zero Useful+1

Viscous end

DNA recombination concept
Restriction enzyme stay Identification sequence conduct Stagger cut The result is two orders End of chain , this terminal Nucleotide sequence It is complementary and can form hydrogen bond, so it is called viscous terminal Sticky end [1]
The sticky end is cut by restriction enzyme DNA Double chain In many cases, the incision is not flush, but a chain length For example, after AAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT is cut open, it may become: AAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT such ends can be combined through base complementation, as if they are sticky.
But if the cut end is flush, it is not sticky. In addition, use different Enzyme digestion Even if the ends of the two sections are not flush, the parts on both sides are not sticky if they cannot complement each other.
Chinese name
Viscous end
Foreign name
Sticky Ends
DNA recombination
Related concepts
Flat Ends
DNA double strand cut by restriction enzyme
Two single strand cuts of DNA cut by restriction enzyme, with several protruding nucleotide , they are just complementary and matched, such a cut is called viscous end.
Fig. 1 Viscous end
The AATT in Figure 1 is a viscous end.