Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese explorer, navigator and colonist
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synonym Magellan (Portuguese famous navigator and explorer) Generally referring to Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan (full name Fernando de Magellan, Spanish: Fernando de Magellanes; English: Ferdinand Magellan, 1480 – April 27, 1521), Portugal Explorers, navigators Colonist , for Spain The government worked on the expedition.
In 1519, he led a fleet of ships to sail around the world. On the night of April 27, 1521, Magellan the Philippines Died in tribal conflict. After his death, the fleet continued to sail westward, returned to Europe, and completed the first human voyage around the world. [1]
(Reference for overview drawing [15]
Chinese name
Fernando de Magellan
Foreign name
Portuguese: Fern ã o de Magalh ã es
Spanish: Fernando de Magallanes
English: Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan
date of birth
Date of death
April 27, 1521
University one is graduated from
National Navigation Office
Key achievements
The fleet led has completed the round the world voyage for the first time
one's native heath
Porto, Portugal

Character's Life



Ferdinand Magellan was born in northern Portugal in 1480 Porto A family of fallen knights. At the age of 10, his father sent him to the palace for service, and he later served as the queen's maid.
In 1496, Magellan was incorporated into the Portuguese National Navigation Office.
In 1505, Magellan participated in the first Portuguese residence Governor of India Albquek's expedition team has followed the expedition team to the east Africa , India, Malacca and other places to explore and carry out colonial activities, which enabled him to accumulate rich experience in navigation. [17]

Join the war

Magellan Signature
In 1512, Magellan left India and returned home. [17] However, on his way home, he hit the rocks and was stranded on an island.
In 1513, Magellan and his sailors waited for a long time to rescue the ship. After knowing this, the superior promoted him to captain and served in the African army. Since then, he has Southeast Asia I learned that when I participated in the colonial war, Spice Islands To the east, there is still a sea. Moreover, his friend Farilo, an astrologer, also calculated the location of the Spice Islands. He guessed that the east of the sea was America And firmly believe that the earth is round. Therefore, he had the intention of making a voyage around the world.

Ready to sail

Magellan team's global navigation chart
In 1515, Magellan returned to his hometown Portugal. He asked King of Portugal Manuel applied to organize a fleet to explore and make a voyage around the world. However, the king did not agree, because he believed that the eastern trade had been effectively controlled, and there was no need to open a new channel. Magellan was subsequently dismissed by the Portuguese army.
On October 20, 1517, Magellan left Portugal and came to Spain Sevilla And once again, he made a request for circumnavigation. The fortress commander of Seville appreciated his talent and courage very much, agreed to his request, and married his daughter to him.
On March 22, 1518, King of Spain charles v (i.e., Carlos I) received Magellan, who again made a request for sailing and presented the king with a homemade exquisite color globe The king soon promised him.

Across the Atlantic

Magellan Team
In 1519, under the command of Charles V, Magellan organized a fleet of five ships, with the Trinidad as the flagship, and the San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria and Santiago, with 265 crew members, ready to sail. However, the Portuguese king soon learned about it. He was afraid that Magellan's voyage would help Spain surpass Portugal. Therefore, he not only sent people to make rumors in Seville, but also sent some spies to break into Magellan's fleet and prepare to seize the opportunity to destroy and assassinate Magellan. On August 10, Magellan led the fleet from the Port of Seville, Spain. The fleet is Atlantic It took AVIC 70 days. Arrive on November 29 Brazil coast. Arrive in Brazil on December 13 Rio de Janeiro
On January 10, 1520, the fleet came to an endless bay. The crew thought that they could enter the new ocean smoothly at the end of America, but after field investigation, they found that it was just an estuary—— La Plata Estuary. On March 31, South America entered the deep winter season, so Magellan led the fleet into Port San Juan (Today Argentina Santa Cruz )Prepare for winter. On April 7, due to the cold weather and food shortage, the crew was very depressed. When the crew rebelled, the three captains united against Magellan, disobeyed Magellan's command, and ordered Magellan to negotiate. Magellan sent a fake letter of agreement to negotiate, and took the opportunity to assassinate the rebel captain. On May 22, the "Santiago" sank and its crew was rescued. Soon, Magellan found a large number of seabirds, fish and fresh water in the Port of San Juan, and the food problem was finally solved. Magellan also found that there were local aborigines nearby, who were tall and dressed in animal skins; Their shoes are also very special. They put wet animal skin on their feet, up to their knees. In rainy and snowy days, I will put on a pair of big leather boots outside. Magellan called them "Bigfoot People", and arrested two "Bigfoot People" by deception. He put on shackles and handcuffs and locked them in the cabin as a gift to the King of Spain.

