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Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association

Local organizations of China Association for Science and Technology
HEILONGJIANG ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY was founded in December 1958 China Association for Science and Technology The local organization of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China Leaded people 's organization , Heilongjiang Province scientific and technical worker Of mass organization
According to the official website of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology in August 2017, Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology has 204 provincial natural science societies, associations and research associations, 13 municipal (prefecture) science associations, 126 county (city) district science associations, 5 system science associations, 204 enterprise science associations, 14 university science associations, and 2727 agricultural technology associations; It has 6 departments and 9 directly affiliated units. [1-2]
Chinese name
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association
Foreign name
Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology
Time of establishment
Nature of running a school
Social groups
School characteristics
Local organizations of China Association for Science and Technology
Current leaders
204 Zhongshan Road, Nangang District, Harbin

Historical evolution

In December 1958, Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was established.
In December 1958, the first representative meeting of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was held.
From August 1966 to June 1977, Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association stopped its activities.
In June 1977, the work of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was started to be resumed.
In January 1978, Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was restored.
In August 1980, the second representative meeting of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was held.
In June 1985, the third representative meeting of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was held.
In May 1991, the fourth congress of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was held.
In September 1996, the fifth congress of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was held.
In July 2003, the sixth congress of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was held. [3]
In January 2010, the sixth plenary meeting of the sixth session of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology was held in Harbin.
In November 2011, the seventh congress of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was opened in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province; In December, Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology held the 2011 Annual Summary and Plan 2012 Annual Work Ideas Meeting. [4]
In August 2012, Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology held a spirit exchange meeting on systematic in-depth study and implementation of the National Conference on Science and Technology Innovation.
In December 2013, Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology held a working conference on learning the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.
In April 2014, the fourth plenary meeting of the seventh session of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology was held.
In December 2015, Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology held a learning meeting of the Party Central Group. [5]
In July 2017, the eighth congress of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association was closed in Harbin Peace Hall. [6]
The Eighth Congress of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association

Organizational system


Institutional setup

  • Congress
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association Congress is the leading body of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association. The congress is held every five years and exercises the following functions and powers:
1、 To decide on the working policies and tasks of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association;
2、 To consider and approve the work report of the Committee;
3、 To formulate and revise the Articles of Association of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association;
4、 Elect provincial committees;
5、 Decide on other major issues.
  • national committee
The provincial committee elected by the representative meeting of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association is the leading body of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association. The provincial committee meeting is held once a year and convened by the standing committee. The whole committee shall exercise the following functions and powers:
1、 Implement the resolutions of the congress;
2、 To elect the chairman, vice chairmen and standing members;
3、 Deliberate the annual work report of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association;
4、 Decide to confer honorary posts;
5、 Decide on other major issues.
  • Subordinate organizations
According to the official website of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology in August 2017, the Association has 6 departments and 9 directly affiliated units. [1-2]
Heilongjiang Association of Science and Technology
Planning and Finance Department
Organization and Personnel Department (Party Committee of the organ and its joint office)
Research and Publicity Department
Academic Department of the Society
Ministry of Science and Technology Popularization
Directly affiliated unit of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association
Overseas High tech Import Center of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology
Heilongjiang Science Popularization Center
Heilongjiang Provincial Science Hall
Family Life Guide Magazine
Contemporary Tourism Magazine
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Newspaper
Heilongjiang Science and Technology Consulting Center
Heilongjiang Provincial Association for Old Science and Technology Office

Organization Member

According to the official website of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology in August 2017, Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology has 204 provincial natural science societies, associations and research societies covering science, engineering, agriculture, forestry, medicine and comprehensive disciplines; There are 13 municipal (prefecture) science and technology associations and 126 county (city)/district science and technology associations, of which 68 county (city)/district science and technology associations are independent; There are 5 system science and technology associations, 204 enterprise science and technology associations, 14 university science and technology associations, and 2727 agricultural technology associations. [7]
Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology
Qiqihar Science and Technology Association
Jiamusi Science and Technology Association
Jixi Science and Technology Association
Shuangyashan Science and Technology Association
Yichun Science and Technology Association
Qitaihe Science and Technology Association
Hegang Science and Technology Association
Heihe Science and Technology Association
Suihua Science and Technology Association
Reference source [2]
Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology
Daqing Petroleum Science and Technology Association
Science and Technology Association of General Administration of Land Reclamation
Forestry Science and Technology Association
Science and Technology Association of Railway Administration
Science and Technology Association of Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences
Reference source [7]

