Gong Zizhen

[gōng zì zhēn]
Officials, poets and litterateurs in the Qing Dynasty
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Gong Zizhen (from August 22, 1792 to September 26, 1841), with the name of 璱 people, and the number of Ding 盦 [1] Zhejiang Renhe (today Hangzhou )People. Living in old age Kunshan Feather is a mountain pavilion, and also called Feather is a mountain people. Thinkers, poets, writers and Reformism The pioneer of.
Gong Zizhen Cabinet Letter Zongren Mansion Official positions such as chief and chief of the ceremonial department. He advocated the elimination of maladministration, resisted foreign aggression, and once fully supported Lin Zexu Interdiction opium He resigned at the age of 48 and returned to South China. He died in Jiangsu the next year Danyang Yunyang Academy.
Gong Zizhen's poems and essays advocated "more law" and "picture change", exposed the corruption of the Qing rulers, filled with patriotic enthusiasm last outstanding poet of the traditional school It is honored as "the first class in three hundred years". Author《 Collection of Ding Xuan's Essays 》, retained more than 300 articles, nearly 800 poems, and compiled by modern people as《 Complete Works of Gong Zizhen 》。 Famous Poems《 Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 》A total of 315 songs, many chanting and satirical works.
Yijan Gong Zuo
Dingdang (Ding'an Temple), Yu is a mountain resident
the Qing dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Zhejiang Renhe (now Hangzhou)
date of birth
August 22, 1792
Date of death
September 26, 1841
Key achievements
Poetry and prose
Main works
Ding Xuan Collection of Essays, Ji Hai Miscellaneous Poems, Guoyu Annotation Supplement
Highest office
Cabinet secretary, chief of Zongren Mansion, chief of the Ministry of Rites
True name
Gong Zizhen

Character's Life


a family of scholar

Statue of Gong Zizhen
August 22, 1792 (Qing Dynasty Qianlong July 5th, 2007), Gong Zizhen was born in Zhejiang Renhe (now Hangzhou) Dongcheng Mapo Lane for a generation official 's family. grandfather Gong Yishen , and brothers Gong Jingshen It was also the 34th year of Qianlong (1769) Jinshi , official to Cabinet Letter Military Aircraft Division walk; Gong Jingshen was once a member of the Ministry of Officials, Wailang, and later a prefect of Chuxiong in Yunnan. He was an honest and clean official, and had quite a reputation in local politics. Gong Zizhen's father Gong Lizheng He adopted Gong Jingshen as his son when he was young. He was a Jinshi in the first year of Jiaqing (1796). He went to Susong Taibing in the south of the Yangtze River to prepare the road and was appointed to Jiangsu a provincial official equivalent to today's chief prosecutor of a high court Gong Zizhen's family are not only famous officials, but also highly literate, including his mother Duan Xun, who has written poetry and literature collections for generations.
Growing up in such a family environment, Gong Zizhen is hard not to be influenced. Gong Zizhen was educated by her mother when she was young, and she was fond of reading poetry. From the age of 8, he learned to study the History of Confucian Classics《 university 》。 12 years old from my grandfather Duan Yucai Learn《 Shuo Wen 》。 He searched and compiled the anecdotes of the department names; Say the words by classics, and say the classics by words; Examining the ancient and modern official system; For bibliography, epigraphy, etc. At the same time, in literature, it also shows the talent of creation. At the age of 13, he wrote Perception Discrimination; 15 years old, poetry anthology; 1810( Jiaqing Fifteen years), relying on sound to fill in words, should follow the sky Local examination , the supervisor ranked 28th in the Chinese style sub list.

