Kiwi fruit with yellow heart

Actinidiaceae Actinidia
zero Useful+1
Yellow heart kiwi is a kind of fruit rich in vitamin C The fruit with rich antioxidants can prevent and cure cancer, and the arginine rich in it can also improve blood flow and reduce the occurrence of thrombus. It has a certain effect in dealing with such major diseases, and is a healthy health fruit. [1]
Chinese name
Kiwi fruit with yellow heart
Kiwi fruit with yellow meat
Kiwi fruit with yellow heart
Chengdu, Sichuan Pujiang County
Prevent and cure cancer, reduce thrombosis, etc
Strong stress resistance, large fruit, sweet and delicious flavor, and relatively resistant to storage
About 60 to 100 grams

Variety Introduction

The yellow heart kiwifruit has strong potential and large shoot growth Germination rate It is 46.3-83.7%, with strong branch forming ability. The fruiting branch rate is about 87%. Each fruit branch has 3-8 fruits, with an average of 6 fruits. The average plant yield in the third year is about 20-25kg, and the per mu yield in the high yield period can reach 2000-3000kg, with strong high and stable yield.
The yellow heart kiwifruit can grow and bear fruit normally in high and low altitude areas, and is planted in kiwifruit producing areas in Sichuan Province and Shaanxi Province of China. The mature picking time generally starts in late September, and the large-scale listing is after the National Day. Good ecological adaptability, high and stable yield, good fruit quality, sweet and refreshing taste, high nutritional value. It has strong resistance to high temperature and drought, and has strong resistance to pests. The cultivation in areas above 1000 meters above sea level can best reflect the yellow heart characteristics of its fruit.
Yellow heart kiwifruit Generally, it is long cylindrical. The weight of a fruit is about 60 to 100 grams. The skin is smooth and has less fuzz. The flesh is golden. The total sugar of the yellow heart kiwifruit is 17.45% higher, nearly 6 percentage points higher than the world popular variety Hayward, while the total acid is only 0.46%, Soluble solids 18.5%, rich in calcium, iron, potassium and other minerals and 17 kinds of amino acids, with vitamin C up to 165.

Efficacy value

1. Promote cardiovascular health
Yellow heart kiwifruit is rich in pectin and vitamin E It can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood and is very beneficial to cardiovascular health.
2. Increased sexual capacity
This is very beneficial for men. Yellow heart kiwi fruit contains a lot of arginine, which can promote smooth blood circulation and enhance sexual ability.
3. Lose weight
This alone, I believe that many MM will be attracted. The yellow heart kiwi fruit contains rare magnesium in other fruits, and its calories are extremely low. It is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote digestion and absorption. It is also easy to feel full. It is a necessary fruit for weight loss.
4. Clearing away heat and reducing fire
Kiwi fruit with yellow heart contains dietary fiber and rich antioxidant It has the effect of clearing heat, reducing fire, moistening dryness and relieving constipation and hemorrhoids.
5. Anticancer
Kiwi fruit with yellow heart contains a substance that can inhibit the mutation of cancer genes, and has a certain inhibitory effect on liver cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and other cancer cell diseases [1]
6. It has been proved that kiwifruit contains an anti mutation component to prevent cancer glutathione It is beneficial to inhibit the mutation of cancer genes.
7. Whitening, spot lightening, acne removal, detoxification and anti-aging, average 500g Kiwi fruit Its vitamin C content is up to 95.7 mg, known as The King of Fruit Vitamin C and vitamin E can beautify the skin, resist oxidation, effectively whiten, eliminate freckles and acne, and enhance the anti-aging ability of the skin.
8. The kiwi fruit has low sugar content and is one of the most nutritious and comprehensive fruits. People can buy kiwi fruit, melon papaya The most balanced nutrition can be obtained from the unit heat of lemon fruit.
9. Governance mouth ulcer Kiwi fruit pulp contains rich VC and VB trace elements, which has a natural pharmacological effect on preventing oral ulcer.
10. Prevent and cure constipation, colon cancer and Arteriosclerosis The yellow heart kiwifruit contains more dietary fiber, oligosaccharides and protein decomposing enzymes. It can quickly remove harmful metabolites accumulated in the body, prevent and treat constipation, colon cancer and arteriosclerosis.
11. To prevent depression, kiwi fruit contains inositol, which is a precursor of the second messenger system in cells. It is effective to prevent depression.
12. Prevent eye diseases (cataracts). Nowadays, more and more adults suffer from cataracts. Kiwi fruit is rich in phytochemicals xanthophyll Lutein can accumulate on human retina.
13. To enhance immune function, kiwifruit is considered as an immune adjuvant, mainly because it contains a lot of VC and antioxidant substances.
14. To eliminate tension and fatigue, kiwifruit contains quite high 5-hydroxytryptamine (vasoconstrictor), 5-hydroxytryptamine only has a sedative effect on human body.
15. To maintain human health, kiwifruit contains a lot of minerals, especially in hot weather, it is particularly important to supplement the electrolyte loss caused by physical exercise.

