
[lóng bǎi]
Cupressaceae juniper
zero Useful+1
Sabina vulgaris is an evergreen arbor plant of Sabina genus in Cupressaceae. The crown is cylindrical or columnar tower shaped; Branches are straight upward, often turning upward. Branchlets are dense and form several clusters of equal length at the end of the branch; The scales and leaves are closely arranged, light yellow green when young, and then emerald green; The cone is blue, slightly covered with white powder. [8] The flowering period of Sabina vulgaris is April and the fruiting period is October. [9] When the branches grow up, they will stretch in a spiral shape and curl upward like a dragon, so they are called "dragon cypress". [10]
Longbai is produced in China Inner Mongolia Wula mountain Hebei [11] Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Fujian It is also distributed in North Korea and Japan [12] The dragon cypress likes the sun, slightly bears the shade, likes warm and humid environment, resists cold and drought, and avoids ponding. The propagation methods of Sabina vulgaris are sowing, cutting and grafting. [13]
The branches and leaves of the dragon cypress can be used as medicine, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation, detumescence, diuresis, etc. [14] Yunnan Natural Medicine Atlas 》It is recorded that the dragon cypress can also kill insects, relieve itching, and be used for skin eczema. [15] The dragon cypress has beautiful tree shape, green branches and leaves, healthy growth and high ornamental value. Longbai is the preferred nursery stock for park fence greening, which is mostly planted in gardens for beautification, and can also be used in parks, gardens, green walls, highway median, etc. [16]
Chinese name
Latin name
Sabina chinensis (L.) Ant. cv. Kaizuca
Dragon claw cypress Phellodendron creeper Stephania prostrata
Named by and date
Kaizuca., 1937

History of botany

When the branches grow up, they will stretch in a spiral shape and curl upward like a dragon, so they are called "dragon cypress". [10]

morphological character

Sabina is an evergreen arbor plant of Sabina genus in Cupressaceae; Cultivated varieties. The crown is cylindrical or columnar tower shaped; Branches are straight upward, often turning upward. Branchlets are dense and form several clusters of equal length at the end of the branch; The scales and leaves are closely arranged, light yellow green when young, and then emerald green; The cone is blue, slightly covered with white powder. [1] [8]
Arbor, up to 8 meters high, has a straight trunk, a narrow cylindrical shape, and twisted twigs, hence its name. The twigs are dense and the leaves are dense, all of which are scaly leaves. The young leaves are yellowish green, and the old ones are emerald green. The cone is blue-green, with white powder on the surface. In addition to the natural growth of conic dragon cypress trees, some of them are rolled into animal images such as dragons, horses, lions, elephants, and others are trimmed into spherical, drum shaped, and hemispherical shapes. Single value or row of poles are planted in groups in the garden, and some of the planting sites are hedgerows, which are shaped into straight ridges, which can show their low height, plumpness, delicacy, and precision. The side branches of the dragon cypress are twisted and spiraled to hold the trunk. They are unique and have high ornamental value. They are widely cultivated in China.
Original species )Arbor, up to 20m in height and 3.5m in diameter at breast height; The bark is dark gray, longitudinally split and cracked in strips; The branches of young trees usually extend upward to form a spire shaped crown, while the lower branches of old trees spread horizontally to form a wide round crown; Bark grayish brown, longitudinally split, split into irregular flakes and fell off; Branchlets are usually straight or slightly curved, and those with scaly leaves are nearly cylindrical or nearly quadrangular, with a diameter of 1-1.2 mm. The leaves are dimorphic, that is, spines and scales; The spiny leaves grow on the young trees, while the old trees are all scaly leaves. The strong and old trees have both spiny leaves and scaly leaves; Scaly leaves of primary branches born from annual branchlets are whorled, straight and compact, nearly lanceolate, slightly acuminate at the apex, 2.5-5 mm long, and elliptic and slightly concave glands near the middle of the back; The three spiny leaves alternate in whorls, obliquely spread, loose, lanceolate, gradually pointed at the apex, 6-12mm long, slightly concave above, with two white powder bands. It is dioecious, rarely monoecious, with yellow, oval male cones, 2.5-3.5 mm long, 5-7 pairs of stamens, often with 3-4 anthers. The cone is nearly round and spherical, 6-8 mm in diameter, mature for two years, dark brown when ripe, falling off by white powder or white powder, with 1-4 seeds; Seeds ovoid, flat, obtuse at the top, with ridges and a few resin grooves; There are 2 cotyledons, unearthed, linear, 1.3-1.5 cm long and 1 mm wide, with sharp apex, two white stomatal bands below, but not obvious above. The flowering period of Sabina vulgaris is April and the fruiting period is October. [2] [9]
(Note: Website of Longbai Atlas [3]