Business assets

  • scope of business
1、 Close contact Scientific and technical workers , publicize the line, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, reflect the suggestions, opinions and appeals of scientific and technological workers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of scientific and technological workers scientific and technical worker Home.
2、 Carry out academic exchanges, activate academic ideas, advocate academic democracy, optimize the academic environment, promote the development of disciplines, and promote the construction of the national innovation system.
3、 Organize scientific and technological workers to carry out scientific and technological innovation, participate in scientific demonstration and consulting services, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, help innovation and development, and make contributions to enhancing the independent innovation ability of enterprises.
4、 Carry forward scientific spirit , popularization scientific knowledge , Promotion advanced technique , Communication Scientific thinking and scientific method , safeguard the dignity of science and improve the whole people Scientific quality
5、 We will improve the self-discipline function of the scientific community, promote the establishment and improvement of the integrity supervision mechanism for scientific research, promote the construction of scientific ethics and style of study, publicize outstanding scientific and technological workers, foster scientific culture, and practice the core socialist values.
6、 Organize scientific and technological workers to participate in the consultation and formulation of national science and technology strategy, planning, layout, policies, laws and regulations, as well as political consultation, scientific decision-making and democratic supervision of national affairs, and build high-level scientific and technological innovation think tanks with Chinese characteristics.
7、 Organize affiliated societies to undertake scientific and technological assessment, professional qualification certification in engineering technology field, technical standard development National Science and Technology Award Encourage the government to entrust work or transfer functions such as recommendation.
8、 Focus on stimulating young people's interest in science and technology, discover and cultivate outstanding young scientists and innovative teams, commend and reward outstanding scientific and technological workers, and recommend scientific and technological talents.
9、 We will carry out non-governmental international scientific and technological exchanges, promote international scientific and technological cooperation, develop friendly exchanges with Chinese foreign scientific and technological groups and scientific and technological workers, and provide services for overseas scientific and technological talents to come to China to innovate and start businesses.
10、 Establish social public welfare undertakings that conform to the purpose of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. [7]
  • Source of funds
1、 Financial allocation;
2、 Funding;
3、 Donation;
4、 Membership fees;
5、 Enterprise income;
6、 Other income. [8]

Construction achievements


Activity communication

  • The 320th Young Scientists Forum of China Association for Science and Technology
In September 2017, the 320th Youth Scientist Forum of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and organized by the Heilongjiang Provincial Association for Science and Technology, was held in Harbin. The forum was themed "2017 China Russia Cold Region Food Industry Development Seminar", and 25 Chinese and Russian young scholars surrounded the "Research on Active Components of Cold Region Food Resources" Four academic reports were made on the themes of "cold region food resource processing technology and finished product development", "application of biocatalytic technology in cold region food resource processing" and "China Russia food industry development strategy". The representatives at the meeting had academic communication and exchange with young scholars on the academic report. [9]
  • Longjiang Forest Ecotourism Academic Forum
In August 2016, Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association Yichun Municipal People's Government The "Longjiang Forest Ecotourism Academic Forum" co sponsored by, among others, was held in Yichun City. Experts, scholars, tourism enterprises and representatives of relevant government departments participated in the forum on the design of Longjiang forest tourism products, improving the core competitiveness of Longjiang ecotourism development, mobile big data to help Longjiang tourism informatization, building a world-class national tourism resort complex Science and technology promoted the sustainable development of forest industry tourism, promoted the rapid transformation and upgrading of tourism under the guidance of the concept of global tourism development, developed forest eco-tourism products in Heilongjiang Province, and vigorously developed popular science tourism in Longjiang. Special discussions and interactive exchanges were carried out to provide positive advice and suggestions for Heilongjiang Province to promote forest eco-tourism in Longjiang. [10]

Newspaper resources

Family Life Guide 》Its predecessor is the popular science journal Science Times, which was first published in 1979. It is a cultural comprehensive monthly magazine published by Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association and Family Life Guide Magazine. It is a full text journal included in the CNKI and VIP information technology journal database. [11]
Contemporary tourism 》Founded in 2003, it is a provincial comprehensive journal of humanities and social sciences sponsored by Heilongjiang Association of Science and Technology in charge of Contemporary Tourism Magazine. [12]
Heilongjiang Science and Technology News 》It was put on trial in December 1976 and officially published in April 1977. It is a professional rural popular science newspaper jointly sponsored by the Heilongjiang Provincial Agricultural Commission and the Heilongjiang Provincial Association of Science and Technology. It is oriented to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and serves "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". It is published four times a week and on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. [13]

personnel training


Award setting

  • Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Award
"Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Award" is jointly established and organized by the Organization Department of the CPC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, Heilongjiang Provincial Personnel Department and Heilongjiang Provincial Association for Science and Technology, aiming to encourage young scientific and technological workers in Heilongjiang Province to join in Revitalize the country through science and education Great cause, bring up young academic and technical leaders who have entered the forefront of science and technology in the world, commend and reward young scientific and technological talents who have made outstanding contributions to economic construction, social development and scientific and technological innovation of Heilongjiang Province; The award is selected every two years, with no more than 30 winners each year. The same person will not be awarded repeatedly. [14]
  • Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker of Heilongjiang Province
The selection scope of "Heilongjiang Excellent Scientific and Technological Workers" is natural science Technical science Engineering technology And the scientific and technological workers in Heilongjiang Province who are engaged in scientific and technological research and development, popularization and promotion, scientific and technological personnel training, or promoting the combination of science and technology and economy in relevant scientific fields, and work in the front line; The award is selected every two years, with no more than 30 winners each year. The same person will not be awarded repeatedly. [15]