cultivation techniques


Seed collection

Will be fully mature Wild kiwifruit After the fruit is picked up, it is put in a cool place to be soft and ripe, and then peeled off. It is put in a clean gauze bag to scrub, and the pulp is washed away, leaving only seeds. Spread the seeds to dry, pack them with plastic bags, and store them at a low temperature of 4-5 ℃ for standby.

Sand reservoir

About a month and a half before sowing (usually in late December in Meixian County), take out the dried and stored seeds and soak them in hot water at 50~70 ℃ for 1~2 hours, then soak them in cold water for 1~3 days. Take out the seeds and mix them with 5~10 times of wet river sand and put them into a basin or bucket. Turn them every other week and maintain proper humidity. Hold them in a ball and let them loose.


February Early ten days Sow at the beginning of spring. The sandy loam soil with sufficient light, fertile and loose soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, slightly acidic or neutral is selected as the seedbed, and basic fertilizer and pesticide are applied before the whole border. The car shall be made by deep raking and fine leveling, and the high car shall be made to prevent water stains. Spread the seeds with sand evenly on the nursery, cover a layer of 2-3 mm thick fine soil, and finally cover with plastic film.


The seedbed shall be kept moist for a long time. Water shall be sprayed once in the morning and evening on sunny days. In order to prevent the soil from hardening and washing out seeds, water shall be sprayed frequently, carefully and evenly. About 20 days after sowing, some arched soil will emerge. At this time, the plastic film needs to be arched into a small arched shed. In sunny days, the two ends will be opened at noon for ventilation. When 80% of the seedlings emerge, remove the plastic film.

Transplantation preparation

The requirements for transplanting nursery land shall be consistent with that for seeding bed Compartment The car surface is 50cm higher than the ditch, and the width is 60-80cm. The seedbed shall be provided with a trench of more than 50cm to prevent waterlogging in summer and root damage.

Thinning seedlings

After the seedlings are unearthed, they are generally too dense. In order to ensure that the seedlings are neat and strong, the seedlings should be properly thinned when there are 2~3 true leaves, and the weak ones should be removed, the strong ones should be retained, the disease should be removed, and the crooked ones should be retained.

Post planting management

When the seedlings grow to 4-5 true leaves, they can be transplanted with soil in cloudy or light rainy days, and the row spacing is 10cm × 20cm. Kiwifruit seedlings are delicate and need to be prevented from drying, drought and rain. After transplanting, they should be covered in sunny days, daytime and rainy days, and the shade net should be uncovered at night, cloudy days and light rainy days. When seedlings grow 5~6 true leaves, the shading net can be gradually removed. One month after transplanting, spray 0.1%~0.3% urea plus 0.1%~0.3% urea every 15 days or so Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Water can promote the growth of seedlings. When the seedling height is 15~25cm and 10~15 leaves are taken off, remove them in time Axillary bud And promote the seedlings to thicken for grafting.

Disease and insect control

Kiwifruit is vulnerable to Damping off disease Mole cricket and Geotiger Infringement of. Rhizoctonia solani: the base of the affected seedlings was initially waterlogged, then gradually deepened, then became black, constricted and decayed, and the upper leaves withered and gradually the whole plant died. Spray 50% carbendazim 1000 times or 50% for 2~3 times in combination with water spray Thiophanate methyl 1000 times liquid control.
Mole cricket: Larvae lie in the daytime and rise at night, gnawing the young leaves and biting off the stem, causing the seedlings to die. It can be cooked at 10:1 bran Mix with trichlorfon powder and sprinkle it around the plant or trap with light.
Land tiger: After the 3rd instar, the larvae bite off the stem of the seedlings in the daytime and emerge at night, causing seedling defects. It can be killed manually in the morning, or sprayed with 1% trichlorfon solution by spraying water or sprayed in the nursery with 1% trichlorfon solution mixed with vegetable leaves.