Unfavorable career

In April 1813 (the 18th year of Jiaqing's reign), Gong Zizhen again took the Shuntian Rural Examination and was also called Sun Shan. In July, his wife died of misdiagnosis Huizhou Government Offices.
In 1814 (the 19th year of Jiaqing), the wife's coffin escorted from Huizhou returned to Hangzhou and was stored in the Maojiabu He wrote four articles on Ming Liang Lun, and for the first time, he clearly revealed his political views, and carried out the autocratic monarchy attack After reading it, my grandfather Duan Yucai was surprised and pleased. He was pleased to add comments and thought that his discussion was right at the key point of today's politics and was a unique opinion. Posterior gyrus Huizhou Later, he participated in the《 Huizhou Prefecture Annals 》Repair work.
In 1815 (the 20th year of Jiaqing), he continued to marry Anqing prefect He Yujun's niece and granddaughter He Jiyun After his grandfather died of illness, he returned to Hangzhou with his family observe mourning for one 's parent Return to Beijing after two years and rent in Beijing Fayuan Temple South.
Gong Zizhen
In 1818 (the 23rd year of Jiaqing's reign), the examiners were Gao You, a famous sinologist Wang Yinzhi
In 1819 (the 24th year of Jiaqing) Trials Lose the election, and Wei Yuan I worked together as a modern writer Liu Fenglu , study the Spring and Autumn of Rams.
In 1820 (the 25th year of Jiaqing's reign), he failed again in the examination and was selected as the secretary of cabinet.
From 1821( brilliance of virtue Since the first year), he has also served as the equivalent official position of the National History Museum School for more than ten years. During this period, he read the rich archives and classics of the cabinet, searched for old news, discussed the gains and losses of previous dynasties, and later participated in《 Unified Annals of the Qing Dynasty 》He wrote some insightful articles, such as "The Western Regions Set up a Provincial Assembly".
In 1829 (the ninth year of Daoguang's reign), Gong Zizhen finally passed the examination of Gongshi after the sixth joint examination. He is Palace examination Follow in countermeasures Wang Anshi "Emperor Shangrenzong's Word", wrote "The Imperial Trial of Answering the Border and Fuyuan Shushu", discussed the aftermath of Xinjiang's pacification of the Junggar rebellion, and put forward reform proposals from aspects of governance, employment, water control, border control, etc. "Lu cited the current events, said more than a thousand words, told the truth without concealment, and all the people who read the paper were shocked Cao Zhenyong He was a famous three dynasty tumbler who "kowtowed more and talked less". He ranked Gong Zizhen as the 19th in the top three, and was still in the cabinet.
In the spring of 1839 (the 19th year of Daoguang's reign), Gong Zizhen was constantly pushed aside and beaten by powerful officials because he repeatedly exposed current abuses and touched taboos. He disobeyed his superiors and decided to resign and return to the south,
He left Beijing on June 4, 1839 (April 23, Daoguang 19). In September, he went north from Hangzhou to pick up his family members. On the two round-trip trips, Gong Zizhen, with mixed feelings, wrote many inspiring and affectionate poems and articles about the country and the people. This is the famous 315 Poems of 1911.

Teaching and learning

In the spring of 1841 (the 21st year of Daoguang's reign), Gong Zizhen taught at Yunyang Academy in Danyang, Jiangsu Province. March, Father Gong Lizheng After her death, Gong Zizhen also served as the chair of Hangzhou Ziyang Academy, which was presided over by her father. In the late summer, he wrote to Jiangsu Governor Liang Zhangju He was ready to resign his teaching post and go to Shanghai to participate in the fight against foreign aggression. But on September 26, 1841, he suddenly fell ill and died in Danyang.

Main impacts



Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 》The criticism, call, expectation and concentrated reflection of the poet's patriotic passion for the fate of the nation and the country. For example, the first, second and third poems in "Miscellaneous Poems of 1911", "No matter salt and iron do not worry about the river, there are many tears in the southeast. The state tax rises three times to the people, and the slaughter of cattle is too difficult to plant rice." The author wrote that the Qing government did not attach importance to the planning of salt and iron production, taxation, water conservancy and other issues related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and blindly relied on water transport in the southeast, increasing the exploitation of people in the south of the Yangtze River, resulting in the decline of agricultural production, The reality that the people are suffering and endangering the national economy has been boldly exposed and criticized. Another example is the Eighth and Seventh Poems in "The Miscellaneous Poems of 1911", which says, "The old man Huai Haibai is the general, standing on the side of Nantian Weixun. I have three hundred characters of yin, and the wax pill cannot cherish the magnificent prose." It expresses the poet's concern about the fight against smoking and the fate of the country.