Across America

At the end of August 1520, the fleet sailed out of San Julian Port and continued to sail southward along the Atlantic coast, ready to find the strait leading to the "South China Sea". After three days of sailing South Latitude A bay was found at 52 °. Magellan sent two ships to explore, hoping to find out the waterway leading to the "South China Sea". On October 21, they found a gorge road leading to the "South China Sea", which is called by later generations Magellan Strait Magellan led the fleet along the strait. The aborigines on both sides of the Taiwan Straits happily burn bonfires, with blue smoke in the daytime and bright at night. Magellan was very happy. When he saw the lights on the land at night, he named the land on the south bank of the strait "Tierra del Fuego", which is now Tierra del Fuego. After more than 20 days of arduous and circuitous sailing, we finally reached the west entrance of the strait and walked out of the strait. In November, when the fleet was looking for islands or land, the San Antonio, which carried the most food, escaped and returned to Spain. On November 28, after more than 100 days of sailing, he never encountered strong winds and waves, as if God had helped him a lot. Magellan gave "Nanhai" an auspicious name“ the pacific ocean ”。

Arrive in Asia

January 24, 1521, after Sao Paulo On February 4, passing Tiburon Island. On March 6, the fleet finally arrived at three islands with residents. These islands are Mariana Islands On some of the islands, the natives on the islands are dark skinned and tall. They are naked, but they wear hats made of palm leaves. Enthusiastic islanders sent them food, fruits and vegetables. Surprised, the crew were all grateful for the enthusiasm of the residents.
But since the natives had never seen such a spectacular fleet, they showed a sense of novelty to everything on the ship, so they removed some items from the ship. When the crew found out, they shouted loudly, treated them as robbers, and renamed the island "Robber Island". When these islanders stole a lifeboat tied at the stern, Magellan was very angry. He led a group of armed men to land on the shore, shot and killed seven indigenous people, and set fire to dozens of huts and dozens of boats.
On March 16, the fleet headed westward to the present the philippine islands , and on Sulu Islands land. At this time, Magellan and his companions finally completed the first crossing of the Pacific Ocean, which confirmed that America and Asia There is a vast area of water between them.


The Death of Magellan
On March 16, 1521, Magellan's fleet arrived Samar Island On a nearby uninhabited island, in order to replenish some fresh water and let the crew rest. Residents of neighboring islands came to watch the Spaniards Palm wine In exchange for Spanish red hats and some small toys. A few days later, the fleet sailed southwest Mindanao The island to the north moors down. A small boat from the local aborigines came to the Trinidad, and Enrique, a servant of Magellan, used Malaysian Shouting to the rowers of the boat, they immediately understood Enrique's meaning. Two hours later, the local leader arrived in two big boats. Enrique talked freely with them. At this time, Magellan suddenly understood and left“ Spice Islands ”It's not far away.
The head of the island came to Magellan's command ship and took the fleet to the big port of Cebu in the middle of the Philippines (Spanish crown prince colony: San Lazaras). Magellan expressed willingness to cooperate with Cebu Island If they admit that they are subjects of the King of Spain, they are also ready to provide them with military assistance. In order to convince the leader of the Spanish, Magellan conducted a military exercise nearby. The leader of Cebu Island accepted this suggestion. A week later, he took his family and hundreds of people to be baptized. In a short period of time, some residents of this island and nearby islands were also baptized. Magellan became the patron of these new Christians. In order to carry out the rule of colonialism, he intervened in the internal strife among the leaders of the nearby islands.
On the night of April 27, 1521, he led more than 60 sailors to three boats Mactan Island As there were many reefs in the water, the ship could not reach the shore, Magellan and his crew waded to land. Unexpectedly, the rebellious islanders had been ready for battle. Magellan ordered the gunners and archers to fire at them, but they could not get in. Then, the islanders rushed towards them, and the crew could not resist. They fought and retreated, and the islanders chased closely. Magellan was eager to get rid of the siege and ordered the village to be burned to disturb people's minds. When the islanders saw their houses burned, they pursued them more angrily. When they learned that Magellan was the commander of the fleet, the attack was more fierce, and many people were desperate. Magellan was first stabbed by javelin in the battle, and then was hacked to death by the islanders who came after him. Due to the hasty retreat, the companion did not even know how the islanders would deal with Magellan's body.

