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Henan Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
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Huangling Gangsai River Monument It is a cultural relics protection unit in Henan Province and is located in Songzhuang Village, Nanzhang Township, Lankao County, 45km east of Kaifeng City. Beiqi the tang dynasty , Song Dynasty, etc Kaocheng County Territory. [2]
Chinese name
Pass height
High forehead
0.75 m
Kaocheng County Instrument seal [1]
Stele series White marble It is of good quality, 2m high, 0.75m high, 0.65m wide and 0.20m thick. There is a turtle shaped seat below, 0.5 meters high, with a dragon carved on the forehead. It was established in the eighth year of the Ming Hongzhi era (1495). This stele records the flood and control process of the Yellow River from Kaifeng East to Huanglinggang in Shandong Province during the period of 1489~1495 (the second to eighth year of the reign of Emperor Hongzhi of the Ming Dynasty). There are detailed records on the number of migrant workers, materials used and treatment methods sent by officials in the Ming Dynasty to control rivers. It mainly records the sixth year of Hongzhi (1493) Procuratorate Right Deputy Capital Imperial Historian Liu Daxia Eunuch Li Xing, Pingjiang Bo Chen Rui and others have made great achievements in river management. After the Huanglinggang breach was successfully blocked, a temple was built and a monument was erected in the local area. Later, the temple and the stele remained, but the inscription was damaged due to wind and rain erosion. This monument has been protected.
Huanglinggang, an ancient village. Songzhuang Village, 35 kilometers northeast of Lankao County today. It is said that there are three suspicious graves of Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty, and Emperor Ming of the Wei Dynasty buried them here, like a hillock, hence the name. It was set up in the early Qing Dynasty, also known as Huanglinggang Collection. Song Genus Kaocheng County Jintianxing's first year (1232) Instrument seal County, more than 100 zhang around the earth hillock, Huanglinggang is a dangerous place in the history of the Yellow River. The end of the Yuan Dynasty Red Scarf Army The first place of the uprising was the Huanghe construction site at Huanglinggang. [1]
Songzhuang Village