Gong Zizhen
Many of his poems are both lyric and argumentative, but they do not involve facts and are not specific. Instead, they just refer to the general phenomenon of reality to the height of social history, raise questions, express feelings, and express attitudes and aspirations. He wrote poems with political comments, but he did not make abstract comments or proselytize.
In his poems, "Moon Wrath", "Flower Shadow Wrath", "Taihang Wrath", "Taihang Flying", "Claw Wrath", "Reiki Wrath", etc., the familiar scenes become vivid, moving and evoking unusual imagination. Another example is the description of falling flowers in the Song of Falling Flowers in the Western Suburbs, which makes the sad and decaying scenery become a magnificent scene, higher than ordinary imagination. "Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers"( Miscellaneous Poems of Ji Hai ), we can see the rebirth from the decline.
In fact, he wrote more "ancient style poetry" in five or seven characters, and "modern style poetry" in seven characters, with seven character quatrains as the bulk. The general trend is to be free from the constraints of the meter, free to use and blurt out. This is also the most prominent performance of the seven character quatrain.
Most of Gong's Ci poems are leisure works, expressing lingering feelings, and their achievements are far inferior to poetry. In his later years, he found the weakness of his words: "You can't be quaint or ghostly, and the gas can't enter the author's court. Regret for killing the female heirs, and self handicapped Wanfan across the flag pavilion."( Miscellaneous Poems of Ji Hai )。 He also wrote some words expressing his feelings, expressing his feelings of loneliness and pride; The contradiction with the vulgar scholars and the feeling that the ideal cannot be realized; When he was a child with Yuan Qinnan, he studied at home; The contradiction between the sword state and Xiao Xin in thought is that he is interested in doing something, but also wants to retire and yearn for mountains and rivers.
There are magnificent, but also simple; There are ancient and Austrian as well as ordinary people; Some are remote and some are popular. It is natural and beautiful, calm and sophisticated, and has the influence of Du Han. Some chapters are too complicated, or too complicated, or too subtle and tortuous, which inevitably leads to obscure shortcomings. Gong Zizhen's advanced thought is the soul of many of his excellent poems. The profundity of thought and the originality of art make Gong's poetry unique and create a new historical era of poetry, which is different from Tang and Song poetry Modern poetry New style and features. Gong's poems were not appreciated by many people at that time, and its influence began to be greater than that of the late Qing Dynasty, mainly because of its outstanding ideological and political nature, which combined lyricism with ideological and political content, and did not fall behind words, learning, and argumentation.
As a master of ancient Chinese, Gong Zizhen is more famous. His prose is also consistent with the main spirit of his poetry, or " Menstruation Political commentary ", or directly criticizing and exposing the reality, or taking advantage of the topic, or writing articles, discussing things, noting things, and noting places of interest to the feudal rule decadent Criticism of darkness satire The ideological content is rich and profound. And the methods of expression are very diverse, or Forthright , or eccentric , scattered Parallel couplet , in brief Lay out , Language Magnificent Ancient Austria
Gong Wen's method of expression is generally very simple, and there are exaggerations in the brevity, some straightforward, some strange. His prose language lively various. Some in scattered travel Parallel couplet , Yes Magnificent , Yes Ancient Austria , even remote Stiff obscure Gong Wen is different from the ancient prose of Tang and Song Dynasties and Tongcheng School. It is a unique development of the ancient prose of the Pre Qin and Han Dynasties and has created a new atmosphere of ancient prose or prose. Gong Zizhen's words are also very famous. Tan Xian It is believed that the word "Mianli Shen Yang, intended to combine Zhou and Xin together, is also a masterpiece"( "Retreat Diary" II )。 In fact, his words did not get rid of the influence of traditional words, but focused on the emotional nature of words.
Liang Qichao said, "The emancipation of the mind in the late Qing Dynasty was really valuable and meritorious. The so-called new scholars in the Guangxu period led everyone to go through one of the periods of worshipping the Gong family. When they first read the Complete Works of Ding Xuan, they would be shocked."( Introduction to Academics of the Qing Dynasty