Science popularization activities

According to the official website of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology in August 2018, the science popularization work projects of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology in 2018 include: the provincial intelligent robot competition project, the science popularization into campus project, the activity project of "carrying forward the scientific spirit and building the new trend of the times", the science popularization "learning voice" contest project (the science popularization anchor contest), the science popularization wall map design project, the science popularization video production project Popular science short play production project, etc. [16]
  • 2018 Popular Science Fair in Heilongjiang Province
The main event of 2018 Science Popularization Fair in Heilongjiang Province, sponsored by Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology, Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology and other units, was held in Baiquan County. The main event of 2018 Science Popularization Fair in Heilongjiang Province focused on the theme of "science and technology to help rural areas revitalize strategy, and science popularization to benefit farmers to build the new trend of the times", Highlighting the elements of "science and technology, innovation and experience", nearly 50 exhibitors were invited through the seven highlights of the event to vividly display more than 50 items of exhibition content, including poverty alleviation village featured agricultural products, organic featured food, ecological engineering, cultural tourism, green agricultural materials, animal husbandry economy, agricultural machinery products, science popularization caravan, etc. [17]
  • Heilongjiang · Harbin National Science Popularization Day and Longjiang Golden Autumn Science Popularization Month
In September 2017, the launching ceremony of the "2017 Heilongjiang · Harbin National Science Popularization Day&Longjiang Golden Autumn Science Popularization Month" event, co sponsored by Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association, Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education, Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology and other units, and organized by the CPC Harbin Xiangfang District Committee, Harbin Xiangfang District People's Government and other units, was held in Xiangfang Park, Xiangfang District, Harbin, The theme of the National Science Popularization Day is: innovation drives development and science dispels ignorance. Centering on the general requirements of "carrying forward the scientific spirit, spreading the development concept, advocating innovation and entrepreneurship, and promoting the popularization of science and technology", the event highlighted the characteristics of Longjiang, adhered to the general tone of "socialization, informatization, and interaction", and built a scientific platform for the public of Longjiang to "learn, experience, and feel". [18]


  • Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition
The 32nd Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition
In March 2018, the Science and Technology Association of Heilongjiang Province and Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Education Jointly hosted, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University The 32nd Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition was held at the Harbin Engineering University Sailing Center, and 113 groups of players participated in the competition.
The Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition aims to cultivate the innovative spirit and practical ability of the youth in the province, improve the professional skills of science and technology instructors, promote the popularization and promotion of science and technology among the youth, and lead the children to advocate science, be brave in innovation, forge ahead, and be brave in practice, thus improving the scientific literacy of the majority of primary and secondary students. [19]

Cultural tradition


Image logo

  • emblem
Emblem of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association
Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology uniformly uses the emblem of China Association for Science and Technology.
The emblem of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology consists of an ancient planetarium, spacecraft, gears, ears of wheat, a staff of snakes, and the name of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology marked in Chinese and English.
The emblem of the China Association for Science and Technology can be hung in office places, activity places, conference venues, printed on publications, or worn as an emblem. [20]
  • identification
Logo of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Association
The logo of the China Association for Science and Technology is a double-sided topological figure, which is rich in variety and dynamic.
The dancing ribbon symbolizes that the Chinese Association for Science and Technology is the bridge and link between the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government to connect the vast number of scientific and technological workers, and symbolizes the vigorous vitality and creativity of the Association for Science and Technology.
Publicity and promotion of the logo of the Association for Science and Technology aims to leave a concise and intuitive impression on the public through mass communication, and thereby significantly enhance the social popularity of the organizations represented and expand their social influence. [21]

Spiritual culture

The work philosophy of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology is to build a home for scientific and technological workers based on scientific and technological workers. [7]

Community leaders


Current leaders

Leaders of the 9th Committee of Heilongjiang Association for Science and Technology
full name
Ponta [24]
Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Party Leadership Group
Zhang Xiaoyan
party members
Zang Xiaomin
Member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman
Liu Honghui, Yan Zhijin
vice president
Tian Gangyin, Zhu Mingqing, Yang Baofeng, Yang Desen, Zhang Yu, Zhang Xiaoyan (female), Chen Hualan (female), Lin Feng (Manchu), Xu Jun, Yao Lijun, Zhou Yu, Guo Hongwei, Han Jiecai
Reference source [22] [24-25]

Successive leaders

full name
The first session
December 1958 August 1966
May 1978 August 1980
The second session
August 1980 June 1985
Wang Jinling
The third session
June 1985 May 1991
Yu Youtai
The fourth session
May 1991 - September 1996
Huang Wenhu
The fifth session
September 1996 July 2003
Zhu Dianming
The sixth session
July 2003 November 2011
The seventh session
November 2011 July 2017
Ma Shujie
Reference source [3-4]

Honors won

On June 22, 2021, the Party Branch of Heilongjiang Provincial Association for Science and Technology Office was awarded the title of "Advanced Grass roots Party Organization of Heilongjiang Provincial Organizations" by the Working Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Organizations directly under the CPC. [23]