moved to Zuo Zhongyun and served as a lecturer Bachelor of Imperial Academy , Left and Right Servants of the Ministry of Officials. In December of 1511, the sixth year of Zhengde, he moved to the Ministry of Rites. The appearance is dull, and when it comes to important matters, it is determined not to take it away. He became an official on June 14, the eighth year of Zhengde, and died on April 14, the tenth year of Zhengde, at the age of 57. To the prince Shaobao, posthumously named Wenyi. There are Beitan Collection and Fu Wenyi Public Collection.
Fengcheng Meteorite in Jiangxi Province
On June 27, 1513, the eighth year of Zhengde era, Mars fell on Fengcheng, Jiangxi Province. A fire broke out, burning more than 30000 houses and killing more than 30 people. The Ministry of Household reported that the fire was abnormal, and the governor of Qichi checked the stricken house and gave relief separately.
Wang Zhe died
Wang Zhe (1457-1513), with the word Side, was born in Wujiang. In the third year of Hongzhi's reign (1490), he became a scholar, served as a supervisor and imperial historian, patrolled Jiangxi, and impeached the eunuch Dong Rang, who was arrogant and arrogant. The king of Ning was afraid and hid. Later, the Imperial Historian of Youjin Capital inspected Jiangxi. He became an official in 1511, the sixth year of Zhengde, and died on September 20, the eighth year of Zhengde.
He Jian Becomes an Official
He Jian (1442-1521), known as Shiguang, was born in Xinchang, Zhejiang Province, under the name of Wushan. In the fifth year of Chenghua (1469), Jinshi was awarded the county magistrate of Yixing, moved to supervise the imperial historian, and impeached the powerful. Served as governor of Henan Province, relieving the poor and carrying out ten things of famine relief. In the spring of the 23rd year of Chenghua (1487), he moved to Shandong to participate in political affairs and served as the governor of Sichuan. In the sixth year of Hongzhi's reign (1493), the right deputy governor of Jiangnan, the imperial governor of the capital, changed his position to that of Shandong, and recalled him to serve as the minister of the Ministry of Punishment. In the second year of Zhengde (1507), he was promoted to the minister of Nanjing Criminal Department to participate in the maintenance. In the first month of the sixth year, he was called to the Ministry of War. He became an official on the fifth day of November in the eighth year, died in August in the sixteenth year, and was 90 years old.
Li Shishi Becomes an Official
Li Shishi (? - 1519), a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, has a vague character. In the second year of Chenghua (1466), he became a scholar and was the head of the Department of Punishment. He moved to Wailang and Langzhong, the members of the Board of Commissioners, and served as the deputy envoy of the Procuratorate to study in Zhejiang. He promoted the Left Chief Executive of Shandong Province, joined the Right Deputy Chief Executive, and summoned him to serve as the minister of the Ministry of Punishment. In the fifth year of Hongzhi (1492), Yunyang, the imperial governor of the right capital, was the governor. In November of the sixth year of Hongzhi, it was called to manage the affairs of the Nanjing Imperial Court, and in July of the seventh year of Zhengde, it was changed to the capital Imperial Court. He became an official on November 13, the eighth year of Zhengde, and died on July 25, the fourteenth year of Zhengde.
Lin Tingyu Becomes an Official
Lin Tingyu (1454-1532), with the name of "Chunfu" and the name of "Nanjian", was a Fujian Hou official. In the 20th year of Chenghua's reign (1484), the Scholars were awarded by the Ministry of Official Affairs and the Department of Calendar and Engineering. The officials went to Youjin, where the Imperial Historian and the Governor Baoding were transferred to be in charge of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate. He became an official on November 22, 1513, the eighth year of Zhengde, and died in 1532, the eleventh year of Jiajing. There is Nanjian Wenlu.
Zhang Tai died
Zhang Tai (1452-1513), who was born in Suning with the word Shiheng, was a scholar in the 14th year of Chenghua (1478) and was awarded the title of magistrate of Zou County. He moved to supervise the Imperial Historian, inspected the salt lesson in Hedong, and changed it to Su Song. In the ninth year of Hongzhi's reign (1496), he was promoted to the rank of deputy envoy of Shaanxi Provincial Procuratorate, ordered Taozhou and Minzhou to prepare their troops, and soon moved to the rank of procurator, the right commander of Shanxi Province, and the left commander of Shaanxi Province. In the first year of Zhengde (1506), he moved to the right, the deputy capital, the imperial historian, and the governor of Shaanxi. The next year, he was called as Daliqing. Go back to Liu Jin. In the fourth year of Zhengde's reign, he promoted Zuo Shilang from the Ministry of Punishment. In July of the sixth year of Zhengde, he was promoted to the right capital as the chief of military affairs in Shaanxi and other places. He died on the first day of December in the eighth year of Zhengde, at the age of sixty-two. Give the crown prince a minor insurance and the minister of punishment.
Li Gong became an official
Li Gong (1456-1516), with the word Weizheng, was born in Jishui, Jiangxi Province. In the 20th year of Chenghua's reign (1484), he became a scholar and was appointed head of the Ministry of Household, moved to Wailang, and was promoted to Langzhong by the Ministry of Criminal Justice. He served as the deputy commissioner of Shandong Provincial Procuratorate, the commissioner of Fujian Provincial Procuratorate, the right commissioner of Shaanxi Provincial Procuratorate, and the left commissioner of Shanxi Provincial Procuratorate. In May of the fourth year of Zhengde (1509), Liao Dong, the right deputy governor of the capital, was punished by Liu Jin in October. Liu Jin ambushed the dead. From September of the fifth year of Zhengde, he restored Shuntian, the official governor, and also the soldiers in Jizhou and other places. He built Tongzhou City and the border of Gubei Pass. In July of the eighth year of Zhengde, he moved to the right side of the Ministry of War. He became an official on the fifth day of December, and died on May 23, the eleventh year of Zhengde, at the age of sixty-one. Presented to the Minister of Nanjing Ministry of Work. There is "Fang Zhai Collection".
Liu Ying Becomes an Official
Liu Ying (1442-1523), born in Suzhou, has the name of Youqing and the name of Tieke. In the 14th year of Chenghua (1478), he became a Jinshi, was awarded the county magistrate of Teng County, moved to supervise the imperial historian Maid Shaoqing In the 13th year of Hongzhi's reign (1500), he moved to Youjindu to be the governor of Sichuan, and also managed the military affairs of Songpan. He was told to return home, and later he still patrolled Sichuan. In the second year of Zhengde's reign (1507), Hu Guang was rehabilitated. In February of the next year, he was called to be the minister of Dali Temple, and in June, he changed to be the right servant of the Ministry of War. In the first month of the fifth year of Zhengde, he moved to the Criminal Department of Nanjing. He became an official on the 10th day of December in the 8th year of Zhengde. He died on February 16, 1523, the second year of Jiajing's reign.