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Huang Qianheng

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Limin Industrial Co., Ltd
Huang Qianheng, Mr. Huang Qianli Kun Zhong. Mr. Huang Qianheng is a consultant lawyer of Mr. Huang Qianheng and Huang Yinghao Law Firm in Hong Kong, and a justice of peace in Hong Kong. Mr. Huang Qianli is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hong Kong Limin Industrial Co., Ltd. Mr. Huang Kunzhong inherited the legacy of his late father Huang Hu Nanweng (a hero in the establishment of Taishan County High School in the 1920s), actively supported the construction of cultural and educational undertakings in his hometown, and made great contributions to the educational development of his hometown. Donated successively Taishan Library Huangshu South Memorial Building of Taishan No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Primary School in Taishan Town, and No. 1 Middle School for maintenance. He also donated money to Wuyi University Foundation, Wuyou Building (machinery hall), Shiyou Building and other public welfare undertakings such as supporting Sanhe Town and learning and educating talents in his hometown, making contributions to the construction of two civilizations in the hometown of overseas Chinese.
Chinese name
Huang Qianheng
one's native heath
Taishan City
Ancestral home
Sanhe Town, Taishan

Education and honor

Huang Qianheng won the High Court of Hong Kong Lawyer qualification In 1964, he was qualified as a legal notary. In 1986, he was appointed as a notary by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China. Huang Qianheng is intelligent, eloquent and upright; He has a good reputation in the legal profession of Hong Kong and holds various social posts. He is now a consultant to the Advisory Board of the Third Academy of Cambodia, Wei Chang of the Civil Service Commission, Vice Chairmen of all previous chairmen of the Third Academy of Cambodia, and a member of Lingnan College and a number of directors of listed companies. He was awarded the MBE by the Queen in 1973, a Justice of the Peace in the same year, and was awarded the MBE by the Queen on New Year's Day in 1994 OBE Medal Awarded by the Hong Kong government in 2001 Golden Bauhinia Star

