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The 16th century, the 1500s. Year by Ming Xiaozong Hongzhi Fifteen years; Japan Emperor Houbaiyuan Bunki Two years. leave Columbus Last voyage America It is exactly 10 years since he first discovered the "New World".
Chinese name
sixteenth century

Traditional chronology

Renxu Year (Year of Dog)

Historical Chronicle

Qin Xuan Top Quansheng Car Map
Hongzhi On May 19, 1502, Shaanxi Military Affairs Minister Qin Xuan On the Quansheng car, it is five feet four high, two feet four wide, and ten feet four long. Two people put the blunderbuss on the top, four people put the blunderbuss on the bottom of the cart. Each cart weighs less than two stones, but four people walk on their shoulders in case of danger. Cloth armour is used to cover the target stone on the top, bottom, front and back of the cart. Beasts are painted on the armour. Those who put the blunderbuss on the shaft are also covered with cloth armour. Ten or five cars will start at the beginning of every thief, and they will go straight to the thief array; If there is a jam, the first car will put the bullet forward, and if there is a self attack, the tail car will put the bullet backward; If you enter the Thieves' Array, you will put guns in the two compartments of each car to make the thieves and horses panic and trample on each other. Other vehicles may lean against the corner to attack, or invite the thieves to return, so as to complete the strategy. The order of the Emperor Xiaozong, together with the Zhen Xun and other officials, made a report.
Qin Xuan To play Chen and prepare four traps
Hongzhi On May 29, 1502, Shaanxi Military Affairs Minister Qin Xuan There are four strategic points at the border of Chen: Henan looks at the city more than four hundred miles north of Pingliang, Guyuan The Shikou and Shuangfeng Terraces of the gorge, more than three hundred miles north, are the most important and should be strictly guarded. Further to the south, Xi'an Prefecture Zhen Rongsuo Hailadu, Dalachi, Heishuikou, Ganyancheng and Canya are the second. And then south, Guyuan Wei, Jinglu Wei, Pingtan Castle, Dongshan City, and Baiyang City are distributed for defense, which is the third. And then to the south, Huolong Valley, Hushan Valley, Jinfo Gorge, Mazhang Valley, Haizikou are all mountain streams and streams. This is the fourth choke. It seems to be a good strategy to defend the border. Xiaozong followed his words, and the order was implemented immediately.

Foreign Chronicle

In January 1502, Portugal Explorers in Rio de Janeiro When landing, the Portuguese sailed along the coast and suddenly saw a golden beach surrounded by mountains. allegedly Rio de Janeiro "River of January"( January River), because the crew mistakenly Guanabara Bay It is named after the estuary.
In February 1502, Da Gama Be ordered to the indian ocean Make a second voyage to establish Portugal Hegemony in the Indian Ocean. Da Gama Led a fleet of ten ships, with great prowess, they challenged, threatened and announced to the residents along the way Suzerainty , also intercept merchant ship Massacre of sailors, merchants and fishermen. After arriving in India, they captured the important town there Kozekod And Quanqin to make them Portugal A base for colonial rule in India.
Da Gama Your life is both Navigator It was also plundered by early colonists Lifetime His new route opened up a new era of European colonial plunder and expansion.
On April 3, 1502 Columbus He led four ships and about 150 people to set out from Cadiz and started his fourth and final voyage, trying to find the channel to "India" on the sea between Cuba and the Paria Peninsula as soon as possible. Columbus The discovery of the third voyage has been shaken Portugal And Spain, many people think that the place he arrived is not Asia, but a "new world" that Europeans have never been to. So King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ordered Columbus Sail again to find out and find the water passage from the middle of the new continent to the Pacific Ocean. He arrived Hispaniola Back, through Cuba Island and Jamaica The sea area between the two heads to the west of the Caribbean Sea, and then turns south to the east Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica and Panama The coast sailed about 1500 kilometers to find the passage between the two oceans. He also knew from the Indians that he was walking along a Isthmus Driving. As one ship was destroyed in the conflict with the Indians, the other three were also damaged successively, Columbus In June 1503 Jamaica Abandoned the ship and landed, and returned to Spain on November 7, 1504.
1502 Columbus Reach the middle America In 1502, Columbus Last voyage America It is exactly 10 years since he first discovered the "New World". The ship is Gulf of Honduras Landing, Columbus He and his crew were excited to set foot on the verdant land that they had not seen for a long time. In the local market, a beautifully made pottery basin attracted his attention. The seller told him that the beautiful pottery basin came from "Maya". This magical name was first introduced to European ears.
In 1502, Portugal towards the ming dynasty The government sent Envoy
In 1502, France and Spain in Italy Naples War broke out on the issue of partition.
In 1502, the Persians established the Safavid Empire, and the Safavid Dynasty declared the Twelve Imams as the state religion. The Twelve Imams became the main sect of the Shi'ites, which is still the state religion of Iran today.