Gong Zizhen calls himself "a disciple of Sinian Buddhism", [5] In his thirties, he came into contact with Buddhism Peng Shaosheng Of students Jiang Yuan Learn Buddhism. He worshiped the Tiantai Sect rather than the crazy Zen since the late Tang Dynasty. In his ideology, Buddhism, especially Tiantai Sect Thought has become an important theoretical source. He once absorbed the Buddhist idealism and emphasized the creation of self spirit. He believed that "heaven and earth are made by human beings, and all people make themselves... The master of all people is not Tao or extreme, and he calls himself" I ". I make the sun and the moon in light, I make mountains and rivers in strength, I change feathers and wings, I make words and words, I create heaven and earth in air, and I create people in heaven and earth, and I create ethics and discipline respectively." Since everything is my own creation, Then all the differences in the world are also due to my "knowing and seeing", and change due to my "knowing and seeing". Accordingly, Gong Zizhen proposed the idea of changing the real world by changing people's "knowledge and perception". He believes that everyone has the nature of "no good, no bad", and through the efforts of the day after tomorrow, it can change the quality of people's hearts, so as to achieve the goal of changing the secular world. Gong Zizhen's belief in Buddhism has a great impact on his outlook on society and life. Buddhist thought is not only the content of his belief, but also a powerful weapon he used to criticize reality. It is one of his spiritual magic weapons to break away from the shackles of traditional ideas and demand reform and innovation. In one of his poems, entitled "Titles of Brahma", he boldly belittles Confucianism, worships Buddhism, and challenges the orthodox position of Confucianism: "Confucianism is one of the best in the world, and Que Ru is a great sage in the West. He also sweeps and covers it. That is, he is also a teacher of the best in the world. Sakyamuni has a posthumous title of" Wen Buddha ", and" Yuan Yuan Lao I think ". Confucianism is one of the best in the world, and there is nothing noble about it, But Buddhism can include the ninth class, and can be the ninth class teacher. In the era when the rulers regarded Confucius as a teacher for all ages, Gong Zizhen resolutely showed his rebellious spirit of disdaining the Confucian orthodoxy. [6]

Historical evaluation

Gong Zizhen
He supports Lin Zexu The opium was banned, and Lin Zexu was suggested to strengthen military facilities and be ready to fight against the British invaders. Gong Zizhen's lifelong pursuit of "better law", although not realized until death, has had a beneficial impact in many aspects. In terms of social outlook, he pointed out that the root cause of social unrest was that the rich and the poor were not the same. He called for the reform of the imperial examination system to attract talents who were "knowledgeable and practical". In terms of philosophical thought, it is necessary to explain Buddhism Tiantai Sect He put forward the view that human nature is "all good and all evil", and "all good and evil are rising later". In historiography, he called for "respecting history" and devoted himself to the study of the history and geography of the northwest. In literature, he put forward the theory of "respecting emotion" and advocated that poetry should be integrated with human beings.
Gong Zizhen is a Chinese Reformism Pioneers of the movement. He clearly saw that the Qing Dynasty had entered a "declining age", which was "the eve of the day"; He criticized the decadence of feudal rule, exposed the declining trend of feudal society, and called for reform. In the 125th poem of "Miscellaneous Poems of 1911", "Jiuzhou is angry because of the wind and thunder, and ten thousand horses are silent and can be sad. I advise God to be energetic again, and not stick to one pattern to demote talents." This poem exposes social ills, attacks the bureaucratic system, shows the author's enthusiasm like fire, and inspires and inspires people. He struck a dead society with a bang, waking up many people's deep dreams and urging people to be true, good, beautiful and brave. While attacking autocratic rule, it also expresses the author's pursuit of ideological liberation and personality liberation.
Liang Qichao : ① The whole country is in peace and tranquility, but if they are too worried about the danger, they will always be able to guide the world. ② The emancipation of thought in the late Qing Dynasty was true and meritorious... The development of the modern school of thought came from the Gong family. [2]

Main works

Selected works
Dream of wishing
There are book fans begging at the song feast
Returnees to the South
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 - August 7th
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 Five
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 - XIV
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 - Nineteen
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 - April 4th
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 - August 3rd
Miscellaneous Poems of 1911 - 2020
Three Good Poems
Autumn heart Three songs
Huairen Pavilion Ci
Red Zen Ci
Ming Liang Theory
On the chopsticks at the time of Party B and Party C
Shu Jinling
Discussion on Establishing Provincial Government in Western Regions
The Southeast Strikes to Discuss Fan Bo
First Preface to Ruan Shangshu's Chronicle
To capture an evil spirit
Night sitting Two songs

Publishing books

  • Author name Gong Zizhen
    Work time 1999-6
    The Complete Works of Gong Zizhen is a book published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in 2000. The author is Gong Zizhen.
  • Collection of Ding Xuan's Essays
    Author name Gong Zizhen

