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Heigou Village

Village under the jurisdiction of Heigou Town, Donggang City, Liaoning Province
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Heigou Village is located in Liaoning Province donggang The middle of Heigou Town is the political, cultural and educational center of Heigou Town. It is connected to Xiuyan County in the north by mountains; The south is separated from Xiaodianzi Town by a mountain; Adjacent to Dachai Village in the east; It borders Wolong Village in Heigou Town in the west, governing 8 villager groups, 304 households and 1167 people. The whole village has 4200 mu of arable land and 10000 mu of mountains.
Chinese name
Heigou Village
Administrative Region Category
Liaoning Province donggang
Political, cultural and educational center

Village Profile

Heigou Village, Donggang City, is located in the north of Donggang City, belonging to mountainous and hilly areas, and the climate conditions are humid areas in the north temperate zone Continental monsoon climate Affected by the Yellow Sea Marine climate characteristic. There is no severe cold in winter and intense heat in summer. The four seasons are distinct, and the rain is hot in the same season. It is 60km away from the county seat, located in the center of Heigou Town (where the town government is located). The county road "Hongdong Line" passes through the village, and the traffic is very convenient. The village has 8 villagers' groups, 364 permanent residents, 1563 people, 3200 mu of arable land, and is the political, economic and cultural center of the town. [1]

Industrial development

Under the correct leadership of the town party committee and government, the two committees of Heigou Village are united and powerful, the characteristic industrial pattern is increasingly prominent, the appearance of the village is significantly improved, the living standard of the people is constantly improving, and the social order in the village is harmonious and stable. Over the years, Heigou Village has been awarded the titles of "Civilized Village" and "Advanced General Branch" by Donggang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and Heigou Town Party Committee and Government for many times. The whole village has focused on the development of greenhouse strawberry shed, meat and layer breeding, large-scale pig, cattle and sheep breeding, chestnut, black ditch peach planting and other industries. There are 50 strawberry greenhouses, covering an area of more than 400 mu, with the main variety of "99" sweet strawberries. Heigou Village has successively introduced two enterprises in 2014, namely "Yongcheng Enterprise" and "Donggang Huanghai Big Market Group Company", and has invested in the construction of "Dacheng Mountain Original Ecological Tourism" and "Double Increase Method Breeding Pig Breeding Base". The "Dacheng Mountain Original Ecological Tourism" is planned to invest 100 million yuan, and is currently under construction. The "Double Increase Law System Breeding Base" is planned to invest 187 million yuan. The first phase of the project has been completed and put into operation, and now more than 700 French piglets are introduced.
By the end of 2014, Heigou Village had basically realized the connection of paint pavement groups, more than 90% of cable TV households, 100% of communication coverage, comprehensive popularization of motorcycles, cars gradually entering farmers' families, full coverage of broadband distribution lines, and digital and informatization progress year by year. A new rural bookstore with a collection of more than 2000 books has been built, and Yangko, basketball games, square dances, etc. have been held for many years in a row, effectively enriching the amateur life of villagers. The whole village presents a civilized and harmonious New socialist countryside Scene.
The leading industries in agricultural economy are broiler breeding, cashmere goat breeding and peach production. The annual breeding quantity of broilers in this village is more than 200000; The annual feeding quantity of cashmere goats reaches 1000; The village is the birthplace of big peach production, and is actively expanding the production scale. So far, the village has developed a total of 1200 mu of big peach production. [2]