Other information

Huang Qianheng enthusiastically devotes himself to cultural, educational, medical and other social public welfare undertakings and cultivates talents. In 1990, the Huang Qianheng Fund was established to help needy students study at local or overseas universities. In his hometown, he adhered to his father's will and made joint efforts with his younger brother Huang Qianli to donate money for education, which was highly praised by the local people.
Huang Huanan, the late father of Huang's Kunzhong, was an overseas Chinese in Canada and once worked at the Victoria Port Overseas Chinese School. In 1922, the ancestral school in Yongning Village, Sanhe, Taishan was renamed Mingde Primary School in accordance with the then education regulations. Huang Hu'nan was the honorary principal of the primary school. In 1930, he proposed to build a new school building, which was also built by Huang Hu Nan with huge funds raised.
In 1914, Huang Hu returned home from overseas to visit Taishan County Middle School (now Taishan No. 1 Middle School) and witnessed the Taishan Middle School in front of him; He frowned: "This Confucian Temple, but what about the school? The shrine and the lecture hall are OK, and the dormitories are also profane! It is not for this reason that I respect my ancestors and sages. What's more, this century's lodging is full of rain and wind, and there is no shelter. In the cold and summer, it is extreme, and Hu can take a long vacation." So he discussed with the president to mobilize overseas Chinese in Taishan to donate money to build the school. Went to more than 70 ports such as Victoria and Vancouver for many times and raised more than 249000 yuan. In 1921, he returned to Taishan to supervise its affairs and served as the director of the school building committee. He took fund-raising and school building as his own responsibility. He was busy day and night, and went all out to waste his industry, commerce and education for six years. When the ribbon cutting ceremony was completed in Taichung, Huang Huanan wrote a poem called "Seven Laws", describing his hard work in preparing to build Taichung: "When he traveled to the distant sea in education, he would stay in Los Angeles. People from other countries had eyes, and the scene in his hometown was messy. It is not full of the things that can be seen everywhere, and it is not enough to carry out the northern and southern affairs. Ten years' journey in the end of the world has won several stacks of buildings in the school. "
Exactly“ Humayi North Wind , crossing the south branch of the Bird's Nest. " Huang Huanan is thinking about Taichung all the time. In 1966, when he learned at his birthday party that Taichung was also doomed during the "Cultural Revolution", he couldn't help but be pained and couldn't sleep at night. He wrote: "How about Taichung's salary? There have been many dreams in the past 40 years. Looking back in front of the memorial hall, several people slandered several people's songs." After reading the book, tears ran high, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Taichung, what's wrong with you? I really want to go back and have a look...".
Although Huang Huanan could not fulfill his long cherished wish in that turbulent era, he should smile if he knew his son's righteous act.
At the end of 1983, Huang Qianheng and Kunzhong returned to their hometown and saw the school building of Mingde Primary School, where his late father was the honorary principal, becoming increasingly dilapidated due to years of disrepair. He generously donated HK $210000 from the Watnam Foundation to rebuild it. At the same time, it also donated 300000 Hong Kong dollars to build a new school building and add teaching equipment for Mingde Middle School, and allocated 24000 Hong Kong dollars every year as scholarships for the two schools, and 12000 Hong Kong dollars as equipment maintenance costs. In recent years, another 250000 Hong Kong dollars has been donated to build 8 facilities, including Mingde Middle School library, teachers' dormitory and tap water. In 1991, a large sum of money was donated to establish the Yongnian Village Cultural Office. When talking with villagers about the importance of education, Qian Heng and Qian Li Kunzhong said, "The purpose of education is to popularize education in hometown, make more children of villagers have books to read, promote the construction process of hometown, and improve the living standards of villagers and elders."
The picture shows the Huanghu South Memorial Building in Taishan No.1 Middle School donated by Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli
In the early spring of 1986, on a rosy evening, Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli stood in front of the inscription on the establishment of Taishan No. 1 Middle School. They were filled with emotion, as if they had gone back to those distant years and saw their father working hard to prepare for the establishment of Taichung... In front of Taichung, after decades of ups and downs, the school buildings had been damaged and looked dilapidated; Moreover, with the rapid development of education in his hometown, school buildings are also insufficient. Immediately, a plan to support Taichung's development was formed in the minds of Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli Kunzhong.
In the spring of 1987, Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli Kunzhong donated 2.75 million Hong Kong dollars to Taichung for the renovation of old school buildings and the construction of Taichung Comprehensive Experimental Building. The next year, the school building of Taishan No. 1 Middle School was renovated. The newly built "Huanghu South Memorial Building" (Science Museum) stood majestically in the north corner of the campus, with a rockery pool in front of the building and a small view of garden waterside pavilion. There are 12 physics laboratories, 4 biology laboratories, computer room, audio-visual teaching room, speech room, etc. in the building. In December 1991, Huang Qianheng, his wife Zheng Guozhang and his relatives and friends visited Taichung for guidance. Zheng Guozhang, known as a talented singer, presented her with a personal concert tape recorded and published in Hong Kong, with the famous painter Xu Beihong as the cover of her portrait and inscription. Taishan No. 1 Middle School has become a first-class school in Guangdong Province, which is inseparable from the contributions of Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli Kunzhong.
In 1986, Huang Qianheng, Huang Qianli and Wu Shunde He donated to the Taishan County Library, and Huang Kunzhong donated 1.8 million Hong Kong dollars to build the East Building of the Library. In memory of his predecessor Huang Xulijuan, it was named "Ms. Huang Xulijuan Memorial Building". And donated another 100000 Hong Kong dollars to purchase a photocopier Chinese typewriter English typewriter , tape recorder, plasticizing machine, quick printing machine, photoelectric copying machine and other advanced equipment, and donated 50000 Hong Kong dollars each with Wu Shunde as a fund to purchase books. At the foundation laying ceremony of the library, Huang Qianheng said his heartfelt words as a wanderer: "... Taishan is an important hometown of overseas Chinese, and the villagers are widely spread overseas, but no matter where they are, they still have a strong sense of hometown. The villagers in other places have always cared about the construction of their hometown from generation to generation. Any great construction and brilliant achievements in their hometown are enough to make the villagers in other places proud. When I returned to my hometown this time, I was impressed by what I saw and heard. Many modernization projects are being carried out in a planned way. With the wise leadership of the leaders, I will be able to inspire overseas villagers, pool their wisdom and strength, and work together for the construction of my hometown.