Gregory XIII
January 7, 1502 Gregory XIII be born
This is Ugo Boncompagni
Served on May 13, 1572
Retired on April 10, 1585
Former Pius V
Succession to Sixtus V
Date of birth: January 7, 1502
Bologna, Italy
Died on April 10, 1585 (83 years old)
Rome, Italy
Ruo Ang III John III, (June 6, 1502 - June 11, 1557), Portugal And Algarve King (1521-1557).
Li Kaixian (1502-1568), named Bohua, named Zhonglu, Shandong, China Zhangqiu (of Jinan), China the ming dynasty Well known writer and litterateur Jiajing Eight Talents one of.
Bryce de Lassenlang - Massenkang Blaise de Lasseran Massen ô me, seigneur de Montluc or Monluc, 1502-1577 French Marshal
Great friendship (1502 - February 28, 1550) is the Warring States Period of Fenghou State name The 20th generation of Dayou became the leader. He is the son of Da Youyichang. The sons are Dayou Zonglin, Dayou Qingying and Dayou Qinzhen.
Remilia Scarlett (Fictitious) (1502 -??) Event: The famous vampire purge was launched because of the blood lineage problem and too proud, leading to the mass extinction of vampires (success) and the red fog mutation (failure)


Zhu Bingpeng (? - 1502) Yes the ming dynasty The son of Zhu Chengxuan, the king of Lintong, Zhu Gongming He is the grandson of Zhu Zhi, the King of Qin. He first attacked the King of Lintong Hongzhi Issued in the 13th year King Qin , posthumously named his father King of Qin Zhuang His grandfather was King Qin'an. Zhu Bingpeng stay Hongzhi He died in the fourteenth year and had the posthumous title of King Zhao of Qin. His son, King Ding of Qin, Zhu Weizhuo, succeeded him.
Xie Shou Death
Xie Shou (1434-1502), Wei Zhang, born in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, was a Jinshi in the fifth year of Jingtai (1454). He was the head of the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of Corrections, and the calendar Yuanwailang , Lang Zhong, Sichuan Guangxi Right Counsellor, Shaanxi Right Counsellor, Fujian a provincial official equivalent to today's chief prosecutor of a high court , Guangxi Right Chief Executive Right Deputy Governor of the Procuratorate Hu Guang, the governor, was summoned as the right handyman of the Ministry of Work, and the Ministry of Punishment was turned to the left. He was promoted to be the minister of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing. Hongzhi He died on the eighth day of May in the fifteenth year (1502).
Zheng Ling died
Zheng Ling (1440-1502), a native of Yiyang, Jiangxi Province, with the word Mengling. In the fifth year of Chenghua (1469), Jinshi was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Work, and promoted Yuanwailang Doctor, he is outspoken and dare to fight, and he tries to get rid of old evils. Although he is slandered, he is not depressed. Promote left political participation, left and right administrative envoys in Sichuan, and move to the right Deputy Capital Imperial Historian Governor Henan, Hongzhi He died on the third day of June in 1502 (the 15th year), 63 years old. He has been an official for more than 30 years and is famous for his honesty and ability.
