
[hēi mài]
Gramineous rye
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Rye( Secale cereale L.), It is an annual or perennial herb crop of the gramineous rye genus, [4 ] The stem is upright and hairy; [5] The stem is hollow and elastic; [6] The fibrous roots are often covered with sand; Stems clustered, densely pilose at the lower part of inflorescence; [7] Leaves linear lanceolate; [8] It has strong tillering ability, and the spike is born on the top of the stem; [9] Grain shape is narrow and long, embryo tip is sharp, color is dark, and most of them are brown or greenish gray; [10] Flowering and fruiting from May to June. Rye is named "Rye" because its shape and fruit look like wheat and its color is dark. [11]
Rye is native to Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey; [12] Rye spread to the east late and was introduced into China in modern times; Now it is widely planted in Europe, Asia and North America; China is cultivated in northern mountainous areas or in colder regions. [4 ] Rye adapts to the climate and soil conditions unsuitable for other cereals, and grows well in high altitude areas; Among all small grains, it has the strongest cold resistance and can grow as far as the Arctic Circle. [13] Rye is propagated by seed sowing, which can be divided into "winter rye" and "spring rye" according to the sowing season. [14]
Rye has large leaves, soft stems, rich nutrition and good palatability, which can be used as grain and high-quality feed; Rye turns green early and grows fast. The crude protein content of stem and leaf is the highest in the early booting stage; Green fodder is often cultivated in northern areas to solve the problem of green fodder in early spring. [15 ] Rye is also widely used to make bread. [16] Scientific research shows that rye can promote health, prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other health care effects. The insoluble fibrolignans, isoflavones and trace element selenium contained in cancer prevention rye have obvious anti-cancer effects. [17 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
Secale cereale L.
Magnolia [3]

History of botany

Rye is named "Rye" because its shape and fruit look like wheat and its color is dark. [11]
Rye spread to the east late and was introduced into China in modern times [4 ]

morphological character

Annual or perennial herbaceous crops, [4 ] Culms clustered, about 100 cm high, with 5-6 nodes, densely hairy at the lower part of the inflorescence. Leaf sheaths often glabrous or powdery; Ligule about 1.5 mm long, apically with finely divided teeth; The leaf blade is 10-20 cm long and 5-10 mm wide, with smooth bottom and rough upper edge. Spike 5-10cm long and 1cm wide; Rachis internodes 2-4 mm long, pilose; The spikelet is about 15mm long (except the awn) and contains two florets. These two florets are nearly opposite and fertile. The other degenerated floret is located on the extended spikelet axis. The two glumes are equal, about 1cm long and 1.5mm wide. They have membranous edges. The back is ridged along the midvein and often has fine bristles; The lemma is 12-15 mm long, with 3-5 cm long awn on the top, 5 veins, fine bristles along the veins on both sides of the back, and with inner fold membranous margin; Palea is nearly as long as lemma. Caryopsis oblong, light brown, about 8 mm long, hairy at the top. [3] Flowering and fruiting from May to June. [11]

Distinction of recent species

Leaf sheaths often glabrous or powdery; The ligule is about 1.5 mm long, with fine teeth at the top.
Leaf sheaths loosely clasped, glabrous or pubescent at the base; Auricles lanceolate; Lingual membrane.
The single leaf is alternate, the leaf is duck palmate, and the leaf margin can be divided into full margin type and serrated margin type.
Spike is 5-10cm long and 1cm wide.
Spike is dense.
The inflorescence is umbellate, spicate and panicle.

Distribution range

Rye is native to Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey; [12] Now it is widely planted in Europe, Asia and North America; China is cultivated in northern mountainous areas or in colder regions. [4 ]