Growth environment

It likes yang and bears yin slightly. It likes warm and humid environment and is cold resistant. Drought resistance, no ponding, and falling leaves or poor growth are easy to occur in case of poor drainage. It is suitable for dry, fertile and deep soil, with strong adaptability to soil acidity and alkalinity, and relatively resistant to salt and alkali. Strong resistance to sulfur dioxide and chlorine, but poor resistance to smoke and dust. [2]

Distribution range

Longbai is produced in Wula Mountain, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, Sichuan, western Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangdong (Xianhu Botanical Garden (Wang Yongjin 000296), East Lake Park (Wang Dingyue 000289), Inner Mongolia, China [17 ] ), northern Guangxi and Yunnan. It grows on neutral soil, calcareous soil and slightly acidic soil, and is also cultivated in many places, including Tibet. It is also distributed in North Korea and Japan. [2] [4]

Reproductive methods

The propagation methods of Sabina vulgaris are sowing, cutting and grafting. [13]


Grafting is usually 2 years old (1 year old seedlings can also be strong) Platycladus orientalis or Sabina chinensis As rootstock, scions shall be selected from the top of the side branches of the mother tree with a length of 10-15cm. The outdoor grafting is carried out in the first ten days of March, while the indoor grafting can be carried out in January to February, but after grafting, it must be planted to keep warm. In the middle and last ten days of March, it can be transplanted to the nursery. The grafting method is ventral grafting. The scion is cut off the scales in the lower half, and ventral grafting is carried out on the root neck of the stock. All branches and leaves of the stock are reserved. After grafting, the soil is banked up near the scion or covered with plastic film on the bed surface to maintain high air humidity. After survival, thin fertilizer can be applied, and the top tip of the rootstock can be trimmed. In the next spring, the upper part of the rootstock can be cut off at the same time. [5]


cuttage propagation There are two kinds of hardwood (dormant branch) and semi mature branch cutting. Dormant cutting can be divided into spring cutting and early winter cutting. The spring planting is carried out from late February to mid March, and the early winter planting is carried out in the first half of November. After being inserted, it is covered with film for heat preservation and moisture preservation, which can promote healing and early rooting. Semi mature branch cutting is carried out from mid August to early September. The top of lateral branches shall be selected for cuttings, with a length of about 15cm. The lower twigs and scale leaves shall be cut off and inserted into the soil for 5-6cm. The row spacing can be 5cm × 12cm. After planting, the cuttings shall be lifted, fully watered, and covered with shade. Later, water shall be sprayed regularly to keep the seedbed moist. When it is dry in winter, water shall also be sprayed at noon. At the initial stage of cutting, avoid direct sunlight, and need to shade all day. After healing, gradually increase the light in the morning and evening. The dragon cypress grows slowly, generally taking about 6-8 months. The number of roots is small, so it is advisable to stay in bed for one year, and transplant in the third spring. During the cultivation period, it is necessary to erect a draw rod, and pay attention to pruning, pinching, and tying branches to make the seedlings grow straight and compact. If the dragon cypress ball is cultivated, it can be removed from the top and pinched, and it can be carried out 3-4 times a year, gradually forming. The dragon cypress is transplanted from the middle of February to late March or from early November to early December, with mud balls. [5]

cultivation techniques


Management of cypress seedlings

The temperature in the greenhouse is between 14 and 20 ℃, and the humidity is between 50 and 70%. Small arched shed, also called shed inner shed, shall be built in the large border where cypress seedlings are planted. Take bamboo as the skeleton, cover it with drip free film and press the film around, which can significantly improve the temperature and humidity of the seedling growth environment and is very beneficial to survival. After grafting, the rootstock should be pruned by several times. After the seedlings are planted, water them first. For the first time, cut off one third of the total height of the rootstock (from the grafting place to the top of the shoot). For the second time, cut off half of the reserved height. At this time, the dragon cypress has survived. The new shoots grow to 3 to 5 cm. For the third time, the dragon cypress new shoots grow to 12 to 16 cm. Leave 0.8 to 1 cm on the grafting place and cut off the upper part, The time is about 45 days after grafting. After regeneration for a long period of time, the small arch shed can be removed to increase light, and weeds can be removed in time. [5]
matters needing attention:
  • When the scion is tight, the long branch can be cut into two sections.
  • When grafting, if the rootstock is too thick and the scion is thin, one side of the scion can be tied against the cambium.
  • After artificial planting, water should be poured for the first time instead of sprinkling and spraying, which is the main reason for the low survival rate in the past.
  • Three section cutting of rootstock is also called three times cutting, which is an effective measure to improve the survival rate and cannot be changed at will.
  • Ensure the light, temperature and humidity of the greenhouse. In sunny days, the sun comes out in the morning to pull the tarpaulin, and in the afternoon, the tarpaulin falls before the sun sets. In snowy days, the tarpaulin does not fall, so as to facilitate the removal of snow.
  • Double shed doors can be used to increase temperature and humidity. The first floor is original, and the second floor is made of tarpaulin or quilt. [5]