Main impacts

The Magellan round the world voyage from 1519 to 1522 lasted for three years, with a journey of about 80000 kilometers. It can be divided into six sections, namely, the Atlantic section, the Magellan Strait section, the Pacific section Southeast Asia Segment the indian ocean And the Atlantic section on the return voyage.
Magellan's voyage across the Pacific has the following far-reaching impacts:
First, this is the most critical, important and difficult segment of the round the world voyage. The previous and subsequent exploration segments are inferior to this segment in all aspects. For example, from La Plata River Although the section where the Magellan Strait was drilled is also important and has major geographical discoveries, it is a coastal navigation adventure, which is much less adventurous and dangerous than crossing the Pacific Ocean. arrive the Philippines The later navigation has been in the waters where civilized humans have repeatedly navigated, so the risk is lower. Therefore, it forms the most critical link in the global navigation. Without the success of crossing the Pacific Ocean, there will be no success in the global navigation.
Second, this is the longest ocean crossing voyage in history Da Gama It is much farther to cross the Indian Ocean obliquely Soviet Union Historians estimate that they sailed at least 17000 kilometers in more than three months and 100 days before crossing the Pacific Ocean Asia the philippine islands Edge of. This has pushed mankind's ability to sail across oceans to a new level, making people believe that wooden sailboats can also cross any ocean in the world (as long as they are not frozen), including the largest Pacific Ocean.
Third, we discovered many islands in the Pacific Ocean the Magellanic Clouds and Southern cross In particular, it has preliminarily determined the size and width of the Pacific Ocean, filled in many gaps in the world map and globe, and made it a great step forward. It fully confirmed the hypothesis that the sea covers the land and the ocean is interlinked, which indicates that any ocean can be sailed as long as it is not frozen.
Fourth, the Philippines has faced the threat of Portugal from the southwest, and since then, it has faced a greater threat from Spain from the east. It is trapped in the situation of being attacked on both sides, and eventually becomes a Spanish colony.
Fifth, the opening of a new trans Pacific route from the Americas to Asia is connected with the new European Indian route opened by the Portuguese and the original route between India and Southeast Asia, forming a global route. This shows that to the east of Asia, you can take the new route of Portugal in the Indian Ocean and Spain in the Pacific Ocean. This has greatly promoted the exchange of economy, trade, material, culture and people around the world, and greatly expanded Maritime Silk Road In particular, this new route is particularly important for East Asian countries such as China, Japan and the DPRK, Ryukyu. China has long had maritime trade relations with the Philippines and other state-owned countries, Zheng He's voyages in the South Seas as far as Africa I have been to the Philippines many times since then. Since then, it has maintained maritime traffic and communication. This new route and the Maritime Silk Road developed by the Chinese people are connected and expanded in the short distance from China. It has paved the way for exchanges between China and Southeast Asia, America and even Europe. Later, some crops from the Americas, such as tomatoes, tobacco, cocoa, were first introduced from the Americas to Asia and China via the Pacific Ocean. Later, cheap silver from the Americas also flowed into China, Southeast Asia and East Asia via this new route. China's silk, porcelain, tea, lacquerware, and traditional goods are also exported to Southeast Asia, the Americas, and even Europe.
Sixthly, Magellan's fleet also recorded the situation of some Pacific islanders during the voyage, leaving precious ethnological and anthropological data for future generations. [3]