Anecdotes and allusions


Book Stories

Portrait of Gong Zizhen
Gong Zizhen is not only a thinker in the late Qing Dynasty, but also a well-known bibliophile Cataloger He devoted all his life to reform. In his youth, he wrote articles such as "Ming Liang Lun" and "Yi Bing Bian Zhuan", which exposed and criticized the accumulated disadvantages of feudal autocracy. The book collection is extremely excellent. There are more than 20 kinds of manuscripts, Song and Yuan manuscripts He Yuanxi They helped him search for them and borrowed them everywhere. He has written secretary, poems, prefaces and postscripts for many well-known book collectors. His book Collection Annals of Ciyun Mansion - Preface is a profound and original exposition of classical bibliography: the study of catalogues began with Liu Xiang, followed by him, and can be divided into three branches: one is the official book of the court, one is the private description, and the other is the historian description. The three styles are different, and the actual information is used, and can not be ignored. You likes to collect inscriptions, stone carvings and seals. Chen Yuanlu calls them "unforgettable" because they are rich in cultural and museum collections. The Tibetan Room is named "Baoyan Pavilion" and "One Jade Room in the Middle of the World". Its Tibetan posters are "the crown of two thousand species", and Lin Zexu, Wei Yuan, He Shaoji and other friends are invited to enjoy them together. There is also "Jin Mozhai". Several monographs on the research of the collection include Shuoyin, Preface to the Shang and Zhou Yi Ware, Preface to the Qin and Han Stone Carvings, and Preface to Walu. Xicang's books were later destroyed by fire. He is very rich in poetry and prose in his life, which is compiled by later generations《 Complete Works of Gong Zizhen 》。 Gong Cheng, his son, has written one volume of Renhe Gong's Old Collection Bibliography, which is a handwritten copy and records more than 700 kinds of books. [3]

A famous father and an unfaithful son

Gong Cheng He is Gong Zizhen's eldest son. He has the name Xiaogong and the title Half Lun. He doesn't love anything except the first wife, so he calls himself "semi Lun". He is really honest and admirable. Gong Banlun Although he is uninhibited, he is not an uneducated person. On the contrary, he is smart since he was young. "He has a very rich collection of books, which is superior to those in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. There are many books that have not been collected in four storehouses", and when he is young, he "indulges in them". Xiaogong is the most profound scholar in Gongyang, and his works are very rich. He is not self disciplined, bold and unconstrained, slovenly, and arrogant, which makes people hate him. In his later years, his family fortune was declining, and his ancestors' gold, stone, calligraphy and painting were sold out. Li Hongzhang Love his talent and pay 200 yuan a month for cooking without rice. When Xiaogong lived on the sea as a guest, he used to be the shogunate of Wethoma, an Englishman, with a monthly salary of hundreds of dollars. Later, the capital decreased day by day, and life became more and more difficult. The two beloved concubines went to the kitchen.
Someone even attacked him for giving his daughter Witoma Be a concubine. Gong Xiaogong once led the British and French allied forces to set fire to the Old Summer Palace when he served as an aide to British man Bashali. It is said that the British wanted to attack the Forbidden City, but Gong Xiaogong tried to stop it Old Summer Palace Treasures are like mountains. They are the essence of China. It is enough to vent our anger to destroy them. The British obeyed him, and the capital was preserved. [4]
In sharp contrast to Gong Banlun is his father, Gong Zizhen. The father and son are patriotic, traitorous, famous and infamous. Qing people Zhao Yi It is said that although it is not an inevitable rule that many sons of famous fathers fail in virtue, famous fathers are unlucky and have rebellious sons. According to the saying that "sons do not teach their fathers", Gong Zizhen is also naturally to blame. Xiaogong is not only good at Gongyang Studies, but also good at historiography and primary school. He wrote Fifty Volumes of Yuan Annals, Three Volumes of Wild Goose Foot Stirrup Examination, and Three Volumes of Qing Dynasty's Slovenly History.