One day in 1991, Huang Qianheng was very interested when he heard his best friend Wu Shunde's plan to build the Mechanical Engineering Hall of Wuyi University. He discussed with Huang Qianli and decided to support it. On December 7 of the same year, they took their wives to attend the foundation laying ceremony. On November 28, 1993, a building named "Five Friends Building in Taishan" was finally completed on the campus of Wuyi University, which was built by Mr. Wu Shunde, Mr. Huang Qianheng, Mr. Huang Qianli, Mr. Huang Haochuan, and Mr. Huang Bingli, five Hong Kong based celebrities who donated 600000 Hong Kong dollars each. This light brown building is now the mechanical engineering hall of the school. It is four floors high. The external wall is inlaid with mosaics. There is a small flower bed around it. There are various flowers and evergreen palm trees with different florescence. All year round, it gives people a kind of enjoyment of red flowers and green leaves. The design of the building is practical. In addition to the office and special mechanical classrooms, there are computer drawing rooms, various experimental equipment rooms, graduation room design rooms, etc., which provide good conditions for teachers and students who are interested in mechanical teaching and scientific research activities in the school.
On the day of ribbon cutting, colorful flags were displayed in the campus, and the drums were singing in unison, which was a jubilant scene. Wu Shunde said in an interview: "I graduated from Lingnan University with Haochuan, Bingli, Qian Heng and Qian Li. We are both Taishan fellow townsmen and good friends. Today, we are building a 'Five Friends Building' in the highest school in our hometown as a witness of the friendship between our five good friends. This is our common wish." Huang Qianheng cannot cut ribbon in person because of his busy business, He entrusted his wife Zheng Guozhang to come here specially. Seeing this lively and grand scene, Zheng Guozhang said to the accompanying teacher, "I'm very happy. It's really not easy for us to do so well in such a short time." When the teacher thanked them for their support on behalf of all the teachers and students of the school, she modestly replied, "We should do something for the construction of Wuyi University."
Long before the completion of the "Five Friends Building in Taishan", in order to encourage teachers and students to work harder and strive for greater achievements, some Hong Kong residents led by Li Guowei decided to establish Wuyi University Education Foundation Co., Ltd. Ye Jiakang, President of Wuyi University, accompanied Li Guowei to visit Huang Qianheng and invited him to be the drafter and lawyer of the Memorandum and Articles of Association. He not only made a promise, but also immediately pledged to donate 1 million Hong Kong dollars to the foundation. Later, he put aside other affairs temporarily and went all out to draft the articles of association. On August 25, 1992, the 22 chapter articles of association, including the memorandum and interpretation of 7 articles, including the purpose, nature, and obligation, the procedures of the general meeting, fund management, directors, and the application for the use of special funds for education, were finally registered in Hong Kong. It was dedicated to the efforts of Huang Qianheng.
In 1992, Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli gave generously to rebuild the teaching building of Taicheng No. 2 Primary School - Huanghu South Memorial Building and the 180 meter circular track playground. Zhesi of Huang Qianheng, a bachelor of architecture from the University of London, UK, and Huang Yingjie, a Hong Kong registered architect, designed the building in person and visited the construction site many times to guide the construction. The new teaching building has a building area of 6600 square meters. It has unique design, novel idea, unique style, and advanced equipment. It has 30 standard classrooms, natural laboratory, computer room, instrument and teaching aid room, etc. The overall project cost 4.5 million Hong Kong dollars. Today, Taicheng No. 2 Primary School has been rated as a provincial school. The Huang family has been devoted to the education of their hometown for three generations, and their great merit is really commendable.
In addition, Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli donated a library to Taishan Kanghe Middle School; Together with Wu Shunde and others, they donated 600000 Hong Kong dollars to build the "Five Friends Building" of Taishan Normal School; Set up the Best School Award of Taishan Education Fund... to encourage my students to work hard and make progress.
Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli worked together to benefit mulberry and catalpa, cultivate talents, and revitalize the township, which was praised by the people of the city. In 1991, the Taishan Municipal People's Government awarded Huang Qianheng the "Special Award for Revitalizing Taishan". In November 1993, Huang Qianheng and Huang Qianli Kunzhong were both awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Jiangmen City", and Huang Qianheng was awarded the "Contribution Award of Jiangmen City".
Huang Qianheng is also admired by people in his family and other aspects.
In family life, Huang Qianheng is a good son, husband and father. He loved his family, respected and filial to his elders, and respected his wife Zheng Guozhang as a guest. His father Huang Huanan was very pleased with this. After the death of Huang Hu Nanxian, Huang Qianheng spared no expense in asking someone to compile the poems and essays left by his father as a permanent memorial. Huang Qianheng treats his children with strict and kind looks, creating a good environment for their healthy growth and development.
In terms of social interaction, Huang Qianheng always treats each other sincerely, takes precedence over others, has a broad mind and treats each other with all sincerity. It is trusted and loved by friends. Hong Kong, where he lives in the same building
Zhu Zhengxian, a famous industrialist and chairman of Shifu Group, once said, "Mr. Huang Qianheng is a very diligent, honest and good lawyer. He is successful in his career, modest and sincere. He always goes all out to do his job and does his duty, and even forgets to eat and sleep because of this. But he never exaggerates, flaunts himself, or shows off himself. " The villagers often take a group photo with Huang Qianheng and praise him for being approachable.
Fist and pure heart, leisurely native feelings. Huang Qianheng, Huang Qianli and Kunzhong are deeply attached to mulberry and catalpa. They are committed to education and selfless dedication to cultivating talents for their hometown. It is admirable that they benefit their hometown.