Xiang Zhong (1421-1502), who was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, was named Jinchen. Orthodox seven years (1442) Jinshi, head of the Ministry of Punishment, Jinshi Yuanwailang Jingtaizhong was moved from Langzhong to Guangdong as Deputy Envoy. Tianshun First move to Shaanxi a provincial official equivalent to today's chief prosecutor of a high court , changed to the right in the seventh year of Tianshun (1463) Deputy Capital Imperial Historian Patrol Shaanxi, resist Tatars, and open canals to irrigate fields. The fourth year of Chenghua (1468) Man Jun In case of trouble, make progress Youdu Imperial Historian , Li Du Chayuan. In the sixth year of Chenghua, he led a military expedition Jingxiang Refugee Uprising , drive away and kill refugees. Chenghua 10 years minister of punishment , turn to the Ministry of War. In June of the 13th year of Chenghua the nine great ministers of state Apply for impeachment Wang Zhi And was denounced as the people. Wang Zhi After defeat, he returned to office and soon became an official. Twenty six years of home furnishing, Hongzhi He died on August 11, 1502 (the 15th year), and was given Crown Prince , posthumously named Xiangyi. Xiang Zhong It is famous for its elegance, simplicity, integrity, and sensitivity to political affairs.
Zhang Yue died
Zhang Yue (? - 1502), styled Shi Min, named Ding An, Songjiang Huating (today's Shanghai), Tianshun Four years (1460) Jinshi, head of the Ministry of Punishment, Jinshi Yuanwailang Chenghua Zhongchu became a Jiangxi official, changed to supervise Zhejiang School, moved to Sichuan as deputy envoy, and entered a provincial official equivalent to today's chief prosecutor of a high court Hongzhi At the beginning, he moved to the right side of the Ministry of Work, and turned to the left side of the Ministry of Officials. He repeatedly said that he wanted to repair current affairs. Move to Nanjing Youdu Imperial Historian , changed to Nanjing minister of personnel , transfer to Nanjing Minister of War , Counsellor Maintenance. Hongzhi Twelve years (1499) Prince Shaobao Hongzhi He died on the fifth day of October in the fifteenth year, and presented Crown Prince , posthumously Zhuang Jian. Honest conduct and abiding by the law. There is Ding An Collection.
Xu Guan Death
Xu Guan (? - 1502), the word is thick one, or Zuoyuan one, born in Chun'an, Zhejiang Province, Tianshun In the first year (1457), Jinshi was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Military Affairs and promoted Yuanwailang , Lang Zhong, taking the right side of Fujian to participate in politics, patrolling Haidao. rise Fujian Right Chief Executive , Shandong Left Chief Executive, Bye Deputy Capital Imperial Historian He went to Suzhou and Huzhou to manage water conservancy and dredge rivers and lakes. Later promoted Shangshu, plus Prince Shaobao , in Crown Prince Hongzhi Thirteen years (1500), Hongzhi He died on November 18 of the 15th year and gave Shaobao the posthumous title of Kang Yi. There is "Remaining Draft".
Chen Rui died
Chen Rui (1439-1502), a native of Hefei (now Anhui), Pingjiangbo Chen Yu's son, attacked in the eighth year of Tianshun (1464) count , in charge of the operator. Chenghua Six years (1470) guarding Guangdong and Guangxi Commander Chenghua In the eighth year, the town of Yangzhou was changed and the Cao River was built. Hongzhi first Commander in chief Beijing camp drill, concurrently in charge Zuo Jun Dudu Mansion Things. Hongzhi Seven years (1494) plus Crown Prince , Collaboration Liu Daxia Administer the Zhangqiu Canal, make contributions to the Taiping and Prince and Fu In the 11th year of Hongzhi, he was added as a Taifu. Hongzhi Thirteen year recharge Commander Tongjing or soldiers went to Datong to defend Tartars. They returned without success and were deprived of salaries. December 16, 1502, the 15th year of Hongzhi