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Silent winter chapter

Astronomical terminology
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Mo Dongzhang, finger Metonic cycle [1] , lunar cycle, Zhang Sui, yes ancient Greek astronomer Meton An astronomical cycle of discovery Babylonian calendar Acquisition). In ancient China, similar concepts were chapter stay Xuanshi Calendar And Daming Calendar Before, they are almost the same.
The length of 19 regression years is almost the same as that of 235 new moons. Therefore, if seven leap months are added every 19 years, the solar calendar and the lunar calendar can be reconciled.
Chinese name
Silent winter chapter
Metonic cycle

Mathematical principle calculation

19 Regression year And 235 New Moon Almost the same. therefore Yin Yang Calendar If the method of seven leap months in 19 years is adopted and seven leap months are added every 19 years, the time gap between the regression year (the cycle of the sun) and the new moon (the cycle of the moon) can be coordinated, and the calendar can be made in a simpler way. In ancient China, this cycle was called one chapter
The 235 new moon months are only about 2 hours longer than the 19 return years. If 12 months per year, 235-19 x 12=7 must be set leap month

Historical records



Babylonian calendar It has been the rule of seven leap for 19 years.
In 432 BC, ancient Greek Athens Of Meton stay Olympic Games Announce discovery on.
In 432 BC or earlier, Mesopotamia % of the residents already know this cycle and take it as their own standard calendar cycle, but this is not Greek Used.


The earliest calendar known to China Ancient Six Calendar The seven leap method of 19 years is adopted. In nineteen years, the seven leap method lasted until Xuanshi Calendar And Ming calendar Was abolished.
Zhou Bi Suanjing 》Volume II: "At the age of 19 Chapter 1 。” Zhen Luan said, "If one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight is used to divide the new moon, one hundred and thirty-five points will be obtained, that is, the chapter month. The difference between the chapter month and the middle of the chapter is seven, that is, the leap of a chapter. If two hundred and twenty-eight are used to divide the new moon by twelve years of age, nineteen points will be obtained, that is, the chapter year."《 The History of the Han Dynasty · Legal chronicle 》: "Leap method 19, because Zhang Sui ……”,“ Zhang Yue Two hundred thirty-five...... ". However, since the late Spring and Autumn Period (the 5th century BC), the Chinese calendar has adopted the method of intercalation in July of 19.