The mystery of the cause of death

Strange sudden death and clove flower case
Statue of Gong Zizhen
When Zizhen was an official in Beijing, she was a guest of the master of Mingshan Hall. The owner's side Fujin Gu Taiqing admires his talent. They have an affair. Some people say that since the collection of poems about immortals and poems《 Guidian Autumn 》《 Recalling Yaoji 》《 Introduction of Dream Jade Man 》All Que, if confused, are caused by this event. Later, the owner of the Mingshan Hall noticed that he had to return home with illness. He was poisoned by the owner of Mingshan Hall. One more thing. In her later years, Zizhen fell in love with a geisha [7] , called Lingxiao, but Lingxiao has another love. One day, he went to Lingxiao's house, met the man, and asked Lingxiao to cut him off. The spirit is clear, but the secret communication is closer. Half a year later, Gong Zizhen met the man again at Lingxiao's house. Gong Zizhen goes home and takes the poison to Lingxiao and orders her to poison the man. This poison originally came from the palace, but it did not die immediately after taking it, and there was no scar to test after death. The Lingxiao took the medicine, put it into the wine and gave it to Zizhen. Gong Zizhen drank it, felt uncomfortable when she returned home, and died a few days later.
Although the life is hard, there are many erotic works in Gong Zizhen's poetry, which is different from his life style
Degrees are inseparable. His appreciation of women has led him to many short-lived relationships in his life. The most famous one is his emotional entanglement with Gu Taiqing, a poetess in the Qing Dynasty. This love story is the most widely known and talked about secret news in the Qing Dynasty, called“ Clove flower case ”。
This legal case originated from one of Gong Zizhen's "Miscellaneous Poems of 1911". The poem wrote: "The empty mountain disciples lean on their tired bodies and dream of Langyuan Spring in the west of the city. When they ride on the paper in Zhu Mansion at night, they pass it to the people in white clothes in the wind." At the end of the poem, they note that they recall a lilac flower in Taiping Lake in Xuanwu Gate. The "Taiping Lake in Xuanwu Gate" here refers to the residence of the great grandson of Qianlong, the genius of the imperial family, and the painting of Belle Yi; The "lilac flowers" and "people in striped clothes" are attached to the side Fu Jin Gu Taiqing painted by Yi.
Yi Huihe Gu Taiqing Both of them are good at poetry and literature, and they are close to Beijing Chinese writers. Gong Zizhen was their guest of honor. It is believed that this poem shows that there is ambiguity between Gu Taiqing and Gong Zizhen. In the book "Reading Taisu Taoist's Collection of Ming Shantang", a scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, Feng Guangsheng wrote six quatrains about Taiqing's legacy for the first time: "Taiping Street on the bank of Taiping Lake, Nanguchun is buried at night. People are called the Qing Dynasty, and lilacs are wandering around." This "lilacs case" was widely spread, and it was approved, opposed, and refuted. Zeng Pu in the late Qing Dynasty made up the story and wrote it into a novel《 A flower in an Ocean of Sin 》In the third and fourth chapter of the "Love Story", the so-called "Love Story" of the two men was even more popular.
Gong Zizhen and Gu Taiqing, one of the world's most talented men and one of the world's most famous talented women, are still at odds with each other. However, this matter has a profound impact on the lives of the two parties. Gu Taiqing was expelled from the palace and has been in the market ever since. In 1839 (the 19th year of Daoguang's reign), Gong Zizhen also resigned and returned home. After he left the capital in a hurry, he was afraid of going to Beijing. He once sent servants to meet his family members in Beijing, but he did not go there personally. Two years later in August, Gong Zizhen died of a sudden illness.
Other statements
One said that he died in power Mujangga The hand of a geisha Lingxiao He Xiaoyun was poisoned - said to be a killer sent by Rongqin's Royal Residence. In the late Qing Dynasty novel "Niehai Flower", Gong Zizhen's son said that he was poisoned by his colleagues in the patriarchal clan with poison liquor.

Family members

full name
Family background
Great ancestor
Gong Bin
Segment training
Duan Meizhen, He Jiyun

Commemoration for future generations

Gong Zizhen Memorial Hall
Gong Zizhen Memorial Hall It is located in Xiaocai Garden, No. 6, Mapo Lane, East Hangzhou, covering an area of more than 600 square meters. It opened in 1990. Gong Zizhen Memorial Hall was built in the late Qing Dynasty. It is a Chinese style house. It was built by Wang Wei, a native of Tongxiang in the Qing Dynasty. From 1988 to 1989, Xiaomi Garden was renovated as Gong Zizhen Memorial Hall. Covering an area of 0.7 hectares and a building area of 498 square meters, the museum has been listed as a municipal cultural relics protection unit.
The main body of the memorial hall is a two storey building in the style of Qing Dynasty. It has five bays from top to bottom. It also has ear rooms, carved beams and painted towers. It is simple and elegant. A bronze bust of Gong Zizhen is placed in the main hall of the museum, surrounded by Sha Menghai Zhao Puchu Plaques and couplets proposed by famous scholars. The four exhibition rooms display Gong Zizhen's biographical introduction, chronology of events, historical materials, Gong's chronology, poetry anthologies and research anthologies of future generations. The small bridges, flowing water, rockery pavilions and pavilions in the courtyard, set off by flowers and trees, are full of the characteristics of classical gardens.