Historical evaluation

American historian Draper : This is the most arduous pioneering work in human history. No other achievement can surpass or even rival Magellan's global navigation. By contrast, Columbus's voyages were eclipsed. [14]
U.S.A University of Cincinnati Philip Van Ness Miles, professor of history and political economy: ① Columbus and da Gama's voyages were both brave and remarkable, but they were dwarfed by the more adventurous global journey of Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan. ② Magellan's feat of sailing around the world has an impact on the ideological world beyond its shock to the commercial and political fields. It changed the whole system of medieval theory and thought, and put aside the narrow geographical view in the past, thus ending the debate on the area and shape of the earth forever. The academic bipolar theory of whether there is human existence on the other side of the earth "below" has come to an end. [14]
British writer Richard Eaton: (Magellan's voyage) There is no doubt that it is so strange and amazing. Such a feat has never happened, and it seems that it will not happen again in the future. The Spanish sailed beyond jason Arrive with Argo heroes Colkis Regional and all previous achievements. [14]

interpersonal relationship

Magellan's father-in-law is Diogo Barbosa, and Magellan's wife is Beatriz Barbosa. [12]

Anecdotes and allusions

In 1517, Magellan, who failed in Portugal, had no choice but to seek a new life in Seville, Spain, where he was warmly welcomed by the local commander Balpocha's family. Balboa asked Magellan to sit down, and called out his daughter Pittlitz to entertain guests. Balboacha asked him, "How old are you this year?" Magellan smiled, "37." "Do you have a wife?" "No." Balboacha whispered, "What do you think of my daughter? Would you like to marry her?" Magellan didn't know what to say for a moment. Balboa saw Magellan's red face and laughed. Later, Balpocha not only married his daughter to Magellan, but also recommended him to the King of Spain. [13]

Commemoration for future generations


place name

stay South America and Tierra del Fuego Between them, there is a circuitous strait, Atlantic And the Pacific Ocean are separated on both sides of the strait. The strait has many strokes and heavy fog, which is not conducive to navigation. It has always been a sea area rarely visited by people. Magellan led the fleet to sail on September 20, 1519. arrive South America After the east coast, continue to move along the coast, enter the strait on October 21 of the next year, and sail out of the strait to enter the Pacific Ocean on November 28, opening the channel for the first round the world voyage. In order to commemorate Magellan's contribution to navigation, later generations called this section of the strait Magellan Strait. [6]


Stamps commemorating the 450th anniversary of the first discovery and passage through the Magellan Strait
In 1971, Chile A stamp was issued to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the first discovery and passage through the Magellan Strait. The picture is the portrait of Magellan and his flagship "Trinidad". [7]
On September 2, 2019, Monaco issued the 500th anniversary stamp of Magellan's first global voyage; On the same day, Liechtenstein Issue of Magellan's 500th Anniversary Stamp Small complete sheet On September 3, Uruguay launched the 500th anniversary of Magellan's first round the world voyage Stamp sheetlet On September 12, Spain issued a stamp sheetlet for the 500th anniversary of Magellan's first round the world voyage; On the same day, Portugal issued a stamp sheetlet for the 500th anniversary of Magellan's first voyage around the world. [10-11]


Ferdinand Magellan Monument in Chile Penta Arenas There is an Indian on the base. [2]


Near the South Celestial Pole Swordfish and Mountain bench At the junction, you can see Large Magellanic Galaxy It occupies about 6 ° in the starry sky, which is equivalent to about 12 round moons Tianqu Magellanic galaxy stay Rhododendron , about 2 ° in the starry sky. Two Galaxy They are about 20 ° apart on the celestial sphere. In 1521, Magellan circumnavigation First, the two objects were recorded and described. To commemorate Magellan's achievements, it is called the size Magellanic Clouds [4]


The year 2020 marks the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Magellan Strait and a new starting point for global trade communication. The Chilean government established Magellan Channel Award For those who have made outstanding contributions in the world. [5]


Magellanic penguin Also known as Mackerel's ring penguin, it is the largest species of temperate penguins, mainly distributed in Argentina, Chile and the Malvinas Islands in South America, and a small number of them have moved into Brazil. In 1520, Magellan, who sailed here, discovered the bird and named it after him. [16]

Commemorative activities

On August 19, 2019, the Spanish navigator Albaro de Marichalal set out from the Port of Seville, Spain, with a 3-meter motorboat, to launch a round the world voyage that is expected to take one and a half years to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Magellan's round the world voyage. [8] On September 20, Spain held an event to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Magellan's start of global navigation. [9]