Shaping trimming

Cylindrical: The trunk of Sabina vulgaris is obvious, and there are many main branches. If the main branch comes from the same part of the trunk, one must be cut off, and only one main branch is left in each round. The main branches are generally 20-30cm apart and scattered. Each main branch should be cut short and cut into a long one at the bottom and a short one at the top. The cutting mouth should fall on the small side branches growing upward to ensure a beautiful tree shape. The thin and weak branches among the main branches shall be removed as soon as possible to facilitate light transmission. The cutting of each main branch is still short when the new branch grows to 10-15cm during the growth period. It shall be cut 2-8 times a year to restrain the excessive growth of branches. Each main branch shall be cut from bottom to top and gradually shortened to promote the formation of a cylinder. Attention shall be paid to controlling the competitive branches at the top of the main trunk to avoid branching trees. The pruning of big branches is mainly carried out during the dormancy period to avoid sap outflow. [5]
Leap shape: generally, a small number of main branches and lateral branches are kept evenly and let them grow outstandingly, and the other main branches and lateral branches are cut short. The new shoots of the whole tree shall be pruned for 6-8 times in the growth period, and the length of the main and side branches protruding from the crown shall be kept at 11.5 times of the crown diameter, so as to form the posture of the dragon leaping out of the crown. [5]
Artificial shaping: In addition to the natural growth of the dragon and cypress tree into a tower shape, they often create various shapes according to the design intent. However, it should be noted that the shape of the tree should be harmonious with the surrounding garden scenery. The lines should not be too complicated, and the outline should be bright and simple. The specific method of reshaping depends on the technology of the pruner, and also often uses coir rope or lead wire to make a contour style in advance for reshaping and trimming. Make them into dragon, horse, lion, deer, elephant and other animal images. [5]

Fertility and water management

Long cypress likes large amount of fertilizer and water. After planting and surviving, combined with irrigation, it will be topdressed 2-3 times in the first year, with 15kg urea per mu each time. Fertilization will be stopped in autumn. In the early spring of the next year, combined with the irrigation of green water, the compound fertilizer with a slightly higher nitrogen content was applied in the form of furrow, 40kg per mu. Since the root system of Sabina chinensis is shallow and there are many horizontal roots, the soil should be buried along with furrowing and fertilization to avoid root damage. In summer, urea shall be applied 2 to 3 times, each time 25kg per mu. [5]

Disease and insect control

There is less occurrence of dragon cypress diseases. Except for the above-mentioned pear scab disease, it is easy to occur when the cutting seedbed substrate is not clean or reused Purple feather disease , can be prevented and cured according to the above methods. The common pest is the pocket moth, which should be treated by spraying 1000 times 98% crystal trichlorfon before the larvae spread in the first ten days of June. [5]
Long cypress is prone to red spider, damping off disease, dead branch disease and other diseases and insect pests, so we should pay attention to regular observation, so that early detection and early prevention can be achieved. prevention and cure Red spider Alternate spraying of 20% acaricide emulsifiable concentrates 3000 times, 1.8% acaricin emulsifiable concentrates 5000 times, or 15% triadimefon emulsifiable concentrates 3000 times; 70% available at the initial stage of damping off Thiophanate methyl 700 to 800 times liquid irrigation with wettable powder; For the control of withered twigs, 50% or 70% TBT wettable powder can be sprayed Chlorothalonil The wettable powder is 1000 times liquid. [5]

Key values



The branches and leaves of the dragon cypress can be used as medicine, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation, detumescence, diuresis, etc. [14] According to Yunnan Natural Medicine Atlas, Longbai can also kill insects, relieve itching, and be used for skin eczema. [15]


The dragon cypress has beautiful tree shape, green branches and leaves, healthy growth and high ornamental value. The nursery stock is the first choice for park fence greening, which is mostly planted in the garden for beautification. It is used in parks, gardens, green walls and median of highways. Longbai has a high survival rate after transplanting and a fast recovery speed. It is the most widely used tree in landscaping. It is crisp and shiny, healthy and vigorous, and has high ornamental value. [6] [16]