Growth environment

Rye adapts to the climate and soil conditions unsuitable for other cereals, and grows well in high altitude areas; Among all small grains, it has the strongest cold resistance and can grow as far as the Arctic Circle. [13]
Temperature: Rye Cold hardiness It has a strong ability. When the seed temperature is 0.5-2 ℃, the seedling can withstand the severe cold of (- 35) - (- 37) ℃. The suitable temperature from jointing to heading is 15-16 ℃, and the filling period is 16-20 ℃. When the temperature is higher than 25 ℃, the filling will be affected.
water content: Relatively drought resistant, transpiration coefficient is 420. The seed can germinate when its water absorption is 56% of the seed weight. Jointing and pumping need more water, drought hinders the development of ovary and anther, and reduces the seed setting rate.
illumination: Long sunshine and high temperature are required in the light stage. Under the light of 12 hours a day, no Heading Under 14 hours of light compared with 16 hours of light, heading was delayed for 30-35 days.
Soil: It is not strict with the soil requirements and can tolerate barren and thin land. The suitable soil pH is pH4-8. [1]

Reproductive mode

Rye is propagated by seed sowing, which can be divided into "winter rye" and "spring rye" according to the sowing season. [14]

cultivation techniques

soil preparation: Rye can be planted continuously with developed roots, which can prevent soil loss and effectively absorb water and fertilizer. With strong tillering, it can restrain weeds and is a good precursor for other crops. It is required to plough deeply, have a good root system, plow immediately after the previous harvest, and level the land.
sow: The sowing time is from early September to early October. The sowing method is drilling, and the row spacing is 20cm. The seeding amount is 4-5kg, and the covering depth is 3-4 cm. [1]
Seedling management : Check seedlings and reseed, sparse seedlings and make up for deficiencies, and break the knot. Rake and press to keep moisture and prevent cold. Generally, the wheat field that has been irrigated with frozen water should not be irrigated with reclaimed water. When the moisture content is appropriate, it should be hoed. The yellow seedlings lacking fertilizer can be trenched in the middle of the management jointing period, and 5-10kg of nitrogen fertilizer per mu can be added in the middle of the management jointing period. The water demand at booting stage is not only large, but also timely.
Post management : grouting water can improve the plumpness of grains. Harvesting shall be carried out from the end of yellow maturity to the beginning of full maturity. The quality of silage harvested at jointing stage is good. [1]

Key values



Scientific research shows that rye can promote health, prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other health care effects. The insoluble fibrolignans, isoflavones and trace element selenium contained in cancer prevention rye have obvious anti-cancer effects. [17 ]


Rye has large leaves, soft stems, rich nutrition and good palatability, which can be used as grain and high-quality feed; Rye turns green early and grows fast. The crude protein content of stem and leaf is the highest in the early booting stage; Green fodder is often cultivated in northern areas to solve the problem of green fodder in early spring. [15 ] Rye is also widely used to make bread. [16]
Rye is easy to grow, with broad leaves and high grass yield. Ryegrass is sown in autumn and mowed in winter and spring. Its seedling growth is very vigorous. It can be mowed or grazed after 4-6 weeks of sowing, and then harvested every 20-30 days. In the whole winter fallow period (4-5 months) in South China, grass can be cut 4-5 times, and the fresh grass yield per mu is 7000-12000 kg, significantly higher than other diploid varieties, which is suitable for winter fallow field rotation.
The grass is soft and palatable. It is a favorite forage for cattle, sheep, rabbits, pigs, geese, fish, etc., with a feeding rate of 100%. The protein content of ryegrass with high nutritional value and significant feeding effect can reach more than 20%, close to that of alfalfa, and the crude fiber content is low, so the digestibility and energy content are significantly higher than that of alfalfa. Ryegrass is rich in a variety of minerals and trace elements. Feeding it to livestock and poultry not only increases daily weight gain, but also saves refined feed and reduces breeding costs.
Rye can increase soil fertility and promote the growth of subsequent crops. Rye grass has large and shallow fibrous roots, which can effectively improve soil fertility and promote the growth of next crop after decay. [2]
 Rye Rye Rye

Food nutrition

Food name Rye
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 338 kcal
protein 10.3 g
Fat 1.6 g
Saturated fatty acid 0.2 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 0.8 g
carbohydrate 75.9 g
sugar 1 g
dietary fiber 15.1 g
folic acid 38 μg
sodium 2 mg
magnesium 110 mg
phosphorus 332 mg
potassium 510 mg
calcium 24 mg
iron 2.6 mg
zinc 2.65 mg
vitamin A 1 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.32 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.25 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 4.27 mg
Vitamin B6 0.29 mg
vitamin E 0.85 mg
vitamin K 5.9 μg