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Li Jing

Male screenwriter and actor in mainland China
open 14 homonymous entries
Li Jing (1923-1990), a native of Jincheng, Shanxi Province, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a male playwright and actor in mainland China. He was once a student of Yan'an Lu Xun Academy of Arts and Literature, and the theater captain of Yan'an Red Star Drama Club in the Yan'an Teaching Brigade.
He joined the Eighth Route Army in 1938. Writer of August 1 Film Studio. Representative works《 female pilot 》。 [2]
Chinese name
Li Jing
Foreign name
Jing Li
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Jincheng, Shanxi
date of birth
Date of death
Actors and scriptwriters [1]
Representative works
female pilot General Peng Da
Political outlook
CPC member

Character experience

Li Jing is from Jincheng, Shanxi Province. Member of the Communist Party of China. In 1938, he joined the Eighth Route Army, and served successively as a student of Yan'an Lu Xun Art and Literature College, the drama captain of Yan'an Teaching Brigade Red Star Drama Club, the captain of the cultural and industrial team of the 16th Division of the First Field Army, the deputy head of the teaching reform unit of the 16th Division of the Teaching Team, a member of the creative team of the Culture Department of the Political Department of the Air Force, the director of the Arts and Sports Department, and the screenwriter of the Bayi Film Studio. Joined in 1959 Chinese Writers Association [2]

Main works

He has written novels, novellas and short stories, such as Young Eagle, Ma Tiangui, The Ninth Red Star, Air Hunter, Plan 100, General Peng, drama and opera scripts, such as Female Pilot, Sitla's Dream, Changing Sky, It Is He, and film and literature script, Flying Wings《 Seven days and seven nights 》、《 Three missing people 》, Breaking the Fog, Liu Fei's Last Letter (all have been shot and released), etc.

Publishing books

  • Author name Li Jing
    Work time 2009-3-1
    General Peng is a kind of military novel published by Popular Literature and Art Publishing House on March 1, 2009. The author is Li Jing.